
domains The old “we have a small project but would love your premium .com” Did not work with Rick Schwartz

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Rick Schwartz shared what he deemed a successful Domain negotiation. It was quite comical, and illustrates something I have been saying to friends in the corporate world for years. "If you are going to try to buy a domain name, find out who owns the name and see if you can research them." Because someone would have to be batshit crazy to email Rick and offer $3,000 for a name like … [Read more...]
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I have few lowball offers that I rejected. Could you please make an article for each of those?

I have few lowball offers that I rejected. Could you please make an article for each of those?

What was the domain.
Rick doesnt beat around the trees.

Someone offered him $3,000 for [Bodycam .com] What was your name.

LOL at “small project”
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Rick Schwartz shared what he deemed a successful Domain negotiation. It was quite comical, and illustrates something I have been saying to friends in the corporate world for years. "If you are going to try to buy a domain name, find out who owns the name and see if you can research them." Because someone would have to be batshit crazy to email Rick and offer $3,000 for a name like … [Read more...]

Love comment @ TheDomains

"I think mid high 4 figures is ok. imho"

a very rare compound word ... Internationally recognized /adopted + market + competitors + fundings + sales ... etc: starting point $5M

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Rick Schwartz: the man who tells annoying wannabe-buyers what we don't have the guts to say out loud.
If you have or love .com or…, then you can walk on air and say to the buyers fuck your mother and go to hell for such low balls,otherwise, be realistic and get your money and run away because there are 2300 extensions that can be chosen nowadays.
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I don't get these emotional outbursts at all. Most clients are not familiar with the domain market.

Approach the situation objectively. Point out that it's not a "small scale project" type of domain, and explain that a premium domain can save a business millions in terms of marketing.
I don't get these emotional outbursts at all. Most clients are not familiar with the domain market.

Approach the situation objectively. Point out that it's not a "small scale project" type of domain, and explain that a premium domain can save a business millions in terms of marketing.
I agree. Acting like a jerk just to boost your ego is not a professional way of doing business. I can tell pretty quickly if we are just too far apart in our expectations on a deal. I just say that, and move on. Being vulgar and abusive is just pointless and displays poor character.
probably if the person just emailed an offer of 3k he would have deleted the email. The thing that gets some people going are the stories

we have a small project...

we were planning on using another extension but figured...

we really wanted cam .com but the owner wants a lot of money so we settled for your name body cam com and hopefully people know how to spell body but we are ready to risk it..

I am a college student...

Building a personal site just for me and my dog...

and then the most annoying

An online appraisal tool said your domain is worth 1200 dollars, I am ready to offer 1500,...
What was the domain.
Rick doesnt beat around the trees.

Someone offered him $3,000 for [Bodycam .com] What was your name.

LOL at “small project”

Can't reveal the name, as that would ruin the appeal for it to be reported as major breaking news!

Shocker! A domain got a low-ball offer and no sale was made!!!! It basically never happens! The odds are similar to seeing Rhode Island number plates in Texas.
and then the most annoying

An online appraisal tool said your domain is worth 1200 dollars, I am ready to offer 1500,...
In this case I always explain why automated appraisals aren't reliable.

If it's Estibot then I point out that it's mainly weighted after exact match search results, and does not factor in important elements like brandabilty. GoDaddy's appraisal service skews the result by undervaluing valuable domains and overvaluing worthless domains, and very often relies on old sales that are not representative of the current market to do so. Usually I throw in some counter examples of recent sales to substantiate my case.

And then I finish by motivating my own justification for the price I've set.
I never respond to low ball offers, since they're mostly in the form of unsolicited emails and mostly from organizations in Quebec.

No one here would do that, eh? :xf.rolleyes:
I always respond with this picture, a good image speaks a thousand words LOL :xf.grin::ROFL::xf.laugh::-P:smuggrin::smuggrin::happy::joyful::playful::hilarious::hilarious:😁😁😄😜🤪😜😝😝😛

Get the fuck out.jpg

Get the fuck out.jpg
Rick as bought many of his assets for that amount of money or less, so he offers that amount of money himself (buying wise).

