
Buyers remorse and not paying for auction wins

Spaceship Spaceship
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Established Member
I feel really bad about it. I want the domain but the price I bid at auction is so high I can't go through with it.

I'm not saying I'm cheap. I'm happy to pay most times. But the odd occasion you get one guy pushing it to above enduser prices where it's no longer profitable even in 10 years.

It's frustrating. It's devastating.

Was hoping to hear from some people that have felt this way.
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You are everything that is wrong with society, not just domaining, always someone elses fault, always an excuse,always the victim.
Nobody forced you to bid on that name, by your own admission you say you thought it was schill bidding, yet you still continued to bid.
Take responsibility for your actions, you won with a bid you placed, pay up and stop looking for sympathy as you wont find it.
I have never backed out of any of my purchases, if I make a mistake ...... I live with it because it is my reputation on the line, sorry but there are no excuses

I hear ya, simply pointing out this crap happens on both ends, buyer and seller.
Our knowledge built up over time should act as our guide, yes there is also sellers remorse, once again you just gotta live with it. Got a pm the other day asking me how much someone should sell their Galaxy S7 .info for? I then explained the obvious to them, so let's just say "some mothers do have em" ....LOL
First mistake: You bid more than you were comfortable bidding
Second mistake: Instead of meeting your commitment, you bailed out
Third mistake: You opened this thread looking for sympathy for your failures
Fourth mistake: When a man, @Zandibot, told you to man up, you whined instead
OK you've got four mistakes behind you. But now you have yet another opportunity
to do something right.........Close this thread and walk away.
Never change namepros. Keep railing on people. You did the same thing with the BrandRoot founder. Keep it up and I will replicate how he dealt with it.
What did you expect ? A pat on the back and applause for your immature behavior ?
It is people like you who are making the auctions so expensive for the legitimate users. And you have the nerve to complain. This business is not for you. Good bye, and good luck in your future endeavors.
I sell property overseas on eBay using no reserve auction. Sometimes we sell at a loss but that's the chance we take. We always honer the sale.

I would say 40% of bidders are time wasters -- it's always the same children bid when I left the room...I have just had a serious car crash and in hospital...the budgie died blah blah. There must be a lot of unlucky people who have a car crash the day after they win my auctions.

Before you bid do research about the domain. Check your bank account and make sure you can pay -- if there are doubts don't spoil the auction for everyone else. If you win an auction cough up and stop moaning.

One last thing to note. The people who do this are always the biggest moaners if it happens to them. When the boot is on the other foot -- oh dear me.

Have a great weekend everyone.

I hate NPers who don't want to pay for what they bided.
What they says..

The rules of NP are very clear: you have one week to pay for auction, not 24 hours, so if you don't add an exact time frame for the payment you will not receive the money sooner, only if the buyer think that he made a good deal will pay you in same day or in the next day.

I think the rules must changed to maximum 48 hours, that's long enough time to go to the bank and add some money or to get some money into your paypal account. If you did not solved in this time than you don't have money, so you just added a bid that you can not afford to pay for it, that's wrong and I hate the ones that do this !

Also there are several cases that need longer time, where we're talking about amounts of money with 4 to 6 zeros. There it is not any time rush to make a good transaction, but those transactions are made by escrow and they need the time they need to be done.
The rules of NP are very clear: you have one week to pay for auction, not 24 hours, so if you don't add an exact time frame for the payment you will not receive the money sooner, only if the buyer think that he made a good deal will pay you in same day or in the next day.

I think the rules must changed to maximum 48 hours, that's long enough time to go to the bank and add some money or to get some money into your paypal account. If you did not solved in this time than you don't have money, so you just added a bid that you can not afford to pay for it, that's wrong and I hate the ones that do this !

Also there are several cases that need longer time, where we're talking about amounts of money with 4 to 6 zeros. There it is not any time rush to make a good transaction, but those transactions are made by escrow and they need the time they need to be done.
what if the domain expire soon?
what if the domain expire soon?
It does not matter, you already know this, sell it sooner or renew the domain !
Yeah I underestimated how people would react

I realize there are domainers on here who hate people who mess up auctions.

I'm just pointing out that many auction platforms are rampant with price gouging. I don't see the point of paying higher than enduser price if I need to resell. .

