Spaceship Spaceship
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Freedom of speech and freedoms, in general, are taken advantage of way too much. I'm all for freedoms as long as a degree of respect is there. That's the problem with this world: not everyone has any respect. And when the reigns are released, anarchy can and typically does ensue.

I won't post the URL or forum's name but here is a popular webmaster/domaining forum that is totally unmoderaed. Te owners expect its users to behave & when they don't, a blind eye is cast across the bad. I've seen and personally made sales treas there that were crashed as soon as they were made. At NamePros, we protect against these things. Here, you can't leave snide posts in a sales tread like, "That thing's not worth s***. I wouldn't take that thing if you paid me to!" You can there but not here. We try to keep a business atmosphere here.

But we aren't 1/2 as strict as people are making us out to be. Most rule-breakers will break a rule and whine after they are caught. I stick for Wendy. And Michelle, Eric (Scorp), Janine, and all of us mods. When ppl sign up for account, they click "I agree to the rules." If you break a rule that you agreed to, even if you were too lazy to read the rules beforehand, it'd be your fault for it, not ours. Wendy gets most of the flack. Have you people sen the things she's infracted over? Or even me: Do you know what I've been through? One rule is that ya can't bump your sales thread more than once per 24 hours. One guy (who posted in this thread earlier, if I'm not mistaken) bumped his after about 5 hours. And then kept bumping threads early despite being told it's not allowed. And now he complains that Wendy is "over-modding." No, that's call moderating, not OVER-moderating. Another rule we have is about sending unsolicited sales PM's. The rules state SPECIFICALLY that your PM must offer what a buyer is looking for. Around last November, there was a guy offering a to someone who was looking for's. After this seller and I spoke, he told me, "I figured my offer was close enough to what the buyer wanted." I replied that close enough won't cut it. If ya don't send what a buyer is asking for, it's considered spam. His reply? He called ME a "mod on a power trip" who enjoyed "bullying." He then called NP a trashy forum with "pu**y moderators."

People, if you speed down a highway, knowing that it's illegal to go above a certain MPH & choose to anyway, don't get cranky & complain if you get caught & get a ticket. Same here: if you're caught breaking a rule, DON'T WASTE ANYONE'S TIME telling other ppl that we're bad moderators, You broke a rule, one YOU AGREED TO ADHERE TO as soon as you signed up. Don't slander us for YOUR mistakes.

That goes with freedoms. If everyone would respect each other and we could live at peace, then cops wouldn't be need, courts would be unnecessary, and forum moderation wouldn't exist. Salt, there re those who trash sales threads and belittle ppl, for their own gratification. It's not an easy world: the real one an the one here in cyberspace. I support giving ppl freedoms to say as they shall but once it starts hurting others, it's a situation that needs looked into. Some ppl appreciate it. Others think that deleting a post and giving infractions is "over-modding." If you're not happy with the rules, just remember that they were in place fore anyone ever signed up for an account. And if you break a rule, expect a consequence. We are just trying to make NP a fun yet conductive domaining community. And modding is needed t keep it conductive. Freedoms only stretch as far as antagonists set the boundaries to.
I critized an australian forum on the weekend and received a private message letting me know i can leave anytime i want ..... some folk don't want to hear or read certain things

You can be a part of our forum but you can only write happy and nice things and don't you dare critisize us or write anything negative ....crazy
See!? Now this is a great thread!

When I used to hit the new posts button it would fill the screen, but recently there have only been a few. I've noticed it on other forums as well. I'd be interested to see the analytics from the past few years to see if it's just an overall loss of traffic or maybe we just lost some people that were good thread starters that sparked conversation.
When I used to hit the new posts button it would fill the screen, but recently there have only been a few.

Theory: based on comments from people in this thread (and others) the mods delete all the valuable posts.


I've noticed it on other forums as well.

