
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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information Top Topics: Monetize adult domains; Rocket.com sold for $14MM; Is this an act of bad faith? 100 domains and no views; Rate my 30 days as a domainer!

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Monetizing adult domain names; Rocket.com changed hands for $14MM; Is this considered acting in bad faith? Over 100 domains and no views at Afternic; Assess my portfolio's worth and return feedback on my month-old path...
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analysis The Top Ten Index As Measure Of Domain Name Extension Strength

Which domain name extensions are growing stronger, and which are waning in popularity? We often use measures such as total sales dollar volume to help answer that question.

Sometimes that can be deceptive, though. It is possible to have an uptick in sales numbers and dollar volume because...

information Top Topics: GoDaddy killed DAN; TLDinvestors turned 14; Sedo Auction feedback; My 2024 sales analysis; Afternic lander switch cost domain sales

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GoDaddy killing DAN; TLDinvestors turned 14; Sedo auctions: Sharing listing experience; My 2024 sales plus some market perception thoughts; Lost sales switching Afternic landers.

GoDaddy Killing DAN is...
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analysis Life In The .INFO Extension?

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information Top Topics: Domains & money laundering; GoDaddy checkout issues; Portfolio size & profitability; DomainEasy launches; Was this deal handled well?

Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! B-)

Domains and money laundering; GoDaddy checkout issues; Portfolio size and profitability; DomainEasy Official Thread; Did I handle this domain deal well?

Money Laundering & Domain
A person working for the...
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information What Does the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics have to do with Domain Names? A Deeper Look at Neural Networks.

This week it was announced that the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics went to John J. Hopfield of Princeton University and Geoffrey E. Hinton of the University of Toronto. The one line summary of their work was ”for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning...
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information Top Topics: Afternic TA poor support; 4L .com optimal prices; PPC revenue then and now; DAN sale incident; Too many TLDs damage the industry?

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Afternic TA poor customer support; Optimal prices for 4L .com domains; I could live off parking income; DAN domain transfer fails payment; Are too many TLDs bad for the domain industry?

Poor customer support...
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analysis A Look At Domain Names Ending In ‘ING’

Generally when we add a suffix to a term, the value of the domain name goes down - e.g. Example.com would be worth more than Exampled.com or Exampler.com for most terms’. But is that always true?

This article looks in particular at words with the suffix ‘ing’. Do some...

information Top Topics: Broker for up to 40% commish; Stop GoDaddy migration; VM domain marketplace; How pros find great domains; Super.net sold for 6 figures

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Broker wanted, 25%-40% commission; Stop GoDaddy's migration; VM.com domain marketplace; How pros find great domains all the time? Super.net sells for $150,000 dollars.

Broker wanted 25%-40% commission
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analysis What Is The Path For Most Domain Name Sales? 
Data and Insights from Nikul at Hypernames

A key question is: what are the critical steps for a domain name to be discovered and ultimately purchased?

Last week Nikul Sanghvi of Hypernames posted data from his own portfolio that helps to answer questions such as the percentage of sales at Afternic, and, of those, how many...

information Top Topics: Stolen domain at GoDaddy; Goodbye DAN; Gmail vs. Domain email; A 20 year old domain redirect; Buying an expired domain from HugeDomains

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Stolen domain at GoDaddy; Saying goodbye to DAN; Gmail vs. Domain email; A 20 year old domain with no use; Buying an expiring domain for a friend.

Locked out of GoDaddy account - Stolen
Access to a company's...
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information Ways To Learn Almost Anything – Even About Domain Names

New domainers are often told to learn before investing. But how exactly does one learn about domain names?

There is no single right way to learn anything. What works for you will depend on your personal learning preferences, the learning resources available to you, and what it is that you want...

information Top Topics: Anime.com sold to Azuki; Russia: ICANN out of US control; Bought 85 domains for $200; Optimum LTO installments; The .AI vs. .COM debate!

Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! B-)

Anime.com sold to Azuki; Russia wants ICANN to split from the US; I spent $200 and bought 85 domains; Optimum number of LTO payments to ensure payment; Have .AI domains shaken .com dominance since 2022?

