
Direct Democracy Domains - My Pitch

Spaceship Spaceship
I am writing this thread to discuss what I am doing. I am taking a bold and crazy step forward and challenging Elon Musk's Direct Democracy model that he is building. I am challenging Elon Musk to join with me in 2028 to challenge and overthrow the Representative Two-Party Political Model in US politics and establish a new form of Direct Democracy for the USA to enter the USA into a new form of government to set a precedent for governments across the world to embrace Direct Democracy for the future. I am asking Elon Musk to take this bold step of faith with me and overcome his fears of looking crazy and act on his convictions to pioneer a new smarter form of government.

Direct Democracy is a style of government that involves voting systems for the people that allow policies to be voted for by the people rather than representatives. Those who advocate it argue that it is now becoming a possibility due to power of modern software that allows vast amounts of voting data to be collected. Elon Musk is one of the most wealthy and famous advocates of it and I call his Direct Democracy Model "#ModelX". My model for Direct Democracy uses different statistical principles in design and I call my model "#ModelO". My surname is O'Neil and O represents. As a way to remember our debate on which model is superior, I call our debate #NaughtsAndCrosses.

Most of you on Namepros wouldn't know me well. My time on Namepros was mainly between 2005 & 2008. During this time, I started a two year campaign (https://www.namepros.com/threads/llll-com-countdown.161235/) on Namepros forecasting the buyout of 4 letter domain names. As a trained statistician, I provided regular statistics on my thread to show evidence of the decreasing numbers of domains available. Over time, other people joined my campaign and by the near the end of 2007, the LLLL.com countdown thread was the most popular thread on Namepros. I personally made good profits on my LLLL.com investments and many of my followers made good profits following my advice.

After this period, I left domaining as I had a mortgage and my employed work paid better than domaining did. However, I had gained a taste for campaigning and I started searching for unique larger campaigns that would pay me considerably bigger payouts. I started studying politics and the psychology of political parties and I started investing into working out a way to dramatically change the world. I have spent 15 years training for this and have developed a very detailed campaign blueprint on how to execute a reformation in politics and overthrow Representative Democracy in the USA. I have been playing the long game and I continue to do this I am anticipating that within my campaign, I will make big money as a political strategist in the US 2032 federal election. This will mean that I see it as a 23 year project to work towards the pay day.

The key people who I will be marketing my campaign to is the cryptocurrency community. I see there to be a strong case that cryptocurrency will get a lot more support through Direct Democracy than through Representative Democracy. These people want to make good profits with their currencies and Direct Democracy allows them to build more targeted campaigns to work towards getting specific currencies set up as legal tender. I have studied the cryptocurrency community and my observation is that most of these people who are loudest need some guidance in education to learn how to build a campaign mindset so that they can achieve their goals. This is where I see my campaign being an education campaign to help the younger crypto investors learn how to target their online discussions into a powerful narrative so they can work more productively.

In particular, I am talking about the Dogecoin community. The dogecoin community have the potential to be an extremely powerful political force in driving a campaign to overthrow representative democracy. I am not a dogecoin investor. I am more interested in 2nd generation cryptocurrency than 1st generation crypto. I expect 2nd generation cryptocurrency will be more focused on being socially responsible and having currency valued on it's ability to improve society rather than simply be valued on scarcity and demand. Other people in the cryptocurrency community focus on 1st generation crypto and stick to the precedent argument that focuses on giving respect to the leaders who broke the ground. (Bitcoin for non-meme crypto and Dogecoin for meme crypto)

In terms of domaining, if my campaign is successful, I expect there to be huge shifts in domain name values that are affected. Direct Democracy will transform the internet culture considerably over the rest of this century. The shift from Representative Democracy to Representative Democracy will involve a huge generational debate where the old will protect Representative Democracy and the young will advocate Representative Democracy. This will affect Gender Politics. This will affect Racial Politics. This will affect LGBT Politics. This will affect Big Brother Politics. This will affect Financial Politics. For me, I have got rid of my .com domain names and most of my collection from now on .net domains. I am advocating that .net is the future and .com is the past. I am expecting this to affect PPC advertising revenue with different domain names as language makes this transition in culture.

Representative Democracy in the world holds a strong binary culture that I built on the wing model. (Left Wing & Right Wing) I am presenting the case that Direct Democracy is a non-binary model that requires advancements in the English Language to allow for higher levels of precision in differentiating relational culture more efficiently. This should affect domaining as many words that are direct now will be considered vague in the future and many new words and new definitions for words will need to be generated. This should open new levels of precision in language necessary for power management.

My focus of the campaign is to join Elon Musk for the 2028 campaign and oppose Elon Musk for the 2032 campaign. Step 1 is to overthrow Representative Democracy (#2028Campaign) and Step 2 is to develop superior forms of Direct Democracy (#2032Campaign). I am arguing that Elon's Model X (Based on X.com) is too blunt and carries too much #GenderBias. I am happy to meet with Elon and see if we can find a joint solution but I expect that our styles are way to different to work together. I think his coding style is different to mine.

The focus for the 2024 election campaign is to be cheeky and playful and sell the message that the 2024 election is about two representatives of a dying government system. I call this the #LaughingDragonYear as this is a year for the young to take the attention away from the two old men selling old policies and have fun doing so. This is a year to laugh at the lack of intelligence of the media as they pander to the voices of two old men who preach boring nonsense. Direct Democracy is more intelligent. Direct Democracy is more interesting. We are engaged in #TheBattleOfWits and Direct Democracy has the upper hand.

