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Bodis.comTop Member
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what is the chance a domain be google de-indexed with bodis?
Wow, a lot of good feedback.

Cache, the chances are the same as with any other parking company or mass development service that hosts more than a few thousands of domains. And to be honest, it's really a black box. Most of the time you'll get indexed, but placed extremely low in the rankings that you'll have no way of getting any visitors.

To everyone else: Thanks for feedback, and will be getting to that tomorrow once I have rested as I've had a long week.
Any chance we could get better reporting details such as EPC or CLICKS?
Still no way to request a payout? I've been a member for years now and have yet to receive the money owed to me..
Still no way to request a payout? I've been a member for years now and have yet to receive the money owed to me..

Once you've reached the payout limit, Bodis will automatically disburse the money.
Still no way to request a payout? I've been a member for years now and have yet to receive the money owed to me..

How much money is owed to you?
Still no way to request a payout? I've been a member for years now and have yet to receive the money owed to me..

Well one great way is to notify me (or use the support form) so that I can look into it for you. ;) I still don't know your account details so you'll need to let me know.

---------- Post added at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Still no way to request a payout? I've been a member for years now and have yet to receive the money owed to me..

I looked into it based on your username.

Your payment option is Direct Deposit and you have not reached the minimum payout for it, which is $20.

The only payment option we support with no minimum is PayPal.

You have already been paid for everything else over 2 years ago. We still owe you from June 2008 but you do not meet the minimum on Direct Deposit.

---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------

Matt. When I do a Revenue Report, it doesn't show any domains with 0 visitors? I somehow doubt this to be true. How to get a list of domains with 0 visitors?

Indeed, there is no way to see the domains in the report with 0 visitors. Perhaps this is a feature/fix for our upcoming Bodis interface.

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

Any chance we could get better reporting details such as EPC or CLICKS?

Well it's possible the problem is that I have plans to monetize domains through means other than pay-per-click in the future so it's hard to show all the data on one screen when there's so many things like pop unders, affiliate offers, and other ways to monetize domains that I plan to integrate in the future.

It's still a long time away, but I still think there's no point in adding it now just to have to remove it later on.
Hey Matt....do you other projects planned first, or is the sales link or sales form next?

I'm just curious about where it stands in the order of all things on the dev plate. :)
I shoot myself because every time I want to finish the sales inquiry system something comes up or something else that a developer has been working on that needs my attention.

But anyway, it's really there, example: http://freegamesforlittlegirls.com/inquiry.html?domainname=freegamesforlittlegirls.com&t=3&v=4

I just haven't gotten around to finishing the entire process because everyday something new comes up. So I know partial doesn't count, but it's at least somewhere rather than nowhere. :)

The good news is that there are a few things that are getting finished.

In the morning the improved add domains functionality is launching which allows you to add domain names without keywords and raises the limit to 1000 domains that can be added at a time. Master keyword is still highly recommended (and will always be a feature of Bodis at least according to my current plans) so I do always recommend setting it where possible even after this feature is live.

It is just something for the bigger domainers that have been asking me about it since 2007.

And from tests, it's quite accurate and effective so I'm quite happy about that.

There's a massive change coming this year for Bodis that won't be affecting anyone's revenue, not related to your parked domains, so I'll keep shut about that until it's time. :D
Hey Matt.....glad to hear your making progress. :)

Massive change? Not related to our domains? Won't affect our revenue?

Well.....the only thing that could be is you are selling Bodis, or merging with another company. Otherwise, anything else you could possibly do at Bodis would be related to our domains and would affect our revenue in some fashion. :)
None of those. Don't even think about doing that anytime soon. :D I don't really think there's a point for me to sell or merge Bodis in the future whatsoever.

But I'll give you a hint, affects the Bodis site. :)
Master keyword is still highly recommended (and will always be a feature of Bodis at least according to my current plans) so I do always recommend setting it where possible even after this feature is live.

So should I not use the Custom Keyword function?
You can and should if it improves your earnings.
You can and should if it improves your earnings.

Thanks, I was going to say the domains I use custom keywords on are doing fairly well.
Welcome! :tu:

The auto-keyword system is live. You can now add upto 1000 domain names simultaneously without keywords and the system will choose the most relevant keywords for your domain name.

It takes up to a few minutes for the system to set keywords.
There's always some improvement or whatever on the horizon. It's pretty astonishing how a simple inquiry system that's been asked for and promised for two years keeps getting put off.
I tried Bodis today with one of my high traffic parked domains. This domain has lots of backlinks where most of the traffic comes from. I found the Bodis 404 pages do not perform as well as Google Adsense for domains. :'(

1 day is not enough. We need at least 7 days to get proper reporting.

What is the domain? I GUARANTEE to make it outperform Google Adsense for Domains if I optimize it for you.

Almost every parking company should be able to out perform Google Adsense for Domains. You must be doing something wrong and if it's a high CPC domain then parking for 1 day is your mistake.

Our system takes a few days to optimize keywords, not to mention the reporting.

I try to stress this a lot to everyone. If you test for 1 day, then you are wasting time testing. You'll never find a parking company that beats Google Adsense for Domains with a 1 day test.
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I found that 10-14 days works best for my domains after switching to Bodis nameservers. You'll see an increase in visitors / revenue after that point. My domains parked at Bodis are currently outperforming Sedo parking by at least 500% LOL :)
There's always some improvement or whatever on the horizon. It's pretty astonishing how a simple inquiry system that's been asked for and promised for two years keeps getting put off.

Matt, I used to think that revenue was the only thing that matters for bodis, this last yr after the economy crisis I changed my views and I m certain that an inquiry system is very useful. I surpassed my bodi sparking revenue of 10 months with just a single domain sale with sedo that had no visitors at all.

You should be eager for this system as well since brokerage services are very profitable.
In fact I m certain that you are postponing the inquiry system because you want to have the brokerage as well at the same time, maybe you should revise this.
hello Matt do not bodis allow expired traffic?Why frozen

if you do not support the expired traffic, please delete them, why do you want to delete my other domain names of normal traffic?
Please restore the normal traffic domain names

My Account [email protected]

I've given you a message.

Sincerely hope that the answer
thank you

I've just parked travelmauritius.net at Bodis as a test to see if it outperforms travelmadagascar.net which is currently in development. Hopefully this gives me a good idea on what the best way is to earn some money.
Just moved a couple hundred domains backed to bodis after a very long hiatus. Will update soon.
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