
strategy The Minimum Domain Price for Profitability

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Pricing of domain names is hard. If you price too high, your sell-through rate may go down. If you price too low, you leave money on the table. But what is the right price point? While various automated appraisal systems are available, they disagree wildly on almost all names, and few have confidence in them.

Should you have fixed prices, or include a make offer option as well? Should you even show prices, or use make offer exclusively? What about price on request?

Should you employ ‘shoot the moon’ pricing on some domain names? Or even on all of your portfolio?

Are there price levels that will sharply reduce the number of potential buyers? Are impulsive purchases discouraged above some dollar value?

Do the price endings matter – e.g. is it better to end prices in 00, 88, 99 or something else?

So many questions! This article does not attempt to answer most of those questions, but instead has a narrower focus: What is the minimum price that you need to charge in order to be profitable overall?

Many retail purchasers ask why a domain name that only cost $10 to $20 to acquire sells for $2000 or more. It is, of course, because most domain names held by investors will either never sell, or sell only after very long hold times. The prices on the names that do sell need to be higher to offset costs associated with those that do not sell.

Some Assumptions

Before we try to answer the question of minimum price in order to not lose money overall, we need to make some assumptions. I prepared a spreadsheet to look at scenarios for this article, and the top, in green, are the starting points you need to enter.

Let’s run through what each means:
  • Purchase is the price you paid for the domain name, including any renewal fees you had to pay up front. For example, let’s say you buy a GoDaddy closeout on day 3. Although the fee is $30, you also need pay a year renewal. If you had a Basic Discount Club membership that adds about $14, so you would enter $44, not $30, as the acquisition cost.
  • Renewal This is the current renewal rate, at the registrar that you plan to use. There is just below an entry for the average annual percentage increase. For .com model runs, I assumed $10.00 with a 3% pa increase rate. That is less than the average over recent years, but more than the long term rate of increase.
  • Sell-Through Rate (STR) One can calculate a sell-through rate after the fact for your portfolio. For example, if you sold 3 domains from a portfolio of 100 domain names during the last 12 months, that is a 3% STR. Looking ahead, you need to use past results, your own and others, to predict a future STR for individual names.
  • Interest You have money tied up in your domain investments, and we are no longer in a near zero rate interest environment. Depending on whether you borrowed money for your investments, or used money that could otherwise be earning interest, one should assume some interest rate. I used 4% in most of the model runs. You may wish to use a higher or lower interest rate.
  • Profit You are taking a risk on domain name investments, and doing the work of finding, listing, promoting and managing domain names, and should expect some level of return. I, somewhat arbitrarily, used 6% in the data runs. Some might prefer to unify these two columns, and say you want an overall return of 10%, rather than think of it as 4% interest plus 6% profit.
  • Commission To relate the up-front price to the return seen by the investor, some assumption of commission rate is needed. I used 15% in the models. If you sell directly you could use a lower figure, but probably not zero, as you would still have costs related to payment transactions and possibly escrow-type costs.
You Buy A Domain For $500 – Why Do You Need To Sell At $5,000 Plus?

For the first simulation, I assumed a wholesale acquisition at $500 including registration costs. I assume it is a .com, with a $10.00 current renewal fee. The sell-through rate industry wide for .com is almost certainly less than 1%, but for a premium name purchased at $500 it would be higher. I used 3% in the model. The results are shown below:

The left column gives each year over a 10-year period. Note that the line references the end of that year, so the 0 line goes from 0 to almost 1 year, the 1 line from 1 to almost 2 yr, and so on.

At the outset you paid $500, not yet any additional renewals, so year 0 the invested cost is the $500, and you simply multiply $500 by 100/STR (with STR expressed as a percentage) to get the required net price. Even at a 3% STR, odds are that during the year only 3 out of 100 domain names sell. Therefore, to match those odds, one needs a return of about $16,667 on each name that sells to make it overall profitable, according to the assumptions. But the buy now asking price needs to take into account commission, which moves the price to almost $19,200.

Note that I used a simplified net+15% to suggest a gross price. If your commission was the full 15%, this slightly underestimates the price you would need to ask, since the commission rate is calculated on the final figure. This does not affect any calculations except the gross column, and given the wide range of effective commissions within the industry, the simplified method seems sufficient. Thanks to @poweredbyme for the clear explanation of the difference between the two in the discussion below.

