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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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President Trump likes to equate the stock market with the economy. They're not the same. Maybe Mr Sanford was right but I doubt it.

Something about the October effect and perspective. Stay calm and breath.

You didn't help yourself out with that one either. Again, not reading.

They said October is usually 4th worst.

"By October, however, underlying weakness in the economy became apparent, and stocks lost nearly one-quarter of their value over two days, costing investors billions of dollars. This market crash ushered in that era's Great Depression,"

That's not good.

Then this:
"In the years when stocks advanced in September, the stock market advanced nearly 2 percent during the month of October."

We advanced in September, didn't happen this October.

Try again. I know you're furiously searching for some excuses. BeBest, BeBetter

Your first try was truly horrible...........civil unrest, hahahaha. You tried to pull that here.

What will mr-x try to blame this on next? Earlier you were giving Trump credit, how quickly you did a 180.
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President Trump likes to equate the stock market with the economy. They're not the same.
That's right, but he did equate them, consistently, that's part of my point, now he gets to enjoy the backlash as it most likely is falling apart in his face. BTW the US stock market (as well as other major foreign markets) does have a major influence over our economy, especially when it is inflated through crony capitalism.
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That's right, but he did equate them, consistently, that's part of my point, now he gets to enjoy the backlash
Yes he does. But media would blame him regardless. Why not take the credit too,.

as it most likely is falling apart in his face. BTW the US stock market (as well as other major foreign markets) does have a major influence over our economy, especially when it inflated with bad credit and crony capitalism
Smartest man in the room didn't bother to read the page on investopedia I linked to for perspective.

I did. It's amazing even after I try to help you, you continually clown yourself:

"BREAKING DOWN 'October Effect'
The October effect is overrated. Despite the dark titles, this seeming concentration of days is not statistically significant. In fact, September has more historical down months than October"

What part of you not reading articles and then posting them here seems smart to you? It's like you have this inability to learn.

Everybody knows you're searching for an excuse, anything but Trump.
You're an asshole and too smart by half.

I did. It's amazing even after I try to help you, you continually clown yourself:

"BREAKING DOWN 'October Effect'
The October effect is overrated. Despite the dark titles, this seeming concentration of days is not statistically significant. In fact, September has more historical down months than October"

What part of you not reading articles and then posting them here seems smart to you? It's like you have this inability to learn.

Everybody knows you're searching for an excuse, anything but Trump.
You're an a*hole and too smart by half.

You can tell when you do replies like that, you really didn't have anything real to come back with. Both articles you linked to, that you didn't read, didn't help you out at all. I think you only read the headline. You not reading is your own issue. I've accepted that's just the way you are. Mr-TL;DR

Or you just an a s s hole. Yeah.. your an a s s hole.

"The End of the October Effect
The numbers don't support the October effect."

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You can tell when you do replies like that, you really didn't have anything real to come back with. Both articles you linked to, that you didn't read, didn't help you out at all. I think you only read the headline. You not reading is your own issue. I've accepted that's just the way you are. Mr-TL;DR

Or you just an a s s hole. Yeah.. your an a s s hole.
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c'mon, leave that type of stuff for Gilsan

"But did Thomas ever make this statement? Although these words have been attributed to him for several decades, apparently no one has ever been able to turn up a source documenting that he actually said or wrote them, whether it was in 1944 (as claimed in the above-quoted example) or in 1927 (as Ronald Reagan asserted) or at any other time. In 2003, for example, Reagan biographer Lou Cannon noted that:"

In general for the Trump fans here:
Posting false stuff. Asking people to read articles that they don't read themselves.


Dumbsh*t: The sky is falling!! It's the end. Ha Ha FU tRump

Me: Yeah, calm down. Oct. is a traditionally volatile month. Here's a little perspective, doesn't help people are sending bombs through the mail.

Dumbsh*t: Ha Ha you dumby.. Your post says the Oct. effect isn't that bad.

Me: Thanks assholes.

mr-x breakdown. Jan - Dec bad months for him.
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Former President of Honduras says the US is legally and morally responsible to give asylum to his people. Lol. Reminds me of the Mariel boatlift from Cuba, sending out the finest.

Thats interesting idea. A corrupt politician ruins his country and sends masses out to invade another country. Twitter is an eye opener for all sorts of things isn’t it. The mainstream news didnt print this asaik. Anybody see Fox or CNN post this?

Tegucigalpa - El expresidente Manuel Zelaya dijo que el gobierno de Estados Unidos está en la obligación moral de otorgar asilo a los miles de hondureños que este fin de semana integraron una caravana con el afán de llegar a la gran potencia del norte.

Zelaya criticó las condiciones actuales que se viven en Honduras, las que alegó propician la huida de miles de hondureños para buscar mejores condiciones de vida.

