
I lost $5805usd through PayPal scam by Shane Bellone

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VIP Member
Many of my friend suggested me to post this on namepros so others will less likely to be scamed by shane.

So on 2016-09-26 and 2016-09-27 he bought 374 names and 471 names all together 845 .in names together. (these are random
together he paid me on paypal 5805 usd.

I pushed the domain to him, then everything is fine. the deal was made through whatsapp chat.
deal closed.
then I saw him selling them on .in markect group, flipped some for higher price.

until 27the decenmber when i log in to my paypal to make another purchase, i see paypal refunded 5805 back to him, then i look up my email, i saw paypal disput which i completed missed.
buyer claim reason: NOT AS DESCRIBED! (this is after he sold and transfer out some of those)

I did not know paypal had this 3 months rules where buyer can claim the money back, and becuase i do not log on paypal so often and get xxx amount of emails every days, so i missed the window that i could have argued with paypal. but well lesson learned.

Some infomation of shane so other can avoid being scamed by him

good news is after I provided all the evidence to the registrar, the registrar moved the remaining (ones he did not sold or transfer out) to my account, so at least i got something back.

Becuareful when using paypal,and becuareful when you trade any domain that was processed by shane.

During the process of getting the unsold domains by shane, I had great help from .in whatsapp group, so special thx who provide information and also special thx to shiva , kemji, alexa and indy who tried to contact shane for me, but he went dark, not picking his cell phone, does not respond back on whatsapp nor linkedin.


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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Shane contacted me several months ago to buy a name from me, which he did. I never really had an opinion on him, never considered him a "pro" or a "veteran" or anything of that nature. I've been in this industry full-time for almost 10 years and the first time I heard about him was when he created the Adam Dicker thread.

Anyway, I thought this was interesting:

“I’m moving to Malta after I graduate because life is about living. It is beautiful there and there are twelve hundred places to go rock climbing. January 1st, 2017 I will hop on a plane with nothing and fly across the world and that wouldn’t be the first time.”
This has nothing to do with the PRO badge anymore. PRO members have removed the badge from S-B, he's been struck off from that account status. NamePros didn't remove it. The PRO members took a vote decided he was no longer fit to hold that rank. If you have other PRO members or anyone for that matter who you suspect of foul play and have the tiniest bit of evidence to put forward, please create another thread call them out.

Now there are people in this thread (quite a few) who were involved in shady dealings in 2015/2016 where they placed bids and never paid, shill bidding, pumping/dumping, you name it, and now they are here pretending to be angels-pffffft give me a break! That's the weird thing staring us right in the face in this thread, and they know who they are. No need for the holier-than-thou attitude.

The same goes for you, you know of anyone on the forum, PRO or otherwise call them out.


This industry is full of people making accusations, he said this, he said that. I recall a number of shill cases and fake bidders and these have been investigated by the NamePros moderation team and they have presented their findings and imposed limitations/bans accordingly if they found the claims were supported or dismiss the claims entirely if unsupported. If you think the NamePros team haven't done their jobs properly, call them out.

If you think there are members here are still doing shady things that NamePros hasn't investigated yet. Find some evidence and call them out.
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Do it on another thread
Any new info on topic at hand?
Do it on another thread
Any new info on topic at hand?

Yes. According to Twitter Shane likes to play pool and proves it by taking selfies of the drive to the pool hall and the chair that holds his coat while he plays pool. More evidence that proves that he likes to hustle people :) Oh yeah, and I'm still a Pu$$y and a Tw@t according to him.
"The only people who can hurt you are the people that you trust"
"Johnn - January 20 2017"
"The only people who can hurt you are the people that you trust"
"Johnn - January 20 2017"


trust no one, and never get hurt

alcy - 1/20/2017
No-one that has been around here long enough is a bit surprised at the outcome of this "hit and run" member.
We've seen plenty of his likes before over the years, and lots of "aged" members that are watching this thread (without posting) are just sadly shaking their heads.

Stop with the personal attacks. SB could be watching and loving this... hoping the house burns down.
F' him. He's gone.
Lets get back to work.

Relevant: Thread about the buyer for the 42 domains.
I can confirm that I was a buyer of the 42 names that Shane sold on from the overall original 845 deal.