However, the $19,200 price is deceptive for a more substantial reason, as it essentially assumes you only hold the domain name a year, even after paying that substantial acquisition cost. We need to look at more years to see what the pricing should really be, as explained in the next paragraph.

What happens as time goes on? After another year you have a bit more effectively invested in the domain name. You have $500 + $10 (we assume you renew just before the $10 renewal is increased), but also those 4% interest and 6% profit target amounts. It works out to $560. To find the net minimum price by the end of year 1 we have had almost 2 full years. Remember that in my terminology end year 1 means end of the year that goes from 1 to 2 years.

By the way, unless market conditions change, it is not that the probability of selling goes up, just that you have had more years for the name to possibly sell.

The process continues each year. You can see in the Renewal column that the $10 grows to $13.44 per year under the 3% assumption. The 4% interest on tied up resources, and 6% profit, begin to add up, with an effective invested amount of $1475 after ten years. I have applied the expected profit in the invested column. In some ways that is not directly invested money, of course, although it is based on time you could have put into something else.

Since we had a big initial cost, according to this model, it takes a few years for the price to stabilize. The minimum asking price, assuming the 15% commission, needs to be in the $5000 to $5500 range for this scenario.

I have not built into the model an exit scenario – that is what would be the liquid value of the domain name that could partially recoup the investment if you decide to abandon the name. If I had taken that into account, the minimum price could be a bit lower. Nor have I assumed any income from monetized parking.

The Hand Registration Model

For the next model, I assume that you hand registered a .com domain at $10, and that you have a lower STR since the name is not as desirable as the $500 acquisition name considered earlier. I assume a 1% STR. Everything else is the same as in the previous model, with the results shown below.

Considering the 1% STR you would need to ask a minimum retail price of $1150 for the name during the first year, growing to about $2140 by the final year of the simulation. In practice, you would probably ask more than that in year one, and only increase prices more slowly.

Note that this does not tell you what price you should ask, simply what minimum price you need to average across a portfolio of similar names if you are to be profitable, with the assumptions used.

Discounted First Year Domain Name

In some country-code extensions, such as .co, and in many new extensions, there are sharp discounts in the initial registration. I ran a model assuming a $5 first year then $24 per year renewal, similar to .co. I assumed the STR is a bit lower, 0.5%, for a hand registered .co.

Because of that low initial cost, we can be profitable at $1150 pricing, but only if we assume you are going to only hold the name for a year.

If you are planning to hold the name longer, those renewal costs take a toll, and you will need to price in the $5000 to $9300 range

AI Model

The .ai country code is one of the hottest TLDs, after .com, this year. I have no idea what a reasonable STR would be, but I put together a simulation assuming a $125 acquisition and $70 per year renewals and a 2.5% STR.

As can be seen, at least for those parameters, one needs to think of retail pricing in the $5000 to $6000 range.

Outbound Selling

With skillful, targeted outbound, and with the right names, you can probably achieve a higher STR. I wanted to model that to get a fell for the ballpark pricing needed.

In this scenario I assumed you could bump the STR to 5%. I assumed that you bought the domains at $11 closeout + $14 registration cost for a net cost of $25. Other assumptions were the same as in earlier models.

One can see that one can price in the $500 range and be profitable in this model, but only if you can achieve the assumed STR and keep acquisition costs low.

Premium Domain Acquisition

Most new extensions price some of the best domains at premium. This helps the registry, that has the costs of the initial application and ongoing costs and fees, to be profitable. While a premium annual fee may not make much difference to an end user, to the investor it is huge, as the model below shows.

Most .xyz domain names are sold and renew at standard rates, but a numbere of the best terms now carry premium prices. There are several tiers, including a tier that does not have premium renewal. You can download the full xyz premium list with prices here. For the model I assume a name with a $3000 original cost and the same renewal fee.

Most of the names priced at this premium level are highly sought terms, so the STR is expected to be much higher than a standard fee name in that extension. I assumed a 5% STR. You can see it would only make sense as an investor if you have confidence the 5% STR is realistic, and that you feel confident the retail price could be in the range $70,000 to $128,000. Over the past three years, NameBio show 7 .xyz sales at $100,000 plus.

