
Stolen Domain!!! Need Help!

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Hello Everyone,

As all of you know I recently bought ***.com from the user "smullen" at namepros.

I just checked my account today and the domain isn't in my account anymore. I don't know how the hell this can happen but I need major help on recovering it!!!

The new whois is:
Administrative Contact:
Network Administrator ([email protected])
Fax: +61.0734115039
30 Loch St
West End, QLD 4101

The domain is at ENOM, how do I go about recovering my domain I bought!!
Do they have a number, what will I need to provide? I received no email that the domain was pushed to another user...

Please help me people, I need to get to the bottom of this and get my domain back...

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To those still asking how he knows how to steal a domain, someone already said that you can withdraw a domain-push in the first 7 days. That shouldn't be allowed if it's already been accepted by the one who's receiving it, IMO. Can anyone verify that people can do this on eNom?
smullen said:
Re: the original auction
- The amount paid was not the highest bid. It became the 3rd highest bid.
- Several other issues with the auction were raised.

In short, the auction process failed.

In the circumstances, there are a number of sensible options worth consideration such as giving the next bidder the
option to purchase or re-auctioning from scratch.

Re-auctioning was my preference because it seemed to be most fair, all factors considered.

I recall running that by a moderator who saw nothing wrong with that solution.

It appears Premium saw creating this thread and making up defamatory stories and wild allegations as an alternative.

Bullying never works.

I live by a deal is a deal - Premium didn't keep up his end of the bargain and that is all there is too it. End of Story.

You can go to hell man, you didn't want to sell to me in the first place, you knew I got a steal and you were practically begging me to let you relist the auction when I wanted to go through with the sale.

You saw that I messed up the amount by $2 and you figured you could simply refund, steal the domain, and get away with this because your a greedy bastard and you dont care if you do bad business.

Your selfish, and your a coward for doing so, your going to let your whole reputation be destroyed over a $2 that I forgot to send.

You didn't even make an effort to inform me that I forgot to send $2, you left me positive feedback, and even pushed the domain. I thought it was a done deal, and what reason did I have to not think so?

Anyways you can ruin you reputation, you can ruin future sales, you can ruin your name, and you can ruin most of my day, but I will not let you ruin my night.

I'm going out for the night, think it over Sean, think it over good. I've never seen such bad business in all 2 years I've been domaining, I've never had a domain stolen...
this thread is far more interesting than cnn :lol:
I think premium you are over reacting, he could have informed you you short changed him if he wanted to, it's your job to have noticed it in the first place. How can you forget the $2 in the first place? just because you made this thread why shouldn't we assume you short changed him by purpose considering you are accusing him of taking the domain back on purpose!

I think the term stealing is abit too severe to use here, it was his domain, you short changed him, he refunded you and got his name back, to me thats not stealing because you never legally fully paid for the name in the first place!

Tbh the biggest mistake for you was opening this thread, put yourself in the sellers shoes, would you sell the name for the full $1702 to you again after you made him look so bad here?
smullen said:
A little turd creating this thread and calling me a theif wasn't part of that deal.

Ah, the true colors - good luck with the rest of your time in the domain business. :td:
originalclips said:
I think premium you are over reacting, he could have informed you you short changed him if he wanted to, it's your job to have noticed it in the first place. How can you forget the $2 in the first place? just because you made this thread why shouldn't we assume you short changed him by purpose considering you are accusing him of taking the domain back on purpose!

I think the term stealing is abit too severe to use here, it was his domain, you short changed him, he refunded you and got his name back, to me thats not stealing because you never legally fully paid for the name in the first place!

Tbh the biggest mistake for you was opening this thread, put yourself in the sellers shoes, would you sell the name for the full $1702 to you again after you made him look so bad here?

Some good points here.
#1: How could you not notice the amount you won the auction for.
#2: Why start this thread without disclosing that you did get a 100% refund 2 days after the auction closed.

But anyway, no one wins here. Premium won the domain for $1,702 .. bottomline.
wot said:
smullen said:
A little turd creating this thread and calling me a theif wasn't part of that deal.

Ah, the true colors - good luck with the rest of your time in the domain business. :td:

Quite amazing how it's being turned into a case of name calling, when the seller insightfully knows his mistakes, fails to let Premium have a simple chance in giving back the missing $2 and the second thoughts he had about selling the domain to Premium.

Imagine a case where Jarrod overpaid the seller... would smullen have complained like this? Probably still manage to find an excuse maybe?
originalclips, don't you see nothing wrong in completing a sale at 12-26-2005, push the domain and even leave a positive TR at 12-27-2005 then refund payment and help yourself "getting" the domain back at 12-29-2005..?
hmmm, then why did smullen leave positive feedback?

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Smooth transaction. No problems at all Seller smullen (8) 12-26-2005
Smullen, this whole issue can be simply resolved.

