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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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Not everything out of Trump's mouth is evil. Loving your country, putting American first in foreign affairs isn't bad. America isn't perfect but is a force for good.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_nationalism >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civic_nationalism

American nationalism or United States nationalism is a form of civic nationalism[1] found in the United States.[2] Essentially, it indicates the aspects that characterize and distinguish the United States as an autonomous political community. The term often serves to explain efforts to reinforce its national identity and self-determination within their national and international affairs.

Civic nationalism, also known as liberal nationalism, is a form of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in an inclusive form of nationalism that adheres with traditional liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights.[1][2]

Civic nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives[3] and that democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.[4]

Don't be afraid to think for yourself. When JB compares you to house n i g g e r, calls you racist, terrorist, just smile and wave.


Trump is evil. If you don't agree, you're crazy, stupid, racist. bla, bla, bla.
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Article writer fails to consider:

The fact that the mail made it to CNN means it made it through the post office bomb detecting machines. Could be just a visual terror bomb.

And Not considering a left leaning suspect trying to get people madder so they go out to vote D.


If the dude didn't wear gloves his fingerprints will probably be on the tape. FBI crime labs luv tape!

And some camera will catch him.
Melania on now, talking about BeBest "focusing on well-being for youth, and advocating against cyberbullying and drug (particularly opioid) use". This is a bit of a joke with Trump standing next to her. Trump on now.

Article writer fails to consider:

The fact that the mail made it to CNN means it made it through the post office bomb detecting machines. Could be just a visual terror bomb.

And Not considering a left leaning suspect trying to get people madder so they go out to vote D.


If the dude didn't wear gloves his fingerprints will probably be on the tape. FBI crime labs luv tape!

And some camera will catch him.

They said it had actual bomb components, real deal.

"On Wednesday afternoon, New York City’s police commissioner, James P. O’Neill, said the CNN bomb was “a live explosive device” and that it would be rendered harmless and sent to the F.B.I. to be analyzed. The package that contained the device also included white powder that the police were testing to determine if it is toxic, he said."
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Article writer fails to consider:

The fact that the mail made it to CNN means it made it through the post office bomb detecting machines. Could be just a visual terror bomb.

And Not considering a left leaning suspect trying to get people madder so they go out to vote D.


If the dude didn't wear gloves his fingerprints will probably be on the tape. FBI crime labs luv tape!

And some camera will catch him.

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? haha, you're so uninformed. The Dems were never going to get the Senate, we went over that many times. The only thing that was up from grabs is the House. And right now, it's leaning Dem.

I posted links to maps - https://www.namepros.com/threads/the-nps-official-usa-political-thread.764342/page-1047#post-6927922

Nasdaq on track to end in correction territory, S&P 500 set for 6th losing session

Stock market volatility is back, and history shows these Dow stocks thrive during turbulent times
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"a live explosive device" may mean the clock was working

Post office fail if it has explosives in the pipe
"a live explosive device" may mean the clock was working

Post office fail if it has explosives in the pipe

Don't see any postmarks on it.
They don't show the whole package. Did have stamps on it. You think all these were hand delivered by the bomber on the same day?

I think the Soros one was thought that it could be hand delivered.
They don't show the whole package. Did have stamps on it. You think all these were hand delivered by the bomber on the same day?

I think the Soros one was thought that it could be hand delivered.

Reportedly, a bomb addressed to Eric Holder was returned to DWS because it couldn't be delivered to Holder. Envelope had her return address.
"One official said it appeared to be amateurish"

That's what I thought when I saw the Big LCD Clock Screen
Thanks for the full pic. I only saw half the package before. Labeling does look cheesy.
This could be it folks. Just thought I'd mention that the looming recession appears to be already showing it's hand. Fifteen minutes left to the trading day but all major indexes have broken recent lows as well as major support levels. I'll chime in later with more. Talking heads on TV won't call a crash or a recession until the major indexes are at least 20% down, but that is no help.
Here is JB Lions taking an old sarcastic joke out of context.

This is the same genius that claimed sex between men and boys wasn't homosexual sex. Then compared Kanye West to a mental defect and house negro.

He's smarter than everyone. He just sub-post this bullshit so he doesn't have to spend time defending it with maroons like the rest of us.

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This could be it folks. Just thought I'd mention that the looming recession appears to be already showing it's hand. Fifteen minutes left to the trading day but all major indexes have broken recent lows as well as major support levels. I'll chime in later with more. Talking heads on TV won't call a crash or a recession until the major indexes are at least 20% down, but that is no help.

This could be it folks. Just thought I'd mention that the looming recession appears to be already showing it's hand. Fifteen minutes left to the trading day but all major indexes have broken recent lows as well as major support levels. I'll chime in later with more. Talking heads on TV won't call a crash or a recession until the major indexes are at least 20% down, but that is no help.


Dow erases gains for the year, tumbles more than 600 points as stocks extend October swoon

Next year is when we'll start to feel the effects of the tariffs. Bad times ahead. Trump supporters in this thread will be rushing to blame somebody else than Trump. This is 100% his doing. It's so idiotic, his own economic adviser quit over it:

"President Trump's looming trade war has already claimed its first victim: White House economic adviser Gary Cohn.

Cohn, a former Goldman Sachs executive and free trade advocate, announced his plans to resign Tuesday, less than a week after Trump called for stiff tariffs on imported steel and aluminum."


I'll be bumping a lot of old threads next year. I wonder if mr-x will screenshot those as well :whistle:
"Sanford and son" is right, our next recession promises to be worse than the last and this could easily be the very beginning of it.
Noway stock volitility is related to civil unrest and bomb plot. Must be the recession every scumbag democrat has been hopping for.
Noway stock volitility is related to civil unrest and bomb plot. Must be the recession every scumbag democrat has been hopping for.

It just didn't start going down today, haha. Like I said, they'll be coming with the excuses and just like clockwork, mr-x couldn't even come up with a good one. Sad.

Trump said we should...........unify. He must hate having to read that today, what somebody wrote for him. Later in a rally, he'll be free to be himself again.

Replying to @realDonaldTrump
"A guy that can body slam, my kind of guy"

"I'd like to punch em in the face"

"I can go out on 5th AVE and shoot someone"

"The media is the enemy of the people"

Constant praise of violent dictators DIVISIVENESS that could contribute to an act like today

4:44 PM - 24 Oct 2018
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One thing is for sure. As with all things Trump he will blame all of this on someone else, most likely the Fed. When something fails he blames others, when something works he takes sole credit.

The only thing I will laugh about in whats coming is that he is so clueless that he branded his Presidency to the last gasps of a bull market and he will therefore forever be branded with the coming bear.
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