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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Have you ever used a toilet in a Muslim country?
I just told you I lived in a Muslim country for three years, so, yes, I've used a toilet in a Muslim country.

Showing the sole of your foot/shoe is also an insult. They have this thing about human and animal feces being dirty. Stepping in camel crap is an unpleasant experience that they don't share unless they are pretty ticked off. But so what?

I used to drink beer with Muslim and non-Muslim friends twice per week after tennis matches at embassies and military bases. Drinking alcohol is forbidden, yet it happened every week. We sat around drinking and joking, and then we drove home just like anywhere. Many Muslims are just normal people. Their Pizza Hut pizza doesn't have pork on it, but so what? The Bible says to not eat pork, too, but that's kind of been ignored, hasn't it? Yeah, they do have some over the top religious practices, because they often practice a literal interpretation of the Quran. If Christians practiced a strictly literal interpretation of the Bible, you might be surprised by the resemblance.

Pretty disgusting. Don't they take a daily bath? European women, not men, use bidets, but every Muslim, men and women has clean their butts with their left hands, otherwise....

This conversation has gone from the use of "Redskins" to the bowel movements of Muslims. What has that proven?
I apologize for the Papal Pop.
You don't have to apologize. As a Catholic I don't see it as a problem.
Pastor Makes Bombshell Admission: I Was Offered Money to Recruit Black Voters to Cast Ballots for Thad Cochran


The Pastor paid thousands of black Democrats $15 a pop to vote for Cochran. I was under the impression that Democrats could not vote for Republicans candidates. If that is so then this is pure voter fraud, and they should arrest those involved.

Democrats and Republicans are running shit scared of the Tea Party. The more I hear these stories the more I support the Tea Party.
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About normal people in the US:

Consider the heavy use of psychotropic drugs, and the large number of people who are supported by taxpayers (including govt employees), and you'll go a long way towards understanding why people are amused at the crumbling of their nation. Add an heavy diet of moronic mass media and substandard education, and it's no wonder.

How amusing - people getting cash to vote. Pass the Vicodin.
About normal people in the US:

Consider the heavy use of psychotropic drugs, and the large number of people who are supported by taxpayers (including govt employees), and you'll go a long way towards understanding why people are amused at the crumbling of their nation. Add an heavy diet of moronic mass media and substandard education, and it's no wonder.

How amusing - people getting cash to vote. Pass the Vicodin.

Crumbling nation? You see that from Japan? Maybe the radiation has gotten to you. Notice you didn't actually address my post, you being a Tea Party fan and all, I guess the American hating got in the way.
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Greatest nation ever........more like .... HOOAH!
Notice you didn't actually address my post, you being a Tea Party fan and all, I guess the American hating got in the way.
Your post didn't actually address Gilsan's post. The vote buying, remember?
Your post is easy to address. From the article:
"The Tea Party Stands Alone" : All those millions of tea partiers are alone. Let's turn it around and say "The Democratic Party Stands Alone." Gosh, what a useful phrase. We can apply it everywhere, and it sounds awful while meaning nothing. Parties have differences. Otherwise we would only have one.
Second line: "There’s the Tea Party -- and then there’s everyone else"
Once again. A meaningless statement that is meant to sway a reader.
Not sure what you get out of this stuff.

I guess the American hating got in the way.
So, in your opinion, Russians who hated the Soviet rule were Russian haters. Germans who fought Hitler were German haters? You do know that you are using the language favored by oppressive governments throughout history? Love it or leave it?

Maybe the radiation has gotten to you.
How sad.
Of course the vote buying is bad (if it's actually true), I addressed what I quoted. Nobody is running scared from the Tea Party.

So, in your opinion, Russians who hated the Soviet rule were Russian haters. Germans who fought Hitler were German haters? You do know that you are using the language favored by oppressive governments throughout history? Love it or leave it?

Leave it? You're in another country, you already left. And comparing America to Russians fighting Soviet rule and Germans who fought Hitler? Are you trying to up the other crazy thing you posted before, that Communist China is more free than America? Hitler? Really?

What's sad is how your government has tried to cover it up and lied about it. What's sad is how you'll post your hate about America all day long but how many posts have you made about the country you actually live in? Can you show me where you started a conversation on some problem in your own country?
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Speaking of Japan, the cabinet approved easing the post-WWII limitations set forth by the greatest nation in the world, USA.

Do you agree with their actions? (Obama has their back and the PM of Australia seems to like it too)

Do you disagree as they are trading cowards?

