
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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Popular Blog Articles

In this article, we provide a handpicked list of some of the most popular, interesting, and helpful articles to have ever appeared on the NamePros Blog. If you're short on time, or if you're not sure where to start, then you may want to check out these articles – we think they're worth your...

strategy Domain Name Investing Is Not Fast, Easy or Sure

There are numerous books, videos, courses and articles that mention anecdotes of domain names that sold quickly for large amounts, and then say this book will teach you how to easily flip domain names for profit. Most members of our community know that is a misrepresentation; most domain names...
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information Top Topics: .COM max renewal quirks; Atom rolls out CloudBrokers; .AI vs *AI.com domains; Dynadot expiration email issue; Afternic's new custom lander

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

What is the maximum renewal period for .com domains? Atom launched Cloud Brokers program; .AI domains vs. *AI.com domains; Dynadot issue with renewal emails; Afternic has new landers replacing "Dan.com" style...
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strategy Does Anyone Know That They Want This Domain Name?

Domain name investors have many choices in landers and marketplaces. Some options come with high commissions, others low commissions, and options like the NamePros landers have no commissions at all, other than transaction cost.

Is it worth it to list a name at a site with a higher commission...

information Top Topics: Afternic .ai sale can't complete; Atom wants its money back; Are hand registrations dead? Same day domain flipping; Two large .ai sales

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Afternic sold my .ai domain but can't be transferred; Atom is asking me for money I didn't receive; Are hand registrations really dead? Does same day flipping work? Circa.ai & March.ai were sold for mid five...
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strategy There Are Many Ways To Diversify A Domain Name Portfolio – But Should You?

Is it better to concentrate on just a few, or even one, type of domain name, becoming an expert in that niche, or is it better to diversify?

If you specialize in just one type of domain name, the good times may be very good, but the bad times can be horrendous. On the other hand, if you invest...

information Top Topics: Ryan Ewen AMA; GoDaddy Privacy Drama; Telepath.com sold for $100k; Dan/Afternic and VAT collection; How Elliot uses DomainLeads

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Ryan Ewen - Ask Me Anything; GoDaddy privacy drama; Telepath.com sold for $100k; Dan & Afternic VAT collection drama; How I'm using DomainLeads.com.

Ryan Ewen - Ask Me Anything
The founder of several...
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analysis Domain Name Sales First Six Months Of 2024: Comparisons With Previous Years

The first six months of 2024 resulted in just over 69,600 NameBio-listed domain sales, with a total reported dollar volume of about $85.5 million. Of course many sales are not reported in NameBio, so this is by no means the entire domain name market.

That is a increase of...
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information Top Topics: MSFT grabs Copilot.si; Invest $4.5k in my idea; Real evaluation? Beat auction auto-bidders; Liquidating one's premium domain

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Microsoft grabs Copilot.si; Invest $4,500 in my idea; Is the evaluation really real? Winning auction against an auto-bidder; What would you do in this situation?

Microsoft - Copilot.si (super...
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information Artificial Intelligence, SuperIntelligence, Hybrid Intelligence, or Simply Intelligence?

This week has seen an uptick of interest by some domain investors in superintelligence, and the possibility that the Slovenia .si extension will find adoption for the sector.

For some time I had been considering an article on terms used in artificial intelligence. This seemed like a good...
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information Top Topics: NPs lander scores $75k sale; Sedo sale reversed; Figure.ai sold for $100k; Runna founder lessons on acquisitions; NameFind auction results

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

NamePros lander helps investor score a $75k sale; Sedo transaction reversed 4 days later; Figure.ai sold for $100k; Runna.com founder reveals negotiation strategy; GoDaddy's NameFind auction results.

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information Share Your Local Perspective – I See Micromobility

Domainers should probably get out more. No, this is not an article about life-work balance, or maintaining a social network, or the virtues of exercise, although all of those are important. Nor is it a call to consider taking a break from domains, or at least domain acquisitions – I wrote about...
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information Top Topics: Got a call from ICANN; Dynadot verification & super high appraisals; Registrars of choice in 2024; A case of Domain Binging!

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Got a phone call from ICANN; Dynadot: Ownership verification & high appraisals questions; Good registrars to use in 2024; Domain binging has happened.

