
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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information Top Topics: The Buyer Knows How Much I Paid; What's Your Development Project?...

In this week's Top Topics, we encounter a fairly unique situation in which a domainer has a deal canceled after the buyer finds out the domainer's acquisition price. We also take a look at the various development projects that are currently being undertaken by investors and we ask how outbound...

information Top Topics: Your Plan for 2019; The Final Minutes of a $22,000 Auction...

In this week's Top Topics, we take a look at strategies for domain investing in 2019, a domainer asks about conversion rates in outbound sales, and a poll asks how many domains you own in your domain portfolio. Elsewhere, an investor shares a video of the last moments of their $22,000 auction...

information Top Topics: My First Sale at $14,500; What Annoys You About the Domain Industry?...

As discovered by domain broker @Alan Dunn on Twitter, New York-based Jump Bikes recently acquired the Jump.com domain name. It's highly likely that the domain sold for a high amount, given the fact that Jump.com was part of Microsoft's vast domain portfolio. Jump Bikes was acquired...

information Top Topics: An Outbound Walkthrough for Beginners; I Got Paid in Just 9 Hours!...

British domain investor Andy Booth (@andyboothsi) today confirmed that he recently acquired the incredible one-word domain Zoom.com in a post to his Facebook page. According to DomainIQ, the name was previously owned by under privacy protection at GoDaddy, with WHOIS listings for...

information Top Topics: Your Best Month of 2018; If You Owned Ethereum.com...

In this week's Top Topics, an investor asks what you would do if you were the owner of Ethereum.com, would you sell it or keep it? Elsewhere, domainers disclose their best month of 2018 for sales and this week's featured poll asks whether .CO or .IO would be better for investment for one-word...

tips Domain Name Appraisal Scams

The domain name appraisal scam is by far the most common domain name scam and unfortunately claims many victims. Most domainers have either fallen for it themselves, or know someone who has. Follow the advice in this article to spare yourself from the same fate.

Domain name appraisal scams are...
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information Top Topics: My First $1 Million Offer; Should I Contact This Owner?...

For those who missed it, on Christmas Eve, we published an interview with HostGator founder Brent Oxley, who has amassed a domain portfolio worth around $10 million. The majority of Brent’s portfolio has been listed in the NamesCon auction, and Brent explained his reasoning for doing this...

information Top Topics: 2018 Reported Outbound Sales Analysis; Your Realistic Goals for This Year...

In our first Top Topics of 2019, we take a look at an in-depth analysis of reported outbound sales from 2018, and a domainer asks other investors to share their realistic domaining goals for 2019. Elsewhere, someone asks for feedback on some advice they dispensed and our featured poll asks for...

information Top Topics: Abstract Buys Abstract.com; Should I Accept This $5,250 Offer?...

During some research this week, I came across a one-word .COM domain sale that I don't think has been reported before. The domain Abstract.com looks to have sold to workflow platform Abstract as a direct upgrade from GoAbstract.com. Abstract recently raised a total of $30 million in Series C...

information Top Topics: I've Been Threatened With a Lawsuit; Why Do We Monetize Domains?...

Recently, we broke the news of @braden Pollock’s $500,000 sale of Q.org. At the time, the buyers were unknown since the domain held no content and was registered under privacy protection. This week, the domain’s content changed to display Q, a worldwide distributed cryptocurrency...

information Top Topics: What's the Next Encompassing Rebrand?; Is Buying at the Beginning or End of the Year Better?...

In this week's Top Topics, domain investors are wondering what the next encompassing rebrand will be after Square launched a parent company named Block. Elsewhere, Squadhelp has released its 2021 marketplace review, and which is better, buying domains at the beginning of the year, or the end...

information Top Topics: Gems.com Sells for $1.5 Million; Some Differences I’ve Noticed in 2022 Domain Sales...

