
poll Domaining's version of March Madness - Who is the best registrar in the business? 2020 Edition

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Who is the best registrar in the business? 2020 Edition


Top Member
:heavy_check_mark: TheDomains.com
:heavy_check_mark: TLDInvestors.com
It's time for the domain industry's version of March Madness

The best registrar in the business for 2020

Registrars that got less than 2 votes from last time were not included, Uniregistry being acquired by GoDaddy is not included.

the last big poll here.

Can NameSilo defend their crown? Will Epik finally come through and attain the top spot? GoDaddy always a contender. Any surprises?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I don't really care the registrars have been listed for those that don't like it, don't vote.

Above is as relevant to me as Amazon. the joke is waste of a perfectly good domain.

I think more people use Amazon ;) zero presence.. with name "Above" wow!

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I wonder why? since you guys successfuly censored Rob from this thread for month.

I have no clue what @Rob Monster did wrong. Rob enjoys interacting with genuine fans.

all posts provide content. it’s only spam to you, loyalty with any other registrars you voted for!

@Mod Team Bravo @Mod Team Echo dont give in to witch-hunt—despite it being Rob against the world(all votes sans epik)he always engages interacts humbly and with enthusiasm

Employees “skew” poll?
No. No matter, epik still won handedly continue to win long Rob shows same class, had today.

Rob name behind everypost, he risks everythin since there’s always vultures ready to strike.
Im proud be epik client. hope todays actions by same ppl doesnt dissuade try see for yourself!

Go Rob!! Go Epik.

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I wonder why?

Do you really wonder why? Seriously? If not, why lie? Just to blindly carry on a conversation that some might consider off topic? To continue contributing to the nausea?

since you guys successfuly censored Rob from this thread for month.

So Rob did nothing wrong? He is immune to all wrongdoing? Zero personal responsibility?


Go Sav.com.

C'mon people, you can change your vote.

Changing your vote doesn't have to mean you don't support what one company is doing.

It can mean you don't like what one person, or fan, is doing.

I mean, heck, you can vote (or change your vote) for whatever reason you like.

Just vote!
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Big Fan Of Epik.

I Have Had Numerous Discussions With @Rob Monster He Seems Like A Great Guy. He Has Given Me Advice And Even Purchased Domains From Me.

I Like The Personal Approach Along With The Great Pricing And Innovation That Constantly Seem To Be A Focus To Help Us Domainers.
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I just used Epik for the first time today, and even access to their support representatives through their chat system was just another level for this industry.

This was an amazing experience.. Fast customer service, smart engagement, logical and solid comprehension levels... especially in a world that can seem of late to care more about cost reductions and dividend management than they do in maintaining competent staff to deal with consumer handling.

Intelligent and predictive handling and proactive guidance to provide direction in a matter of seconds... amazing initiative by the service rep (thank you Jessica!!).

Plus the subtle introduction and reinforcement of their promotional offers, the positive encouragement for migration benefits, and a genuine passion to ensure I had access to amazing rates to keep my own costs down...

Hands down this may be one of the best experiences I've had in ANY industry in awhile, let alone just a domain name and hosting company.

Bravo Epik.. Bravo!
I just used Epik for the first time today, and even access to their support representatives through their chat system was just another level for this industry.

This was an amazing experience.. Fast customer service, smart engagement, logical and solid comprehension levels... especially in a world that can seem of late to care more about cost reductions and dividend management than they do in maintaining competent staff to deal with consumer handling.

Intelligent and predictive handling and proactive guidance to provide direction in a matter of seconds... amazing initiative by the service rep (thank you Jessica!!).

Plus the subtle introduction and reinforcement of their promotional offers, the positive encouragement for migration benefits, and a genuine passion to ensure I had access to amazing rates to keep my own costs down...

Hands down this may be one of the best experiences I've had in ANY industry in awhile, let alone just a domain name and hosting company.

Bravo Epik.. Bravo!

Very articulate!

With writing skills like that, I'm curious to how you've managed to have an account since 2017, and stay away from posting for so long.

Congrats on your first post. Looking forward to reading more. Welcome!
Very articulate!

With writing skills like that, I'm curious to how you've managed to have an account since 2017, and stay away from posting for so long.

Congrats on your first post. Looking forward to reading more. Welcome!