This is a year to laugh at Big Brother. Big Brother wants Representative Democracy to be the dominant Democracy as the wildness of Direct Democracy is so much harder to manipulate. 2028 is the duel between Little Brother and Big Brother. In #TheBattleOfWits, Little Brother has the upper hand. This is why 2024 is a hilarious year. I call Little Brother #Aqua and Big Brother #Blue and so I call the duel between the two #AquaVSBlue. I am arguing that Aqua represents #TheAgeOfAquarius. I expect that this debate will excite the prophets and the astrologers. More reason for chaos and parties. I believe that the world needs to laugh. Hence, my focus is to build this years campaign around laughter.

I am inviting the Namepros community to help be part of my campaign. I believe that by helping me wrestle with aspects of this campaign, we can build a strong case for a #DirectDemocracy future. As we build this case, we can identify related keywords so that we can identify which related domain names are undervalued and which related domain names are overvalued. I would like to go into more depth in relation to working with #CryptocurrencyDomainers. If the campaign goes well, this could break some significant ground in crypto. The beauty of working in a constructive way to help domainers profit from this, we can leave all the subjective nonsense out of the equation. I believe that this transformation in politics has the potential to open doors for domainers. I think that by building a voice in Namepros for this discussion, it could be an exciting journey to share together.

I know that many people will laugh at me and think I am crazy. I am just a mathematician from Western Australia with a crazy idea. I have dealt with this criticism for the last 15 years. Domaining taught me on how to play the long game. I am working towards a big pay day in 2032. I am hoping to share with you why I have been working on this case. I have a plan on how to get Elon Musk's attention. I am planning on working a lot faster than I have this last 15 years. I see myself as a domainer and I see that the future of domainers being bigger political players in the media and politics. Politics is all about mastering narrative and the narrative is all about mastering words. Domainers are the word experts. We know which words pack a punch and which ones don't. Domaining is a great introduction to politics. I am convinced that there is a lot of intelligence at Namepros. I remember how smart this community has been.

My step 1 to break ground is that I am planning on starting a gaming revolution on X. I will show Elon Musk that I know how to get people playing games on X while he is doing nothing. I don't need to change the code of X. The existing infrastructure is enough. I will work towards getting a team ready to work towards setting a #GuinnessWorldRecord on X so that I can get attention from the media. I expect that Elon will get a lot more interest on X when people realise how fun it is to play on X. I want to get gamers on #TeamAqua and so I will build a #GamingCommunity on X. I will build my followers on X and so Elon will have to notice me and my criticisms of him. I will get him to notice my challenge to him. He doesn't need to Cage Fight Mark Zuckerberg. I am challenging him to #TheBattleOfWits. I am giving him #HomeCourtAdvantage. I am determined to show him that I can win this challenge. I am determined to show the internet that #VurgVSMusk is a lot more news worthy than #TrumpVSBiden. Musk and I are trying to change the world. The old men are debating about old policies.

Today is #TheIdesOfMay (15th of May) This is a very political day. I think that this is the best day for opening up my challenge to the US government. Thank you for taking the time to read my pitch. Please consider debating with me what the best domain name intelligence for this challenge is.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I would think that anyone who would like to help you, might like to know what your model of direct democracy entails and how you deal with the problems inherent in direct democracy (misinformation, special interests, knowledge gap, participation rates, mob rule, etc.)

Have any links? Needs more manifesto :xf.grin:
This is pretty wild read.

So you, Elon Musk, and Dogecoiners are going to overturn the US Constitution?

Representative democracy is certainly not perfect, especially when the politicians are not actually representative of the people because of manipulation of the system via things like voter suppression, gerrymandering, and other shenanigans.

However, direct democracy only works to a point.

At some level there has to be representation. Every mundane thing can't have a direct vote.

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I am writing this thread to discuss what I am doing. I am taking a bold and crazy step forward and challenging Elon Musk's Direct Democracy model that he is building. I am challenging Elon Musk to join with me in 2028 to challenge and overthrow the Representative Two-Party Political Model in US politics and establish a new form of Direct Democracy for the USA to enter the USA into a new form of government to set a precedent for governments across the world to embrace Direct Democracy for the future. I am asking Elon Musk to take this bold step of faith with me and overcome his fears of looking crazy and act on his convictions to pioneer a new smarter form of government.

Direct Democracy is a style of government that involves voting systems for the people that allow policies to be voted for by the people rather than representatives. Those who advocate it argue that it is now becoming a possibility due to power of modern software that allows vast amounts of voting data to be collected. Elon Musk is one of the most wealthy and famous advocates of it and I call his Direct Democracy Model "#ModelX". My model for Direct Democracy uses different statistical principles in design and I call my model "#ModelO". My surname is O'Neil and O represents. As a way to remember our debate on which model is superior, I call our debate #NaughtsAndCrosses.

Most of you on Namepros wouldn't know me well. My time on Namepros was mainly between 2005 & 2008. During this time, I started a two year campaign (https://www.namepros.com/threads/llll-com-countdown.161235/) on Namepros forecasting the buyout of 4 letter domain names. As a trained statistician, I provided regular statistics on my thread to show evidence of the decreasing numbers of domains available. Over time, other people joined my campaign and by the near the end of 2007, the LLLL.com countdown thread was the most popular thread on Namepros. I personally made good profits on my LLLL.com investments and many of my followers made good profits following my advice.