A Few Thoughts

The model shows that what many investors do instinctively is supported by the results of these models. Many price brandable hand registration names in the range around $2000 to $3000, and that is about right. When one pays hundreds to acquire a name, it should be a name that is likely to sell for $5000 plus. One can cut prices more with outbound, but only if you can achieve a strong STR.

Higher renewal costs in TLDs such as some new extensions, .io, and .ai must be kept in mind as one sets pricing. Nevertheless, some investors have been more than profitable in these niches.

With new extension, or other discounted first year, there is a strong argument to consider some holds as single year only. The model shows that you could price much more aggressively if that is your plan.

Multi-year promotions offer investor advantages. When you are hand registering a name always check if a registrar has advantageous 2 year or longer registrations. For example, at Dynadot you can currently register .xyz for two years for $8.99 total, but if you only register one year at $1.99 the renewal will be $12.99. Namecheap also offer two year deals on a number of TLDs. Dynadot have great multi-year .cc pricing for fresh registrations. Now and then there are 5 and 10 year deals offered for some new extensions.

The model assumes that you pay renewals year by year. By renewing prior to price increases, costs could be somewhat reduced.

This article has not covered minimum pricing for situations when you have decided to definitely not renew a domain name and are liquidating the asset. Nor has it considered minimum selling prices in terms of replacement costs. Those will be taken up in a future NamePros Blog article.

By the way, there is a more sophisticated and precise way to combine probabilities in the multi-year scenario. One should really consider the probability the name did not sell in each year, and combine those probabilities. Except in high STR for many years, the difference is small, so I simplified it for these models. It matters most for STR of 5% or more in later years.

A few NamePros threads discussions related to this topic: I only included discussions on NamePros from this list, but see the discussion below for a link to a model published off NamePros by @smartynames.

Play With The Model

There is nothing particularly complex with the simple model, but if you want to try it for your own parameters, the link below is an Excel version that you can download. I created the original in Mac Numbers, but it seems to have ported correctly to Excel.

Simply enter your parameters for each of the green section variables, and the table should update with results.


Nov. 9, 2023 I added a section with links to some of the other NamePros discussions that have considered the question of profitability in a quantitative manner.

Nov. 9, 2023 I specifically pointed out that a simplified method was used in the calculation for the gross price column, and strictly speaking, as pointed out by @poweredbyme the asking price would need to be slightly higher. No other columns are impacted, and given that the commissions in our industry vary so extensively, I think the simplified treatment is adequate. The difference would be about $25 on a $1200 name.


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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Ty Bob!!

IMHO there is also no minimum price. Sometimes you make bad decisions, and so selling for $100 via DAN or $25 via nP is appropriate... just to recoup
Another thought-provoking article. Thank you, Bob!
IMHO there is also no minimum price. Sometimes you make bad decisions, and so selling for $100 via DAN or $25 via nP is appropriate... just to recoup
I agree entirely that for names that you have decided to liquidate, these 'minimum' prices do not apply. I originally was going to include a section on that, and also on how low to go in terms of replacement costs, but this article was already getting long. I do plan another pricing related article that will consider those scenarios. Not next week, but probably fairly soon.
minimum is 0
if you don't like or not sure on domain missed it and move forward

Yep it's good to have a plan, for 10 years or so, as in example, but be ready to fix plan as times goes, as Crypto Boom, NFT, now AI ,,, trends are shifting too fast, be ready and keep it in mind !!!

Thanks, Bob, for content :xf.wink: :xf.smile::xf.cool:
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Hi Bob, sounds about right! Reminds me a lot about my findings on the price of domain names a few months ago.
Thanks so much for the link, and I had not seen your article before.

I like that you also commented on the need for testing to see how decreasing prices might influence the STR.
The only way they would sell those domains for less, given this model, is if the sell-through rate could go up. There is a possibility that by lowering a price of domains in a portfolio, the overall number of domains sold would go up, yielding a higher net return. We don't know whether people who turn away at a $5k price tag, for example, would buy at $1.8k.


