
Michael Jackson domain name what the &#@^ is wrong with these people!?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Hello I'm watching CNN live, LA times confirm MJ is Dead CNN has not confirm it yet. So I go to check to see if any of these cybersnakes idiots register MJ domain name and I can not believe it and is registered. What the hell is wrong with these people this just PISS me off these people are not Human. Some people do anything to make a dollar! SICK!
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not sure if this was posted anywhere, but on CNN, they reported that had 6,600 Michael Jackson domain names registered within 24 hours after MJ's death
Wow, really interesting post.
Remember, several of us are developers, more than domainers. :blink:

I have mixed feelings about sitting on domains, and the "art of domaining."
Competition helps assure that at least some domainers provide end users with low-prices on the domains they are seeking.
So, a number of "us" actually provide a useful service, by keeping certain domains out of the hands of "the truly greedy big boys." :lol:

hi buzz, yeah i was thinking of developers when i said there were exceptions. the rest of us, i think, should accept the fact that our 'industry' benefits society not at all and serves no purpose beyond lining our pockets by holding names for ransom and squeezing people who don't deserve to be victimized.

i, of course, include myself among the victimizers.
Yeah, on CNN now...

CNN Video Link - 3,700 Michael Jackson domains sold at GD in 24 hours...

What a waste, and a black eye...


I really like the information you are all posting. It's helping me write the content for -- Because Unethical Domainers Just Totally Suck... (I wanted to launch it earlier but as I'm writing the content by-hand, it's taking awhile). For those wondering: This will be a non-profit site. No ads will be anywhere on the site.

But it might take me a day to get this up. I have more to say than I thought I'd have had at first :|
Yeah, on CNN now...

CNN Video Link - 3,700 Michael Jackson domains sold at GD in 24 hours...

What a waste, and a black eye...


Thanks for the link, people are only wasting time and money listing those names for sale for $5 million +.
Where do you draw the line?

Page 1 sedo (search michael jackson) Michaeljacksonsfuneral.COM!!! WTF. Why would that intereset anyone as a .COM?

I have images of people sat at the pc thinking what can I grab next,how sick and low can I go,well there it is.

What makes it worse is sedo rank it as a page 1 of 10 jackson domains.Ive only been domaining for 2 months and this type of thing opens your eyes.Never in a million years would I have considered buying or owning that domain.Give it a break ffs.
People here talk about us being moralistic. Well, just forget about morals, then. Let's say you're a sociopathic businessman who will do anything for cash, like Bernie Madoff.

Well, you too should be annoyed by the guys. They are tarnishing the industry's reputation and, by extension, your reputation. I mean, how often does CNN pick up a story about domaining? The rare times they do, it's usually about bottom feeders like this. People who know nothing at all about domaining may know only that people who buy domains and try to resell them are kinda like hijackers, pirates, and other parasites - because they saw it on CNN.

So, the next time you call on an end-user, he may well see you as this sort, too. There goes your chance of getting any money from that buyer.

By the way, is being offered at another forum for $35. I was tempted, as I think it might be an easy Ebay flip. But I don't want that stuff on list of sales at Ebay - especially not after my comments here.
People here talk about us being moralistic. Well, just forget about morals, then. Let's say you're a sociopathic businessman who will do anything for cash, like Bernie Madoff.

Well, you too should be annoyed by the guys. They are tarnishing the industry's reputation and, by extension, your reputation. I mean, how often does CNN pick up a story about domaining? The rare times they do, it's usually about bottom feeders like this. People who know nothing at all about domaining may know only that people who buy domains and try to resell them are kinda like hijackers, pirates, and other parasites - because they saw it on CNN.

So, the next time you call on an end-user, he may well see you as this sort, too. There goes your chance of getting any money from that buyer.

By the way, is being offered at another forum for $35. I was tempted, as I think it might be an easy Ebay flip. But I don't want that stuff on list of sales at Ebay - especially not after my comments here.

Highly doubt that will happen. All this damn media scares don't mean didly squat. How many people watch CNN daily?

CNN (805,000 viewers), thats dip squat compared to the population of the US. Buyers will come, CNN will hype. All in a good day.
cnn and all other news corps, magazines, tv shows ect are all cashing in his death. Why are domainers held to a higher standard?
There is no double standard. Public figures are fair game for all forms of media publication within legal limits: IP rules (music & photo copyrights, marks, etc.) apply and false defamation is a no no. You may create and publish boat loads of original material about celebrities but that does not give you carte blanche in the DNS world. Case history strongly suggests that registering celebrity domain names without consent is IP infringement. = good = good = bad unless consent granted

It's funny when you think about it, imperfect but it beats anarchy.
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As per Michael Jackson. "Just leave me alone!"
Highly doubt that will happen. All this damn media scares don't mean didly squat. How many people watch CNN daily?

CNN (805,000 viewers), thats dip squat compared to the population of the US. Buyers will come, CNN will hype. All in a good day.

I didn't know the people working at CNN had so may relatives!

Actually, CNN was an example of many media outlets that take the same approach of domainers=domain squatters.
Oh the horror and injustice of it all!

lol...typical reaction everytime a tragedy occurs. When you call CNN to complain about them making an almight buck off a tragedy let me know.
...our 'industry' benefits society not at all and serves no purpose beyond lining our pockets by holding names for ransom and squeezing people who don't deserve to be victimized.

i, of course, include myself among the victimizers.

