
This sucks.. someone...

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Snatched . It was my domain net and org but I'm kind of short on money so i thought nobody would touch it but someone did... wtf!!!


I think the net and org are about to expire too but why would i want them when my com was taken. Ughhh!!!!

BTW... dktk are my intials, why the heck would they want it -_-
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My initials are two letters as I don't have any middle names so er, what's the chance of me getting LOL, I'm not paying 50 bazzilion for it.
Originally posted by N9ne
My initials are two letters as I don't have any middle names so er, what's the chance of me getting LOL, I'm not paying 50 bazzilion for it.

Originally posted by rimmer
you could get

He is right, p-d shouldnt be that expensive but still more expensive than dktk :P I guess they got mine because i had it added in google, overture, etc... -_-
Email them,
owner of Ultsearch is a nice guy
he doesnt give a crap about how much the domains are worth to end users or resellers

he cuts good deals
2 bad when this happend.. ;(
Man that sucks.

I remember your site, I was goign to purchase a reseller from you.
that's too bad...maybe you could add a hyphen or something?
Originally posted by DotLeader
Email them,
owner of Ultsearch is a nice guy
he doesnt give a crap about how much the domains are worth to end users or resellers

he cuts good deals

You've actually managed to engage ULTSearch in a dialogue?
Originally posted by lotsofissues
You've actually managed to engage ULTSearch in a dialogue?

I dont think he will sell it :(
(business reputation would be at stake)

He only sells domans if you offer him 5-6 figures.
Originally posted by lotsofissues
You've actually managed to engage ULTSearch in a dialogue?

I would have to see/hear it to believe it... :|
Very inturesting. I don't see why someone would snatch up a domain like that?
I suggest trying a new name for your compnay :)
I have a list of pending deletes in the expired domains forums.
aww sorry to hear that. maybe they backordered it?
Woah, I feel bad for you. I would be mad if someone took my domain. :(
Originally posted by darksk8er
I suggest trying a new name for your compnay :)
I have a list of pending deletes in the expired domains forums.

Well... I guess im just gonna go for a new name, you are right.

I never really liked people asking me what DKTK means :P

I still am mad about it, why the heck do they need it for lol... For gods sakes, they dont even know what it means :P
Also now im wondering what should i do with and now that the main .com was taken... i still got like 4 months on the org and net ahhh..

Also i was offline for 1 1/2 months and thats when the com got snatched otherwise i would prolly have renewed it -_-
sucks man, take a trip to the expired forum.
And I would let them expire, or contact the .com owner once again.
Hmm if i contact him what should i say.. im sure he is gonna want more than $100 and im really tight in money right now :-/ Jeez, i guess im gonna have to let them expire and then when the com is available take them all. Otherwise if i register it he might renew it seeing that im still interested in the name :P
To bad you let it slip :(
But, you know what they say?
All is fair in love and war.
In the domain business if you snooze you loose.

If it makes you feel anybetter?
The domain isn't worth reg fee anyway IMO.
Hmmm i see..well then im gonna have to come up with a better name :D
We all sucks. It mever huruts to suck. Our life is a big scam. Isn't it ?

Take it easy and go ahead if you want to achieve something.

Take it easy guys.

We all sucks. It never hurts to suck. Our life is a big scam. Isn't it ?

Take it easy and go ahead if you want to achieve something.

Take it easy guys.

sorry for double posting
sorry for double posting
Originally posted by columbia
sorry for double posting

No worries.
Stay cool now, columbia. B-)
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