
Vegan Debate

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Do we have any vegans at NamePros?

Anyone want to debate why they believe they have the right to enslave, manipulate, force, bully into submission, and send innocent gentle animals to a slaughterhouse full of uneducated employees that have a career in mass murder?
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Good question, waiting to hear on this too.
That didn't answer my question. If the animals were treated nicely, to your standards, would it be ok then? Or are you against all meat eating, no matter what.

Personally if there's an alternative, I'm going to choose it regardless. To answer your question I'd be much happier if these animals were respected and I know some farmers do truly care for their livestock. Others fuck their livestock before it's served to you as a Big Mac. If we're going to continue - I'd love to see more of the former. For our health and theirs I really wish we'd stop. The hormones and steroids injected into these animals should scare the living shit out of meat eaters, but they just keep dropping like flies to cancer and heart diesese because "it's what were meant to do".
Personally if there's an alternative, I'm going to choose it regardless. To answer your question I'd be much happier if these animals were respected and I know some farmers do truly care for their livestock. Others f*ck their livestock before it's served to you as a Big Mac. If we're going to continue - I'd love to see more of the former. For our health and theirs I really wish we'd stop. The hormones and steroids injected into these animals should scare the living sh*t out of meat eaters, but they just keep dropping like flies to cancer and heart diesese because "it's what were meant to do".

I think a lot of people who eat meat like to see that too. See my earlier post about quality meat. More and more are moving to that direction. One example is organic meat:

"According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, organic meat comes from animals fed 100-percent organic feed, not given antibiotics or hormones, and allowed to graze in open pastures similar to the animals' natural living conditions. Organic feed given to these animals is grown in soil that's free from pesticides and synthetic fertilizers."
I think a lot of people who eat meat like to see that too. See my earlier post about quality meat. More and more are moving to that direction. One example is organic meat:

I've noticed that and think it's wonderful. A HUGE step in the right direction. The next step would be tapping into our creativity and cutting back on eating meat in every single meal. Most people don't consider the course official without meat in breakfast, lunch and dinner. This isn't quite unique to America but it's pretty close. If you go awhile without eating meat, instead replacing it with substitutes, you'll soon realize that with the exception of steak ala carte, the meat itself provides more texture than flavor and most of the flavor you love lives in the seasonings, sauce and marinades. Not saying there's none,but for me at least, seeing what I've seen, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. At the very least we should all know what we're consuming and where it comes from.
I didn't believe in much, till i saw domains with Vegan selling at crazy prices :D
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After I saw the world changing, I got an opportunity in acquiring


Now I feel quite satisfied with Vegan growth, I feel I am decently covered with these 2 special names
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After I saw the world changing, I got an opportunity in acquiring


Now I feel quite satisfied with Vegan growth, I feel I am decently covered with these 2 special names

Congrats, you're vegan now :D
After I saw the world changing, I got an opportunity in acquiring


Now I feel quite satisfied with Vegan growth, I feel I am decently covered with these 2 special names
VeganUnchained.com is still free2reg
This issue is so so much deeper than simply making better food choices. A single mother of 4 who is working two jobs and has no idea about nutrition is not likely to stop getting cheap dinners from Mcd's. She just doesn't have the time or the knowledge of how to shop efficiently and cook healthfully. Multiply that times 5 million, then add all the meat lovers who could care less how their food is sourced....
Yes, it will always come down to that choice in the end of what gets put in your mouth, but there are many complex factors which contribute to how that decision gets made. Healthy, organic food is not necessarily cheap, nor is it everywhere. Farmers markets don't take food stamps....
Lots of issues to consider before saying it is just a simple solution of not putting the food in your mouth, even though when it comes down to it, that is the solution.
Just like quitting cigarettes, the real solution is to just never put them in your mouth again, but the physical and mental addiction makes this solution extraordinarily difficult.
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A single mother of 4 who is working two jobs and has no idea about nutrition is not likely to stop getting cheap dinners from Mcd's. She just doesn't have the time or the knowledge of how to shop efficiently and cook healthfully.

I don't disagree at all but this is the brokenness we need to fix. It's a myth that you can't eat fast, healthy and cheap (and - as demand for meatless options increase, competition will as well, which will drive costs down further). As a matter of fact I save a lot of money leaving meat out of my meals and I can tell you it's getting better all the time. When I first started which wasn't that long ago (5 years), alternatives were expensive and difficult to find. Over the past few years there's been a huge spike in availability and this is only going to get better in time.
As a matter of fact I save a lot of money leaving meat out of my meals and I can tell you it's getting better all the time. When I first started which wasn't that long ago (5 years), alternatives were expensive and difficult to find. Over the past few years there's been a huge spike in availability and this is only going to get better in time.
But some people want to eat meat. The solution is not cheaper easier to source alternatives, it's to stop the inhumane treatment.

Just like slave labour made your PC, but you still use it. Why? This is not rhetorical.
But some people want to eat meat. The solution is not cheaper easier to source alternatives, it's to stop the inhumane treatment.

Just like slave labour made your PC, but you still use it. Why? This is not rhetorical.