After this period, I left domaining as I had a mortgage and my employed work paid better than domaining did. However, I had gained a taste for campaigning and I started searching for unique larger campaigns that would pay me considerably bigger payouts. I started studying politics and the psychology of political parties and I started investing into working out a way to dramatically change the world. I have spent 15 years training for this and have developed a very detailed campaign blueprint on how to execute a reformation in politics and overthrow Representative Democracy in the USA. I have been playing the long game and I continue to do this I am anticipating that within my campaign, I will make big money as a political strategist in the US 2032 federal election. This will mean that I see it as a 23 year project to work towards the pay day.

The key people who I will be marketing my campaign to is the cryptocurrency community. I see there to be a strong case that cryptocurrency will get a lot more support through Direct Democracy than through Representative Democracy. These people want to make good profits with their currencies and Direct Democracy allows them to build more targeted campaigns to work towards getting specific currencies set up as legal tender. I have studied the cryptocurrency community and my observation is that most of these people who are loudest need some guidance in education to learn how to build a campaign mindset so that they can achieve their goals. This is where I see my campaign being an education campaign to help the younger crypto investors learn how to target their online discussions into a powerful narrative so they can work more productively.

In particular, I am talking about the Dogecoin community. The dogecoin community have the potential to be an extremely powerful political force in driving a campaign to overthrow representative democracy. I am not a dogecoin investor. I am more interested in 2nd generation cryptocurrency than 1st generation crypto. I expect 2nd generation cryptocurrency will be more focused on being socially responsible and having currency valued on it's ability to improve society rather than simply be valued on scarcity and demand. Other people in the cryptocurrency community focus on 1st generation crypto and stick to the precedent argument that focuses on giving respect to the leaders who broke the ground. (Bitcoin for non-meme crypto and Dogecoin for meme crypto)

In terms of domaining, if my campaign is successful, I expect there to be huge shifts in domain name values that are affected. Direct Democracy will transform the internet culture considerably over the rest of this century. The shift from Representative Democracy to Representative Democracy will involve a huge generational debate where the old will protect Representative Democracy and the young will advocate Representative Democracy. This will affect Gender Politics. This will affect Racial Politics. This will affect LGBT Politics. This will affect Big Brother Politics. This will affect Financial Politics. For me, I have got rid of my .com domain names and most of my collection from now on .net domains. I am advocating that .net is the future and .com is the past. I am expecting this to affect PPC advertising revenue with different domain names as language makes this transition in culture.

Representative Democracy in the world holds a strong binary culture that I built on the wing model. (Left Wing & Right Wing) I am presenting the case that Direct Democracy is a non-binary model that requires advancements in the English Language to allow for higher levels of precision in differentiating relational culture more efficiently. This should affect domaining as many words that are direct now will be considered vague in the future and many new words and new definitions for words will need to be generated. This should open new levels of precision in language necessary for power management.

My focus of the campaign is to join Elon Musk for the 2028 campaign and oppose Elon Musk for the 2032 campaign. Step 1 is to overthrow Representative Democracy (#2028Campaign) and Step 2 is to develop superior forms of Direct Democracy (#2032Campaign). I am arguing that Elon's Model X (Based on X.com) is too blunt and carries too much #GenderBias. I am happy to meet with Elon and see if we can find a joint solution but I expect that our styles are way to different to work together. I think his coding style is different to mine.

The focus for the 2024 election campaign is to be cheeky and playful and sell the message that the 2024 election is about two representatives of a dying government system. I call this the #LaughingDragonYear as this is a year for the young to take the attention away from the two old men selling old policies and have fun doing so. This is a year to laugh at the lack of intelligence of the media as they pander to the voices of two old men who preach boring nonsense. Direct Democracy is more intelligent. Direct Democracy is more interesting. We are engaged in #TheBattleOfWits and Direct Democracy has the upper hand.

This is a year to laugh at Big Brother. Big Brother wants Representative Democracy to be the dominant Democracy as the wildness of Direct Democracy is so much harder to manipulate. 2028 is the duel between Little Brother and Big Brother. In #TheBattleOfWits, Little Brother has the upper hand. This is why 2024 is a hilarious year. I call Little Brother #Aqua and Big Brother #Blue and so I call the duel between the two #AquaVSBlue. I am arguing that Aqua represents #TheAgeOfAquarius. I expect that this debate will excite the prophets and the astrologers. More reason for chaos and parties. I believe that the world needs to laugh. Hence, my focus is to build this years campaign around laughter.

I am inviting the Namepros community to help be part of my campaign. I believe that by helping me wrestle with aspects of this campaign, we can build a strong case for a #DirectDemocracy future. As we build this case, we can identify related keywords so that we can identify which related domain names are undervalued and which related domain names are overvalued. I would like to go into more depth in relation to working with #CryptocurrencyDomainers. If the campaign goes well, this could break some significant ground in crypto. The beauty of working in a constructive way to help domainers profit from this, we can leave all the subjective nonsense out of the equation. I believe that this transformation in politics has the potential to open doors for domainers. I think that by building a voice in Namepros for this discussion, it could be an exciting journey to share together.