Or do you think it's been enough time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor to let them have more military power than just defense as it's heating up in the Pacific?
What do you think, David? The US sells a lot of stuff to Japan, and I think the trade issues are overplayed. Do you think trade should be a significant factor in deciding defense strategies? Doesn't seem prudent to me.
Most Japanese are against expanding the military, though China is doing its best to change that attitude with pretty much constant threats.
I believe after what the Japanese have done to show their allegiance to us in the past, we should have taken Okinawa as a strategic foothold in the Pacific and not given it back. With that being said, yes, they should keep a military force, however- it should be used for defensive purposes only as it is now.

With this new constitution, they are allowed to fight in defense of an ally. In the previous months, Japan has been selling submarines to Australia. Does this make them an ally? What is next for the Pacific? If Aussie is to take on China, Japan can then follow, which draws American in and sparks an all out war in the pacific once more.

People were against this as it is a pacifist country after WWII, but we made the constitution as we won the war with lots of tears, bloodshed and stars hanging on widows and mothers doors. This should not have passed, nor been introduced IMO.

In fact, let's forget all security treaties/Constitutions signed. Let's give up on Ukraine and see what Russia does, etc. because that's basically what Obama let happen yesterday.
Let's give up on Ukraine and see what Russia does, etc. because that's basically what Obama let happen yesterday.
I would look at that and think, "Gee, I wonder if the US will really be there for us when China decides to grab an island or two." From the Japanese I've talked to, they pretty much expect the US will be there though.
You're right, the new constitution could pull Japan into problems they might have avoided otherwise.

It's funny, because the Chinese claim to hate Abe, yet they helped put him in power. He's a divisive figure, as corrupt as can be expected from his party, and yet China takes every opportunity to scare the Japanese people into thinking they need a strong leader. I don't think the Chinese are that stupid, so I can only assume that they are looking for a fight.
@Domainace I don't know too much about Japanese politics (even though I've been here for 8 years) as they seemed unimportant. One Prime Minister to the next without any real problems, because they stayed out of world conflicts, though being a 'world power' and economic player. We've had the president in office going on the same amount of time and [...] just keeps getting worse.

He signed $10.10/hr minimum wage into effect for every new government contractor and BAM, there went jobs out the window in Okinawa. I'm waiting to see what happens to my hometown of Seattle for passing $15/hr.

Obama has no testicle fortitude to stand up to any nation (as we should have with the unconstitutional "gun to your head" vote for Crimea as we have a pact with Ukraine) and it's his time to go. Everyone thinks we're a joke.

Let's celebrate this 4th of July as if it'll be our last, because frankly, we're seeing a time of tyranny and oppression that we should have never seen.
Nobody is running scared of them.

"Tea Party is in a VERY different place on key issues -- than both non-Tea Party Republicans and the general population. It’s a stunning contrast."


Side show normal people find amusing.

What makes the Tea Party different than Republican or Democrat parties is the lack of organization; people who are disaffected with the lack of leadership, patriotism, vision, and openness that is occurring in the two parties are 'joining' the Tea Party. In essence you get a wide variety of opinions and professionalism.

Opponents of the Tea Party, in particular liberals who continue to hide behind the curtain, pick out a few strays and attempt to brand the whole movement as wacko. Which is fine, democrats as a whole have been telling themselves their leaders are not socialist for a generation, so what's one more little lie if it makes them feel good?
I don't know too much about Japanese politics (even though I've been here for 8 years) as they seemed unimportant.
You admit this, yet you feel comfortable spouting doomsday nonsense about the USA. On one hand you say we're in a time of tyranny of all things, but on the other you also criticize both countries for trying to have a livable minimum wage. Wonder if you could live on less than ten bucks an hour or even $15.

He signed $10.10/hr minimum wage into effect for every new government contractor and BAM, there went jobs out the window in Okinawa. I'm waiting to see what happens to my hometown of Seattle for passing $15/hr..
You're hoping it works, right?

Obama has no testicle fortitude to stand up to any nation (as we should have with the unconstitutional "gun to your head" vote for Crimea as we have a pact with Ukraine) and it's his time to go. Everyone thinks we're a joke..
Gotta love In abstentia opinions coming from someone who admits he doesn't even know much about the politics of the country he's lived in for the past eight years.

Let's celebrate this 4th of July as if it'll be our last, because frankly, we're seeing a time of tyranny and oppression that we should have never seen.
"Tyranny and oppression?" Good grief.
What makes the Tea Party different than Republican or Democrat parties is the lack of organization; people who are disaffected with the lack of leadership, patriotism, vision, and openness that is occurring in the two parties are 'joining' the Tea Party.
You got the first part right, anyway.

