

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. Future Sensors

    analysis Understanding DNS Query Composition at B-Root

    Understanding DNS Query Composition at B-Root Jacob Ginesin, Northeastern University, Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI August 2023 Abstract The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of critical internet infrastructure, as DNS is invoked whenever a remote server is accessed (an URL is visited, an API...
  2. Future Sensors

    analysis Understanding DNS Query Composition at B-Root

    Understanding DNS Query Composition at B-Root Jacob Ginesin, Northeastern University, Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI August 2023 Abstract The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of critical internet infrastructure, as DNS is invoked whenever a remote server is accessed (an URL is visited, an API...
  3. Bob Hawkes

    analysis Domain Name Sales First Six Months Of 2024: Comparisons With Previous Years

    The first six months of 2024 resulted in just over 69,600 NameBio-listed domain sales, with a total reported dollar volume of about $85.5 million. Of course many sales are not reported in NameBio, so this is by no means the entire domain name market. That is a increase of 29.6% in sales dollar...
  4. Bob Hawkes

    analysis Domain Name Sales First Six Months Of 2024: Comparisons With Previous Years

    The first six months of 2024 resulted in just over 69,600 NameBio-listed domain sales, with a total reported dollar volume of about $85.5 million. Of course many sales are not reported in NameBio, so this is by no means the entire domain name market. That is a increase of 29.6% in sales dollar...
  5. Bob Hawkes

    analysis Recent Domain Name Sales Volume Trends in .NET, .COM, .AI, .IO and .XYZ

    One of the current featured polls at NamePros asks What non-com extensions have you sold so far in 2024?. The poll, started by @Leo2k, has produced some interesting results. Just over 170 had voted at the time this article was written, and, beyond the ‘other’ category, the most popular choice...
  6. Bob Hawkes

    analysis Recent Domain Name Sales Volume Trends in .NET, .COM, .AI, .IO and .XYZ

    One of the current featured polls at NamePros asks What non-com extensions have you sold so far in 2024?. The poll, started by @Leo2k, has produced some interesting results. Just over 170 had voted at the time this article was written, and, beyond the ‘other’ category, the most popular choice...
  7. Bob Hawkes

    news A Second Look At GoDaddy/Afternic Search

    I have done a follow-up to my first article on the changes that replaced Afternic domain search with general GoDaddy domain search, and also obtained additional information from company representatives. The article is now published at NameTalent. Here is a short summary of key results based on...
  8. Bob Hawkes

    news A Second Look At GoDaddy/Afternic Search

    I have done a follow-up to my first article on the changes that replaced Afternic domain search with general GoDaddy domain search, and also obtained additional information from company representatives. The article is now published at NameTalent. Here is a short summary of key results based on...
  9. Bob Hawkes

    news New .AI Extension Stats (via DomainWheel blog)

    "The number of .ai domains amounted to a total of 353,928 according to the official registry, with more than 100,000 domains registered in the second half of 2023." Revenue topped 28.4 million for 2023. Read more (including graph of registration growth rate) at...
  10. Bob Hawkes

    news New .AI Extension Stats (via DomainWheel blog)

    "The number of .ai domains amounted to a total of 353,928 according to the official registry, with more than 100,000 domains registered in the second half of 2023." Revenue topped 28.4 million for 2023. Read more (including graph of registration growth rate) at...
  11. Bob Hawkes

    analysis The Top 100 Domain Name Sales in 2023

    This article takes a look at the highest-value domain name sales from 2023, at least those reported on NameBio. I also compare the year with the preceding few years, to get a sense of the nature and health of the upper end of the domain market. Keep in mind that by no means all sales get...
  12. Bob Hawkes

    analysis The Top 100 Domain Name Sales in 2023

    This article takes a look at the highest-value domain name sales from 2023, at least those reported on NameBio. I also compare the year with the preceding few years, to get a sense of the nature and health of the upper end of the domain market. Keep in mind that by no means all sales get...
  13. ThatNameGuy or

    "Everybody Loves a Parade" Anyone own or buying .tv domains? My sister-in-law who loved parades more than anyone i know recently passed away with alzhiemers and I couldn't help but think of her while watching a Christmas boat parade last night. I can't say which of the domains i own, but...
  14. ThatNameGuy or

    "Everybody Loves a Parade" Anyone own or buying .tv domains? My sister-in-law who loved parades more than anyone i know recently passed away with alzhiemers and I couldn't help but think of her while watching a Christmas boat parade last night. I can't say which of the domains i own, but...
  15. Bob Hawkes

    analysis When One or Two Words is Not Enough in a Domain Name

    Most large businesses will brand on a single-word domain name, whether that is a dictionary word, a creative spelling, or a made-up word. Still, it is true that there is a place for longer domain names. In this article I look at the sales record, at least as indicated by NameBio, for domain...
  16. Bob Hawkes

    analysis When One or Two Words is Not Enough in a Domain Name

    Most large businesses will brand on a single-word domain name, whether that is a dictionary word, a creative spelling, or a made-up word. Still, it is true that there is a place for longer domain names. In this article I look at the sales record, at least as indicated by NameBio, for domain...
  17. Lox

    domains Afnic dot COM analysis – update on the first half of 2023

    This article gives an analysis of the .COM TLD based on data transmitted by Verisign, the company tasked with the management of .COM, to ICANN, as of 30/06/23. To conduct our study, we will be using two performance indicators taken from the reports sent by Verisign to ICANN and published in its...
  18. Lox

    domains Afnic dot COM analysis – update on the first half of 2023

    This article gives an analysis of the .COM TLD based on data transmitted by Verisign, the company tasked with the management of .COM, to ICANN, as of 30/06/23. To conduct our study, we will be using two performance indicators taken from the reports sent by Verisign to ICANN and published in its...
  19. Bob Hawkes

    analysis The Popularity of the Prefix My (and A Look At Domain Name Prefixes and Suffixes in General)

    The demand for names for new businesses globally is immense. While current figures are probably even higher, Moya K. Mason estimated that worldwide about 305 million businesses are attempted each year, of which roughly one-third, or 100 million businesses are actually started globally each year...
  20. Bob Hawkes

    analysis The Popularity of the Prefix My (and A Look At Domain Name Prefixes and Suffixes in General)

    The demand for names for new businesses globally is immense. While current figures are probably even higher, Moya K. Mason estimated that worldwide about 305 million businesses are attempted each year, of which roughly one-third, or 100 million businesses are actually started globally each year...
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