
R.I.P Basel - Petra

Spaceship Spaceship


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its not that easy...
he said himself this id is belong to basel bdair...
and he is abdallah or basel t dair.. why he is using his id???
this case is not closed yet. as here i think he is using old member id and misusing it...

Read the post of the mods , the parts I colored in red. That is the answer of the mods and that is what matters I believe.

At this time, we have concluded our initial investigation and were not able to identify any different operators of the thread starters account.

In summary: This deceased member thread was created by the same person they linked to in the first post as being deceased and is currently being operated by the same person that created the account initially and that created this thread.

Our system automatically identifies account matches with 99% accuracy. we have manually double-checked and confirmed the match.

Unfortunately, we don't have a way to verify that the thread starters account has been operated by different people. As you can imagine, we've heard many explanations from people over the years, including that the other account is a relative or friend, and in the majority of those cases, it’s often a single person trying to trick us.

We are not saying that's what's happening here, but as you know, there's really no way for us to determine the difference, so we have to base our decisions on what our technology tells us: which is that the thread starter and current account operator are most likely the same person (not 100% accurate, but as close to it as we can get with technology).

There has not technically been a rule violation, since it's the same person operating the account. It is however, unfortunate that such a situation has occurred involving a sensitive topic of someone passing.

Thanks for alerting us to this matter.

This thread has been moved from industry news to Reviews (Reviewing a person).
Read the post of the mods , the parts I colored in red. That is the answer of the mods and that is what matters I believe.
so he is basel bdair??? basel t dair??? petra??? or abdallah???
is it clear anywhere???
as per him basel bdair is dead... then how can he use basel bdair id???
this is question
Read the post of the mods , the parts I colored in red. That is the answer of the mods and that is what matters I believe.

or its mean he is basel b dair and he created fake thread that he is passed away??? something like this????
operator himself admitted in public that this id is belong to basel bdair and he is basel tdair and abdallah
he can use his friend id who is passed away and he is misusing of his id claiming all that he is old member here...
What don’t you understand about they determined that the same person that opened this account is the same person that started this thread? Its his account.

The supposed deceased person may have used this account for a period as he claimed they were partners. That was likely a rule violation.

The only question that remains is did the person really die or was that a ploy which the mods have said is out of their scope. I can’t see how anyone with an account in good standing would benefit from posting a fake death.
What don’t you understand about they determined that the same person that opened this account is the same person that started this thread? Its his account.

The supposed deceased person may have used this account for a period as he claimed they were partners. That was likely a rule violation.

The only question that remains is did the person really die or was that a ploy which the mods have said is out of their scope. I can’t see how anyone with an account in good standing would benefit from posting a fake death.
Thanks for this. This is what I am trying to tell @Riz M. It is his account regardless if someone else was the focal for it. I see the account has been renamed to @IDNKing
What don’t you understand about they determined that the same person that opened this account is the same person that started this thread? Its his account.

The supposed deceased person may have used this account for a period as he claimed they were partners. That was likely a rule violation.

The only question that remains is did the person really die or was that a ploy which the mods have said is out of their scope. I can’t see how anyone with an account in good standing would benefit from posting a fake death.
no he claimed today still that yes basel b dair is passed away and he is basel t dair...
so he is using dead person id...
its simple but he ant answer it..

or he just created thread to announce he is dead and now when he is trapped he creating new names like abdallah basel t dair
Thanks for this. This is what I am trying to tell @Riz M. It is his account regardless if someone else was the focal for it. I see the account has been renamed to @IDNKing
so basically he created this thread announcing his own fake death????
Thanks for this. This is what I am trying to tell @Riz M. It is his account regardless if someone else was the focal for it. I see the account has been renamed to @IDNKing
but how come he still saying basel bdair is no more and he is basel t dair and using b dair id????
no he claimed today still that yes basel b dair is passed away and he is basel t dair...
so he is using dead person id...
its simple but he ant answer it..

or he just created thread to announce he is dead and now when he is trapped he creating new names like abdallah basel t dair
I believe no one can verify this, however, what I see should matter is the the response of the mods which they basically said he is the same person who created the thread and the old and now renamed account.
I posted several times we are partners working from office when one of our partner died we post in public only because he I's domainer partner
The post created because the death of our partner was domainer
And many proofs about company / partners / old PMS all sent to admin and they reviewed them
I posted several times we are partners working from office when one of our partner died we post in public only because he I's domainer partner
The post created because the death of our partner was domainer
And many proofs about company / partners / old PMS all sent to admin and they reviewed them
u r using ur partner id???? right???? its not allowed in namepros...
Thats what i am trying to say....
I posted several times we are partners working from office when one of our partner died we post in public only because he I's domainer partner
The post created because the death of our partner was domainer
And many proofs about company / partners / old PMS all sent to admin and they reviewed them
@Mod Team Alfa @Mod Team Echo he is accepting this openly he is using his partner id... what kind of proofs u guys need????
he is misusing the id of person who is passedaway alreadyy
Im the one who created this account in 2009
Im the one who create this account in 2009
u told he was basil b dair.... not t dair....
even u said u made new acct for ur self but its banned by amanda and she asked u to use dead person id..
If you are zero in understanding I cant give more time
The last two days gone for stupid talk

Go to admin ask him one question is the person who post here now is the person who create this account since 2009 and wait answer
All IPS can tracked by admins from 209 to 2019 the login from mobiles and office net
If you are zero in understanding I cant give more time
The last two days gone for stupid talk

Go to admin ask him one question is the person who post here now is the person who create this account since 2009 and wait answer
All IPS can tracked by admins from 209 to 2019 the login from mobiles and office net
not the answer i want...
i am asking why r u using basel b dair id???
since u r basel t dair??? or abdallah or petra or whatever..
When you think I'm cheater/ lier / thief
Lol so why you asking me , you dont need answer from lier
Go ask the admins
Ask admins
u have to reply here..
if basel bdair is passed way ....
why r u using his acct for trading????
who r u??? basel t dair??? petra???or abdallah???
4 person in one id i am not comfortable with..
When you think I'm cheater/ lier / thief
Lol so why you asking me , you dont need answer from lier
Go ask the admins
this is not answer of my question..

read my question carefully with glasses..

if basel bdair is passed way ....
why r u using his acct for trading????
who r u??? basel t dair??? petra???or abdallah???
4 person in one id i am not comfortable with..
At any case from the time of this thread til right now my account received more 70+ positive feedback 265+ in total

It's exactly this statement why the account should be closed.

I looked at your feedback and it says +264 and -2

The problem is.... it's not your feedback, it's a cluster of who is who and nobody really knows who the person was that they were dealing with. One has to take your word but there are far too many identities thrown all over this topic.

So you ask me to buy from you.... how do I know if you are truly the same person that got +264 positive feedback when you have already admitted the account belonged to someone else.

Personally, I am dismayed that namepros has not shut the account down and forced you to use an account where only you have been able to post and conduct business.

Again... in my opinion it is making a mockery out of the legitimacy of a namepros account.
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