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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Barack Obama comments on Illegal Immigration.

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in this country” — Barack Obama

I mostly agree. Looking at you National Chamber of Commerce
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That was Sen Obama, not ex-President Obama

No kidding, wasn't talking about the video. His views didn't change. Deporter in Chief was when he was President.

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Funny how Barack Obama and every democrat candidate is avoiding the "immigrant crisis" marching towards our border.

Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer

Questions I hope reporters will ask Ds about the caravan:
1) Do you support letting all of them into the US?
2) Are there any you would send back?
3) Once they’re here, who should pay for their health care?
4) Who should pay for their housing/food?
5) Where should they live?

P.S. US National Debt is about $21, trillion.
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Funny how Barack Obama and every democrat candidate is avoiding the "immigrant crisis" marching towards our border.

Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer

Questions I hope reporters will ask Ds about the caravan:
1) Do you support letting all of them into the US?
2) Are there any you would send back?
3) Once they’re here, who should pay for their health care?
4) Who should pay for their housing/food?
5) Where should they live?

P.S. US National Debt is about $21, trillion.
It's obvious why... It's because they welcome it, but keep quiet in case it hurts their chances in the mid-terms.
It's obvious why... It's because they welcome it, but keep quiet in case it hurts their chances in the mid-terms.

While the media calls anyone who opposes illegal immigration racist. All waiting for some tragedy to become outraged.
It's obvious why... It's because they welcome it, but keep quiet in case it hurts their chances in the mid-terms.

I wonder how much it cost to feed 7000+ immigrants walking across MX.
While the media calls anyone who opposes illegal immigration racist. All waiting for some tragedy to become outraged.
And the Liberal Media will be praying for and perhaps even provoking such a tragedy... "The Enemy of the People"
And the Liberal Media will be praying for and perhaps even provoking such a tragedy... "The Enemy of the People"

I don't think they hope for tragedy.. just ratings.
Suspicious packages to Clintons, Obama, CNN, Wasserman-Schultz.....

Explosive Devices Sent to Clintons, Obama and CNN

Was watching Fox to see if they were even covering it. Talking about while when we talk about politics, it may get heated but something about not crossing over to violence. I think they're worried it may be one of their viewers/Nationalist types.

Seems like a bigger deal than usual with them closing down streets and such.

ha, Trump couldn't even make a statement on this for himself.

We condemn the attempted attacks against fmr Pres Obama, the Clintons, @CNN & others. These cowardly actions are despicable & have no place in this Country. Grateful for swift response of @SecretService, @FBI & local law enforcement. Those responsible will be brought to justice.
Vice President Mike Pence‏Verified account @VP

I agree wholeheartedly!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7m7 minutes ago
Donald J. Trump Retweeted Vice President Mike Pence
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Democrat politicians, Hollywood "thought leaders", media complex have been encouraging riots, and mob action since Trump was elected. Confrontation is your obligation, lest you be complicit with EVIL.

This is the natural escalation. Encouraging violence from your fringe, incites violence from the other. Media and democrats are in a vendetta feud with Trump.

WATCH: Trump Supporting Kid Chased Down the Street by the Very Definition of the Word “Mob”
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Democrat politicians, Hollywood "thought leaders", media complex have been encouraging riots, and mob action since Trump was elected. Confrontation is your obligation, lest you be complicit with EVIL.

This is the natural escalation. Encouraging violence from your fringe, incites violence from the other. Media and democrats are in a vendetta feud with Trump.

WATCH: Trump Supporting Kid Chased Down the Street by the Very Definition of the Word “Mob”

"complicit with EVIL"

lol. You guys are really ratcheting the crazy. The real violence has actually come from the right.

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It's all Trump's fault.
Democrats want to pretend popular culture in universities, hollywood, media haven't been calling republicans evil racist for the last 10 years.

In 2011 media were calling mostly retired republicans protesting taxes terrorist. For democrats, history starts over every day.
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It's all Trump's fault.