I am sure that premium can and will send you the $1702 which you sold him the domain for, if you transfer him the domain as you agreed to do by completing the auction.

It was a simple mistake that Premium made by sending you $1700 instead of $1702.

It would of only taken an extra second or two to PM premium, and get that situation rectified.

The benefit for you here is that if you sell him the domain, as he did win the auction, would be for you to keep your reputation as a domain seller.

This in the long run is more important than the profit you could make by "reselling" this domain, imho.

I believe that this whole issue is non-sense.

Smullen simply wished to sell the domain for more than he did, so he found a small loophole to use, to make it seem logical for him to get the domain back.

A deal is a deal. Sell him the domain as you agreed upon, for $1702 and you won't be risking your reputation.

I hope this all gets sorted out soon.

I think all of namepros is watching this thread and I think they all hope for a happy ending... Do the right thing, send my name back. I'll send the money back with the extra $2.

All of namepros will see that you did the right thing, they will forgive you, and you can continue on with your domain business. This thread can be forgotten.

I'm not overreacting.. its a matter of some big money and a very valuable domain that I clearly won for $1702...

And overreacting, he didn't take the domain back, he STOLE the domain back.

And over $2.00 ...

Anyways I'm done for tonite, I'm off to a friends birthday and I only hope I can put this all behind me and perhaps me and Smullen could sort this out.
central said:
originalclips, don't you see nothing wrong in completing a sale at 12-26-2005, push the domain and even leave a positive TR at 12-27-2005 then refund payment and help yourself "getting" the domain back at 12-29-2005..?

I had a good look at their deal, and i see nothing wrong with it, because on the 28th he noticed he was short changed! ( http://www.namepros.com/showpost.php?p=990989&postcount=32 ) he left the feed back on the 27th before he noticed it! he refunded him on the 29th (probably after he confirmed he had his domain back)

Ethically he should let premium pay it in full, but premium shouldn't have opened this thread in the first place! This thread was opened today, premium had been refunded days ago, calling the seller a thief is too much tbh, i put myself in the sellers shoes and i too wouldn't want to sell my name to someone who would make so much accusations after being refunded and not even pointing it out! I think he has a choice of what he wants to do with his domain, he doesn't HAVE to sell it to premium, premium had his chance and blew it! that's tough, he should be able to re-auction OR sell it to another bidder in the thread. I can't tell you enough how damaging opening this thread in public was for his sale!
My guess is Smuller's reputation is not worth the thousands more he can make on TNQ.com, since I'm sure he has no intention of giving up the domain.

I'm sure its his top domain, and if he can't trade on forums he'll still get a ton of money for it from someone.

Unfortunate as that all might be for Premium....
Well I know one thing for sure...I will never do business with smullen again. I hope $2 is worth your reputation here at NamePros. Even if you did refund the money, it does not give you a right to steal the domain back. Lets compare this to a real life example. If I go to the store and buy a television for $1000, and when I pay, I only give them $998 by mistake, and then the cashier gives me the receipt, and I leave, the store can not come to my house and take the TV back because I didn't give them the $2. It is the store's responsibility to ensure that I paid the full amount. If they were to come to my house and take the TV, and give me my $998, I could go to the police and press charges against them for robbery. This is the same case here. As soon as you pushed Premium the domain, the contract was completed. You accepted the amount of money he sent you as full payment for the domain, and then sent the domain. Very inprofessional, inmature, and possibly illegal action! :td:
@ OriginalClips

I didn't know I was refunded... therefore I clearly thought my domain was Stolen.

After I posted this thread for help, I found out Smullen stole the domain back.
Then after I heard from Smullen, I found out I was refunded my money

This is all news to me and I had no idea of all this happening, he went behind my back.
great thread ,, lifes issues played out in the domain world.
the domain community is pretty small, and is in constant flux, ip addresses change
user names change,,, {cyber world crimes and misunderstanding} this would be great case to go live on the net with video feeds and a cyber crime judge ,
Premiums pretty ticked off and probobly want to smash and punch something like that fax machine from the Movie "Office space" from hisavatar, eh i feel for you ...its a wild domain world and that was a sneaky shot.
"greed is powerful force to deal with, has the ability corrupt the spirit"
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smullen said:
Re: the original auction
- The amount paid was not the highest bid. It became the 3rd highest bid.
- Several other issues with the auction were raised.

In short, the auction process failed.

In the circumstances, there are a number of sensible options worth consideration such as giving the next bidder the
option to purchase or re-auctioning from scratch.

Re-auctioning was my preference because it seemed to be most fair, all factors considered.

I recall running that by a moderator who saw nothing wrong with that solution.

It appears Premium saw creating this thread and making up defamatory stories and wild allegations as an alternative.

Bullying never works.