Hmmm.. that kills the theory

Has anyone laid out the ......... welcome Matt
You are right. We do delete critical posts. As I said in my last post, people break the rules and criticize NP staff for taking action. Maybe or maybe removing these posts is bad in the eyes of the pubic. But we don't need a jaded person to call the mods here "shi**y" and unfair simply because they broke a rule an wanna run this great forum and its staff through the mud. Look through this thread: people are critical of us mods because of he untruths that others had posted. We are not mean. We are not unfair. But those who've broken the rules loves to tell people that we are unfit for our positions. And if we leave these posts, the belief that we are unfair only spreads. But it's also true that if we delete critical posts, people think we are unfit for our posts. It's a damend-if-you-don't-and-damned-if-you-do thing. We rely on the only thing we can: Conscience. Well, that and the rules. As Wendy quoted, the rules state that posts critical to Staff are inappropriate. That rule's been here forever. If we see a critical post and leave it, we'd be turning a blind eye on the rules. See what I'm saying? People DON'T CARE for the rules and break them at will. That necessitates moderation. Maybe it's a passe rule or a pointless one or whatever you wanna call it. But it's still a rule, one that's broken by people who've broken many others. We aren't bad mods for enforcing the rules. It's the opposite: If we left these negative posts, we'd be ALLOWING the rules to be broken.

I critized an australian forum on the weekend and received a private message letting me know i can leave anytime i want ..... some folk don't want to hear or read certain things

You can be a part of our forum but you can only write happy and nice things and don't you dare critisize us or write anything negative ....crazy
Many people here have openly critized some namepros mods , the difference here is that you folk at least seem to be able to accept that some of criticism does come with job

Funny enough at the moment i am listening to devo .....freedom of choice
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Admittedly, it's been a long while since I've been active on the forums, but I do check in from time to time. I used to be very active, used to be a moderator and wouldn't call any other place home. The only reason I haven't been active is due to a long series of personal issues. I have met a lot of great people here, learned everything I know about domaining from this forum and I owe a lot to RJ and many other members of Namepros.

I will say to RJ, thank you so very much for the great community you have provided over the years, best of luck in your future endeavors and my prayers are with you and your family during these difficult times. Much love brother!

To Matt... Congratulations on your acquisition and I hope that you fully appreciate what you have here in Namepros. The reason I called Namepros home and tried to always give back to it when I could is because this place has always been a real community, much like a family. There were always members willing to help each other learn and grow and prosper together and that is what it is all about. You won't find that anywhere else. I hope you keep that in mind going forward. The members here are your greatest assets.
Freedom of speech and freedoms, in general, are taken advantage of way too much. I'm all for freedoms as long as a degree of respect is there. That's the problem with this world: not everyone has any respect. And when the reigns are released, anarchy can and typically does ensue.

I won't post the URL or forum's name but here is a popular webmaster/domaining forum that is totally unmoderaed. Te owners expect its users to behave & when they don't, a blind eye is cast across the bad. I've seen and personally made sales treas there that were crashed as soon as they were made. At NamePros, we protect against these things. Here, you can't leave snide posts in a sales tread like, "That thing's not worth s***. I wouldn't take that thing if you paid me to!" You can there but not here. We try to keep a business atmosphere here.

But we aren't 1/2 as strict as people are making us out to be. Most rule-breakers will break a rule and whine after they are caught. I stick for Wendy. And Michelle, Eric (Scorp), Janine, and all of us mods. When ppl sign up for account, they click "I agree to the rules." If you break a rule that you agreed to, even if you were too lazy to read the rules beforehand, it'd be your fault for it, not ours. Wendy gets most of the flack. Have you people sen the things she's infracted over? Or even me: Do you know what I've been through? One rule is that ya can't bump your sales thread more than once per 24 hours. One guy (who posted in this thread earlier, if I'm not mistaken) bumped his after about 5 hours. And then kept bumping threads early despite being told it's not allowed. And now he complains that Wendy is "over-modding." No, that's call moderating, not OVER-moderating. Another rule we have is about sending unsolicited sales PM's. The rules state SPECIFICALLY that your PM must offer what a buyer is looking for. Around last November, there was a guy offering a to someone who was looking for's. After this seller and I spoke, he told me, "I figured my offer was close enough to what the buyer wanted." I replied that close enough won't cut it. If ya don't send what a buyer is asking for, it's considered spam. His reply? He called ME a "mod on a power trip" who enjoyed "bullying." He then called NP a trashy forum with "pu**y moderators."

