
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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information Top Topics: Domainer got scammed; sold for $210k; Crypto marketplace: Possible? Anonymous domain trading; Security fobs and registrars

Welcome to our weekly review of Top Topics here at NamePros!

Domain investor got scammed while helping someone who earned his trust; sold for $210k; Would you use a domain marketplace based on crypto? Anonymous domain sell/buy—is it possible? Do you use a...
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information Top Topics: John Berryhill's stellar record; PayPal hack leads to Dan purchase; Sell a domain right after registering it; Flippa domain bias; +1 topic

Welcome to the final review of Top Topics in 2023 at NamePros! 🎆🎇😁

Roundup of John Berryhill's UDRP performance in 2023; Hacked PayPal account used to buy a domain on; How to sell a domain name right after registering it; Flippa doesn't seem to favor domain only sales...
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information Top Topics: Are .ai domains expensive? Delete GoDaddy appraisals; Most powerful keywords; Domain tools you pay for; Domainers that started decades ago

Welcome to Sunday's review of Top Topics here at NamePros! :)

Why .ai domain registrations cost so much? How to delete GoDaddy appraisals; What's your most powerful keyword? Domain tools you pay for; Most successful domain investors began 15-30 years ago.

Why .ai domain...
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information Top Topics: sold for $170k; WIPO UDRP record in 2023; Howard Neu has passed; Swetha DNS changes; GoDaddy tapping appraisal tool data?

Welcome to the latest Top Topics review here at NamePros! :) was sold for $170,000 dollars; Record number of UDRP cases at the WIPO in 2023; Howard Neu - A valuable member of the domain community has passed; Swetha, XYZ Queen, has changed the DNS of her domain...
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information Top Topics: Sedo theme auctions success; Outbound sales woes; Afternic vs Dan; Trademarks & UDRP; Where to sell domains faster: Sedo or Afternic?

Welcome to the Easter Sunday Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

How popular are Sedo themed auctions? You can lead an outbound sale horse to water; Afternic/GoDaddy versus Dan landers; Domains, trademarks, and UDRP avoidance; Sell domains quickly: Sedo vs. Afternic...

information Top Topics: sold for $2.27m; Earn a living as a domainer; GoDaddy transfer issue; Most valuable LLL combos; Dan & Afternic woes

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :) sold for $2.27 million dollars; Can you still earn a living selling domains? GoDaddy transfer issue; Most valuable LLL combinations; Managing Dan, GoDaddy, and Afternic. Sold for...
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information Top Topics: Inherited 2,500 domains; How endusers find names; Dispute tm domain or buy it? Buy the .com of a former biz; Outbound sales success rate

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Inherited 2,500 domains; How endusers find domain names? Trademarked domain; to dispute or not? Would you buy the .com of a former business? Domain outbound selling success rate.

Inherited a lot of domains...
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information Top Topics: exit at $44m; Google & Squarespace woes; Afternic & Dan lander payments; Under Review at Afternic; Domain Capitalization idea

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :) $44 million sale; Google-transferred domains to Squarespace face renewal issue; Afternic/Dan lander: Where does payment come from? Check your "Under Review" section on Afternic; Domain name...
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information Top Topics: Epik nabs; Afternic switch from BIN to MO; Use a domain as a blog; Shotgun vs. Sniper; Huge premium renewal at GoDaddy

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)
Epik sold and didn't pay a member's Masterbucks balance; Afternic BIN change to Make Offer; Use a domain as a blog until it's sold? Shotgun vs. sniper approach; Bid on a domain with a huge premium...
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information Top Topics: sold for $302k; GoDaddy doubles price of brokerage fee; Two fresh .AI sales; sale story; Jeff Gabriel's story at SAW

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :) sold for $302,670; GoDaddy doubles its brokerage service fee; A pair of great .AI sales; The story behind the sale of; Jeff Gabriel's story at Sold Today for...
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information Top Topics: NPs lander scores $75k sale; Sedo sale reversed; sold for $100k; Runna founder lessons on acquisitions; NameFind auction results

It's time for the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

NamePros lander helps investor score a $75k sale; Sedo transaction reversed 4 days later; sold for $100k; founder reveals negotiation strategy; GoDaddy's NameFind auction results.

