
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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sales A Look At The Bulk Sale on Flippa


Over the last year as Flippa has gotten more entrenched in domain only sales, the bulk sale has become popular. Instead of just putting one domain for sale, sellers have looked to move a whole portfolio of related or unrelated...

news Up and Running Rampant

Theo of DomainGang (@Acroplex on NamePros) reported that the controversial website went live. This is after the exchange of nearly $200,000 in the form of cash and stock options in the medical marijuana company that acquired it from the prior owner Jon...

domains Disaster Domaining

For as long as domain speculation has existed, there have been investors in the name of gaining a penny off of tragic situations. From nearly every terrible incident that claimed one life to hundreds of thousands, there has been someone to claim the unspoken for money that they feel is...

registrars Mysterious refunds from GoDaddy explained

There have been recent reports of unexpected payments issued to GoDaddy customers. We’ve just received word that these payments were the result of a glitch in GoDaddy’s billing system, which has since been resolved.

Previously, GoDaddy had been charging its customers the ICANN fee...

alert Nigerian '419' Scams and Fraud

On November 14th, the included email was received from Mr. Jeff Pear from the Office of Inspection Unit and the United Nations Agency divisions at John F. Kennedy International Airport. It's important to bring this to the attention of the entire domain investing community as Nigerian...

information A World Without ICANN - Part 3: Namecoin and Truly Decentralized DNS

Previous: Part 1, Part 2

Though all of OpenNIC’s “open” TLDs are unique, [URL=''].bit[/URL] is particularly interesting. bit domains are actually not handled via traditional DNS. Instead, bit domains are embedded within the Namecoin system, which is...

information A World Without ICANN - Part 2: A Bigger Domain Universe

Previous: Part 1

The root nameservers only delegate authority: they don’t actually provide hostname to IP address lookups, with a few exceptions. For example, the root nameservers assign the com and net TLDs to Verisign’s nameservers. Verisign’s servers do the same...
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information A World Without ICANN - Part 1: A Monopoly By Definition

ICANN doesn’t get much love these days; that’s hardly a secret. We’d be much better off without such a greedy organization milking the domain industry at every turn. But how do you change something that is such an integral part of the Internet?

The entire problem isn’t immediately apparent...
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interviews Interview with Kate - owner of

Today we sat down with Kate (sdsinc) owner of for a one on one interview.


Eric - As an avid droplister, spending so much time each day compiling and providing droplists to domainers in various...

interviews Interview with Brad Mugford - owner of

Today we sat down with Brad Mugford (bmugford) owner of for a one on one interview.

1. I noticed you had a rather large portfolio with mostly .com, .net, .org, .us, and a few .Mobi extensions. Which extension do you find yourself most attracted to investing into and...
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interviews Interview with Michael Rose - owner of

Today we sat down with Michael Rose (SnowBird) owner of for a one on one interview.


Eric - You have been a member of NamePros since 2004 and seen lots of the ups and downs of the domain industry over the...
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interviews Interview with Vito owner of DomainSales.Tv

Today we sat down with Vito (The Dot Stop) owner of for a one on one interview.


Eric - I couldn't help but notice that you have a VERY large .TV portfolio, What made you choose .tv as an investment?...

interviews Interview with Nick Rushkovsky owner of Voodoo.Tv

Today we sat down with Nick Rushkovsky (TwoMoon) owner of for a one on one interview.


Eric - When did you buy your very first domain and what motivated you to buy it?
Nick - May 2008...

interviews Interview with Samit Madan

Today we sat down with Samit Madan for a one on one interview.


Eric - When did you buy your very first domain name and what was the motivation behind it?
Samit - The first domain we bought was...
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opinion How to choose the right domain for you.

How to choose the correct domain for you.

I suggest using to buy a domain.

Choosing the correct domain can be a hard choice, especially if you have never had experience with domains before. There are always people asking "If I buy a domain should I get a .net, .org, .com or...
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opinion Picking a good domain name for $10 or less

Nearly every day I have someone new to domain name investing ask me “How valuable is this domain name that I registered?” Nearly every day I must politely give the reasons why that specific domain has little or no value in the aftermarket arena. Generally the name was purchased with great...
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news ME Domains Enjoy Record Growth in 2009: White Paper on Online "ME" Branding by Brands

To celebrate one year of official live launch of the popular .me domains, Brands-and-Jingles has issued a white paper on how “me”-branded names are used in marketing. In its effort the advertising agency wants to congratulate .me registry team, registrars, the developers and Internet users with...

opinion What to do (and not to do) when picking a domain name

I own many domain names and have sold many more over the years. I feel as if I have a good grasp as to what to do (and not to do) when picking a domain name. I do not consider myself to be an expert in this field but I do have a great deal of knowledge and a willingness to use all of the tools...
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information Domain Name Beginner Guide

Domain Name Guide
What You Need To Know Before
You Enter The Domain Name Industry
Secrets That My Experience Can Give You

Why join the domain industry:

I got involved in the domain industry because I think that this is the “real estate” of the future.
Reason #1 - Every individual or company...
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tips Domain Name Appraisal Scams

The domain name appraisal scam is by far the most common domain name scam and unfortunately claims many victims. Most domainers have either fallen for it themselves, or know someone who has. Follow the advice in this article to spare yourself from the same fate.

Domain name appraisal scams are...
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information Securing Your Domain Name From Theft


Recently I have been dealing with a domain theft. Trying to locate information and warning the original user. One thing this process has brought to light is the little people know about securing domain names.

The following are my thoughts on how to best secure your domain...
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opinion Owning Multiple Domain Names for the same website

If we already have a website with a very good domain name, why would we want another domain for the same website? In this post, I will outline some benefits of owning multiple domain names that forward to the same website.

Understand Where Our Website Visitors Come From

Before looking at...
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tips Tips to Avoid Domain Name Scams

Scammers and rip-off artists are everywhere on the Internet. The domain name business is no exception. Here are some tips to help you avoid being scammed while executing domain name transactions, and to prevent your domains from being stolen:
  • Always verify that the seller you are buying a...
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