People, if you speed down a highway, knowing that it's illegal to go above a certain MPH & choose to anyway, don't get cranky & complain if you get caught & get a ticket. Same here: if you're caught breaking a rule, DON'T WASTE ANYONE'S TIME telling other ppl that we're bad moderators, You broke a rule, one YOU AGREED TO ADHERE TO as soon as you signed up. Don't slander us for YOUR mistakes.

That goes with freedoms. If everyone would respect each other and we could live at peace, then cops wouldn't be need, courts would be unnecessary, and forum moderation wouldn't exist. Salt, there re those who trash sales threads and belittle ppl, for their own gratification. It's not an easy world: the real one an the one here in cyberspace. I support giving ppl freedoms to say as they shall but once it starts hurting others, it's a situation that needs looked into. Some ppl appreciate it. Others think that deleting a post and giving infractions is "over-modding." If you're not happy with the rules, just remember that they were in place fore anyone ever signed up for an account. And if you break a rule, expect a consequence. We are just trying to make NP a fun yet conductive domaining community. And modding is needed t keep it conductive. Freedoms only stretch as far as antagonists set the boundaries to.

I observe that the whining is a two way street.

...nevertheless, changes in the forum, especially the suggestions laid out by scorpionagency encouraging transparency and perhaps a less "holier than thou" attitude manifested by some of the moderators here, will go a long way toward achieving the goal of a professional forum dedicated to its domainer members that has the ability to be more like a think tank and less like a place where issuing infractions may run the risk of becoming a game with certain moderators...

I anticipate great things with this forum now, and the sooner we do not have to look over our shoulder for the secret police, the better. Not that policing is not necessary, there will always be outrageous actions (by both sides)that will need to be addressed. I have high confidence, however, that this will be a well run, smooth and professional forum...

I do concur that perjoratives have no place in a professional forum, yet at the same time defending the negligent actions of a moderator creates an "us vs them" mentality, which is what creates friction in any occupation(eg., the code of silence of the police that covers for unlawful actions of fellow officers). Nothings ever 100%...

...and there also is an element referred to as "constructive criticism". If even that is not allowed to be directed toward moderators, the organization is then geared more to operate as a politburo than a forum that is benefitted by one and all...

I dunno what Matt will do, of course, but I do know he has a lot of potential to erase the feudalistic criteria and replace it with something that will create a healthy respect for the members and moderators alike. In essence, we are all the same.

Excuse me, Abbott and Costello Meet The Mummy is on now and I ain't gonna miss that classic!
You make a lot of good points, freedom30. I especially like what you say about constructive criticism. I think it's an okay thing, to use constructive criticisms, but like many things, it's not defined the same with everyone -- or at least we all have differing definitions of it. It's one thing for someone to say, "Wendy would be a better mod if (insert statement here)." It's something else completely having a post like, "Wendy is a total f***ing bi*ch!" It'd be impossible defining it or judging all posts as to its 'constructiveness' / figuring out what should constitute as constructive. That's a difficult thing for any entity.

I observe that the whining is a two way street.

...nevertheless, changes in the forum, especially the suggestions laid out by scorpionagency encouraging transparency and perhaps a less "holier than thou" attitude manifested by some of the moderators here, will go a long way toward achieving the goal of a professional forum dedicated to its domainer members that has the ability to be more like a think tank and less like a place where issuing infractions may run the risk of becoming a game with certain moderators...

I anticipate great things with this forum now, and the sooner we do not have to look over our shoulder for the secret police, the better. Not that policing is not necessary, there will always be outrageous actions (by both sides)that will need to be addressed. I have high confidence, however, that this will be a well run, smooth and professional forum...

I do concur that perjoratives have no place in a professional forum, yet at the same time defending the negligent actions of a moderator creates an "us vs them" mentality, which is what creates friction in any occupation(eg., the code of silence of the police that covers for unlawful actions of fellow officers). Nothings ever 100%...

...and there also is an element referred to as "constructive criticism". If even that is not allowed to be directed toward moderators, the organization is then geared more to operate as a politburo than a forum that is benefitted by one and all...

I dunno what Matt will do, of course, but I do know he has a lot of potential to erase the feudalistic criteria and replace it with something that will create a healthy respect for the members and moderators alike. In essence, we are all the same.

