Unstoppable Domains
Spaceship Spaceship
  • Hey Matt,

    It seems the stats at Bodis are not coming up?
    Is it an upgrade or something?

    Let me know,

    domain sold on suspend account

    hello Matt,

    I have a case here,
    I have domain that sold on bodis market, after pushing the domain, i have notice email with subject, "Pre-payment notification for the sale of t***ls.net". It said my payment will send within 1-5 days.
    Unfortunately, my account got temporary suspend on the next day. So the payment never get to my paypal.

    Is it true that I cant have my money even the domain has pushed to bodis account?

    please help me Matt, since i got no respond from support

    Best way to reach us would be via support email found on our website or by sending me a private message.

    Thanks for your interest!

    hi i would like to sign up for bodis , but i have many question , will be be able to talk on skype or something so i can ask you some very direct question , thank you .
    Yes we offer ZeroClick parking. Please PM me for more information! Thanks. :)
    Hello Matt,

    Bodis accept zero-click parking like Sedo?

    Hope you had a great Birthday Matt. :)
    Happy Birthday :)
    Hi, Matt, can you tell me how to preview my parking page in Bodis? Thank you.
    Happy Birthday Matt :hearts:
    Matt, Did bodis accept buy advertising for paking domains?
    for example: JuicyAds.com - Adult Advertising, Adult Traffic - Buy and Sell- Buy Ads and Sell Ads - Get Juicy!
    priced out those names for you.
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