I know that many people will laugh at me and think I am crazy. I am just a mathematician from Western Australia with a crazy idea. I have dealt with this criticism for the last 15 years. Domaining taught me on how to play the long game. I am working towards a big pay day in 2032. I am hoping to share with you why I have been working on this case. I have a plan on how to get Elon Musk's attention. I am planning on working a lot faster than I have this last 15 years. I see myself as a domainer and I see that the future of domainers being bigger political players in the media and politics. Politics is all about mastering narrative and the narrative is all about mastering words. Domainers are the word experts. We know which words pack a punch and which ones don't. Domaining is a great introduction to politics. I am convinced that there is a lot of intelligence at Namepros. I remember how smart this community has been.

My step 1 to break ground is that I am planning on starting a gaming revolution on X. I will show Elon Musk that I know how to get people playing games on X while he is doing nothing. I don't need to change the code of X. The existing infrastructure is enough. I will work towards getting a team ready to work towards setting a #GuinnessWorldRecord on X so that I can get attention from the media. I expect that Elon will get a lot more interest on X when people realise how fun it is to play on X. I want to get gamers on #TeamAqua and so I will build a #GamingCommunity on X. I will build my followers on X and so Elon will have to notice me and my criticisms of him. I will get him to notice my challenge to him. He doesn't need to Cage Fight Mark Zuckerberg. I am challenging him to #TheBattleOfWits. I am giving him #HomeCourtAdvantage. I am determined to show him that I can win this challenge. I am determined to show the internet that #VurgVSMusk is a lot more news worthy than #TrumpVSBiden. Musk and I are trying to change the world. The old men are debating about old policies.

Today is #TheIdesOfMay (15th of May) This is a very political day. I think that this is the best day for opening up my challenge to the US government. Thank you for taking the time to read my pitch. Please consider debating with me what the best domain name intelligence for this challenge is.
From CHATGPT-4o Condensed version:


The author is challenging Elon Musk to join forces in 2028 to overthrow the U.S. Representative Democracy and establish Direct Democracy, leveraging modern technology for a more participatory government model. The author outlines their background, having previously led a successful campaign on Namepros for 4-letter domain names, and details their 15-year preparation for a significant political campaign. The plan involves engaging the cryptocurrency community, especially Dogecoin enthusiasts, to advocate for Direct Democracy, which is seen as more aligned with their interests. The author aims to use humor and a playful approach in the 2024 elections to highlight the obsolescence of the current political system. They seek to build a coalition on Namepros, identifying valuable domain names related to the campaign and promoting a broader political transformation that would benefit domainers. The ultimate goal is to capture Musk's attention through a gaming revolution on the social platform X, challenging him in a "Battle of Wits" rather than physical confrontation, and to position this challenge as more newsworthy than current political debates.


The author challenges Elon Musk to help establish Direct Democracy in the U.S. by 2028, engaging the cryptocurrency community and leveraging modern tech for participatory governance. They aim to use humor and playful tactics in the 2024 elections to promote their campaign, which includes a gaming revolution on X to attract Musk's attention and demonstrate their capability to lead a political transformation.
I think the even shorter version is:

1. Get Elon to like me
2. F**k over Elon
3. Take over the world
Thanks inforg for your comments. They go in line with keeping a sense of humour. I am not really planning on taking over the world. The point of Direct Democracy is to make it impossible for anyone to take over the world. I have a degree of understanding the mathematics and the psychology skills of developing a high quality Direct Democracy system but there are many people more skilled at mathematics and psychology than me. I think that building around X.com is a good starting point. I see X.com like Linux and Facebook like Windows. X.com is a more powerful system and I think it is the best system available today.

I don't have any more energy for manifesto now. It was an exhausting write. My main focus is to try to build an alliance with the Dogecoin community. They have more combined brain power than Elon or I do have. They just need to channel it more effectively. My core focus of what I am trying to do is work against the #ReductionismSpiral that the #TwoPartySystem in the USA is sucking people into. Direct Democracy forces people to use their brain and wake out of the oversimplified narrative of #TwoPartyPolitics.

I enjoy being part of Namepros because you guys are good at pulling apart the bullshit and narrowing down the focus on what is valuable and what isn't.
My core focus of what I am trying to do is work against the #ReductionismSpiral that the #TwoPartySystem in the USA is sucking people into. Direct Democracy forces people to use their brain and wake out of the oversimplified narrative of #TwoPartyPolitics.

I agree that the two-party system we devolved into is flawed and not a great representation of the people or the founder's intent. Using the brainpower and money of Elon et al. would probably be better deployed in opening our system back up to third parties and convincing people that voting the lesser of two evils is how one truly throws their vote away.

Direct democracy does not fix what you think it does and removes what little thinking exists in the process and leaves it up to the mob and whomever their handlers du jour are. Some study on why the founders set this country up as a Republic and not a democracy might be helpful.
I enjoy being part of Namepros because you guys are good at pulling apart the bullshit and narrowing down the focus on what is valuable and what isn't.
Since you're asking, the following does not sound like a solid plan:

"For me, I have got rid of my .com domain names and most of my collection from now on .net domains. I am advocating that .net is the future and .com is the past."
From CHATGPT-4o Condensed version:


The author is challenging Elon Musk to join forces in 2028 to overthrow the U.S. Representative Democracy and establish Direct Democracy, leveraging modern technology for a more participatory government model. The author outlines their background, having previously led a successful campaign on Namepros for 4-letter domain names, and details their 15-year preparation for a significant political campaign. The plan involves engaging the cryptocurrency community, especially Dogecoin enthusiasts, to advocate for Direct Democracy, which is seen as more aligned with their interests. The author aims to use humor and a playful approach in the 2024 elections to highlight the obsolescence of the current political system. They seek to build a coalition on Namepros, identifying valuable domain names related to the campaign and promoting a broader political transformation that would benefit domainers. The ultimate goal is to capture Musk's attention through a gaming revolution on the social platform X, challenging him in a "Battle of Wits" rather than physical confrontation, and to position this challenge as more newsworthy than current political debates.