PS since your article makes mention of portfolio economics, you might find the multi-year simulations in this article from a year or so ago on Scaling Up A Domain Portfolio of interest. Thanks again for the link to your article.
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Cool write up! Only problem, it doesn't factor in the "wholesale" value of the domain. If the $500 domain doesn't sell after 10 years, it can likely be auctioned to another domainer for $700+. For example: I regularly buy 4L .com, list them with a BIN price for a few years, and if they don't sell I auction them off and make a small profit (I factor in renewals, but not interest / opportunity cost).
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Cool write up! Only problem, it doesn't factor in the "wholesale" value of the domain. If the $500 domain doesn't sell after 10 years, it can likely be auctioned to another domainer for $700+. For example: I regularly buy 4L .com, list them with a BIN price for a few years, and if they don't sell I auction them off and make a small profit (I factor in renewals, but not interest / opportunity cost).
Yes, that is true, that a few types of names, 4L in particular, will carry a liquid value. I did note that in the article:
I have not built into the model an exit scenario – that is what would be the liquid value of the domain name that could partially recoup the investment if you decide to abandon the name. If I had taken that into account, the minimum price could be a bit lower. Nor have I assumed any income from monetized parking.
I actually had thought of incorporating it, and toyed with a rather different spreadsheet specifically based on difference between acquisition and base liquid price, but in end did not use that. For most types of domain names the liquid value is highly uncertain (or very low). But for those with quality word .com, or 3L 4L in a desired TLD, or short numeric com, there is definitely a significant liquid value.

In those cases the pricing could be less to still be profitable. In fact if you make parking revenue to cover your per year effective costs, including cost of money invested, or if the liquid value is more than your acquisition cost, you can essentially not bother with the considerations of this model at all. You are in a good place in those circumstances.

Thanks Bob. Excellent article as always. Now, if you could just simplify the above as an equation such as..."If PP = X and if PF is greater or equal to Y then Z squared = {@} - [*]

Shouldn't take you more than the next 40 years. There's a good chap.

Confused and still as stupid as I look...Redd

the models for 10 years, should take into account, how many domainers on average, will be around 10 years from now.

as is, majority who have replied, haven't been members for 10 years
and.... 10 years ago, many were predicting the demise of domains and or /com in light of facebook and apps replacing the need for websites.

even today, some are still predicting or entertaining notions of .com as being replaced, as the king of the hill.

one should also consider the probability/possibility, that if they don't have a profitable sale within a few years, to motivate them to continue, then how many will survive.

the hand registration model for a newbie is unattainable, if/when they don't "get it" within first couple of years.
and those with low budgets, won't be able to compete in aftermarket/auctions, to even acquire quality names that have greater potential for higher str's.

i could go deeper, but ....

the models for 10 years, should take into account, how many domainers on average, will be around 10 years from now.
Unfortunately, this is indeed a question that needs to be considered. Thank you for weighing in. It is both how many domainers will last multiple years, but also if there will be substantial changes that will make individual domain investing difficult or impossible.

BTW there is nothing special about 10 years in the model. I could have run it for more or fewer. In most cases the price does not change markedly after the first year or two, and even when it does change that is of course based on the somewhat arbitrary assumptions. The main point of the article was simply to use some numbers to show that you have to be selling at strong prices, unless you can achieve very high STR.

Thanks again,

Thanks Bob, very insightful once again.
This is not the first time when Bob takes info from other people and does not credit to them!
If you ever spot a case when I used someone's info without credit I hope that you will point it out specifically so that credit can be added. While many rules of thumb and truths are widely in the community, and hard to ascribe to any single source, I take the giving of credit seriously.

Of course domain investors have been running models for a long time. Five years ago, I ran simulations for a number of different types of domain investing, publishing it as Is Domain Investing Even Profitable? More recently, but over a year ago and many months before the publication you reference, I published here on the NamePros Blog Scaling Up A Domain Portfolio. Along with the content from the experts interviewed, I generated a spreadsheet with multiple years (15 in that case) with assumptions about prices and sell-through rates to produce the graphs.

Does that mean later authors copied the idea of multi-year simulations with a STR and average price assumptions without credit? Of course not!! It simply means that ideas of STR, and tools like spreadsheets, are widely used within our community, so it is natural that different people will independently use them.

