
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Thanks for your suggestion.

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Braden Pollock

Braden Pollock

Braden Pollock

Braden Pollock
Ah, poor Branden. He gave up his board seat and pretended like he gave up all his shares to show how angry he was with Monster for supporting the notsees after the synagogue shooting. also, called me an anti-Semite for calling out his greedy hypocrisy. Typical. I hope he loses all.

Yeah, I made an investment in the Mega Millions lottery last week, and I'm not going to see any of that money back either.

This is old stuff, Braden invested in Epik back in 2014 or whenever, long before it was generally known that Rob was crackers. His money is long gone, like everyone else's, and his early speculative investment didn't buy him any control of the operation, and certainly no dividends.

So, yep, you have identified someone else from whom the Epik machine has taken money to no good end.

So what?
Awww... poor baby. Did it leave a mark? Do you need a shoulder to cry on?


Nope. I'm good. Not the first time I've been called a name by such a person. His partner Monster has called me much worse in fact. I think it's pretty funny to be honest. Guy goes on anti- "free speech" rants and makes big moral virtue signal about how he is leaving Epik but was lying the whole time and still fully invested. Be a shame if he got his money back. Glad he's not. I don't blame him for trying to get his money back out at all but you don't get to play both sides like that and lie. If he was really anti-free speech and thought Epik was force for evil he could have sold or burned his shares and exposed Monster and Epik for the frauds they were/are and at least had his honor. Now he has no honor and lost his money. As it should be.

As shareholder he will be last in line - customers and creditors will take all and leave him with what he deserves. Perfect ending.

Did my schadenfreude about your friend/client's loss upset you? Poor baby.
Did my schadenfreude about your friend/client's loss upset you?
Who? Braden? I've spoken to him something like three times in my whole life for not more than three minutes.

5) Rob Monster defrauded investors and stole millions.

Make up your mind. Wait, wait, don't tell me, he "defrauded investors" but some of them deserved it somehow? Is that your point?

Your "I'm here to help people get their money back" act is getting stale, since you have a habit of going after some of the people he ripped off.

I will reach out to some attorney friends today to see what we can do on your behalf. If we sue Rob on your and others' behalf I will. I think we can and I'd be happy to do it. Did yo hear that Rob. I'm gonna sue you for $100s of thousands of dollars, maybe millions, and you know I won't stop. I won't ever stop. I will get the money back for these people

Are you still planning to sue Rob on behalf of other people (in some bizarre unstated capacity to do that), or was that just a lot of talk?

Here's a blast from the past from 2021:

I spent an hour of the phone yesterday with the attorneys handling the class action case. Right now they are just focused on credit card data from California residents, they want to expand but they don't have enough of an understanding of the hack.

How's that "class action" coming along?
If IСANN accreditation disappears, Epik will cease to be a bank of names with its own repository.
If Epik loses ICANN accreditation then the domain names will be transferred to another registrar. The problem with ICANN compliance is that it takes months for anything to happen. As long as the WHOIS and ownership data on each domain name are clear then it should be easy for them to be moved to the new registrar with the registrant keeping their domain names. The last thing that ICANN would want is another Alpnames or RegisterFly mess.

The immediate problem has to do with Epik renewing and registering domain names at the moment.

If Epik loses ICANN accreditation then the domain names will be transferred to another registrar. The problem with ICANN compliance is that it takes months for anything to happen. As long as the WHOIS and ownership data on each domain name are clear then it should be easy for them to be moved to the new registrar with the registrant keeping their domain names. The last thing that ICANN would want is another Alpnames or RegisterFly mess.

The immediate problem has to do with Epik renewing and registering domain names at the moment.


Just to add, ccTLD is not in this scope
Who? Braden? I've spoken to him something like three times in my whole life for not more than three minutes.

Make up your mind. Wait, wait, don't tell me, he "defrauded investors" but some of them deserved it somehow? Is that your point?

Your "I'm here to help people get their money back" act is getting stale, since you have a habit of going after some of the people he ripped off.

Are you still planning to sue Rob on behalf of other people (in some bizarre unstated capacity to do that), or was that just a lot of talk?

Here's a blast from the past from 2021:

How's that "class action" coming along?
No one deserves to be defrauded but when dishonest people get got it is funny. When some old lady is tricked by a con artist into giving up her savings it's sad and makes me mad but when another con artist gets conned it's funny. You seem to have hard time with simple moral situations. Not a good trait for a lawyer.

I did do a call with a law firm like 18 months ago that was trying to put together a class action suit against Epik regarding the hack but they were not at all concerned for users or free speech and might have actually been honeypot of sorts. And I did reach out to several lawyers in WA at the request of and on the behalf of some international victims and I can't really discuss that status. So what?

It appears that most of the legit customers are going to be repaid from the selling off Epik assets and hopefully there will be enough for creditors to be repaid when they figure out where Monster hid all that money and shareholders, like Braden, will be out of luck. And, it also appears that this fake free speech subversive grifter, Rob Monster, will be permanently out of commission. I'm happy. I don't need to do anything.
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These two guys are freely stumbling over lies without being in the front seat to a deposition. Just imagine them being sequestered and cross examined in a court room by an attorney or prosecutor. Those lies will get exposed. There are some very astute lawyers that have the skills to unravel the best of lies and deception.
Is it that Royce was offered shares as compensation, but not accepted yet?
All this makes adam dicker look like an alterboy and hes jewish, and he does a podcast now with a guy helmut ,its pretty informative ,domain sherpa is sitting on a lot of suspended adam dicker shows and their just hurting themselves by not airing them
Is it that Royce was offered shares as compensation, but not accepted yet?
Probably not about "accepting", more about earning.