I feel these names been dirtied to some extent due to the way things have unfolded. I just want to clarify that I bought them before any of the shady stuff went down. It was a normal trade like any other and I’ve also been in touch with the victim (@12no3 ). He is aware and does not blame me for anything. I also let the moderators know about this and everyone agrees that I am also a victim, but advised me to post here to clarify the details.
Shane claims he returned all ~850 the names to the OP, and we have the buyer who has confirmed he received and still has the 42.

Anyone still supporting S-B ?

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present............The Real Shane Bellone. :xf.laugh:
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No-one that has been around here long enough is a bit surprised at the outcome of this "hit and run" member.
We've seen plenty of his likes before over the years, and lots of "aged" members that are watching this thread (without posting) are just sadly shaking their heads.

Stop with the personal attacks. SB could be watching and loving this... hoping the house burns down.
F' him. He's gone.
Lets get back to work.


The house won't burn down - It is getting stronger!

Threads like this one, with all maybe a bit ugly stuff, are the reason Namepros is so valuable place to stay, as such threads in fact make Namepros maybe the most important part of domaining self-healing and self-cleaning system .
I'm hip it wont burn down, kriss.

It was in reference to something he had posted to Domain Shane on twitter.
My point there was he could be watching all the back and forth going on before the thread got cleaned up, (it was getting really ugly and personal) and getting off on the animosity he was generating even though he wasn't even here. Dig?

This is a community, despite what people like SB and his irk try to make it out to be.
NP will survive him just like it has survived the others before him and the others still to come.

He was just a flea.
Sorry to the OP for what happened.

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The house won't burn down - It is getting stronger!

Threads like this one, with all maybe a bit ugly stuff, are the reason Namepros is so valuable place to stay, as such threads in fact make Namepros maybe the most important part of domaining self-healing and self-cleaning system .

Your missing the point of Cys post, it's done and over. "NAIL+COFFIN=CLOSE"
AD's thread didn't close, keep it open as there might be more victims right?
I can say this here its now an acceptable word,I actually saw this on the little rascals and that was a pg movie '' Shane Your a scumbag'' if this is true
Many of my friend suggested me to post this on namepros so others will less likely to be scamed by shane.

So on 2016-09-26 and 2016-09-27 he bought 374 names and 471 names all together 845 .in names together. (these are random
together he paid me on paypal 5805 usd.

I pushed the domain to him, then everything is fine. the deal was made through whatsapp chat.
deal closed.
then I saw him selling them on .in markect group, flipped some for higher price.

until 27the decenmber when i log in to my paypal to make another purchase, i see paypal refunded 5805 back to him, then i look up my email, i saw paypal disput which i completed missed.
buyer claim reason: NOT AS DESCRIBED! (this is after he sold and transfer out some of those)

I did not know paypal had this 3 months rules where buyer can claim the money back, and becuase i do not log on paypal so often and get xxx amount of emails every days, so i missed the window that i could have argued with paypal. but well lesson learned.

Some infomation of shane so other can avoid being scamed by him

good news is after I provided all the evidence to the registrar, the registrar moved the remaining (ones he did not sold or transfer out) to my account, so at least i got something back.

Becuareful when using paypal,and becuareful when you trade any domain that was processed by shane.

During the process of getting the unsold domains by shane, I had great help from .in whatsapp group, so special thx who provide information and also special thx to shiva , kemji, alexa and indy who tried to contact shane for me, but he went dark, not picking his cell phone, does not respond back on whatsapp nor linkedin.
This with his interviews doesn't seem to "vett" anyone before having them on his show and putting it on the internet. This isn't the first time he's had this type of person on his show for an interview that may or may not have cost his listeners money.
This with his interviews doesn't seem to "vett" anyone before having them on his show and putting it on the internet. This isn't the first time he's had this type of person on his show for an interview that may or may not have cost his listeners money.
I am trying give the guy the benefit of the doubt "but I know he follows this site and even after he left he always had to put his redneck two cents in. Why not defend himself, WHY DID THIS Guy leave anyway,if I made 100-200k at his age ,I aint going anywhere
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The Real Shane will never come back here to explain himself because that would be beneath him. He isn't one of you, he's better than you. Re-opening the account (if its closed) is too much effort to make a post about how pathetic we all are. We are all forum users. He might get his buddy to post something on his blog and make some casual tweets belittling you but that's all we deserve.

