
alert Pay special attention that this person is a scammer: Usman Jamal

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain InvestorTop Member
Here's what happened,
About a few days ago this guy came to me for a 4L,
He agreed to buy two domain names (HMQV.com + PJXE.com Both in $230).
But ended up buying only one HMQV.COM domain name with the DAN deal,
And then he said he was coming in a week to buy another domain,
Today he said he was going to pay for another domain name, PJXE.COM,
He also talked about buying another domain name,
But today he said he was going to pay with a friend at PAYPAL,
And he kept saying that he just got ripped off for over $2,000 last month,
So he's afraid of being lied to again,
So he asked me to give him a domain name first,
And then after he pay, I gave another domain name,
I think Westerners are honest and have agreed to deals before,
He started transferring when I gave him the PJXE.COM transfer code,
When he got the domain name, he asked me to give him another domain name,
That's when I disagree,
Because the deal was to pay for a domain name,
I asked him to give back the domain name,
He gave me the transfer code,
But the transfer code is wrong,
And then he deleted the WHATSAPP number,
Oh, my God,
The first time I was tricked by a Westerner,
Although the money is not much,
Posted here just so that no one gets fooled again

Here's what the scammers gave me when they made a deal,
And some of our related chats
Email: [email protected]
Country: Kenya
Name: Samson Ibrahim
use whatsapp:+923110119100

This is supposed to be the biggest joke of the year,
A liar says he doesn't want to be cheated


The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
They always claim that they got cheated before and so ask for domain transfer first and then PayPal payment.
I was contacted by one through telegram last year and had to block him to make him stop his nonsense.
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They always claim that they got cheated before and so ask for domain transfer first and then PayPal payment.
I was contacted by one through telegram last year and had to block him to make him stop his nonsense.
That's what they are,
Too many people have been cheated
I'm bothering with crypto escrows, educating potential buyers, bothering how all this crypto stuff might look for an average Joe in negotiations...
Meanwhile people just chit chat in poor english and scam each other at WhatsApp, fantastic
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You must have read this before; USE Escrow.com and you wont have these issues, and make it so the buyer pays 100% of the escrow fee. Note; There are far more scammers out there than legitimate buyers, it's a undeniable FACT.

MG, look at how much time you wasted, you need to ask yourself, "What is my time worth?" The time you spent dealing with this scammer and creating this post FAR outweighs the sale price of $230 bucks.

I myself no longer sell domains for under $1000, no matter how bad the domain is, it's NOT worth my time and aggravation, especially when you're dealing with someone who's not internet savvy.
He's not a Westerner, hes from Kenya.

And scammers are getting trickier. They gain your trust with the first transaction, and then try to scam you for the next "bigger" one.
Kenya and uganda is the most scammer artist in the world, never trust them
Kenya and uganda is the most scammer artist in the world, never trust them
How about 'Kenyan prince email scams' 😄
Always use escrow for selling and buying above 100$.

If you are paid by Paypal, buyer can charged back after you sent the domains.

Don't use bitcoin or crypto for buying domains, after you transfer the money, you can be cheated not getting the domain.

Use escrow.com, Afternic or DAN for safety
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