Does someone who invests in rare antiques benefit society at all?
Well...Employment is created for people who work in that industry.

Truly rare domains are often considered legit investments to the people who buy and hold them.
Does our 'industry' benefit society at all?

Poland (.pl) is now the 6th biggest domain in the European Union and it expects to pass France's .fr this year...

1) Poland is able to register over 1.4 million total registrations, with "their domainer friendly policies."
2) Some of those domains will be used by real businesses to increase sales and employment.
3) Does our 'industry' deserve any credit at all?

I'm not negative about the industry, check this out...
  • We help reduce the cost of domains :o

Domainers provide "liquidity to the markets" > Without domainers the standard price of domains might still be $35!
Discount registrars only appeared after the reg volume was high enough to allow for deep discounts. :santa:
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My turtle is not looking too well lately, and may not make it through the summer.

His name is Cameron, if you guys want a head start.
My turtle is not looking too well lately, and may not make it through the summer.

His name is Cameron, if you guys want a head start.

*bursts out laughing*

---------- Post added at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 AM ----------

Went to rep you but it wouldn't let me... funniest thing I've read as of late
Hmm, fishy

People are mad and totally disrespectful! had been registered on Feb 17, 2009 (?!)
I wonder if this guy knew something that no one else knows.. reg'd it pretty early..
I wonder if this guy knew something that no one else knows.. reg'd it pretty early..

I'm thinking... has anyone here seen 'the Dead Pool'? :p


I jyst saw this in another thread:

Saw this thread about 5 mins ago and thought it was a joke.

But then clicked open CNN, as I do everyday, and yikes ... Billy Mays really is dead. And he was age 50 too, same as Jackson.


Ya know, another 'Dead Pool' reference: Celeb deaths always comes in threes... I think they said 3 :p

Edit again: Oh yeah: Farah, Jacko and Billy was a somewhat celeb.
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My turtle is not looking too well lately, and may not make it through the summer.

His name is Cameron, if you guys want a head start.

....but can he moonwalk and sing ?
Anything for a quick buck.

These people are just willing to try anything for a fast buck. The problem is that they have to domainers, or have some knowledge of domains. I can't the regular Joe off the street all of a sudden thinking "hey, I will register all these domain names, and get rich!".
How would the average person even know how to do this. So, who is doing it? Me, you? Those members who were banned? Hard to figure.

I guess I am one of the guilty parties who is "doing it"
So far, I have registered and
I don't think either of these is in bad taste, but that's just my opinion...MichaeljacksonLatestNews has a ton of Exact google searches using the keyword tool(almost 3000 monthly searches), and this was before recent events...I plan to set up a minisite, maybe have some affiliate links to amazon for purchasing CDs , books, etc...I guess I am just a capitalist, and I try and draw the line somewhere, but I guess morality is a subjective thing...But , I don't feel "bad" for registering these domains, I am always watching the news and trying to "cash in" on any new technologies, recent events, or just unique news in general...

These people are just willing to try anything for a fast buck. The problem is that they have to domainers, or have some knowledge of domains. I can't the regular Joe off the street all of a sudden thinking "hey, I will register all these domain names, and get rich!".
How would the average person even know how to do this. So, who is doing it? Me, you? Those members who were banned? Hard to figure.

I guess I am one of the guilty parties who is "doing it"
So far, I have registered and
I don't think either of these is in bad taste, but that's just my opinion......

maybe, but they are also not worth alot money either. One is too long and the other contains a '-'

sorry, there are thousands of quality names unregged or that drop every day. This is akin to buying a Yugo for the same price as a Jag.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

These people are just willing to try anything for a fast buck.

I don't see anyone making a fast buck off this. Alot of people are throwing money down the drain.
Well, I will reg almost ANY domain that has an Exact google Keyword tool search of 3000/mo, no matter how long, these are excellent for SEO.... It's very hard to find unregged .com domains with that high of an exact monthly search..
For the one MJ domain I reg'd, I've built a little site (links to news stories & a charity he supported). However, even though I set up URL forwarding to that site last night, typing the URL today still brings up a PPC landing page (complete with popups), which I guess is the default set up by the registrar.

Very annoying that it takes this long for URL forwarding to go into effect - my domain looks like another of those dumb profit-off-his-death sites. And this is a domain that could really get some traffic today. (It's a 2-word phrase that had 400 results on a Google search yesterday and is up to almost 60,000 today.) Oh well.

Finally got the URL forwarding problem fixed (by going through the registrar's support staff), so my links page is showing up, instead of that *&(*$*(#)! parking page. Meanwhile, this 2-word phrase now has almost 2 million Google results (up from 400 the day he died) - so it should attract some visitors. I hope some of them use the charity link.
The one news report on domain name associated with his death, stated that over 6,600 domain names had been purchased on the hopes of hitting it big, good luck with that....
The one news report on domain name associated with his death, stated that over 6,600 domain names had been purchased on the hopes of hitting it big, good luck with that....

Most are pure garbage.Most are disrespectful.Most have 0 potential to make a business from.I wonder if 6000 of those domains will be handed back to godaddy within the cancelation time after they have made $20 orso from ads..
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