
alert Pay special attention that this person is a scammer: Usman Jamal

Spaceship Spaceship

Domain InvestorTop Member
Here's what happened,
About a few days ago this guy came to me for a 4L,
He agreed to buy two domain names ( + Both in $230).
But ended up buying only one HMQV.COM domain name with the DAN deal,
And then he said he was coming in a week to buy another domain,
Today he said he was going to pay for another domain name, PJXE.COM,
He also talked about buying another domain name,
But today he said he was going to pay with a friend at PAYPAL,
And he kept saying that he just got ripped off for over $2,000 last month,
So he's afraid of being lied to again,
So he asked me to give him a domain name first,
And then after he pay, I gave another domain name,
I think Westerners are honest and have agreed to deals before,
He started transferring when I gave him the PJXE.COM transfer code,
When he got the domain name, he asked me to give him another domain name,
That's when I disagree,
Because the deal was to pay for a domain name,
I asked him to give back the domain name,
He gave me the transfer code,
But the transfer code is wrong,
And then he deleted the WHATSAPP number,
Oh, my God,
The first time I was tricked by a Westerner,
Although the money is not much,
Posted here just so that no one gets fooled again

Here's what the scammers gave me when they made a deal,
And some of our related chats
Email: [email protected]
Country: Kenya
Name: Samson Ibrahim
use whatsapp:+923110119100

This is supposed to be the biggest joke of the year,
A liar says he doesn't want to be cheated


The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Sorry for you 😢

I make deals only here with people like you , trusted or others or of course markeplaces

Thanks for let us know

...but Samson follow by 76387328 ( email )....come one my friend

3 - 4 days ago get a email via Dynadot about ecar .cc ....ohhh " we want to buy it much ?" the email....maria4762211 gmail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i deleted of course

Aaaaa & money first and after domain/s
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Sorry for your loss. Next time stick to cash first before transfer or push.
That sucks, there are scammers trying to take advantage and steal domains and money.

So is still with the thief?

Next time use an Escrow or services like,,
PJXE is at Spaceship, e-mail them at [email protected]. or tag the CEO on Twitter @NameCheapCEO and he'll respond.
Hey mate, So sorry you've had to deal with this kind of person, they are getting very clever tricking people. I'm not trying to judge you, but you do have big mistake by "trusting unknown people".

Agree with @silentg , it might be worth to contact spaceship. you might not getting your domain back, but atleast they will mark his account. I wish you all the best.
Thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately, it was a poor decision to transfer the domain before payment was received.

That is something I would reserve only for people with a very strong reputation in the field.

I would not expect Spaceship to get involved, as it was not an unauthorized transfer.

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Sorry for you 😢

I make deals only here with people like you , trusted or others or of course markeplaces

Thanks for let us know

...but Samson follow by 76387328 ( email )....come one my friend

3 - 4 days ago get a email via Dynadot about ecar .cc ....ohhh " we want to buy it much ?" the email....maria4762211 gmail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i deleted of course

Aaaaa & money first and after domain/s
Be careful when dealing with unfamiliar clients,
Yesterday in the group, I said that I was also deceived by this person before,
The same method, but the name and phone number are different,
But all of them are+92 numbers
That sucks, there are scammers trying to take advantage and steal domains and money.

So is still with the thief?

Next time use an Escrow or services like,,
yes,now PJXE is in he id,
first deal is use dan..
this time he say want use paypal..
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Hey mate, So sorry you've had to deal with this kind of person, they are getting very clever tricking people. I'm not trying to judge you, but you do have big mistake by "trusting unknown people".

Agree with @silentg , it might be worth to contact spaceship. you might not getting your domain back, but atleast they will mark his account. I wish you all the best.
Last time have one deal in dan..
this deal he say want use paypal..
In my mind, Westerners are very trustworthy,
There are very few scammers like this,
I buy many domain names by paying first,
But there has never been a seller who doesn't give me a domain name
Thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately, it was a poor decision to transfer the domain before payment was received.

That is something I would reserve only for people with a very strong reputation in the field.

I would not expect Spaceship to get involved, as it was not an unauthorized transfer.

Because there was a previous transaction,
And the amount this time is not much, either,
Then he kept saying that he had just been scammed $2000 last month,
So he was very scared,
So he hopes to get the domain name first,
This is really ridiculous,
A scammer loudly told others that he didn't want to be deceived
Because there was a previous transaction,
And the amount this time is not much, either,
Then he kept saying that he had just been scammed $2000 last month,
So he was very scared,
So he hopes to get the domain name first,
This is really ridiculous,
A scammer loudly told others that he didn't want to be deceived
Yeah, I understand. However, you are taking the risk.

There are other options like using an escrow service. It might not be ideal for a low dollar transaction, but it is a lot safer.

A registrar is unlikely to step into this type of situation. If they did, it could really open up a can of worms for them.

If it was an unauthorized transfer, that is a different story.

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Yeah, I understand. However, you are taking the risk.

There are other options like using an escrow service. It might not be ideal for a low dollar transaction, but it is a lot safer.

A registrar is unlikely to step into this type of situation. If they did, it could really open up a can of worms for them.

If it was an unauthorized transfer, that is a different story.

thank you,
I don't have to get the domain back,
It doesn't matter if you don't get it back,
Posted here just to let you know how scammers work,
Avoid more people being cheated
Then he kept saying that he had just been scammed $2000 last month,
So he was very scared,
So he hopes to get the domain name first,

that person played a song to your sympathetic ear.

he got you thinking about his fictious problem, so you would feel his plight and forget about your rules.

you know better,
not to transfer a domain, before getting payment.

still, thanks for sharing!
it's not an easy thing to accept or speak about.

He's not a Westerner, hes from Kenya.

And scammers are getting trickier. They gain your trust with the first transaction, and then try to scam you for the next "bigger" one.

that person played a song to your sympathetic ear.

he got you thinking about his fictious problem, so you would feel his plight and forget about your rules.

you know better,
not to transfer a domain, before getting payment.

still, thanks for sharing!
it's not an easy thing to accept or speak about.

You're absolutely right,
First he said he'd just been scammed,
So it lowers my guard
He's not a Westerner, hes from Kenya.

And scammers are getting trickier. They gain your trust with the first transaction, and then try to scam you for the next "bigger" one.
You're absolutely right,
That's what he did,
And not for the first time,
So many people have been cheated,
I just hadn't been paying attention before,
Pay special attention to +92 mobile phones in the future
stick to your policy, dont let someone else change the way you sell your domain. If you sell them thru or escrow dont go to paypal family and friends. They use that to refund their money anyway. Its a small fee at paypal to do goods and products and its worth the peace of mind. ty.

paypal f&f is just what it implies, people you see in the physical world. It is not for digital world only people.
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stick to your policy, dont let someone else change the way you sell your domain. If you sell them thru or escrow dont go to paypal family and friends. They use that to refund their money anyway. Its a small fee at paypal to do goods and products and its worth the peace of mind. ty.

paypal f&f is just what it implies, people you see in the physical world. It is not for digital world only people.
You were right,
He's a professional liar,
There are so many people who have been deceived,
Same technique, same excuse,
I just didn't notice it before
He's not a Westerner, hes from Kenya.

And scammers are getting trickier. They gain your trust with the first transaction, and then try to scam you for the next "bigger" one.
+92 is actually country code for Pakistan. So this guy lied, that was a red flag as well. Kenya's code is +254. That aside, I'm very sorry you went through this my friend. Hopefully you'll somehow get the domain back.
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