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information Eleven Things About Domain Name Sell-Through Rates

Whenever domainers discuss sales, the topic of sell-through rate (STR) almost invariably comes up. Someone selling 5 domain names a year has a very different connotation if their portfolio is only 100 domain names, compared to another investor selling 5 names from a 10,000 name portfolio.

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information Top Topics: Leaving domain life; My Afternic plan; Make my first domain sale; What is Wholesale Price? Dot .AI transfers don't get an extra year!

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Leaving domain life; My plan for Afternic; How can I make my first domain sale? Defining "wholesale price;" Dot .ai transfers aren't getting an extra year added.

Leaving domain life?
After several months in...
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analysis Is The Domain Name Market Up Or Down?

When I looked at domain name sales dollar volume, at least as reported in NameBio, for the first six months of 2024, compared to the same period of the previous year, there was a 29.6% increase. See Domain Name Sales First Six Months of 2024.

While I presented how...
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information Top Topics: Afternic Boost poll; Debounce.com scores $140k sale; Make $1k/month Domaining; GoDaddy got sued for Clawback; Vid.ai sold for $47,000

Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! B-)

Afternic Boost: Will you participate? Debounce.com sold for $140k; Make $1k /month from domaining; GoDaddy got sued over domain clawback; Vid.ai sold for $47k.

Will you participate in the Afternic Boost...
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strategy What Should I Do This Week?

I find it challenging to prioritize the many possible tasks that come with domain investing. Some don’t take long to do, but in total the time commitment can be substantial with a large portfolio, or if you are early in domain investing and still learning. Also what ‘needs’ to be done is not...

information Top Topics: Domains gone missing at GoDaddy; Dan.com sunset date; Atom wants our SSNs; Metrics that matter to end-users; Needle in a haystack paradigm

Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! B-)
Missing domains in my GoDaddy account; When will Dan be sunset? Atom asks for SSNs; Statistics that matter to end-user buyers; Can you find great domains among expired listings?

Missing domain names in my GoDaddy...

information In Domain Names, One Is Not The Loneliest Number

Some songs you just can’t get out of your head. “One Is The Loneliest Number” has been on replay in my mind since 1969. I probably played the Three Dog Night version hundreds of times from an LP record during my college years. It evokes emotions every time I hear the song replayed now. If...

information Top Topics: Corporations, hire Domainers! Capitalize "i" or not? Crypto.co.uk sold for 100k GBP; One-worders & TLDs; Try Atom's latest commission gig

Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! B-)

Corporations need to hire domainers; Leading "i"s in domains—capitalize or not? Crypto.co.uk was sold for 100,000 British Pounds; Are one-word domains created equal regardless of TLD? Atom.com Launches Commission Match...
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tools Domain Name Pricing Consistency – Sites and Tools to Help

Many domainers list names at multiple marketplaces. They also review and adjust pricing periodically, taking into account market conditions, inventory replacement costs, and trends. If you price manually, it is easy to end up with some prices inconsistent across platforms.

Especially with a...

information Top Topics: Swetha's new sales; Afternic Boost FTW; About to buy my first domain; Should we avoid Afternic? HugeDomains pulls out of GoDaddy search

Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! :)

Swetha sold Gosh.xyz for five figures; Afternic Boost: Visibility, more sales; I'm about to buy my first domain; Should we avoid Afternic? HugeDomains removes its listings from Afternic.

Gosh.xyz Sold For $24,888...

analysis Names Chosen By Rapidly Growing Artificial Intelligence Companies

When we look at early-stage startups there is quite a bit of variety in domain extension choices and type of name – see for example the NamePros Blog article Startup Names Through a Y-Combinator Filter.

It would be expected that if one focuses on established tech companies, more will have...

information Top Topics: Actual domain sales; Koko.com sold for $1M; Odds of net/org sale when com is for sale; Summer doldrums; Google and ccTLD importance change

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

How many actual domain sales take place daily? Koko.com sold for $1 million dollars; Odds of selling the .net or .org when the .com is for sale; No sales, no offers, totally lost interest in domains; Google hints...
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