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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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So, the Tea Party scores with a thumping of Cantor. Laughing but a little freaked at the same time.
So, the Tea Party scores with a thumping of Cantor. Laughing but a little freaked at the same time.
:) Viva Tea Party... Viva :) People are showing their dislike towards Washington and all those BS politicians. B-) Give them hell Tea Party. Gilsan is behind you
:) Viva Tea Party... Viva :) People are showing their dislike towards Washington and all those BS politicians. B-) Give them hell Tea Party. Gilsan is behind you
Okay, do you know what you're cheering on? Before you join the Tea Party fantasy, I would ask that you actually read the stuff on their website with as close to a neutral mind as you can get. I read everything they had. About 10% makes sense, but the majority is pure propaganda and scare-mongering with no facts to back what they say. What was scarier was what they didn't put on their site, especially their views on the roll *their type of religion) should play in American life and politics . . . and how they regard people of other religions (not just Muslims).

Their big schtick is how our freedoms are being stripped, but it's mostly just opinions on how things will be in the future "if we don't stop them now."

Quite frankly, I can understand why some politicians label them extremists. Personally, I find some of the stuff they are saying pretty frightening; and it's not because of religion; it' because what they are saying is exactly the opposite of what they claim to endorse, especially freedom. You can't proclaim how our freedoms are being stripped (yet not have any examples) and then turn around and say things that are meant to crush the way many people think. Here's an example in big bold letters taken word for word from their website:

"Obama is Freedom Stripping America
Stripping your freedom is not a pipe dream but a reality! Fema Camps are already built and waiting for you! They’ve been practicing for Martial Law and the great round-up of citizens in the 300-acre fake city Obama had built in Virginia. Do NOT dismiss this under any circumstance. It is serious.
Here’s what they are going to do:
  • Grab our guns and leave us defenseless!
  • Grant amnesty to tens of millions more illegal aliens to kill your vote!
  • Extinguish free-speech, crush it anywhere it exists!
  • Intern unlimited numbers of US citizens without cause!
  • Brand conservatives and the Tea Party as terrorists!
  • Teach our children that sexual perversion is normal!
  • Strip your wealth by taxing you to death and give it to the world to consume!
  • Make all private homes government housing!
  • Outlaw certain foods and gasoline-powered vehicles!
  • Bypass then reduce and eliminate Congress!
  • Make states accountable to the UN!
  • Reduce our military by 90%!
  • Remove our borders!
…and that’s just for starters."

It's all such bullshit: "The great round-up of citizens." "FEMA camps are already built and waiting for you." It's purposely and blatantly trying to give the impression that Obama is going to declare martial law and turn our soldiers into jack-booted, police-state thugs and round everyone up (I guess "everyone" means those that don't back him, however they would know that) and send them to FEMA camps (as though they were concentration camps or something just as scary). And then there's the Tea Party list of what the Obama backers ("they") are going to do. It's all scare-mongering about the future, and none of it is real. What's scary is anyone who reads this stuff and actually believes it could happen . . . and doesn't even pause to think over what is actually being said and why. If anyone truly believes the crap that's listed, that's scary. Almost as scary as turning over the leadership of America to people who may actually believe such garbage. I mean, come on! Actually read each item in the list and think about it. It's absurd. There is no grip on reality here. And not the kind of people I want in charge of anything.
Last edited:
Okay, do you know what you're cheering on? Before you join the Tea Party fantasy, I would ask that you actually read the stuff on their website with as close to a neutral mind as you can get. I read everything they had. About 10% makes sense, but the majority is pure propaganda and scare-mongering with no facts to back what they say. What was scarier was what they didn't put on their site, especially their views on the roll *their type of religion) should play in American life and politics . . . and how they regard people of other religions (not just Muslims).

Their big schtick is how our freedoms are being stripped, but it's mostly just opinions on how things will be in the future "if we don't stop them now."