Wow. Are you for real my friend? Is this a wind up?
I feel really bad about it. I want the domain but the price I bid at auction is so high I can't go through with it.

I'm not saying I'm cheap. I'm happy to pay most times. But the odd occasion you get one guy pushing it to above enduser prices where it's no longer profitable even in 10 years.

It's frustrating. It's devastating.

Was hoping to here from some people that have felt this way.
Well, I hope that there was a bidder under yours that the buyer accepted because this kind of situation is so frustrating to a seller especially when they feel as if they have secured a buyer.

I truly believe all auctions should require an escrow fund that is already funded prior to bidding. It's tough to approach it this way since for the most part lots of people will be requesting release of their funds back to them. Nevertheless, there has to be a best practice with deadbeat bidders because it's so easy for a bidder to walk away and change their mind later without hardly any consequences.

I do understand how you feel though as we sometimes tend to get caught up in the bidding process just to win and not realize that we bidding more than we originally intended to.
What of a seller who refuses to sell. Auction has no end time and rules state that in such a case, default end time of 72 hours applies. I was the only bidder and after 72 hours, seller edited auction, added a reserve price, claimed he/she hasn't been here for the past two years so unaware of the "new" changes, AND WILL NOT SELL AT MY BID.
What of a seller who refuses to sell. Auction has no end time and rules state that in such a case, default end time of 72 hours applies. I was the only bidder and after 72 hours, seller edited auction, added a reserve price, claimed he/she hasn't been here for the past two years so unaware of the "new" changes, AND WILL NOT SELL AT MY BID.
Thpse sellers must be banned on all markets so they can not sell anything.
What of a seller who refuses to sell. Auction has no end time and rules state that in such a case, default end time of 72 hours applies. I was the only bidder and after 72 hours, seller edited auction, added a reserve price, claimed he/she hasn't been here for the past two years so unaware of the "new" changes, AND WILL NOT SELL AT MY BID.

As you are aware we are working with you on this situation and will assist and mediate sales here to help :)
As you are aware we are working with you on this situation and will assist and mediate sales here to help :)

Of course I know you are Michelle
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Wow. People are always for draconian measures based on few experiences, without thinking of all consequences. 7 days is OK time to pay by default, no need to change, as it increases the pool of interested bidders and helps to get higher price. No need also to demand prefunding, employer referrals, Facebook befriending, or IQ test scores.

If 1/10 auctions don't close, that is still better than losing 10% to 50% on your every sale. It amuses me to see some auctions here on np with conditions to pay in 6-24 hours only for reputable bidders with x+ reviews only to sit there with zero bids and daily ups.
Wow. People are always for draconian measures based on few experiences, without thinking of all consequences. 7 days is OK time to pay by default, no need to change, as it increases the pool of interested bidders and helps to get higher price. No need also to demand prefunding, employer referrals, Facebook befriending, or IQ test scores.

If 1/10 auctions don't close, that is still better than losing 10% to 50% on your every sale. It amuses me to see some auctions here on np with conditions to pay in 6-24 hours only for reputable bidders with x+ reviews only to sit there with zero bids and daily ups.
I think you did not lose enough money from domains auction and your mouth just speaking without your brain!
It does not matter, you already know this, sell it sooner or renew the domain !
I sold it for $1
why should I renew it? lol
I think you did not lose enough money from domains auction and your mouth just speaking without your brain!

Well I guess your mouth always speaks with your brain, whatever that means.

And how exactly you lost your money from domain auctions? Just because you got your hopes high for a while, does not mean you had that money. Businesses lose real money, not imaginary, on returns, but they never will cancel return guarantee policy. Put in your auction pay in 12 hours, don't advocate for rule change for all based on your limited analytical capacity.
I sold it for $1
why should I renew it? lol
Hey, you are for sure a man? If you said in your auction 1$ start then WTF you cry like a bitch for a sell for one dollar?? Move on man ! Take a little confidence in you that you will make a sale that will cover your lose !
Hey, you are for sure a man? If you said in your auction 1$ start then WTF you cry like a bitch for a sell for one dollar?? Move on man ! Take a little confidence in you that you will make a sale that will cover your lose !
LOL...true...that's how it works. Hopefully win more than lose!
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