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One major thing missing - taxes.
While definitely taxes can make a big difference in net take away money, I don't think it is feasible to include them in this analysis. NamePros has members from hundreds of different jurisdictions, and their own situations in terms of other income are very different, as well as whether they operate as a sole proprietorship, a company, a partnership or some other legal framework. It would be impossible to model in a way that applied generally.

That doesn't mean it is not important to us individually, though, and thanks for bringing it up. I had not thought about it as a factor to possibly include until reading your post. Even if not easy to put into this model in a universal way, it is critical to consider, as your well-written piece argues, as one piece of the puzzle to consider when asking if domain investing really is worth the time and risk required.

I don't view the two as very similar, beyond the general idea that other costs, and the STR in particular, make profitability challenging. That said, I urge readers to go read your excellent points about the importance of truly looking at all of your costs, including, in particular, the worth of your time.

In the example @william gives, even with a 2% STR (but at lower average sales price assumption than here), what at first looks like a profit becomes a loss when everything, including time, is taken into account. It is an important point. I like the way you, after listing the tasks, provided a minimum time per domain, estimate.

Thanks again for drawing our attention to your post.

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If you ever spot a case when I used someone's info without credit I hope that you will point it out specifically so that credit can be added. While many rules of thumb and truths are widely in the community, and hard to ascribe to any single source, I take the giving of credit seriously.
I can confirm that you always credit other people for their work in your articles. I would even go so far as to say that you always put the work of others at the center of your articles and sincerely wish for other people to shine. You remain modest, despite your extensive knowledge of the industry. Much respect for your contributions to this forum, Bob.
Many of us have been playing with this type of calculation for years. Nobody here can take credit for basic accounting principles. :xf.smile: I have mentioned in the past the importance of "knowing your numbers", and this is one more valuable look at the topic. Thanks, Bob.

The math can be done in a number of different ways. I know that new entrants like to look heavily at acquisition costs and figure that into profitability. I look at the acquisition cost as similar to buying a machine in a production plant. I have been at this for about 25 years now, so my initial acquisition costs are fully amortized, as I imagine @biggie 's are. Now it is just a matter of net sales revenue plus parking earnings, minus expenses and new purchases.

My STR at retail pricing averages about 1.5% or better, so with a low average acquisition cost of $26 (that is my model), my minimum retail price is set at $1248, with an average asking price of about twice that.

What is lost in many of these conversations is that you need to develop the skill of buying names that will sell, at a price that provides profit, no matter your entry point.

Trimming down a portfolio is one of the quickest ways to increase profit if the numbers are not working. This year has been slower than normal, so while I am still in profit, it is not where I would like to be so I am discounting and dropping a bunch of names this year. I usually mark them down to $99 on the major marketplaces and found that this nets me more money than trying to peddle them here on the forum. I drop the rest.

When I look at my STR on discounted domains and the number of my domains that get picked up in the drop, this gives me feedback on my quality and helps me make better decisions or confirm I am on the right track.
Super thanks, @inforg – so much pure gold in your comprehensive post! And based on your long record of success, built on a strong base.

The following points that you made particularly resonated with me:
  • The importance of 'knowing your numbers'
  • The idea of having already amortized acquisition, and now looking at the yearly costs and expenses for a domain name.
  • Thanks so much for sharing your STR, minimum and typical prices. So valuable to have real data like this.
  • This: "You need to develop the skill of buying names that will sell, at a price that provides profit, no matter your entry point."
  • The idea of using what happens in liquidation of names as feedback is a really good idea that I don't recall seeing covered, and I had not considered it before your post.
Thanks again for such a valuable contribution to the discussion.

Thank you Bob, the analysis was great!
Now it is just a matter of net sales revenue plus parking earnings, minus expenses and new purchases.

totally agree!

the math is so simple, i can do it in my head


Bob, your commission calculation is wrong. You can't receive $1,000 when price is $1,150. Because the commission would be $172.50, not $150

Amount you receive = Price x (1 - Commission Rate)
Price = Amount you receive / (1 - Commission Rate)

To receive $1,000 after 15% commission price must be $1,176.47 not $1,150

$1,000 = Price x ( 1 - 0.15)
$1,000 = Price x 0.85
Price = $1,000 / 0.85 = $1,176.47


Price = $1,000 / (1 - 0.15) = $1,000 / 0.85 = $1,176.47
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