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  • Seen in auction. If no one takes, Can you authorise to sell on your behalf.
    Hey, I'm sorry, I had to go away last week and did not respond to your offer for Are you still interested? PM me if you want me to push the domain and also to get payment details for paypal.
    hey mod, I just want to report myself, I insulte@guruseos on his available domain thread, I am very sorry bout that, I will like my comments deleted and any deserved puniishment given to me. Thanks.
    Hit send to fast sorry about the adult name my mistake will not do it again
    Dear BladeMaster(Moderators)

    I need to add BIN in my post

    BIN : $65

    Please add it and thank you
    Hello Blade Master,
    I am a newbe and I purchased a domain name for a site I was looking to develop. But was wondering if it is worth. How do I get an apprasial?
    Sorry for such a stupid question>
    BM can you PM me
    Happy Bday BM!
    Hello BladeMaster.

    I'm a newbie on namepros and i would like to ask you if you know where can i buy a ".etc" domain.
    Can you help me? I couldn't create a new post.


    Few days before i have posted a thread in appraisal section for but i have seen that was closed. Is it possible to let me know closing reason ? This will help me alot in posting good threads.

    I have been trying to request an appraisal but the error says that the Moderator has locked it.
    Can u help?
    I put an appraisal request for (which I own) but it has disappeared from the Apraisals forum. Any particular reason why?
    I can't really find a link. However I made a copy of my appraisal-request. Hope that will do. This is the copy:
    Please Appraise
    The .me extension is rather new. I know this is a kind of difficult name to evaluate, but would somone please try to appraise
    Thank you.
    Last edited by Langevelsloo; 05-16-2011 at 06:41 PM.
    To BladeMaster,

    I've a question. For one of my domainnames I asked for an Appraisal. However so far no one gave a response. I want to delete now my request, but I don't know how to delete it. I can change my message or even delete all the text, but that doesn't seem to work.
    Can you tell what to do in order to complete delete my request?
    Thank you.

    How come my thread with my blog putting up lists of available domains removed?
    When mrspartan and others keep theirs?

    I bumped my appraisal thraed to make a reply to someone. Please delete this thread. I really don't need it. Thanks a bunch!
    Hi My friend,

    I have not been here for a while, how is the domain name market nowadays? Is it starting to pick up? How is the LLLL,com price? Any feedback will be appreciated.

    First time I posted to appraisals I never saw the 'moderator must approve' part. Sorry for the double post!
    Haha, it is a pattern...Spade's is as flooded as yours too! Better than getting flashing "new message" notices! :)
    Wow, pal...your visitor messages are flooded with Mod matters! :P
    Please, move a posting I just made. I posted an external auction on appraisal. Thank you.

    I believe you may have deleted my appraisal thread for Did I miss something not in the rules? Did I do anything wrong?

    Why have you deleted my post titled and (Appraisal Section)? I think I did not do anything wrong.

    do you want to end up with $140
    I'm a 'Bot! :D
    Have fun,
    -Jeff B-)
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