
NamePros Blog

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various Top Topics: PayPal Dispute Policy Changed; .OOO Registry Recalls; Investing in ngTLD's...

The most popular discussions this week include the change of PayPal’s dispute policy and how it affects domain name sellers who choose not to use escrow services, 50 companies that switched from .COM to a new gTLD, .OOO registry recall of domains 9 months after their registration, and an article...

various Top Topics: Free Parking Revenue Domains; Alternative Extensions; Current 5N .com Values; MOZ...

The most popular discussions this week include whether it’s acceptable or not to purchase a domain name of an established site in another extension, a look at the current floor price of 5N.com or NNNNN.com domain names, the weight that MOZ holds on domains now that PageRank isn’t a factor, and...

events August Southern California Domainers Meetup

“When I set out to do this, new domains were kind of a bad word,” said Daniel Negari while making a speech to the Southern California Domainers Meetup last Thursday in Santa Monica. He further added that if we fast-forward to present day, we have large companies like Google registering...

various Top Topics: Domain Pump and Dump; Trademark Infringement; LLL .com Prices...

The most popular discussions this week include a theory on the current Chinese domain market being part of a larger pump and dump scheme, the pricing of non/premium LLL.com domain names, speculating on numeric .com’s that are 10+ digits, Western LLL.com pricing, and what are the steps after...

various Top Topics: The Domain Game; USA.tv Sells for $125K; Sedo Make Offer; LLL888 .com's Taken...

The most popular discussions this week include an explanation on Sedo’s “Make Offer” and what it means, domain name investors sharing times in which they’ve gotten taken for a ride, inside the $125K sale of USA.tv after an initial $100K offer, all Chinese premium LLL888.com’s reported as...

information Top Topics: AOL Bought My Domain; Did I Mess Up My First End-User Sale?...

This week, we published a poll based on domain name pricing, asking how often a domainer changes the pricing on their domains. The results show an interesting split between monthly, quarterly and annually adjusting prices, but it's safe to say that generally, domainers move their prices...

information Top Topics: Where Did the Double Letter Trend Begin?; Is It Time to Give Up Domaining?...

In this week's Top Topics, we explore the trend of double letter domain names that has been popular with startups. We also take a look at whether 2017 has been a slow year for domain names and one domain investor receives advice after revealing their plans to quit domaining for good. Elsewhere...

information Top Topics: Is .TV Still Valuable?; How Not to Bid on DropCatch...

Brokerage company Media Options looks to have released a brand new design for their website. After sticking with the same design for many years, Media Options have revamped their website, allowing users to easily search for domain names listed on their platform whilst also offering easy...

information Top Topics: Is It Possible to Beat DropCatch?; VM.com Looks to Have Been Sold...

It has been mentioned several times on Twitter, but another two-letter .COM looks to have been sold very recently. This name, VM.com, moved to Escrow.com's concierge account before moving under privacy protection to GoDaddy, which would indicate a sale. It's unclear who bought the name, but it's...

information Top Topics: I Sold Humanity.tv for $10,000; Would You Buy Gab.com?...

Based on results from DomainIQ’s detection toolkit, the domain name Jellyfish.com may have been involved in a domain sale or a lease deal. The name has started forwarding to Jellyfish.co.uk, a British digital marketing agency. A potential deal hasn’t been verified with either the buyer or...
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information Top Topics: How Would You Invest $1,000?; Help! I've Had No Sales...

In this week’s Top Topics, an investor asks for advice on his investments after spending $500 on domain registrations. Elsewhere, we ask domainers to share the highest price they’ve paid for a name and another domainer asks for opinions on how best to spend a spare $1,000 on domain names...

information Top Topics: Did Games.com Once Sell for $10 Million?; Gravity Forms Acquires Gravity.com...

In this week's Top Topics, George Kirikos warns domain owners to stop using UK and Australian-based registrars, a WordPress developer acquires an incredible domain name, and did AOL pay $10 million for Games.com?

Red Alert: Get Your Domains Out of the UK and Australia

Aside from...

information Top Topics: NewYork.com 7 fig sale; Best platform to sell .it.com domains; Register.to owner passed; Roulette.com appraisals; Afternic DNS/TXT records

Welcome to another weekly review of Top Topics here at NamePros!