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information A World Without ICANN - Part 3: Namecoin and Truly Decentralized DNS

Previous: Part 1, Part 2

Though all of OpenNIC’s “open” TLDs are unique, [URL=''].bit[/URL] is particularly interesting. bit domains are actually not handled via traditional DNS. Instead, bit domains are embedded within the Namecoin system, which is...

events Frank Schilling Keynote at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

If you have had the pleasure of seeing any of Frank Schilling’s keynote speeches in the past, then you know that he doesn’t disappoint. Frank captivated a crowded hall filled with hundreds of people at NamesCon 2015 with this speech. I’ll let Frank do the talking from here on out...

events Frederick Schiwek Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Frederick Schiwek is the co-founder and CEO of DomainInvest with over 15 years of experience in internet marketing, international business development, and of course, domain names. In fact, he has over 50,000 domain names in his portfolio. According to his biography on DomainInvest, “He is...

events Alan Sullivan Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Alan Sullivan is a Big Data Specialist with DomainDiction. On the company’s website, his biography reads that Alan is an “innovator, technologist and businessman who has been directly involved in the technology of the Internet since 1997, right at the inception of the domain name system. He...

events Jothan Frakes Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Not to be confused with Jonathan Frakes (although there is a slight resemblance), @Jothan Frakes co-founded NamesCon with Richard Lau and is a renown TLD expert. With over 28 years of tech and domain industry experience in pivotal roles across 25 organizations, it's no wonder he was...

various Top Topics of the Week: What to do next, domaining as a full-time career, .io domains, and more!

What should I do next?
@ambitnfun received a $2,500 offer on Sedo and asked whether he should sell it at $5,000 with a counter-offer or push it to auction. He’s stated that he had a few potential buyers but is on the fence as to what actions to take. Some have chimed in that he...

various Top Topics of the Week: GoDaddy & AN Commissions, GoDaddy Coupon Abuse, Free Escrow Transaction!

New Afternic & GoDaddy Commission and Pricing Structure
Afternic & GoDaddy introduced a new tiered commission pricing structure, which has left members questioning the benefits vs. ease of use. By the week’s end, the discussion had nearly 2,500 views and 115 replies. Two of which...

various Top Topics of the Week: Reach end-users, Freemarket spams Flippa users, and Marketplace extortion?

How to reach end-users
A rare dilemma faces a NamePros member that has owned an for years. @NickSE wishes to know how he can reach out to corporate end-users to purchase his name for the desired amount of 7 figures. There may be others out there with’s or other...

various Top Topics: Top 5 Worst new gTLD's, Sedo Fee Changes, Flippa is For Sale, and GoDaddy or Sedo?

Top 5 Worst New gTLD’s
As the number of new gTLD’s released reaches the 100’s and even more to follow, this thread asked our members to weigh in on what they thought were the top five worst new gTLD’s currently available. With everything from .tires to .website, find out which ones...

various Top Topics: Misspelled Domains, Marketplaces Cheaper than Flippa, Ethics, and Email Templates

Another Misspelled Domain for Sale
We’ve all heard the spelling rule “i before e except after c,” such as in receive, not recieve. However, is it profitable to own domains using these commonly misspelled words? There has been an in depth knowledgeable...

various Top Topics: Sold to Freelancer; Sedo Introduces Direct Auction; Biggest Flops...

The most popular discussions this week include the sale of to Freelancer for $7.5 million; biggest domain flops from around the domain investing community; the feeling of excitement after completing your first sale; Sedo’s introduction of Direct Auction; and the number of domains that...

various Top Topics: Prolific Sale of; Domain Dropping Criteria; Life Before Domaining...

The most popular discussions this week include fun and exciting stories about the things that domainers did before they began domaining, GoDaddy’s prolific domain sale of, the new gTLD .WEB and its outlook, domain investors’ criteria on trimming their domain portfolios to improve...

various Top Topics: Domain Owners Refusing to Sell; Seeking a New Registrar; Free Advertising of Auctions...

The most popular discussion this week include domain investors that are fed up with their primary registrar, the route to take when domain owners refuse to sell their domain names, a strange story of a domain owner murdering their partner, and a promotional offer from NamePros to advertise your...

information A Look At The Top 10 Sedo Sales From This Time Last Year (3rd June 2014)

Here we go with another look at Sedo's top sales from this time last year, June 3rd, 2014.

  1. - $40,000 - Forwards to, "The World's Most Genuine Floral Experience". has a global Alexa rank of around 49,000. They also have 240,000 Facebook fans and...
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