Where is your Sav CTO @Nick R ??

Still nowhere to be found.

155 votes— you’re still the only Sav vote

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Which now has me wondering if people can vote multiple times using their side accounts? 1 person can have multiple accounts and there is no way for other members to know that, only NP staff. So can 1 person have 5 accounts and vote 5 times?

I just used Epik for the first time today, and even access to their support representatives through their chat system was just another level for this industry.

This was an amazing experience.. Fast customer service, smart engagement, logical and solid comprehension levels... especially in a world that can seem of late to care more about cost reductions and dividend management than they do in maintaining competent staff to deal with consumer handling.

Intelligent and predictive handling and proactive guidance to provide direction in a matter of seconds... amazing initiative by the service rep (thank you Jessica!!).

Plus the subtle introduction and reinforcement of their promotional offers, the positive encouragement for migration benefits, and a genuine passion to ensure I had access to amazing rates to keep my own costs down...

Hands down this may be one of the best experiences I've had in ANY industry in awhile, let alone just a domain name and hosting company.

Bravo Epik.. Bravo!

Because of this thread, I tried Pork Bun for the first time. Have you? It was so smooth at Pork Bun, I didn't need to talk to any reps. Give em a try.
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Not actually his first post here. You can just Google intelliname epik

Which now has me wondering if people can vote multiple times using their side accounts? 1 person can have multiple accounts and there is no way for other members to know that, only NP staff. So can 1 person have 5 accounts and vote 5 times?

Because of this thread, I tried Pork Bun for the first time. Have you? It was so smooth at Pork Bun, I didn't need to talk to any reps. Give em a try.

does Porkbun even have NP reps?

No dont think so

does Porkbun even have NP reps?

No dont think so


Nope, but do you realize you're more likely to get participation from other places if stop advocating for things that would keep them away?
Nope, but do you realize you're more likely to get participation from other places if stop advocating for things that would keep them away?

most are inactive, but these folks dont even have an account. Not keeping them away.

Just telling them the first step.

We might get more if you and others eschew witch-hunt fishing expedition @Rob Monster

i disliked your post since i think these actions does more harm keep “others away” than good
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most are inactive, but these folks dont even have an account. Not keeping them away.

Just telling them the first step.

We might get more if you and others eschew witch-hunt fishing expedition @Rob Monster

i disliked your post since i think these actions does more harm keep “others away” than good
most are inactive, but these folks dont even have an account. Not keeping them away.

Just telling them the first step.

We might get more if you and others eschew witch-hunt fishing expedition @Rob Monster

i disliked your post since i think these actions does more harm keep “others away” than good
Very articulate!

With writing skills like that, I'm curious to how you've managed to have an account since 2017, and stay away from posting for so long.

Congrats on your first post. Looking forward to reading more. Welcome!

Thank you very much Grilled. I've been an avid collector of domain names since the 90's, and my first two letter domain sale dates back nearly two decades. Have owned more than 25,000 names and placed probably half that number in terms of new startup campaigns or project upgrades. The highest single billing I've seen for a new brand and domain name creation was $100 million for transitioning Andersen Consulting to Accenture, and I believe there are elements of your industry that have been working very hard to reduce the value of domains for their own strategic purposes.

For many years we were part of a private ad agency that was anchored to critical infrastructure assurance. Have worked heavily with ad agencies and development incubators to provide messaging components suitable for national or global campaigns. I've not interacted with the domaining sector much, as it always looked to be (ironically) removed from the real value domain names played. A good way to look at it is take Red Books for example, a tool used to compile roughly 1.5 million information sources covering 100,000 brands, 250,000 decision makers, and 14,000 ad agencies. It reflects billions of dollars in RFQ's and RFP's for major campaign budgets and calls for creative work. A good deal of these slogans, campaign spends, and project assignments center around great domain names as the primary promotional anchor. So there is nothing crazier in my view than to watch public companies try to create robots that tell you your domain is only worth $1500, when it could have just as easily been used to close a $300 million campaign for Pampers. Beware the organizations who would reduce your passion and lifeblood to mere widgets orientated for higher shareholder dividends. If you need positive assurance, look up the campaign expenditures for active marketing budgets for the Fortune 500 companies alone, let alone the hundreds of thousands of new startups and expansions coordinated every year.