Regarding eating meat - to each their own but machines make laptops now primarily, humans don't individually install all the components inside the chassis. Even if they did, it's apples and oranges and a topic for a new thread. I was never big on Apple personally, but I imagine their sales suffered when the story surrounding suicide nets at the sweat shops broke. I think the same would happen to meat sales if you knew the history behind the ground you buy at the grocer. Obviously it wouldn't go away completely, but I'd be willing to bet a more informed consumer would lead to a major decline in demand and associated health risks. To me the choice is easy because it's a win-win-win. My diet is murder-free, I feel great, and I'm not contributing to a major factor that's damaging our environment. I hope I don't come across preachy - I'm far from infallible and really try not to judge - just trying to inform. Away from this forum I very much subscribe to a "to each their own" philosophy in life, but this contradicts another that I also follow "live and let live".

Thanks for the good conversation though. You're by far the most civil and mature group I've had this discussion with - on both sides of the issue.
"....a more informed consumer would lead to a major decline in demand and associated health risks."

Well said. This applies to so many things these days. It is amazing how quickly humans have complexified their daily life, compared to 30 years ago.
But some people want to eat meat. The solution is not cheaper easier to source alternatives, it's to stop the inhumane treatment.

Just like slave labour made your PC, but you still use it. Why? This is not rhetorical.

The distinction between want to and need to is important - humans can make choices.

You could argue that in nature animals don't use PCs so we shouldn't either. Or you could argue that because we have fingers we were made to use laptops.
Human beings are atrocious. That is where to start. We should all admit that we are failing the earth miserably and that life on earth would be better off without humans. To not admit something so obvious and simple is to reinforce the problem, that the earth is here for us to use and abuse to our liking.
Being raised on a farm we always treated our animals good, free range and cracked corn. I don't like when I see cruelty to animals, but believe God has given us the answer, sorry about preaching, but my belief system is based on the Bible, I try and make all my decisions based on it. It took me a long time to come to the conclusion that there was a time to kill, serving in the military. I am thankful I never had too. But here is what God says to Noah after the flood

Genesis 9New International Version (NIV)
God’s Covenant With Noah

9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands.3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you.C)'> Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.D)'>
Genesis 9New International Version (NIV)
God’s Covenant With Noah

9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands.3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you.C)'> Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.D)'>

God sounds like a d*ck.
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Anyone want to debate why they believe they have the right to enslave, manipulate, force, bully into submission, and send innocent gentle animals to a slaughterhouse...

Being raised on a farm we always treated our animals good, free range and cracked corn. I don't like when I see cruelty to animals, but believe God has given us the answer, sorry about preaching, but my belief system is based on the Bible, I try and make all my decisions based on it. It took me a long time to come to the conclusion that there was a time to kill, serving in the military. I am thankful I never had too. But here is what God says to Noah after the flood

Genesis 9New International Version (NIV)
God’s Covenant With Noah

9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands.3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you.C)'> Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.D)'>

Hi Fatter you did give a clear answer to En's question - you believe the God you believe in has given you permission to use animals as food. But permission is not the same as a command - you still have a choice and you don't have to do it. There are practising Christians who take "they are given into your hands" and "thou shalt not kill" to mean they have a responsibility to avoid harm.
True responsibility cannot be dictated by another, not ever.
It makes no sense that someone can be responsible simply by following directions. To do as one is told without thinking for oneself is about as irresponsible as can be.
God sounds like a d*ck.
May be, but it vegans made him crazy:
"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"
And listening to so called "debates" with vegans, I completely understand Him.
your right, my answer is, I choose to eat meat and if God is OK with that so am I, I prefer to spend my additional time and assets helping needy people survive. Including ones not born yet. (can of worms) I have several friends who rescue animals, there entire life revolves around this, The money the spend could easily pay for a well for a remote village in India or Africa, and save many lives,and they spend this every year, one good thing I only have to answer for me, on the day of Judgement
Joe T
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Can you have a day of Judgement without a lifetime of judgement?

What I'm saying is this- would you really have any concern about your "day of Judgement" if you didn't spend your entire life judging yourself? Are you helping the needy in order to judge yourself in high favor, or are you simply helping those in need?

Seems to me it would be of utmost importance to you to know if you are genuinely loving. To fake your love for decades sure would not bode well on Judgement day.
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Yes 420domainer you are right about that, a persons motive will be exposed on that day as well, it will be a day when hay and stubble will burn (things done for the wrong reason) either for our own edification,or selfish motive, that's why I hesitate to tell what I do, because bible says we shouldn't let our left hand know what our right hand is doing, in other words don't do things for the praise of men, but do them in secret,but for the sake of our discussion I emphasized that there is so much need in the world for food, clothing and clean water for human beings that I and many others would prfer to concentrate on them rather than spending billions to save animals.
I refuse to watch any of those planet earth documentaries because watching an animal kill and eat another animal makes me sad. If my cat even tries to grab and eat a worm, I take the worm and safely put it back in the soil.

But I am also a meat eater. The act of killing for food makes me uncomfortable, but I get it. Knowing just about every other mammal and many other species do the same thing lets me sleep at night. I'm all for more humane ways of raising eventual food, but damn do I love a good strip steak.
I refuse to watch any of those planet earth documentaries because watching an animal kill and eat another animal makes me sad. If my cat even tries to grab and eat a worm, I take the worm and safely put it back in the soil.

But I am also a meat eater. The act of killing for food makes me uncomfortable, but I get it. Knowing just about every other mammal and many other species do the same thing lets me sleep at night. I'm all for more humane ways of raising eventual food, but damn do I love a good strip steak.
How bout crispy.bacon :)
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