Excuse me, Abbott and Costello Meet The Mummy is on now and I ain't gonna miss that classic!
...I would usually say "I don't know" but in this movie it's Kharis(the Mummy, of course!)...

hey it's an old abbot and costello movie, the 'who's on third' skit is famous and i have no doubt you would find it on youtube
You make a lot of good points, freedom30. I especially like what you say about constructive criticism.

We've already had a close call with MicroGuy almost taking a final bath..... we've got people calling others a DUchebag.

My constructive criticism is that this thread should be closed before something bad happens :)
You make a lot of good points, freedom30. I especially like what you say about constructive criticism. I think it's an okay thing, to use constructive criticisms, but like many things, it's not defined the same with everyone -- or at least we all have differing definitions of it. It's one thing for someone to say, "Wendy would be a better mod if (insert statement here)." It's something else completely having a post like, "Wendy is a total f***ing bi*ch!" It'd be impossible defining it or judging all posts as to its 'constructiveness' / figuring out what should constitute as constructive. That's a difficult thing for any entity.


whatever differing definitions we may have, here is where the forum can and must set certain guidelines. Wendy, or Archangel for that matter or any of the moderators as well as members, do NOT have to be subject to abusive terms that serve to denigrate the forum's reputation as a whole.

So terms like f**ckin B**ch or any perjorative in that direction is most certainly NOT acceptable to a professional forum and does not meet the criteria for constructive criticism...ever!

Whatever other difficulties may present itself in one's interpretation of what constitutes a valid criticism of improving the forum, an attitude of respect must prevail between both staff and membership. It's not as hard as it may appear. Policing in that aspect is not only acceptable, it is required. We are here for the purposes of honing our skills as domainers, garnering intelligence and/or buying/selling domain names and that takes precedence over personal affronts or vendettas. The forum must be a beacon for the knowledge we seek in this field.

So constructive criticism, at least in my eyes, does carry with it a certain responsibility that must also encourage respect for both the member and staff. Hey, it's a learning process for ALL of us and we cannot afford to forget that for the health and progress of ourselves and the forum in general.

---------- Post added at 01:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------

hey it's an old abbot and costello movie, the 'who's on third' skit is famous and i have no doubt you would find it on youtube

...well, course "I don't know" plays third, silly!

---------- Post added at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

Coast to coast am is on now...Good night, good morning and enjoy the new week, guys and gals!

Over and way out! I'm outta here...
With the ability to delete a rogue post i don't see why a whole thread would be closed ? ......moderate not
dictate : )

[ame=""]Who's on first? - YouTube[/ame]
I hope NP will not be a paid forum like DNF. New comers don't like to pay a penny to learn domaining. Only people who know domaining will pay.

I think RJ is worrying about the ownership of NP because of his hard effort to keep this forum a free forum and being the #1 forum for domaining IMHO

Good Luck!
I like the current model of namepros and it would be a shame if it became a paid forum. I joined a year or so ago to learn new things and once I'm in a better situation I'll definitely upgrade my account. I tried to look into DNF and it just didn't seem as inviting as everyone here is.
Will not become a paid forum. I think I mentioned that elsewhere. That definitely would be upsetting!
Will not become a paid forum. I think I mentioned that elsewhere. That definitely would be upsetting!

It would be pointless because DNF and NP are two different models and both work great in their respective markets.
Hey Namepros VIP's... I'm back in town and ready to get back to business. My grandmother is on her feet again, albeit slowly. Thank you for the well wishes.

Long ago I made a pledge that NamePros would remain a free and open community for as long as I ran it. I'm pleased to be passing the torch to someone that shares the same vision. He is a 6 year member on NamePros who is familiar to the community with VIP status that was earned, not bought.

We are still working on the details of the ownership change. I'll keep everyone posted! (no doubt Matt will too)

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This thread is in the Industry News section!
LOL, thanks for catching that. I thought I was in the VIP private forum for a minute. No worries. I was going to make VIP access public knowledge anyway. The VIP usergroup is a free account upgrade that we give to active members of the community (after 1 year+) who continue to maintain an account in good standing.

The point is, Matt earned VIP status here on his own accord. You can't buy your way into that.

I am still wondering what was the motive and the strategy behind the purchase :)
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