In this week’s Top Topics, we discuss the latest seven-figure sale to be revealed, and a brand gets a major domain upgrade after its latest round of funding. Elsewhere, an investor shares their observations on domain sales in 2022, and domain names are fuelling the latest NFT craze...

information Top Topics: Help.com sold for $3M; Epik keeps investors' money; Dofo.com to be retired; Bodis PPC revenue drops; Twitter to sell premium usernames

Welcome to another edition of Top Topics here at NamePros. Here's a selection of active discussions for your reading pleasure:

Help.com was reported as sold by DNJournal, for a whopping $3 million dollars; More trouble at Epik as investors cannot register domains with existing...
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information Top Topics: Accelerator.com sold for $145k; Get a .ing domain for $1MM; Afternic DNS & Sedo; NameJet private listings; Your first $X,XXX domain sale

Welcome to our Sunday review of Top Topics here at NamePros! :xf.grin:

Expired domain Accelerator.com was sold for $145k at GoDaddy auctions; Get an .ing domain for a million+ bucks; Sedo ownership verification: How to combine it with Afternic DNS; NameJet isn't accepting new...
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information Top Topics: Afternic suspends user; ICANN layoffs; Moniker relaunches registrar; Bank fraud and domains; Swetha's latest big sale

Welcome to the weekly Top Topics review here at NamePros! :)

Afternic suspends user's account; ICANN slashes staff; Moniker relaunches domain registrar; Bank fraud involving domain transactions; Swetha has sold the domain Nudge.xyz.

Afternic suspended my account...

information Securing Your Domain Name From Theft


Recently I have been dealing with a domain theft. Trying to locate information and warning the original user. One thing this process has brought to light is the little people know about securing domain names.

The following are my thoughts on how to best secure your domain...
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alert Nigerian '419' Scams and Fraud

On November 14th, the included email was received from Mr. Jeff Pear from the Office of Inspection Unit and the United Nations Agency divisions at John F. Kennedy International Airport. It's important to bring this to the attention of the entire domain investing community as Nigerian...

various Top Topics of the Week: Best domain stories, the truth hurts, and .science is alive!

CONTEST: 20 Free Domains - Win them here!
@Ali Zandi challenges the community to share their best domain story. The discussion is going strong with over 2,500 views and nearly 100 stories and comments. The contest ends tonight, and the best story will win 20 domains from him...

sales Exclusive: 4G.com Domain Sold for High Six Figures

NamePros is able to reveal that the domain 4G.com has been sold very recently, with the news breaking on LinkedIn and in a NamePros thread on Thursday night.

Bhanu Prasad - the owner of 4G.com - posted the news in a domain sellers group on LinkedIn but couldn't reveal the price paid for...

advice The First .BIKE Domain I've Seen - And It's Being Used Very Well

I regularly look through Crunchbase to see what new startups are doing, and I came across a company using a .BIKE domain name: the first .bike domain name that I’ve seen in action.

The .BIKE domain name belongs to a company called Cobi, who use smart technology to enhance your bike. It’s...

domains Company Using a .WORLD Domain Receives $500 Million in Series A Funding

A .WORLD domain name that was registered in January 2015 is now being used as the home page for a company that's raised $500 Million in Series A funding this week.

The company in question is called OneWeb, and the domain name is OneWeb.world. The idea behind the company is to create a service...

news Six Companies Form One UDRP Against Yoyo.Email

I've followed Yoyo.Email with some interest ever since I learned that Giovanni LaPorta (CEO of Yoyo.Email) registered around 4,000 company .email domain names to create a "certified email service."

It seems, however, that Yoyo.Email's plans aren't supported by many companies - with over 50...
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various Top Topics: GoDaddy Sells Personal Information; Trademark Infringement; Automated Appraisals...

The most popular discussions last week include speculation on whether GoDaddy is selling your personal information; the true value of automated appraisals; trademark infringement explained for plural names; a buyout of 30,000 Chinese LLLL.net domains in one hour; and investors share when and why...

various Top Topics: Google Uses .XYZ; Pheenix Success Rate; Flippa's New Look...

Discussions galore this week! The most popular include the redesign of Flippa’s homepage and category pages; Google’s parent company Alphabet rolling out with a .XYZ domain name, which made many others find new and unseen value in them; the chances of drop catching at Pheenix; and the most...

information THE Domain Conference Nominations Are Open

As you may know, THE Domain Conference is taking place from 26th - 29th September 2015 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. If you are going, you can expect days full of networking, workshops, talks, a keynote speech from Morgan Linton and a "State of the Industry" presentation from DNJournal's Ron...
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