I live by a deal is a deal - Premium didn't keep up his end of the bargain and that is all there is too it. End of Story.
Well said bullying works, a certain person tried it on me. :td:

Australia said:
this thread is far more interesting than cnn :lol:
Premium said:
@ OriginalClips

I didn't know I was refunded... therefore I clearly thought my domain was Stolen.

After I posted this thread for help, I found out Smullen stole the domain back.
Then after I heard from Smullen, I found out I was refunded my money

This is all news to me and I had no idea of all this happening, he went behind my back.

I'm on your side here, the domain should be yours since the deal was done...

BUT - I don't know how people are supposed to believe you didn't get the e-mail from PayPal on the refund. How did you not get this e-mail???
originalclips said:
Ethically he should let premium pay it in full, but premium shouldn't have opened this thread in the first place! This thread was opened today, premium had been refunded days ago, calling the seller a thief is too much tbh, i put myself in the sellers shoes and i too wouldn't want to sell my name to someone who would make so much accusations after being refunded and not even pointing it out! I think he has a choice of what he wants to do with his domain, he doesn't HAVE to sell it to premium, premium had his chance and blew it! that's tough, he should be able to re-auction OR sell it to another bidder in the thread. I can't tell you enough how damaging opening this thread in public was for his sale!

If you read the thread from the beginning, Premium did not open this thread to just crash on smullen. All he knew was the domain he purchased was no longer in his enom account when he logged in today, and wanted to know what steps to take. He didn't even know it was smullen who had taken it when the thread was opened. Also, he had no idea he had received a refund when he opened the thread, though that doesn't really make a difference in my opinion.

Premium said:
@ OriginalClips

I didn't know I was refunded... therefore I clearly thought my domain was Stolen.

After I posted this thread for help, I found out Smullen stole the domain back.
Then after I heard from Smullen, I found out I was refunded my money

This is all news to me and I had no idea of all this happening, he went behind my back.

Premium, you didn't notice you sent $1700 instead of $1702 and you didn't notice you were refunded but you clearly noticed the domain was gone! i mean didn't it even occur to you to complain to paypal assuming this could have been a case of fraud? that would have frozen the money in his account!

I understand you got a clear bargain and want to hold onto the name, smullen feels cheated in some way because of the short changing and angry at you for making this thread!
I am no judge but you both made mistakes, this thread should probably be removed and you two can come up with a solution in private!
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MCDomains said:
BUT - I don't know how people are supposed to believe you didn't get the e-mail from PayPal on the refund. How did you not get this e-mail???

I don't believe you receive emails when you receive a refund. Perhaps it is his PayPal email settings, but I know in the past I have been refunded, and not known it until I logged in and saw it.
Premium said:
I think all of namepros is watching this thread and I think they all hope for a happy ending... Do the right thing, send my name back. I'll send the money back with the extra $2.

All of namepros will see that you did the right thing, they will forgive you, and you can continue on with your domain business. This thread can be forgotten.

I'm not overreacting.. its a matter of some big money and a very valuable domain that I clearly won for $1702...

And overreacting, he didn't take the domain back, he STOLE the domain back.

And over $2.00 ...

Anyways I'm done for tonite, I'm off to a friends birthday and I only hope I can put this all behind me and perhaps me and Smullen could sort this out.

I dnt think he STOLE it back since he gave you a refund, you quite lucky he was honest to give you your money back. And he still owes you $58? Im quite sure he doesnt, paypal give it all back. And when he gave you the refund, you MUST of know, as you get emails etc. You should of given all details when starting the thread :hehe:
it happened to my cousin once .... on domainsite ... 15 of his domains were transferred to one hijacker's account ... he reported in 30 mins and they gave him the password of that user's account to transfer the domains back because he had a very good reputation there and he also knew alot of staff members. I'd say report it to enom and they'll give you the domain back :)

Wish you best of luck with your domain :) Hope you get it back without any troubles
Can I ask, did this payment to Paypal come directly from your bank account or from a credit card or even a like a Visa debit card? If it did come from a credit card, you do have some recourse. My wife use to work for a credit card processing agency, they have entire departments dealing with fraud. That's basically what this is. You have an auction, an agreed upon price, a sell, receipts of that sell, and positive feedback left for you for the transaction... yet you don't have the domain. Even if there is a $2 problem hanging over this, the exact moment Smullen accepted the Paypal payment, that $2 dollars didn't matter anymore. You even stated in the note on your Paypal payment, "All rights to the domain". When he accepted payment, he also accepted that statement.
If this is the case, do as Maroulis said, put together a "package" of all of this... the auction, the positive feedback, the Paypal receipts, everything and contact the credit card provider. Believe me, they have an entire legal department that takes care of things like this.

But..... If it came directly from your bank account, I'm afraid there really isn't much you can do except hope that this guy gives it back.
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