The author challenges Elon Musk to help establish Direct Democracy in the U.S. by 2028, engaging the cryptocurrency community and leveraging modern tech for participatory governance. They aim to use humor and playful tactics in the 2024 elections to promote their campaign, which includes a gaming revolution on X to attract Musk's attention and demonstrate their capability to lead a political transformation.

ChatGPT4o's take on it:

Let's break down the comparison between direct democracy and representative democracy:

Direct Democracy:
  1. Citizen Participation: In direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making processes. They have a direct say in policy-making through mechanisms such as referendums, initiatives, or town hall meetings.
  2. Decision-Making Speed: Decisions can be made relatively quickly since there is no intermediary between citizens and the decision-making process. However, this can also lead to hasty decisions without thorough deliberation.
  3. Scalability: Direct democracy works best in smaller communities where it's feasible for all citizens to participate actively. In larger populations, it becomes logistically challenging to involve everyone in decision-making processes.
  4. Accountability: There is a high level of accountability since citizens are directly responsible for the decisions made. Politicians or representatives are not intermediaries, so citizens can't blame them for unpopular decisions.
Representative Democracy:
  1. Elected Representatives: In representative democracy, citizens elect individuals to represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf. These representatives may operate at various levels of government, from local councils to national parliaments.
  2. Decision-Making Process: Decision-making is carried out by elected officials who are expected to consider the interests and concerns of their constituents when making decisions. Citizens have indirect influence through the electoral process and can hold representatives accountable through elections.
  3. Expertise and Time: Elected representatives often have more time and expertise to dedicate to policy-making compared to the general population. This can lead to more informed decision-making but may also result in a disconnect between representatives and their constituents.
  4. Scalability: Representative democracy is more scalable than direct democracy since citizens delegate decision-making authority to elected representatives. This system can function effectively in large and diverse societies.
  • Citizen Participation: Direct democracy involves direct citizen participation, while representative democracy involves indirect participation through elected representatives.
  • Decision-Making Process: Direct democracy allows for quicker decision-making but may lack thorough deliberation, while representative democracy involves a more deliberative process but can be slower.
  • Scalability: Direct democracy works best in smaller communities, while representative democracy is more scalable and can function effectively in larger societies.
  • Accountability: Both systems have mechanisms for accountability, but in direct democracy, citizens bear direct responsibility for decisions, while in representative democracy, accountability is mediated through elected representatives.
In summary, direct democracy emphasizes direct citizen participation and decision-making, while representative democracy involves electing representatives to make decisions on behalf of the populace. Each system has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them often depends on factors such as the size and complexity of the society and the values of the population.

Cons and Dangers of Direct Democracy:
  1. Tyranny of the Majority: Direct democracy can lead to the oppression of minority rights if the majority imposes its will without consideration for minority perspectives.
  2. Populism: Direct democracy can sometimes be susceptible to populist rhetoric, where decisions are made based on emotions and short-term interests rather than careful consideration of long-term consequences.
  3. Mob Rule: In extreme cases, direct democracy can devolve into mob rule, where decisions are driven by the passions of the crowd rather than reasoned debate or adherence to laws and principles.
  4. Complexity of Issues: Many modern issues are complex and require specialized knowledge to understand fully. Direct democracy may not always be equipped to handle such complexity, leading to oversimplified solutions or uninformed decisions.
  5. Low Voter Turnout: Direct democracy mechanisms like referendums often suffer from low voter turnout, which can result in decisions that don't reflect the will of the entire population.
Cons and Dangers of Representative Democracy:
  1. Elite Capture: Representative democracy can be vulnerable to elite capture, where powerful interests exert undue influence over elected officials, leading to policies that favor the wealthy or influential minority over the broader population.
  2. Disconnect between Citizens and Representatives: Elected officials may become disconnected from the needs and concerns of their constituents, prioritizing their own interests or those of special interest groups over the public good.
  3. Political Polarization: Representative democracy can exacerbate political polarization, as elected officials may cater to their base supporters rather than seeking common ground with opposing viewpoints.
  4. Gridlock and Inefficiency: The decision-making process in representative democracy can be slow and inefficient, particularly in systems with multiple branches of government and checks and balances, leading to gridlock and difficulty in addressing pressing issues.
  5. Corruption: Representative democracy is susceptible to corruption, as elected officials may engage in bribery, kickbacks, or other forms of unethical behavior to advance their interests or the interests of their supporters.
In summary, both direct and representative democracies have their own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. Finding the right balance between citizen participation, representation, accountability, and safeguards against abuse of power is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness and integrity of democratic governance.
When ever someone goes on what is little more than an extended rant. I tend to randomly pick out paragraphs to read and judge whether we have a coherent discussion and argument. If so i'll take the time to read the whole article.
So what do we have here. Certainly nothing new. When the internet was first developed many advocates viewed the development as a step towards direct public governance/voting/influence in politics.
I'm sure that's still the hope and wish of many involved in politics since the 1980's. So what does our OP offer here, Nothing really, apart from a belief he is about to re-invent the wheel.