A phone call from Dorris Lee at ICANN
It's not...
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analysis Analysis of NamePros Reported Domain Name Sales

For more than 19 years NamePros members have been reporting sales in the thread, started by @RJ, Report Completed Domain Name Sales Here.

In this article I look at sales data posted at NamePros so far in 2024. I went through the thread, noting the domain name, date sale reported...

information Top Topics: Looking for action-packed domaining; Open.Network Sold for $100K; Best option for LTO/Lease; Namecheap likely leaving Afternic network…

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Looking for action-packed domaining; Open.Network Sold for $100,000 USD; Best option for LTO/Lease with recurring payments; CEO: Namecheap “Most Likely” to Exit Afternic Network; Fire.co Sold For $52,000 USD By Doron...

strategy Finding Domain Name Comparator Sales – Part 2

Last week I wrote about why comparator sales are important, how they might be used, and the basics of finding sales that contain a specific word in a certain position - see Finding Domain Name Comparator Sales - Part 1.

This week, I provide additional suggestions for finding comparators...
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information Top Topics: Afternic suspends user; ICANN layoffs; Moniker relaunches registrar; Bank fraud and domains; Swetha's latest big sale

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Afternic suspends user's account; ICANN slashes staff; Moniker relaunches domain registrar; Bank fraud involving domain transactions; Swetha has sold the domain Nudge.xyz.

Afternic suspended my account...

strategy Finding Domain Name Comparator Sales – Part 1

An important skill is to find and evaluate relevant domain name comparator sales. This article uses NameBio to search for comparator sales information, along with a process to decide what is a strong comparator. I also consider how to adjust prices from comparator sales that are some years...

information Top Topics: Pose.com sold for $302k; GoDaddy doubles price of brokerage fee; Two fresh .AI sales; ChatGPT.com sale story; Jeff Gabriel's story at SAW

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Pose.com sold for $302,670; GoDaddy doubles its brokerage service fee; A pair of great .AI sales; The story behind the sale of ChatGPT.com; Jeff Gabriel's story at SAW.com.

Pose.com Sold Today for...
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information How To Save Money On Domain Names

In terms of overall domain portfolio, a few dollars saved on a domain name may not make much difference. But if there are ways to stretch your money, why not consider them?

Of course the most significant savings are:
  • Don’t spend money on domain names of low quality that will probably...
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information Top Topics: Newswire.com exit at $44m; Google & Squarespace woes; Afternic & Dan lander payments; Under Review at Afternic; Domain Capitalization idea

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Newswire.com $44 million sale; Google-transferred domains to Squarespace face renewal issue; Afternic/Dan lander: Where does payment come from? Check your "Under Review" section on Afternic; Domain name...
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interviews Simon Higgs: Internet Pioneer, Polymath, and NamePros Member

Interested in technical innovations, the early days of domain extension planning, website development, a 7-figure domain name sale, or creative media applications? Then let me introduce you to Simon Higgs.

Simon Higgs, @Particle here on NamePros, has had a diverse, distinguished, and...
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information Top Topics: Epik nabs Wordchecker.com; Afternic switch from BIN to MO; Use a domain as a blog; Shotgun vs. Sniper; Huge premium renewal at GoDaddy

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)
Epik sold Wordchecker.com and didn't pay a member's Masterbucks balance; Afternic BIN change to Make Offer; Use a domain as a blog until it's sold? Shotgun vs. sniper approach; Bid on a domain with a huge premium...
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information 8 Ways Domain Name Investors Might Use Product Hunt And Similar Services

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information Top Topics: BabyAndBeyond.com $350k sale; GoDaddy backorder policy; Expiring copyright & domains; Outbound sales automation; AbdulBasit's April sales

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

BabyAndBeyond.com sold for $350k; GoDaddy and its backorder policy needs clarification; Hank Williams and expired copyright as domains; Can outbound sales be automated? Afternic experiment and sales results in April...
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analysis Corporate Naming Inspiration from Particle Physics

Since I started writing for NamePros Blog in 2019, I have been waiting for the right day to share an article about the Standard Model of particle physics. That day has arrived.

Recently SquadHelp rebranded to Atom, as discussed in the NamePros thread Squadhelp is now Atom. In...
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