No, but he's part of the problem. He literally had as his right hand man, Mr. Alt-Right Bannon. Alt-Right murdered somebody. And we already went thru all his racism. Nobody said all Republicans are racist but the ones that are, when it's pointed out, it's just pointing out the truth.

He acted dumb yesterday as if he didn't know the history behind Nationalist. He can just call himself an American, but Nationalist is more dog whistle type stuff. Just visit Stormfront, they understood what he meant.
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President Trump was elected by the racist, anti-American policies of President Barack Obama, the corrupt nomination of Hillary Clinton and the media's vilification of anyone who didn't agree with them.
President Trump was elected by the racist, anti-American policies of President Barack Obama and the media's vilification of anyone who didn't agree with him.

Go to Stormfront and read the Trump: 'I'm a nationalist' thread. They heard the whistle.

"I am happy President Trump has embraced that word. Nationalist. I am a nationalist too."

"Trump alone is proof of that fact. We as White Nationalists should be optimistic of the future as the momentum is in our favor. White America is beginning to awaken!"

"We are making progress folks, let’s celebrate this victory. This is huge. Trump can’t flat out say that he is a WHITE Nationalist or that would be the end of him."

Read it, educate yourself. He's been blowing the whistle, some people say horn since he took office, even before that during the campaign. He could just say I'm an American, America first. But he chose Nationalist for a reason.
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Andrew Gillum says people talking about his corruption when mayor of Tallahassee are racist. It's also racist to mention the murder rate.
President Trump is a Nationalist. So am I. So was Ghandi and Rev. Martin Luther King.

The definition of nationalist is someone who loves their country. Why do democrats try to take a simple statement out of context in order to stoke hate and fear? Because they want to prevent you from thinking for yourself.

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0:39 Translated Orbelina: “ I have 5 kids, no husband and poor. No employment for me. “
@GILSAN help me out with her final statement, what is she saying at the end about “izquierda”? I didnt understand the context what she referred to... if it was direction or political left.

This is from El Pais, not CNN. If listen to all of them, its economic need. No refugees of war or gangs. Its an opportunity for a better life, I dont blame them but they are breaking the law. Only a couple said they seek work, and only speaking spanish there are limited opportunities.

What is a mother of 5 kids speaking only spanish going to do when she arrives? Answer: apply for ocasio cortez free stuff program. How could she do meaningful taxpaying work? How many of her kids fathers arent paying her child support? Why should US taxpayers fund her?

One guy said hes sending money he makes back to Honduras. Thats happened traditionally, no benefit to local economy.

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President Trump is a Nationalist. So am I. So was Ghandi and Rev. Martin Luther King.

The definition of nationalist is someone who loves their country. Why do democrats try to take a simple statement out of context in order to stoke hate and fea? Because they want to prevent you from thinking for yourself.

Show attachment 100847

Yes, we know Mr. White Republican, you're a Nationalist like Trump:

"Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared, social characteristics, such as culture and language, religion and politics, and a belief in a common ancestry."

It's 2018, today we know what that means. Again, go read the thread I mentioned. They understand what it means. It other countries, it means they don't want any outsiders coming into their country, want to keep it white.

Again, he could just use American, which encompasses everybody, but he wants that white, racist vote. It's midterms.
President Trump is a Nationalist. So am I. So was Ghandi and Rev. Martin Luther King.

Let me address this stupid post specifically:

Martin Luther King often criticized nationalism, whether in the guise of Adolf Hitler’s tyranny or Senator Joseph McCarthy’s attacks against un-American activities. In 1953, when King was still in graduate school, he preached a sermon against nationalism, saying, “One cannot worship this false god of nationalism and the God of christianity at the same time” (Papers 6:133).

Nice try in trying to spin what he said.

No kidding, maybe if you actually started reading, we would have less clueless posting from you. Then you use Wikipedia, the right tell me that's an evil, Liberal source, something like that.

What's it like to be owned by an White Republican?
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