Reminds me of posts from 'TheNameGuy' in substance. "I need a massively influential partner" to implement nothing more than a pie in the sky thinking. (in the short to medium term) A change in the entire democratic system. But most disturbing is the OP's belief he is the Inventor and driver of this old school of thought.

* Do read the outrageous hype he was putting across yesterday. I wont even go into his comments regarding .COM is dead. Another member seeking a platform for bog-standard dreaming and illusions that he believes he is the original thinker and creator of.
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just get musk to buy an island somewhere and then you guys can start your own country,
have your own form of government and put your faces on the currency.

Let's delve more into this @VURG.

Let's start with the premise that the representation is not in line with the views of the majority of people.

On most issues there would probably be like 65%+ of people who could agree on some reasonable middle ground. Politicians are largely driving the divisiveness for their own benefit.

Now, can you define what "direct democracy" means to you and why it is better than the current system?

Clearly there would always need to be some representation be it President, Congress, mayor, city council, dog catcher, etc. There needs to be people to carry out basic duties for society to function.

It's not like you can vote on every inconsequential thing.

Also, what would be the actual mechanism to make this happen since the representative framework is contained in the Constitution?

As far as I know, there is only one way to (legally) amend the Constitution. It is an extremely tedious process that is not going to happen.

Outside that, the only mechanisms would basically be lawless ones like some authoritarian takeover. If that happened, it seems highly unlikely that it would lead to more democracy.

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Thank you for all your feedback. I think I should leave my .net vs .com debate out of this. I have a small collection of .net domains that I use for my purposes and it doesn't bother me if .com stays king.

The target of a 4.5 year campaign is very ambitious and I understand that this sort of change may take longer to execute. My approach was to give a detailed pitch to help define a goal to aim for. I see Direct Democracy as a messy but necessary evolutionary step in politics to work towards a smarter fairer political system. I am a mathematician with a model that I believe has some unique strengths to help assist the development of Direct Democracy. I don't think that my model is perfect. I believe it needs more interrogation and personally, I can't afford to develop my model to the point that it is ready for detailed scrutiny at this stage.

That is why I believe that post 2028 is a time that I can raise funds to develop my model to the point that it is ready to challenge the first model for Direct Democracy. Personally, I believe that it will take decades to refine the best models for Direct Democracy. My focus is not to oversell my model of Direct Democracy at this time as there exists a range of models that need to be looked at and accessed. That is why I believe that it is more important for me to support somebody else's model for the next 4.5 years as only a disciplined campaign could overthrow the existing system. Musk is the most famous person I know who has a model through X at approaching the Direct Democracy system. I don't think it is perfect but it is a start and having the will to try is what I believe is the first step forward.

The essential difference between my model and Musk's is that my model uses a lot more statistical stratification in the voting process than a simple Direct Democracy model. This helps improve the expertise in voting, reduce the #MobBias in voting, reduce the cost of the Voting Model and increase the speed of operation. The problem I am trying to solve with Direct Democracy is the #VestedInterestBias in politics where a lot of decisions are made that are without consulting the population and it is position that there is evidence of a #ReductionismSpiral happening in politics where the public vote on the simple issues and are kept in the dark in the complex issues.

It is my view that Direct Democracy is the cure for the #ReductionismSpiral in politics. It forces open more transparency in the decision making process in governance and has the potential to increase the political intelligence of a nation. It is not a cure that happens overnight. It is a painful cure as developing intelligence is often painful. I am an advocate of increasing intelligence in governance as I believe higher intelligence is a great goal to aim for.
I think selling domain names would be easier.
Thank you for all your feedback. I think I should leave my .net vs .com debate out of this. I have a small collection of .net domains that I use for my purposes and it doesn't bother me if .com stays king.

The target of a 4.5 year campaign is very ambitious and I understand that this sort of change may take longer to execute. My approach was to give a detailed pitch to help define a goal to aim for. I see Direct Democracy as a messy but necessary evolutionary step in politics to work towards a smarter fairer political system. I am a mathematician with a model that I believe has some unique strengths to help assist the development of Direct Democracy. I don't think that my model is perfect. I believe it needs more interrogation and personally, I can't afford to develop my model to the point that it is ready for detailed scrutiny at this stage.

That is why I believe that post 2028 is a time that I can raise funds to develop my model to the point that it is ready to challenge the first model for Direct Democracy. Personally, I believe that it will take decades to refine the best models for Direct Democracy. My focus is not to oversell my model of Direct Democracy at this time as there exists a range of models that need to be looked at and accessed. That is why I believe that it is more important for me to support somebody else's model for the next 4.5 years as only a disciplined campaign could overthrow the existing system. Musk is the most famous person I know who has a model through X at approaching the Direct Democracy system. I don't think it is perfect but it is a start and having the will to try is what I believe is the first step forward.

The essential difference between my model and Musk's is that my model uses a lot more statistical stratification in the voting process than a simple Direct Democracy model. This helps improve the expertise in voting, reduce the #MobBias in voting, reduce the cost of the Voting Model and increase the speed of operation. The problem I am trying to solve with Direct Democracy is the #VestedInterestBias in politics where a lot of decisions are made that are without consulting the population and it is position that there is evidence of a #ReductionismSpiral happening in politics where the public vote on the simple issues and are kept in the dark in the complex issues.

