
information I will never help another domainer

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
So I have a guy hit me up with an unsolicited direct message asking me to buy a 3 letter domain -he did the same thing months ago with another name and I nicely said no.
He wanted 6 figures months ago and now 50k. It is a nice 3 letter but I am trying to sell and right now so I’m tied up.
The guy keeps messaging me so I decide to help him out and I reach out to my big boy contacts - I try not to bother these guys unless it’s something good and out of my range.
This is on Monday - a holiday where I live. My big guy gives me a number and the seller doesn’t like it. Ok - don’t take it - goodbye. Nope - comes back with another number. I tell him my big guy won’t negotiate- he insists.
At this point I am a broker on this deal! My big guy literally tells me “ tell him to fuck off” and my big guy is in the middle of closing on a house. The buyer knows all this information and keeps pushing. He finally tells me he will take the big guys offer after hours of telling me he has had better offers. I’m shielding my big guy from all this nonsense to help the seller get a deal done - he seems desperate.
I literally tell him that the big guy is buying a house as we speak - he has to agree and then I will give you his email for escrow. I’m not giving out the big guys name or email to anyone or he will disown me.
He keeps pressing me for his address.
It’s a holiday - I’m off work - my wife is complaining because I’m ignoring her and the kids - it was the last 80 degree day in Buffalo for 7 months. The buyer is busy buying a house with his wife out of the country with a time difference.
I finally get the ok from the big boy to give him an address to start escrow. I DM the buyer the address and.......POOF! Not even a thank you. It’s been 2 days and I know Escrow closed - the last message is me giving him an email address and then silence.
I literally spent hours as a go between helping this seller - I had to keep a buffer or the big boy would have told him to kiss his ass and backed out.
I spent my day off helping someone and not even a thanks - if you read this - it’s normally 10% - you’re welcome- that was a big sale - enjoy you sale and money.
Don’t help people-
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Let's get the facts straight. You sent the email at 9pm on Monday. You created this thread at 6pm yesterday (my time). That is a 21 hour difference. Now minus from that 21 hours 8 hours of sleep and 12 hours of work and commuting.

That leaves me one hour before you created that thread. Not to mention I am trying to sort out the fact that he cancelled.

Let's get the facts straight. You sent the email at 9pm on Monday. You created this thread at 6pm yesterday (my time). That is a 21 hour difference. Now minus from that 21 hours 8 hours of sleep and 12 hours of work and commuting.

That leaves me one hour before you created that thread. Not to mention I am trying to sort out the fact that he cancelled.

Fact - I gave you escrow email 4 pm Monday
Fact - I posted this 1:40 Wednesday

That’s almost 2 days
Forget your minus commutes and sleep - you had no problem staying awake to start escrow right away
Do you want me to post screen shots of your crap
This guy is absolutely true to his nickname...

I'd hate him to help me, even if he was the last person on the earth that could...

still chirping about the delay in thanks for a deal that did not go through, while trying to damage the reputation of the guy he "helped" and exposing the buyer, his "big guy", without his consent, by providing too much details.
This guy is absolutely true to his nickname...

I'd hate him to help me, even if he was the last person on the earth that could...

still chirping about the delay in thanks for a deal that did not go through, while trying to damage the reputation of the guy he "helped" and exposing the buyer, his "big guy", without his consent, by providing too much details.
I didn’t care when you bashed me last year and I don’t care this year.
You literally mean nothing to my sales and never will.
I didn’t care when you bashed me last year and I don’t care this year.
You literally mean nothing to my sales and never will.

For a self declared instigator that thrives on controversy, you have incredibly thin skin...
It's hard to see people I like and respect not getting along. I truly value my relationships with each of you. None of this will change my hope to work with each of you in time.
For a self declared instigator that thrives on controversy, you have incredibly thin skin...
I have thin skin because I don’t care about you?
Show me what value you have ever brought to a conversation in which I was involved? You follow me around and make snide comments- you are obsessed with me like a little teenage girl with a middle school crush
I’m not sure what your fascination is with me - do you need a hug?
It's hard to see people I like and respect not getting along. I truly value my relationships with each of you. None of this will change my hope to work with each of you in time.
I am truly loyal to a fault to people that don’t follow me around bashing me
You are a stand up awesome guy
This guy is absolutely true to his nickname...

I'd hate him to help me, even if he was the last person on the earth that could...

still chirping about the delay in thanks for a deal that did not go through, while trying to damage the reputation of the guy he "helped" and exposing the buyer, his "big guy", without his consent, by providing too much details.

I don't plan to comment on this further, but what I don't "get" is why UglyDork keeps saying that he doesn't care and didn't expect anything, and yet makes such a big stink over it. The big stink started with his creating this thread in the first place, and continues with his harping on it over and over.

To that extent I must agree with Recons.

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I don't plan to comment on this further, but what I don't "get" is why UglyDork keeps saying that he doesn't care and didn't expect anything, and yet makes such a big stink over it. The big stink started with his creating this thread in the first place, and continues with his harping on it over and over.

To that extent I must agree with Recons.

The only stink I am making is over someone following me around harassing me over his own agenda- this goes back a year so I know you don’t have the history
The only stink I am making is over someone following me around harassing me
You flatter yourself thinking anyone follows you around.
And..'of course' don't think you bring any of this on upon yourself?!?
You flatter yourself thinking anyone follows you around.
And..'of course' don't think you bring any of this on upon yourself?!?
Trust me - people follow me around. Why is that so hard to believe?
Look at the the numbers and you know my name. My DM is full of people who love it when I post, I have people asking to buy/sell names.
You don’t have to agree with me and frankly I don’t care if you do
You sell the sizzle not the steak
My DM is full of people who love it when I post, I have people asking to buy/sell names.
There you go. You love to boast/brag of your domaining expertness(:xf.rolleyes:), yet when you get blow back, you're taken aback and all out defensive.
I bet you and bulloney are buddies here.
Looks like the cat is out of the bag and the two parties exchanging responses here have probably been under a bit of stress.