Quite frankly, I can understand why some politicians label them extremists. Personally, I find some of the stuff they are saying pretty frightening; and it's not because of religion; it' because what they are saying is exactly the opposite of what they claim to endorse, especially freedom. You can't proclaim how our freedoms are being stripped (yet not have any examples) and then turn around and say things that are meant to crush the way many people think. Here's an example in big bold letters taken word for word from their website:

"Obama is Freedom Stripping America
Stripping your freedom is not a pipe dream but a reality! Fema Camps are already built and waiting for you! They’ve been practicing for Martial Law and the great round-up of citizens in the 300-acre fake city Obama had built in Virginia. Do NOT dismiss this under any circumstance. It is serious.
Here’s what they are going to do:
  • Grab our guns and leave us defenseless!
  • Grant amnesty to tens of millions more illegal aliens to kill your vote!
  • Extinguish free-speech, crush it anywhere it exists!
  • Intern unlimited numbers of US citizens without cause!
  • Brand conservatives and the Tea Party as terrorists!
  • Teach our children that sexual perversion is normal!
  • Strip your wealth by taxing you to death and give it to the world to consume!
  • Make all private homes government housing!
  • Outlaw certain foods and gasoline-powered vehicles!
  • Bypass then reduce and eliminate Congress!
  • Make states accountable to the UN!
  • Reduce our military by 90%!
  • Remove our borders!
…and that’s just for starters."

It's all such bullshit: "The great round-up of citizens." "FEMA camps are already built and waiting for you." It's purposely and blatantly trying to give the impression that Obama is going to declare martial law and turn our soldiers into jack-booted, police-state thugs and round everyone up (I guess "everyone" means those that don't back him, however they would know that) and send them to FEMA camps (as though they were concentration camps or something just as scary). And then there's the Tea Party list of what the Obama backers ("they") are going to do. It's all scare-mongering about the future, and none of it is real. What's scary is anyone who reads this stuff and actually believes it could happen . . . and doesn't even pause to think over what is actually being said and why. If anyone truly believes the crap that's listed, that's scary. Almost as scary as turning over the leadership of America to people who may actually believe such garbage. I mean, come on! Actually read each item in the list and think about it. It's absurd. There is no grip on reality here. And not the kind of people I want in charge of anything.

I agree mostly, the tea party is statist. They belive they can fix things by installing a state run by their "relgion" and authority. The FEMA thing is used to as fear mongering, I agree with you there. Lets look at a few of those other points:
  • Grab our guns and leave us defenseless!
Well yea that is not what is happening now, thats true. Gun laws are growing, the democrats and a lot of the media are fear mongering about gun owners. If that means "they" are going to "grab" the guns?
  • Grant amnesty to tens of millions more illegal aliens to kill your vote!
Amnesty is being discussed, if the goal is to "kill your vote" ?
  • Extinguish free-speech, crush it anywhere it exists!
  • Intern unlimited numbers of US citizens without cause
More fear mongering
  • Brand conservatives and the Tea Party as terrorists!
This is happening in the media at least.
  • Teach our children that sexual perversion is normal!
  • Strip your wealth by taxing you to death and give it to the world to consume!
I can agree with the too much and too high taxes
  • Make all private homes government housing!
This is a new one.
  • Outlaw certain foods and gasoline-powered vehicles!
Certain foods are being outlawded that is true. Gasoline probaly wont be outlawed but taxed to make it unattractive.
  • Bypass then reduce and eliminate Congress!
Maybe they mean these excutive orders, they are real.
  • Make states accountable to the UN!
Not sure if this is really happening, but I think it was at least discussed.
  • Reduce our military by 90%!
That is a new one.
  • Remove our borders!
doubt it

The police are using more and more military gear, that is true.
From's 'about page':

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

I think 15 is probably the point most people would feel uncomfortable with, since it is so vague. But, most of those points are quite valid. Illegal aliens ARE here illegally. The U.S. COULD benefit from a strong manufacturing base. Special interests from both sides of the aisle cost billions upon billions in unnecessary expenses every year. Gun ownership is a founding principle of the country, and a strong traditional value of many. Government SHOULD be downsized. Nothing wrong with a balanced budget that I can see. I have to have one at home, no reason why my representatives in government shouldn't be held to the same level of accountability. Going along with balancing the budget is an end to deficit spending and reduction of the debt. Bailouts and stimulus plans are, for the most part, nothing more than handouts, rewards to campaign donors or voting blocks that are calling in favors. I DO pay way too much in taxes. If the business I worked for paid less in taxes every year, perhaps they would not have to lay off 2-4 people every summer during the slow period. I found it rather refreshing that my State Representative learned my name and remembered it the next time we met. Who wants an intrusive government, anyway? I think about everyone wants to be left alone. As for English being a core language, it makes sense, if you want to be efficient, then government should not have to deal with two - or more - languages. No duplication means less expense.