But before the thread closes it's important to re-iterate a couple of lessons learned:

I've said it many times before -a deal requires a contract which has terms (names, delivery, price) and anything else leaves you more open to shitty behavior. That's pretty much the most important lesson and it applies to 90% of the "I got ripped off" thread.

Trust is sometimes given before being earned.

The amusing thing this thread (and forum in general) reveals is how quickly domainers are to deify people - Shane, Ali, the Sherpas - and also how to some the "PRO" badge actually represents something meaningful. The sad thing is that NP split into the aesthetic of "PRO" and regular members that furthered the idea. Since that time it has become an NP embarrassment, imho. People can say it's unrelated to this issue but it's by association - it's the steroid era of baseball, it's the postal team of Armstrong. It's sad and it's unfortunate that many of the key people don't see it.

It's good to see that the badges have been removed from certain members but the damage is done. PRO represents nothing more than a collective. The fact that you can't get together and be in a group without a sticker or badge of approval says a lot. It clearly doesn't mean anything about respect or trust...and NEVER will. That's something you earn at a personal level.

But I will leave with a quote to consider - I'll let you guess the source:
”I despise the lack of transparency. It is too easy to cheat people out of their hard earned money with some deceptive but common practices. It’s borderline pathetic.”
I am trying give the guy the benefit of the doubt "but I know he follows this site and even after he left he always had to put his redneck two cents in. Why not defend himself, WHY DID THIS Guy leave anyway,if I made 100-200k at his age ,I aint going anywhere
He inquired about one of my domains a few months ago ,I think it was him looking for MasteringMastering .com that may explain his disappearance I get a funny feeling he may be somewhere scantly dressed in leather and high heels would with an apple in his mouth.
The Real Shane will never come back here to explain himself because that would be beneath him. He isn't one of you, he's better than you. Re-opening the account (if its closed) is too much effort to make a post about how pathetic we all are. We are all forum users. He might get his buddy to post something on his blog and make some casual tweets belittling you but that's all we deserve.

But before the thread closes it's important to re-iterate a couple of lessons learned:

I've said it many times before -a deal requires a contract which has terms (names, delivery, price) and anything else leaves you more open to sh*tty behavior. That's pretty much the most important lesson and it applies to 90% of the "I got ripped off" thread.

Trust is sometimes given before being earned.

The amusing thing this thread (and forum in general) reveals is how quickly domainers are to deify people - Shane, Ali, the Sherpas - and also how to some the "PRO" badge actually represents something meaningful. The sad thing is that NP split into the aesthetic of "PRO" and regular members that furthered the idea. Since that time it has become an NP embarrassment, imho. People can say it's unrelated to this issue but it's by association - it's the steroid era of baseball, it's the postal team of Armstrong. It's sad and it's unfortunate that many of the key people don't see it.

It's good to see that the badges have been removed from certain members but the damage is done. PRO represents nothing more than a collective. The fact that you can't get together and be in a group without a sticker or badge of approval says a lot. It clearly doesn't mean anything about respect or trust...and NEVER will. That's something you earn at a personal level.

But I will leave with a quote to consider - I'll let you guess the source:
”I despise the lack of transparency. It is too easy to cheat people out of their hard earned money with some deceptive but common practices. It’s borderline pathetic.”

All valid points, however....
You were going good there DU, until the 3rd and 4th paragraph....
You can expect those, and this post as well to be "cleaned up".
As well it should as that is a subject for a different thread.

Its your mistake of missing the Dispute Email and scams on internet like this are common, done by even the most reputed members also sometimes.
All valid points, however....
You were going good there DU, until the 3rd and 4th paragraph....
You can expect those, and this post as well to be "cleaned up".
As well it should as that is a subject for a different thread.


That's fine but it would be disappointing.

It's not that I have anything against the members of a group but it should be obvious to normal members and passers by that the badge does not bestow special trust or tacit approval of members by the forum. It's just a group with some entry rules. An avatar band showing "PRO" implies Namepros support and that's not the case. I imagine that might surprise people.

It just ties in to what I was saying about making sure you know the PERSON you are dealing with.
Further discussion on the merits or not do belong elsewhere. I do not care if the group exists or not - it's not something that bothers or interests me.

In Cy language :) -
If Barry Bonds makes the Hall of Fame it won't ever diminish what Stan Musiel or Tony Gwynn did over their careers but for some it will tarnish what the Hall is.
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