Main question I have is why would such a prominent buyer back out of a three letter .com purchase for 50k?

Has anyone asked Rick Schwartz if he wants it? He says they are all worth a million right?

So I look at all of this as an opportunity for the seller to make more money and if uglydork is owed a commission make him earn it by brokering a sale through to the end.

All in all it could be a win win for everyone involved and the whole domain industry could save a bit of face.

I must say I am surprised the sale did not go through, especially with such a high profile purchaser.
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There you go. You love to boast/brag of your domaining expertness(:xf.rolleyes:), yet when you get blow back, you're taken aback and all out defensive.
I bet you and bulloney are buddies here.
I never bragged about my expertness? I’m just saying people like the drama
I don’t take shit from anyone. I am certainly not the biggest domain guy but I am not bottom rung either.
I’m not taken aback by anything- you still don’t get it. This is ratings - media - name recognition. I don’t care what you think and I really mean that.
The only people I care about know who they are. You = just another ego trying to prove you smarter/better than me.
I must say I am surprised the sale did not go through, especially with such a high profile purchaser.
Drew cuts to the chase, especially with domainers trying to sell to him, and I'd bet there was more than has been alluded to when the seller dealt directly with him.
Looks like the cat is out of the bag and the two parties exchanging responses here have probably been under a bit of stress.

Main question I have is why would such a prominent buyer back out of a three letter .com purchase for 50k?

Has anyone asked Rick Schwartz if he want it? He says they are all worth a million right?

So I look at all of this as an opportunity for the seller to make more money and if uglydork is owed a commission make him earn it by brokering a sale through to the end.

All in all it could be a win win for everyone involved and the whole domain industry could save a bit of face.

I must say I am surprised the sale did not go through, especially with such a high profile purchaser.

I am not really surprised about the sale not going through, when negotiations run long, the buyers patience wears thin.

I am surprised that these two members want to air all this out here, by phone or DM would probably settle their differences far more efficiently IMO

Carry on
Looks like the cat is out of the bag and the two parties exchanging responses here have probably been under a bit of stress.

Main question I have is why would such a prominent buyer back out of a three letter .com purchase for 50k?

Has anyone asked Rick Schwartz if he wants it? He says they are all worth a million right?

So I look at all of this as an opportunity for the seller to make more money and if uglydork is owed a commission make him earn it by brokering a sale through to the end.

All in all it could be a win win for everyone involved and the whole domain industry could save a bit of face.

I must say I am surprised the sale did not go through, especially with such a high profile purchaser.

Hey Maple - you I respect
Have I ever showed you a good Canadian name I thought you might like? Did I ask anything for it? Did you thank me?
That’s the entire point of all of this - be courteous and people will go out of their way to help you!
I am not bottom rung either.
Because you made one lucky sale? whatever. And I never said or alluded to being smarter or better than you, but thanks for the compliment.
I am not really surprised about the sale not going through, when negotiations run long, the buyers patience wears thin.

I am surprised that these two members want to air all this out here, by phone or DM would probably settle their differences far more efficiently IMO

Carry on

The sale means nothing to me - I did my part as a favor. Nothing more. The sale is between the seller and buyer whoever they are. I have yet to reveal either identity
Because you made one lucky sale? whatever. And I never said or alluded to being smarter or better than you, but thanks for the compliment.

1 sale - smh
But yet you can’t stop making googly eyes at me - your hooked
I have yet to reveal either identity
See ug, you say this, yet when one looks at the image crypto posted between the two of you, you can read thru the black out, that you gave him Drews email addy. You just passing that out to everybody you email with?
See ug, you say this, yet when one looks at the image crypto posted between the two of you, you can read thru the black out, that you gave him Drews email addy. You just passing that out to everybody you email with?

That’s not from me - how do I know what the buyer did - photoshop? No idea
Like I said - I have never divulged who the two parties are - I keep my word
You can hate me or not respect me but I always keep my word
Andrew @MediaOptions is the most helpful awesome successful person in this industry right now. He has done things for me that are invaluable. Andrews time and knowledge is worth more to me than any opinion here and yes, I will defend Andrew at the risk of pissing off a few wanna be's and trolls.

I am picturing the buyer sitting on a mountain of cash laughing at me. This was NEVER about money - I dont care about the money.

You must have a serious case of NPD - If you wife loves you she will do everything she can to check you in to get help.................. Seriously consider it

You've physiologically fell apart my friend

The fact you seem to be gleeful with joy by blowing this > non-story up is disturbingly worrying on so many levels
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That’s not from me - how do I know what the buyer did - photoshop?
So now you're suggesting 'the buyer', who's not been in this thread, photo-shopped someone else's image. You clear up so much that's been said or pointed out here. wow.
So now you're suggesting 'the buyer', who's not been in this thread, photo-shopped someone else's image. You clear up so much that's been said or pointed out here. wow.

I didn’t post it so I have no idea?
You are still here- enthralled - you can’t quit me can you?
What have I done wrong? I do t know you and have never said a bad word about you.
I am different than you - why is that so hard to understand? We all see the world differently.
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