Now, 'traditional family values', imo, is an excellent goal, as long as the phrase is not used to undermine an individual's right to love who they want. But, really, 14 out of 15 is a pretty good score.
From's 'about page':

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

I think 15 is probably the point most people would feel uncomfortable with, since it is so vague. But, most of those points are quite valid. Illegal aliens ARE here illegally. The U.S. COULD benefit from a strong manufacturing base. Special interests from both sides of the aisle cost billions upon billions in unnecessary expenses every year. Gun ownership is a founding principle of the country, and a strong traditional value of many. Government SHOULD be downsized. Nothing wrong with a balanced budget that I can see. I have to have one at home, no reason why my representatives in government shouldn't be held to the same level of accountability. Going along with balancing the budget is an end to deficit spending and reduction of the debt. Bailouts and stimulus plans are, for the most part, nothing more than handouts, rewards to campaign donors or voting blocks that are calling in favors. I DO pay way too much in taxes. If the business I worked for paid less in taxes every year, perhaps they would not have to lay off 2-4 people every summer during the slow period. I found it rather refreshing that my State Representative learned my name and remembered it the next time we met. Who wants an intrusive government, anyway? I think about everyone wants to be left alone. As for English being a core language, it makes sense, if you want to be efficient, then government should not have to deal with two - or more - languages. No duplication means less expense.

Now, 'traditional family values', imo, is an excellent goal, as long as the phrase is not used to undermine an individual's right to love who they want. But, really, 14 out of 15 is a pretty good score.

Yes, these points are on the same website as the 13 that are loony tunes, and that in itself is a huge red flag, as though the Party is schizophrenic. Traditional family values "is an excellent goal, as long as the phrase is not used to undermine an individual's right to love who they want." Who and what do you think "Teach our children that sexual perversion is normal" applies to? if the Tea Party eve gets in control, the mantra for less intrusive government will go out the window along with any rights for gay marriages, which practices that "sexual perversion."

And while some of the 15 points appear to make sense, they go against each other: Tea Partiers say they want less government, yet they want a full military, which I assume means keeping Homeland Security, the NSA, and the CIA (because intelligence wins wars). And what about stuff like the Patriot Act? And since the military budgets are our biggest bill, what gets cut? Wait, let me guess, food stamps, subsidized school lunches, services for the elderly, Medicare, Medicaid, and all the services that try to help people. Say what you want about food stamps and other programs meant to help people, and cherry pick the cases of abuse, but they truly help a millions of people who need help. There's nothing like being too poor to buy food. And it's not a matter of getting off their lazy asses and getting a job. Tell that to the 80 year old woman who can't afford a nursing home, let alone rent. Going to force old people to pick the apples that non-English speaking migrant workers now do but no longer will be tolerated?

English is the core language. Do you mean forcing everyone in the States to speak English? How is that not an example of government intrusion? And if someone can't speak English to a high enough standard (which is what?) are you going to announce martial law and round up anyone and everyone who is suspected of having poor language skills, label them unworthy of living in the United States and ship them off somewhere, just like the point in the list of 13 said? Going to get rid of the deaf and those with speech impediments and those mentally challenged? What about those with extreme accents

Gun ownership is "sacred." Yeah, a few hundred years ago people had to hunt for their dinners. Things change. Tea Partiers insist on ID cards to vote to prevent cheating. Why do they not insist on registering guns to help prevent and solve crimes? I've got no problem with gun ownership, but why insist upon the right to own a gun but not to take responsibility for owning it? Why insist upon being able to take a gun into Starbucks, yet object to signing a paper for ownership like we do for a cell phone?