It is my view that Direct Democracy is the cure for the #ReductionismSpiral in politics. It forces open more transparency in the decision making process in governance and has the potential to increase the political intelligence of a nation. It is not a cure that happens overnight. It is a painful cure as developing intelligence is often painful. I am an advocate of increasing intelligence in governance as I believe higher intelligence is a great goal to aim for.
You didn't really answer my questions about what "direct democracy" means to you or the mechanism for making it happen.

I am skeptical that Elon Musk, crypto bros, and meme investors are going to be improving democracy. :ROFL:

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If one country, then Switzerland has a good system of both, repr. as well as direct democracy.

Quite many important questions are being voted for/against in direct votings.

I am sorry that I can't give you more detail this week. I found the pitch that I did on Wednesday quite mentally exhausting. I am resting my brain now. I hope that I will be in a better state to answer your questions next week. For me personally, I am trying to turn X into a #GamingCentre at the moment as this is the first step. I wrote the pitch out to define the #EndGame but I am not at #EndGameStage yet and so I am focusing more energy on helping people on X learn how to make games through X and play games. Games on X have the potential be a lot of fun. I want to try and help people understand why X can be a great gaming platform.
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Thanks @Samer for your comments. I appreciate your kind words.
@bmugford - I have decided that I believe the ChatGPT comments give arguments for and against Direct Democracy. I did not come to Namepros to have a long winded debate about it. My challenge for myself now is to build a gaming community on X. This may take a while. My discussion last week was to give a pre-emptive pitch for my vision (X only gives 280 characters per tweet so I couldn't give it there.) so that I have a record of it in the future when I aim to validate the authorship of my campaign. Thank you everyone for your feedback. I may return in the future on Namepros when I have proved the success of my gaming project on X.
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I am writing this thread to discuss what I am doing. I am taking a bold and crazy step forward and challenging Elon Musk's Direct Democracy model that he is building. I am challenging Elon Musk to join with me in 2028 to challenge and overthrow the Representative Two-Party Political Model in US politics and establish a new form of Direct Democracy for the USA to enter the USA into a new form of government to set a precedent for governments across the world to embrace Direct Democracy for the future. I am asking Elon Musk to take this bold step of faith with me and overcome his fears of looking crazy and act on his convictions to pioneer a new smarter form of government.

Direct Democracy is a style of government that involves voting systems for the people that allow policies to be voted for by the people rather than representatives. Those who advocate it argue that it is now becoming a possibility due to power of modern software that allows vast amounts of voting data to be collected. Elon Musk is one of the most wealthy and famous advocates of it and I call his Direct Democracy Model "#ModelX". My model for Direct Democracy uses different statistical principles in design and I call my model "#ModelO". My surname is O'Neil and O represents. As a way to remember our debate on which model is superior, I call our debate #NaughtsAndCrosses.

Most of you on Namepros wouldn't know me well. My time on Namepros was mainly between 2005 & 2008. During this time, I started a two year campaign (https://www.namepros.com/threads/llll-com-countdown.161235/) on Namepros forecasting the buyout of 4 letter domain names. As a trained statistician, I provided regular statistics on my thread to show evidence of the decreasing numbers of domains available. Over time, other people joined my campaign and by the near the end of 2007, the LLLL.com countdown thread was the most popular thread on Namepros. I personally made good profits on my LLLL.com investments and many of my followers made good profits following my advice.

After this period, I left domaining as I had a mortgage and my employed work paid better than domaining did. However, I had gained a taste for campaigning and I started searching for unique larger campaigns that would pay me considerably bigger payouts. I started studying politics and the psychology of political parties and I started investing into working out a way to dramatically change the world. I have spent 15 years training for this and have developed a very detailed campaign blueprint on how to execute a reformation in politics and overthrow Representative Democracy in the USA. I have been playing the long game and I continue to do this I am anticipating that within my campaign, I will make big money as a political strategist in the US 2032 federal election. This will mean that I see it as a 23 year project to work towards the pay day.

The key people who I will be marketing my campaign to is the cryptocurrency community. I see there to be a strong case that cryptocurrency will get a lot more support through Direct Democracy than through Representative Democracy. These people want to make good profits with their currencies and Direct Democracy allows them to build more targeted campaigns to work towards getting specific currencies set up as legal tender. I have studied the cryptocurrency community and my observation is that most of these people who are loudest need some guidance in education to learn how to build a campaign mindset so that they can achieve their goals. This is where I see my campaign being an education campaign to help the younger crypto investors learn how to target their online discussions into a powerful narrative so they can work more productively.

In particular, I am talking about the Dogecoin community. The dogecoin community have the potential to be an extremely powerful political force in driving a campaign to overthrow representative democracy. I am not a dogecoin investor. I am more interested in 2nd generation cryptocurrency than 1st generation crypto. I expect 2nd generation cryptocurrency will be more focused on being socially responsible and having currency valued on it's ability to improve society rather than simply be valued on scarcity and demand. Other people in the cryptocurrency community focus on 1st generation crypto and stick to the precedent argument that focuses on giving respect to the leaders who broke the ground. (Bitcoin for non-meme crypto and Dogecoin for meme crypto)

In terms of domaining, if my campaign is successful, I expect there to be huge shifts in domain name values that are affected. Direct Democracy will transform the internet culture considerably over the rest of this century. The shift from Representative Democracy to Representative Democracy will involve a huge generational debate where the old will protect Representative Democracy and the young will advocate Representative Democracy. This will affect Gender Politics. This will affect Racial Politics. This will affect LGBT Politics. This will affect Big Brother Politics. This will affect Financial Politics. For me, I have got rid of my .com domain names and most of my collection from now on .net domains. I am advocating that .net is the future and .com is the past. I am expecting this to affect PPC advertising revenue with different domain names as language makes this transition in culture.

