Kenny Aug 16, 2017 You were one of the first NP'rs, Jan 20, 2004, and one of the best humans. No more pain, brother. RIP Peace, kid5150
You were one of the first NP'rs, Jan 20, 2004, and one of the best humans. No more pain, brother. RIP Peace, kid5150
Archangel Sep 8, 2011 Nah. I just kept my face hidden since I'm in Partnership for a Smile-free America :D
El Bandolero Sep 8, 2011 I looked at one of your pics where you cover your eye are you joining a secret society? Lol
steveteva Feb 25, 2011 Hi I want to change or remove the below my username when I post in forum, how can I do it?
Hi I want to change or remove the below my username when I post in forum, how can I do it?
namenut Feb 3, 2011 Hey Buddy .... I missed the party but I wanted to stop by and say HAPPY FREAKIN B-DAY!!!! Hope you had a great B-Day.
Hey Buddy .... I missed the party but I wanted to stop by and say HAPPY FREAKIN B-DAY!!!! Hope you had a great B-Day.
MissFlora Jul 25, 2010 It is good to have other interests, always enjoyable to have some time off. When you come back, it feels more refreshing than before. Hehe!
It is good to have other interests, always enjoyable to have some time off. When you come back, it feels more refreshing than before. Hehe!
MissFlora Jul 25, 2010 Haha, you're too young to qualify for retirement! Work work work! And more work now that Flora is here! *grins*
Haha, you're too young to qualify for retirement! Work work work! And more work now that Flora is here! *grins*
MissFlora Jul 25, 2010 Yup, it has been like....forever~ Haha, but hey I'm back! Count me in all the fun! :hehe:
Ronald Regging Dec 4, 2009 lol, thanks. Yeah, I don't imagine there are many of us. I've been considering getting it cut, but I'm too lazy.
lol, thanks. Yeah, I don't imagine there are many of us. I've been considering getting it cut, but I'm too lazy.