Less government? Government downsized? Easy to say. Taxes are looked at mostly from the paying them perspective and hardly ever from the what do i get from the government in return for my taxes. Everyone wants to be left alone, but they also want everything they currently get from the government paid for by their taxes, everything from roads to safe food, from airport traffic control to emergency help after your home has been blown away by a tornado. Have you given any thought to the hardships and chaos that will ensue with the government suddenly being hands off? What will be cut if not the military? Are we going to make our troops patrol the borders after they finish rounding up those 20 million illegals? Or are we going to get rid of the park service and have the park rangers become border guards? I mean who needs parks anyway, right? Might as well get rid of game wardens, too. Let people catch all the fish they can dynamite, and shoot all the animals their assault rifles can handle. We don't need any fish or animals anyway.
Verbster, no disrespect intended but you are looney tunes about this stuff. Really out there with your arguments. When you say crap like this:
"....are you going to announce martial law and round up anyone and everyone who is suspected of having poor language skills, label them unworthy of living in the United States and ship them off somewhere, ju...." It is really hard to take you serious.
I can only read so much crap in the political thread before I have to take a break from it and leave for a while. I've used up my June quota; see you in July.
You left off:

16. World Peace (which we won't get involved in even with our big army)
17. Free Cookies
18. Everyone gets a money tree

You can promise whatever you want and make it sound good.
The Tea Party is very limited in what it says about foreign and international affairs- one presumes a retrenchment policy but I'm not sure it's clearly thought out.

What I don't get? Why isn't the Tea Party a 3rd Party?
Verbster, no disrespect intended but you are looney tunes about this stuff. Really out there with your arguments. When you say crap like this:
"....are you going to announce martial law and round up anyone and everyone who is suspected of having poor language skills, label them unworthy of living in the United States and ship them off somewhere, ju...." It is really hard to take you serious.

I'm thrilled you at least got the obvious point that it's hard to take what I wrote serious, as that was exactly my point. Did you not read the absurd stuff they posted about Obama, martial law, rounding people up and FEMA camps? All I did was apply their own nonsense to one of their "good" points on the list of 15 (that you support) to show how absurd it is in any scenario. I thought that was pretty obvious, but maybe not.
Okay, do you know what you're cheering on? Before you join the Tea Party fantasy, I would ask that you actually read the stuff on their website with as close to a neutral mind as you can get. I read everything they had. About 10% makes sense, but the majority is pure propaganda and scare-mongering with no facts to back what they say. What was scarier was what they didn't put on their site, especially their views on the roll *their type of religion) should play in American life and politics . . . and how they regard people of other religions (not just Muslims).

Their big schtick is how our freedoms are being stripped, but it's mostly just opinions on how things will be in the future "if we don't stop them now."

Quite frankly, I can understand why some politicians label them extremists. Personally, I find some of the stuff they are saying pretty frightening; and it's not because of religion; it' because what they are saying is exactly the opposite of what they claim to endorse, especially freedom. You can't proclaim how our freedoms are being stripped (yet not have any examples) and then turn around and say things that are meant to crush the way many people think. Here's an example in big bold letters taken word for word from their website:

"Obama is Freedom Stripping America

Stripping your freedom is not a pipe dream but a reality! Fema Camps are already built and waiting for you! They’ve been practicing for Martial Law and the great round-up of citizens in the 300-acre fake city Obama had built in Virginia.Do NOT dismiss this under any circumstance. It is serious.

Here’s what they are going to do:
  • Grab our guns and leave us defenseless!
  • Grant amnesty to tens of millions more illegal aliens to kill your vote!
  • Extinguish free-speech, crush it anywhere it exists!
  • Intern unlimited numbers of US citizens without cause!
  • Brand conservatives and the Tea Party as terrorists!
  • Teach our children that sexual perversion is normal!
  • Strip your wealth by taxing you to death and give it to the world to consume!
  • Make all private homes government housing!
  • Outlaw certain foods and gasoline-powered vehicles!
  • Bypass then reduce and eliminate Congress!
  • Make states accountable to the UN!
  • Reduce our military by 90%!
  • Remove our borders!
…and that’s just for starters."