Representative Democracy in the world holds a strong binary culture that I built on the wing model. (Left Wing & Right Wing) I am presenting the case that Direct Democracy is a non-binary model that requires advancements in the English Language to allow for higher levels of precision in differentiating relational culture more efficiently. This should affect domaining as many words that are direct now will be considered vague in the future and many new words and new definitions for words will need to be generated. This should open new levels of precision in language necessary for power management.

My focus of the campaign is to join Elon Musk for the 2028 campaign and oppose Elon Musk for the 2032 campaign. Step 1 is to overthrow Representative Democracy (#2028Campaign) and Step 2 is to develop superior forms of Direct Democracy (#2032Campaign). I am arguing that Elon's Model X (Based on X.com) is too blunt and carries too much #GenderBias. I am happy to meet with Elon and see if we can find a joint solution but I expect that our styles are way to different to work together. I think his coding style is different to mine.

The focus for the 2024 election campaign is to be cheeky and playful and sell the message that the 2024 election is about two representatives of a dying government system. I call this the #LaughingDragonYear as this is a year for the young to take the attention away from the two old men selling old policies and have fun doing so. This is a year to laugh at the lack of intelligence of the media as they pander to the voices of two old men who preach boring nonsense. Direct Democracy is more intelligent. Direct Democracy is more interesting. We are engaged in #TheBattleOfWits and Direct Democracy has the upper hand.

This is a year to laugh at Big Brother. Big Brother wants Representative Democracy to be the dominant Democracy as the wildness of Direct Democracy is so much harder to manipulate. 2028 is the duel between Little Brother and Big Brother. In #TheBattleOfWits, Little Brother has the upper hand. This is why 2024 is a hilarious year. I call Little Brother #Aqua and Big Brother #Blue and so I call the duel between the two #AquaVSBlue. I am arguing that Aqua represents #TheAgeOfAquarius. I expect that this debate will excite the prophets and the astrologers. More reason for chaos and parties. I believe that the world needs to laugh. Hence, my focus is to build this years campaign around laughter.

I am inviting the Namepros community to help be part of my campaign. I believe that by helping me wrestle with aspects of this campaign, we can build a strong case for a #DirectDemocracy future. As we build this case, we can identify related keywords so that we can identify which related domain names are undervalued and which related domain names are overvalued. I would like to go into more depth in relation to working with #CryptocurrencyDomainers. If the campaign goes well, this could break some significant ground in crypto. The beauty of working in a constructive way to help domainers profit from this, we can leave all the subjective nonsense out of the equation. I believe that this transformation in politics has the potential to open doors for domainers. I think that by building a voice in Namepros for this discussion, it could be an exciting journey to share together.

I know that many people will laugh at me and think I am crazy. I am just a mathematician from Western Australia with a crazy idea. I have dealt with this criticism for the last 15 years. Domaining taught me on how to play the long game. I am working towards a big pay day in 2032. I am hoping to share with you why I have been working on this case. I have a plan on how to get Elon Musk's attention. I am planning on working a lot faster than I have this last 15 years. I see myself as a domainer and I see that the future of domainers being bigger political players in the media and politics. Politics is all about mastering narrative and the narrative is all about mastering words. Domainers are the word experts. We know which words pack a punch and which ones don't. Domaining is a great introduction to politics. I am convinced that there is a lot of intelligence at Namepros. I remember how smart this community has been.

My step 1 to break ground is that I am planning on starting a gaming revolution on X. I will show Elon Musk that I know how to get people playing games on X while he is doing nothing. I don't need to change the code of X. The existing infrastructure is enough. I will work towards getting a team ready to work towards setting a #GuinnessWorldRecord on X so that I can get attention from the media. I expect that Elon will get a lot more interest on X when people realise how fun it is to play on X. I want to get gamers on #TeamAqua and so I will build a #GamingCommunity on X. I will build my followers on X and so Elon will have to notice me and my criticisms of him. I will get him to notice my challenge to him. He doesn't need to Cage Fight Mark Zuckerberg. I am challenging him to #TheBattleOfWits. I am giving him #HomeCourtAdvantage. I am determined to show him that I can win this challenge. I am determined to show the internet that #VurgVSMusk is a lot more news worthy than #TrumpVSBiden. Musk and I are trying to change the world. The old men are debating about old policies.

Today is #TheIdesOfMay (15th of May) This is a very political day. I think that this is the best day for opening up my challenge to the US government. Thank you for taking the time to read my pitch. Please consider debating with me what the best domain name intelligence for this challenge is.
You writing a conspiracy book ?
No. I am a mathematician. The type of demographic that I work with don't have time to read books. I don't agree with most conspiracy theorists as most use low level mathematics.
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I wrote this thread to let people know that political domain names is an area that I plan to make money. My intention is not to make a lot of noise. My point is to validate my authorship in identifying this financial opportunity. Politics is an area in domaining where you make money in domaining by identifying areas of growth before they are recognised publicly. I am not a pocketmoney domainer like my early years. I am after the big opportunities. Giving my intellectual property cheap in books is not on the cards. There is big money to be made.
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