In essence you get a wide variety of opinions and professionalism.
That's a nice way of describing extremists.

Opponents of the Tea Party, in particular liberals who continue to hide behind the curtain, pick out a few strays and attempt to brand the whole movement as wacko. Which is fine, democrats as a whole have been telling themselves their leaders are not socialist for a generation, so what's one more little lie if it makes them feel good?
Jeez . . . I hope you are a Tea Party member. Your comments fit right in with them.
Jeez . . . I hope you are a Tea Party member. Your comments fit right in with them.

Them who, that's the point. Do you mean 'them', the ones that want a balanced budget? Or 'them' that want the deficit reduced? 'them' that want the President to stop apologizing for American Exceptionalism? 'Them' that wants our politicians to stop giving kickbacks to their campaign donors, or State Department jobs to their pals, instead of to qualified experts? By 'them' do you mean the ones that would like our Attorney General to act on behalf of the American citizens instead of being used as a political tool for the administration? By 'them' do you mean the ones that want the government bureaucracy streamlined to remove inefficiencies? I'm not sure what you mean by 'them', you seem to have missed the entire point of my previous post, which, as you seem to be a liberal/socialist, should not surprise anyone.
You admit this, yet you feel comfortable spouting doomsday nonsense about the USA. On one hand you say we're in a time of tyranny of all things, but on the other you also criticize both countries for trying to have a livable minimum wage. Wonder if you could live on less than ten bucks an hour or even $15.

You're hoping it works, right?
No, I'm hoping it fails miserably so that economics is made a general education requirement in high schools after we feel the final effects.

Gotta love In abstentia opinions coming from someone who admits he doesn't even know much about the politics of the country he's lived in for the past eight years.
I know quite a bit about Japanese politics as I've taken 3 Japanese history and government courses. However, this doesn't compare to the knowledge I have on our own political system.

"Tyranny and oppression?" Good grief.
1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship.

How many times has Obama used executive powers that are against public opinion (or a democracy)?

He even broke laws to return a traitor who got many people killed, Jesus. How can one still be in power after that? 5 FOR 1? NOPE!

I was trained that if I were caught to only provide 4 pieces of information and if I were to be KIA/MIA, I would eventually turn up... whether it be in pieces in a box or years later. No appeasing governments to get one "prisoner" back.
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I was trained that if I were caught to only provide 4 pieces of information and if I were to be KIA/MIA, I would eventually turn up... whether it be in pieces in a box or years later. No appeasing governments to get one "prisoner" back.

Jeez, your Boy Scout troop is a lot tougher than mine was.
Jeez, your Boy Scout troop is a lot tougher than mine was.
Probably went Chair Force then. Any intelligence you could have given to the enemy was the forecast for the week ahead.

I like how you deflect on issues I brought up, but point out qualities in myself.

Typical liberalism.
Not worth it.
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No, I'm hoping it fails miserably so that economics is made a general education requirement in high schools after we feel the final effects.
I'm sure your "hometown" values your hopes that they fail miserably so they have a reason to add "minimum wage economics 101" to their high school curricula. After all, it's just poor people trying to make a living on minimum wage. Don't suppose a high school class would help them, but who cares, right?

I know quite a bit about Japanese politics as I've taken 3 Japanese history and government courses. However, this doesn't compare to the knowledge I have on our own political system.

1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship.
I see you picked the mildest or definitions. If you really believe Obama has absolute, unrestrained power, maybe you should take some courses on US politics.

How many times has Obama used executive powers that are against public opinion (or a democracy)?
Less than Bush, I would guess. I can tell you Obama has issued 168 Executive Orders in six years compared to 292 for Bush in eight years. You do realize the US is a republic and understand what that means, right?

He even broke laws to return a traitor who got many people killed, Jesus. How can one still be in power after that? 5 FOR 1? NOPE!.

Some say he broke a law, some say not. I think he may have broken the 30 day notice rule in the spending bill, but I'll wait until the investigation is over.

I was trained that if I were caught to only provide 4 pieces of information and if I were to be KIA/MIA, I would eventually turn up... whether it be in pieces in a box or years later. No appeasing governments to get one "prisoner" back.
if you were caught? Caught doing what? Living in a Rambo fantasy? No one can stand up to extended "advanced" interrogation, especially the kind where you turn up in pieces.
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