It's all such bullshit: "The great round-up of citizens." "FEMA camps are already built and waiting for you." It's purposely and blatantly trying to give the impression that Obama is going to declare martial law and turn our soldiers into jack-booted, police-state thugs and round everyone up (I guess "everyone" means those that don't back him, however they would know that) and send them to FEMA camps (as though they were concentration camps or something just as scary). And then there's the Tea Party list of what the Obama backers ("they") are going to do. It's all scare-mongering about the future, and none of it is real. What's scary is anyone who reads this stuff and actually believes it could happen . . . and doesn't even pause to think over what is actually being said and why. If anyone truly believes the crap that's listed, that's scary. Almost as scary as turning over the leadership of America to people who may actually believe such garbage. I mean, come on! Actually read each item in the list and think about it. It's absurd. There is no grip on reality here. And not the kind of people I want in charge of anything.

I started to respond to your post yesterday, then Namepros went haywire for the rest of the day (probably because you got a panick attack, due to the Tea Party victory in Virginia) so I’m only finishing posting this today.

Yep, I know what I'm cheering and I hope the Tea Party has lots of success in the future. Of course the Liberals and even many Republicans are gonna do everything legal and illegal to destroy them. The snowball has started rolling.

Look at what's happening in Europe; where they had decades of deliberate open border policy by Liberal governments so as to gain the votes from these masses of immigrants and subsequently stay in power.

Smart move, I must admit, if you happen to be a Lying Liberal Politician and want to hold on to power. Just bring in boat loads and plane loads of illegals and they will be forever grateful, especially at election time. Obama & Co. are also using that technique in the US.

They did this against the will of the people. That's why UKIP in the UK, National Front in France and lots of other right wing parties have gained so many votes in the last EU elections. Because the Liberal governments deliberately lied to the electorate and changed the whole character and fabric of European Society.

Controlled, selective and limited Immigration is great as far as I'm concerned, but Mass immigration as has been happening for decades is disastrous, and the results are clear to see:

There are many hundreds if not thousands of Jihadis from Europe fighting in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan etc. These people hate the Brits, the French, the Germans but especially the Americans and Jews.

Here's a totally different example of their intentions. In the UK several Public schools have been taken over by hard line Muslim extremists, that teach young 6 year olds that Western women are "White Prostitutes", where Christmas events and raffles were banned for being “un-Islamic,” and students were segregated during class.

At one school the call to prayer is sounded over the public address system, while teaching in biology and sex education had been “restricted to comply with conservative Islamic teaching” at another.

At Nansen Elementary School, music has been removed from the curriculum and Arabic lessons made compulsory.

And Verbster... you're gonna love this one:

According to a former teacher, the Muslim principal at Park View High School, has expressed “mind-blowing” radical views at school assemblies—including telling students that the U.S. is the “source of all evil in the world.”

Read more here:

Normal people will not tolerate this kind of crap. It's only Liberal politicians who do, and then they scratch their heads furiously in shock and disbelief, when Parties like the Tea Party, UKIP and Frente Nacional get really popular.

So I say for all to hear….Viva Tea Party, Viva UKIP and Viva Frente Nacional.... let's give ‘em hell

Not a fan of the current Supreme Court, but will give them credit for their latest no-brainer ruling that subpoenaed public employees can't be fired for telling the truth while testifying.
Whistleblowers should enjoy some protections under the law..
Interesting how the patent office is involved in the Washington "Redskins" issue.
Yea I know common core and Lybia are hot religous issues.
Interesting how the patent office is involved in the Washington "Redskins" issue.

I love the little poster that 's been going around....


No matter what side of the argument you are on, that was kind of funny...
Terrorism comes in many ugly forms by many terrible people. They all think they are not doing anything wrong. There's no excuse for any of it.

This story is about John Balyo, who allegedly paid 41-year-old Ronald Lee Moser of Battle Creek who operated a website that offered customers sex with underage boys for a fee.

Not sure how you link this to being "Terrorism".

Pedophile or gay, yes, but terrorism?
I love the little poster that 's been going around....

Show attachment 6065

No matter what side of the argument you are on, that was kind of funny...
Just call them the Wash Skins and the "non existent problem, except in the mind of some Looney Liberals" is solved
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