Regarding Royce's compensation, I don't know anything for sure and I don't repeat things told to me in confidence but in fairness to him and Monster, on the topic of Royce's shares only, they're both probably telling the truth, mostly. My pretty informed 'guess' is that Royce was given shares, let's just say ~15%, on top of salary but only as contingency bonus based on some measure of success, which has obviously not been achieved as of yet unless it was a very, very low bar since he has yet to even payback customers. No idea what that metric could possibly be but moot point since the only way to achieve any kind of real success was to make Monster cough up that money he stashed and Royce has yet to do anything to make that one thing happen, the only thing that really matters. Everything else is just rearranging deck chairs as the ship sinks. If they don't find that $15-20M shrinkage then the only thing less valuable than Masterbucks is Epik shares. Monster was probably like, you can have all my shares if you just leave me alone and take the blame.
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Just to add, ccTLD is not in this scope
I'm not sure that Epik has many ccTLD registrar accreditations. Its domain name footprint is primarily gTLD (.COM mainly). Some of the ccTLD domain names I've seen on Epik have been registered via accredited ccTLD registrars and are on sale via Epik's marketplace. The ccTLD registries and their registrars tend to be a lot more efficient than ICANN when dealing with problems. Because ccTLD registrants generally control their domain names via their registrar control panel, they may be at the least risk from an Epik business failure.

Thanks as always for your expertise @jmcc Can you expand slightly on the following? Isn't the risk that the registrar control panel will cease to function? Eventually I presume registry steps in and things resolved, as in the ICANN process that in the event of a failure moves domain names to a new registrar. Thanks.
Because ccTLD registrants generally control their domain names via their registrar control panel, they may be at the least risk from an Epik business failure.
Yes, it took a couple of days. Only 3 are not renewed still from 37 that I renewed.
The problem here is even one not being renewed in days is unacceptable.

You should just be able to pay for the renewal and be confident it is applied at the registry level, almost immediately.

Having to verify that on every domain should give anyone a certain level of unease.

I could never use a registrar where I was not confident about this, and have to check each domain to make sure the renewal was applied.

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dunno much about laws ..bankrupt... debt etc for companies but I'm curious given all info there is where epik sits today with debt ... etc what do u guys think is the worth of epik now? or how is it calculated... if say gd was fo buy em
I wonder if he plans to come here and adjust his profile to show he is no longer with Epik?

He has been MIA here: 'Last seen Sep 2, 2022'
I wonder the same about the other like 95% of the people with Epik staff badges that clearly no longer work there.

It is debatable that some of the "staff" badge members ever did work for Epik in the first place.

Also, despite several threads and comments about this issue, it appears that NamePros mods are comfortable not taking action on it.

I am assuming he wanted to actually be paid for work, so it probably put him in a tough position as Epik doesn't seem to have sufficient capital to operate.

He was probably not willing to take Masterbucks as payment either. :ROFL:

It would make it too easy to screw someone over, like what happened to May Chen -

Thanks as always for your expertise @jmcc Can you expand slightly on the following? Isn't the risk that the registrar control panel will cease to function? Eventually I presume registry steps in and things resolved, as in the ICANN process that in the event of a failure moves domain names to a new registrar. Thanks.
The registrar control panel would be on the registrar through which the ccTLD domain name was registered, Bob,
If the hoster (Epik) is not an accredited ccTLD registrar then it is either done via a "registrations as a service operator" (Tucows etc) that has an accreditation in the ccTLD or via a registrar in the ccTLD's country. The control over the domain names would ultimately remain with that registrar rather than Epik. I think that some of the ccTLD registrations may have been on Epik's marketplace rather than registered through Epik. I'd have to check back through the list of ccTLD registrars I compiled last May but I can't remember seeing Epik active in a lot of them.

The ccTLD registries tend to be a lot more proactive than ICANN and can move a lot quicker because they don't have the burden of being a large organisation.

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dunno much about laws ..bankrupt... debt etc for companies but I'm curious given all info there is where epik sits today with debt ... etc what do u guys think is the worth of epik now? or how is it calculated... if say gd was fo buy em
Epik still has a set of domain names (gTLD) that keep on renewing. The blended renewal rate (renewals/renewals+deletions)*100 is strong and suggests that its domain name business is still viable. The debt issue is still unclear and that would cause problems in a buyout. A buyer would potentially be interested in the registrations only. The marketplace might also be attractive though not for its software but rather for its customers. I'm not sure of how the valuations could be calculated though as the Epik owned domain names would have to be split from those of the ordinary registrants. The danger is that Epik might be forced into selling these owned domain names in a manner similar to selling the light bulbs to pay the electricity bill.

Here are all the domains Epik owns. Sufyan Alani (the guy who resigned) sent me this list in October.

Their portfolio, minus 2 or 3 names, is complete horse sh*t. I even scanned the whole list for domains with any history or SEO value - nothing.


  • Epik-domains-OCT2022 (2).xlsx
    219.3 KB · Views: 97
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