The best message I could give domainers is to dream big, and whenever possible - visualize and imagine who exactly would be the best case scenario for buying your domain name and why... The more detail and clarity you can provide towards envisioning the end buyer and their specific purpose, the more you can then work to add additional value propositions onto the name itself by understanding the strategic role it can play.

I've been encouraged this past month to share some of our market strategies, and I love visual creativity and expressions so decided to step up to the task. We've never utilized social media before, but I have put together since February 6th a Twitter account to highlight and detail a wide variety of strategies that could apply to an assortment of names. Some of you have been graceful enough to reach out and introduce yourself over Twitter already and say hello, as well as provide encouraging comments. We learn forward to learning and sharing through every interaction, so I am very appreciative of the correspondence and uplifting comments. It is a great community here, and if there is anything I can do or recommend to help further encourage the opportunities of Namepro members, I will do my best.

I would welcome you though to visit www.twitter.com/intelliname if you would like a fresh look at what is possible. Our posts just from Feb 6 alone should be a refreshing look at what you can still achieve and how great names can still be utilized.

With respects to past use, I had setup an account a few years ago to buy some domain names from one of your members. It is the only interaction I've ever had on this forum, although I've visited it a few times over the years due to some compelling industry conversations. I would suggest that with a world that is being polarized heavily so that a handful of individuals can try and shift power around, don't fall victim to the hate, assumptions, judgement, criticism, galvanization, and craziness that is causing so many of our brothers and sisters to lose their minds. You lower your vibration, your very energy signature becomes lessened, and you attract more of the same in your life and never even know why.

Domainers are some of the most optimistic dreamers for a better tomorrow that I've ever met. I consider it a privilege every single day to even have the opportunity to work in this industry, and am thankful to God for it.

Peace and blessings!
does Porkbun even have NP reps?

No dont think so


Give them a try. They're stellar and have a great sense of humour. My last 5 sales were transferred to PB so they're definitely appreciated by some end-users. Good pricing, uncluttered interface, it all works smooth as butter.
Give them a try. They're stellar and have a great sense of humour. My last 5 sales were transferred to PB so they're definitely appreciated by some end-users. Good pricing, uncluttered interface, it all works smooth as butter.

i agree. have a few names there myself.

OINK -Just get 1 rep here, maybe if they grow!

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Give them a try. They're stellar and have a great sense of humour. My last 5 sales were transferred to PB so they're definitely appreciated by some end-users. Good pricing, uncluttered interface, it all works smooth as butter.

Honestly I have a hard time taking them seriously with that name.
Honestly I have a hard time taking them seriously with that name.

This. my one criticism is the name.

“They’ll get over it.” is prob what they think
Honestly I have a hard time taking them seriously with that name.

When I first heard about GoDaddy some 15 years ago I thought it was an adult site of sorts. So, yeah, the name shouldn't matter that much.
When I first heard about GoDaddy some 15 years ago I thought it was an adult site of sorts. So, yeah, the name shouldn't matter that much.


Porkbun controversial since folk might not pork

Good news. i eat ham
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I was with Internetbs for long time then started having issues with paying so now with Dynadot and GoDaddy only when its urgent handreg. i want before anyone else grabs it, easy to pay for me on Godaddy than other services. dynadot hands down been smoothest for me.
I voted Dynadot and like everything about it, including occasional.com discount-months. Only
dislike is even though l’ve bought at least 50 domain names via Dynadot is l have to pull out my debit card and give the usual names and numbers. You’d think said registrar would have this info on file by name.

Glad to see 1and 1 Ionos received only one vote, which l’m guessing was a mistake-click by someone. This warped registrar still hounds me to pay for auto-renewals that it claims l okayed—though they must have been transacted in tiny, nearly blank print. I warn everyone to stay away from 1 and 1’s current $1 sale of domain name registrations. If you sign up, l virtually guarantee you will regret that decision.
dislike is even though l’ve bought at least 50 domain names via Dynadot is l have to pull out my debit card and give the usual names and numbers. You’d think said registrar would have this info on file by name..

this might be only you, i have few cards saved and works fine. i have to enter cvv only and transaction goes through. no OTP or any other inputs from me.
It is interesting to see NetSol with 13 votes now. Didn't they have just one vote recently?
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