
The New REVOLUTION in Domain Parking is HERE! -

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Bodis.comTop Member Staff
Introducing the New Revolution in Domain Parking Services, where the clients actually matter this time around -

That's right. We have negotiated the highest possible revenue share with third party ad providers, and out of this we are giving our clients a lifetime of 100% revenue.

Today is the beginning of CHANGE in the domain industry. Many of us are tired of all the domain parking programs that hone in most of what we should be receiving. The Revolution has STARTED.

As of right now, offers the following:

  • 100% Revenue Share
  • Search Engine Optimized Templates
  • Customizable html title, html description, and page title of templates
  • Customizable images for templates
  • Auto-optimizable and manually customizable keywords/urls for advertisements!
  • Simplistic and easy to use management interface
  • Customer support that cares about its clients
  • Customer support that responds within 1-2 days.
  • And more as the program progresses...

I am hoping the majority is happy with where we are heading in the domain industry, and that everybody here is happy to see We will be working extensively on adding user suggestions and feedback into the parking service.

Hopefully we can make a difference in the industry.

Aside from this, I'd like to point out a few more things. The lifetime of 100% revenue share is applicable to anybody that applies within the next 1-2 years. The revenue share may decrease after that only for new clients. Right now Bodis, LLC has the budget to keep itself afoot with 100% revenue share for another 1-2 years time.

Enjoy the website and feel free to leave any feedback/comments in this thread.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Looks great bro.

Best of luck to you. I hope to be getting my portfolio together shortly and sending it your way.

Thanks for your time, money, and effort to fund a project for the benefit of the domaining community!
Thank you! I will give it a shot. I just pulled my domains from so I need a new home :)
Wow! Finally! Thanks! :)
Are you accepting everyone?
It looks REALLY professional...I surely signed up! ;)
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Visited the site; took the tour and signed up immediately. A great looking site with the right ideas behind it. Can't wait to jump in and try it out (if accepted)!

Congrats on seeing this project through....I hope some of the big boys and naysayers are paying close attention....
Very nice site!...I'm loving your ideas so far especially the 100% rev share.
How long is the delay for the Confirmation Code ? I didn't want to close the page, because I was not sure if I could find it again?
Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

I am sorry I forgot to mention. There have been problems with my mail server today. And emails are sent from a second server which usually end up in the spam folder. The problem should be fixed within the next 1-2 days.

Once the problem is fixed, I will re-email everybody that hasn't confirmed their account yet. I have it all recorded in a database, do not worry. :) I will not forgot anybody!

But check your spam folder, maybe it is there.
cfguru360 said:
Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

I am sorry I forgot to mention. There have been problems with my mail server today. And emails are sent from a second server which usually end up in the spam folder. The problem should be fixed within the next 1-2 days.

Once the problem is fixed, I will re-email everybody that hasn't confirmed their account yet. I have it all recorded in a database, do not worry. :) I will not forgot anybody!

But check your spam folder, maybe it is there.
Thank you! No email. Oh well. Is there a link in the email for the conformation page?
This is very interesting and another welcome change. The sample template looks great!
Signed up.

Good going CFGuru.
This looks great - I was a bit puzzled with my ParkingPanel experience - can't wait to have a look around inside if I'm accepted.

One thing I found wasn't that clear your terms it doesn't state you won't pass information about members on to a third party, in plain language anyway...I read that paragraph that pertains to this a couple of times and didn't quite understand it.

Looks wonderful, even if I'm not onboard - wish you all the best with it.
Looking good CFGuru! Congrats on all your hardwork and dedication to seeing this project thru. I am Going to go sign up now!
Looks impressive from where I sit. I hope everyone does well and Bodis thrives.

Love the name.

My ego is totally battered from getting rejection notices so I'll just be looking on.
I am going to have my lawyer come up with a new Terms of Service soon which is going to be more detailed once this is out of the Beta.

Secondly, the landing page example there is actually a rough draft. So that's why I have made it small.

Thanks everyone for feedback thus far!
Congratulations Matt on launching a unique parking service with a unique name :) Looks great. I just signed up, waiting for the confirmation email.

Edit: Got the confirmation email.
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Signed up, received confirmation it's off to waiting. For some reason, i didn't put my most useful domains in the "list sample domains" move, eh? :hehe:

Looks great overall,...let's see what happens.

In essence, great job Matt, most people would have lacked the stamina and will to finalize a project like that.
Way to go Matt, :great:

And all this served by a yahoo feed.

Is the program live, can i park my domains today??
Pure Awesomeness. ;)

You were right, I am surprised!
I just signed up for your service, thanks :)
Matt, thanks for this. I hope this will improve all ours revenues.
How mane landing page we have?
I just applied and send you a PM.
Looks good, any exemple of a landing page ?
are you using skenzo to back up your parking?

Yofie said:
Thank you! I will give it a shot. I just pulled my domains from so I need a new home :)

check out thats where most of my domains are now..... cant wait to try out thou
Signed Up... Lets Rock n Roll... :)

Sorry my domain not too many. I'm just a beginner. :hi:
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application lodged, would love to move 1/3 of my domains here to try ;)

nice work mate.
I've just lodged an application but so far haven't received a confirmation code.

One question I have is if the co. is paying out 100% of their revenue, where does their own revenue come from ?
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