The domain name NewYork.com was sold for 7 figures, according to DNJournal; What is the best marketplace to sell .it.com domains? The owner of Register.to has passed away; Roulette.com appraises high—why's that...
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information Top Topics: Negotiation games; Unethical practices; Epik's own reviews site; Flippa pricing model; Why list domains at SquadHelp?

Welcome to the latest review of weekly Top Topics here at NamePros!

Some buyers or sellers like to play negotiating games; Unethical selling practices; Epik's own scam reviews web site; Flippa has outrageous fees, according to some; Why would you list your domain portfolio at...

opinion Picking a good domain name for $10 or less

Nearly every day I have someone new to domain name investing ask me “How valuable is this domain name that I registered?” Nearly every day I must politely give the reasons why that specific domain has little or no value in the aftermarket arena. Generally the name was purchased with great...
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information A World Without ICANN - Part 2: A Bigger Domain Universe

Previous: Part 1

The root nameservers only delegate authority: they don’t actually provide hostname to IP address lookups, with a few exceptions. For example, the root nameservers assign the com and net TLDs to Verisign’s nameservers. Verisign’s servers do the same...
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information A World Without ICANN - Part 3: Namecoin and Truly Decentralized DNS

Previous: Part 1, Part 2

Though all of OpenNIC’s “open” TLDs are unique, [URL='http://bit.namecoin.info/'].bit[/URL] is particularly interesting. bit domains are actually not handled via traditional DNS. Instead, bit domains are embedded within the Namecoin system, which is...

opinion Politicians Reinventing What Cybersquatting Is

Cybersquatting on trademarks is nothing new in the domain name industry. You’re even likely to find yourself on a parked page if you mistype your favorite brand, which is likely owned by someone trying to make a quick dollar, regardless of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) or...

opinion Finally, a tried and true registrar that domainers can trust!

Taking a leap to a new registrar can be quite a scary move for some people if they're not familiar with its user interface or they have concerns should the registrar be fairly new. Nevertheless, there is a tried and true registrar that domainers can trust, with lower expenses that will also save...

various Top Topics of the Week: GoDaddy & AN Commissions, GoDaddy Coupon Abuse, Free Escrow Transaction!

New Afternic & GoDaddy Commission and Pricing Structure
Afternic & GoDaddy introduced a new tiered commission pricing structure, which has left members questioning the benefits vs. ease of use. By the week’s end, the discussion had nearly 2,500 views and 115 replies. Two of which...

information Domain Name Beginner Guide

Domain Name Guide
What You Need To Know Before
You Enter The Domain Name Industry
Secrets That My Experience Can Give You

Why join the domain industry:

I got involved in the domain industry because I think that this is the “real estate” of the future.
Reason #1 - Every individual or company...
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various Top Topics: Top 5 Worst new gTLD's, Sedo Fee Changes, Flippa is For Sale, and GoDaddy or Sedo?

Top 5 Worst New gTLD’s
As the number of new gTLD’s released reaches the 100’s and even more to follow, this thread asked our members to weigh in on what they thought were the top five worst new gTLD’s currently available. With everything from .tires to .website, find out which ones...

various Top Topics: Registry and Registrar Mistakes; The LLLL.com Outlook; Do You Own Your Name?...

The most popular discussions this week include registrar and registry mistakes regarding premium and/or reserved domain names; the past, present, and future of the LLLL.com market; previous domain owners of expired names requesting their properties back; and a discussion with a poll on domainers...

news Khloe Kardashian Files UDRP for KhloeKardashian.com

Khloe Kardashian has filed a UDRP for KhloeKardashian.com, according to UDRPSearch. The case - which was opened yesterday has been filed by Khlomoney, Inc of Woodland Hills, CA. Khlomoney is Khloe's own brand which owns 78 trademarks for terms relating to The Kardashians.

The domain name...

various Top Topics: Domaining Secrets; .Money or .Cash; LLLLL.com Domain Names...

The most popular discussions this week include a topic on the new generic top-level domains and whether they are liked or merely chosen for investment purposes; domaining trade secrets by those who’ve been in the industry for some time; choosing between similar extensions such as .cash and...
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