People can sell a domain for how much they like, but there's a way in speaking to people and if you can't treat someone with respect, feel the need to say "beat it" and "go fuck yourself" it says something about you as a person.
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Rick as bought many of his assets for that amount of money or less, so he offers that amount of money himself (buying wise).

People can sell a domain for how much they like, but there's a way in speaking to people and if you can't treat someone with respect it says something you as a person.

Great point... Someone could have told him the same when he was buying for mid xxxx$ the names he is selling for 6 or 7 figures.
Let me take a photo of this for later.


2 options

1. broker or whatever person /co is trying to get the name and resell it to _____ ... for a huge ROI.
2. The company Halo__urop_com recently raised $20M series A, led by ex HoS @ Stripe and in urgent need to rebrand from ____ to Bodycam. In order to raise more money (series B,C,D...), usually, series A $ is pushing you to change the company name , brand name and/or domain name .

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2. The company Halo__urop_com recently raised $20M series A, led by ex HoS @ Stripe and in urgent need to rebrand from ____ to Bodycam. In order to raise more money (series B,C,D...), usually, series A $ is pushing you to change the company name , brand name and/or domain name .
Thanks @Lox. Let me just say that $5M seems a lot to me for this specific domain, which is why I captured the moment on camera. As purchasing power is rapidly declining, a sale for that amount may be in sight in the Future. I will continue to monitor this closely.


Let me just say that $5M seems a lot to me for this specific domain, ...

Halo_urop_com or Halo_meric_s_com

Having a contract w the gov/police , security companies, protection companies, transport industry (tracking and monitoring etc) ...around the world, in a near future we're talking about the company generating $ billionS (a fat S).

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As purchasing power is rapidly declining, a sale for that amount may be in sight in the Future.

Purchasing power is bigger than ever. The only thing most of DNI don't want to understand is:

Where the money come from: Private funding, VCs funding, Gov/People funding.

Private funding is more "careful" on spending on domain names
VC funding is more "in rush" (ROI asap) and ready to invest in a prime-based domain /brand name (last 30 days: $6.3 billions invested in startups and in a large scale projects )
Gov/People funding limits fast-forward progress incl. brand /domain name changes.

I will mirror this:

"Understanding what limits company to acquire a domain name that beats competition within industry or niche is a key factor in determining domain name value."

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Irrespective of the name and perceived value that type of response from the seller no matter who he or she may be is uncalled for and does nothing to improve the overall perception of domainers as a whole.

The "buyers" last response shows where the class in this negotiation is.
Rick is such a child, jeez
I don't get these emotional outbursts at all. Most clients are not familiar with the domain market.

Then they shouldn't be in business, or looking to open a business, in 2024.

It would be like a guy walking into an open house for a mansion and offering them $3,000 for it and then coming back with a "Sorry, I'm just not familiar with the housing market."

"Then why are trying to buy a house?"

The very FIRST thing you do prior to acquisition is research, research, and more research, and long before you even step in the door.

And yes, Rick tends to go overboard, but these jokers are either a) drooling idiots or b) scam artists looking to steal a domain, so either way they deserve the horns.
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Then they shouldn't be in business, or looking to open a business, in 2024.

It would be like a guy walking into an open house for a mansion and offering them $3,000 for it and then coming back with a "Sorry, I'm just not familiar with the housing market."

"Then why are trying to buy a house?"

The very FIRST thing you do prior to acquisition is research, research, and more research, and long before you even step in the door.

I mean, you can't compare real estate with domaining, it's very niche, highly speculative market (and maybe not so ethical, there is a thin line that separates domainer from cybersquatter).
You shouldn't act like a douchebag for anyone, especially who ready to offer you money, isn't it?
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