“EEUU legal y #moralmente está obligado a dar #Asilo a emigrantes. Por el estado de terror y muerte, provocado por la violencia militar, fraude, privatizaciones, y crimen organizado de la DICTADURA de “JOH” que ellos sostienen y apoyan”, escribió en su cuenta de Twitter.
c'mon, leave that type of stuff for Gilsan

"But did Thomas ever make this statement? Although these words have been attributed to him for several decades, apparently no one has ever been able to turn up a source documenting that he actually said or wrote them, whether it was in 1944 (as claimed in the above-quoted example) or in 1927 (as Ronald Reagan asserted) or at any other time. In 2003, for example, Reagan biographer Lou Cannon noted that:"

In general for the Trump fans here:
Posting false stuff. Asking people to read articles that they don't read themselves.


I erased it. Hope you are happy.

I had this sent to me unsolicited a few minutes ago from someone in The states. Besides that, I read it, it makes sense to me in general based on Bernie Sanders, Ocasio, etc. the free stuff bunch.

You can do the fact checking, my apologies, but while you are at it.

Debunk my last post about the Ex Honduran President.
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Soros connection? Or is this fake spanish news? At least 3 groups funded.

La caravana está organizada por un grupo llamado Pueblo Sin Fronteras, pero el esfuerzo es apoyado por la coalición CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, que incluye Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), el American Immigration Council (AIC), el Centro de Refugiados e Inmigración para Servicios Educativos y Legales (RICELS) y la Asociación Estadounidense de Abogados de Inmigración (AILA) – por lo tanto, el acrónimo CARA “, informó WND “Al menos tres de los cuatro grupos están financiados por la Open Society Foundation de George Soros”.

El ex presidente de AILA, Victor Nieblas Pradas, está detrás de las caravanas dirigidas por Soros y sostiene que detener a las madres y a sus hijos que entran ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos es inhumano, injusto e injusto.

Dumbshit: The sky is falling!! It's the end. Ha Ha FU tRump

Me: Yeah, calm down. Oct. is a traditionally volatile month. Here's a little perspective, doesn't help people are sending bombs through the mail.

Dumbshit: Ha Ha you moron.. Your post says the Oct. effect isn't that bad.

Me: Thanks, asshole.

Update: Tech stocks rebound after hours on earnings. JB's upgraded from asshole to asswipe.

You can tell when you do replies like that, you really didn't have anything real to come back with. Both articles you linked to, that you didn't read, didn't help you out at all. I think you only read the headline. You not reading is your own issue. I've accepted that's just the way you are. Mr-TL;DR

"The End of the October Effect
The numbers don't support the October effect."


Emotions and Seasons
Investors' emotions can turn negative when the calendar changes from summer to fall, and this influences stock market performance. In the fall months, after summer vacations are basically over and the sun sets earlier, investors' moods lean toward the gloomy. As a result, negative economic or market developments in these months can cause overreactions, according to a 2009 MSNBC article. If investors were contemplating selling stocks before, a negative development can make the decision easier and motivate investors to dump shares.

References (6)



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Somebody a couple of posts above is having another breakdown. haha, then highlights in yellow a different conversation, lol. That was House and Senate race, not Dow. Still can't read. Continued breakdown after this post.

BREAKING: U.S. spy agencies have determined that Chinese and Russian spies have been listening in on phone calls made by President Trump from his personal iPhones - The New York Times

When Trump Phones Friends, the Chinese and the Russians Listen and Learn

American spy agencies, the officials said, had learned that China and Russia were eavesdropping on the president’s cellphone calls from human sources inside foreign governments and intercepting communications between foreign officials.

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The Democratic Party links are also in strong evidence, [as] earlier this month, Oregon’s Democratic Governor Kate Brown accepted a contribution to her re-election campaign from Soros – his first direct involvement in that state’s elections,” WND noted. “Three days later, Brown announced the Oregon National Guard would not be participating in President Trump’s effort to get the Guard providing border security.”

Oregon Republican Chairman Bill Currier pointed out the leftwing conspiracy masterminded by Soros and funded by his deep pockets.

“Kate Brown has consistently ignored problems facing everyday Oregonians and has instead used the office of governor to make herself a national left-wing celebrity,” Currier contended, according to WND. “Now, Brown is cashing in and taking big campaign donations from notorious leftist puppet master, billionaire George Soros.”

Writing checks to mobilize the invasion of Western democracies to alleviate the so-called “refugee crisis” is something Soros has been doing for years.

“Soros pledged Sept. 20, 2016, to invest up to $500 million in programs and companies benefiting migrants and refugees ‘fleeing life-threatening situations,’” WND recounted.

There is simply no humane way to detain families. Asylum seeking families should be given due process, not expedited removal. And the end of the road must be the end of family detention entirely." - Victor Nieblas Pradis, Former AILA President

In early 2015, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association, collectively known as CARA, joined forces in response to Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) significant expansion of its family detention at the South Texas Family Residential Center (STFRC) and the Karnes Residential Center. The continued detention of families reflects the government's ongoing persistence to preserve the flawed deterrence policy it began in June 2014 with the opening of a temporary family detention center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The detention of children and their mothers is not only inhumane, but incompatible with a fair and just legal process. CARA's aim has been twofold: to ensure that detained children and their mothers receive competent, pro bono representation and to end the practice of family detention entirely by leading aggressive advocacy and litigation efforts to challenge unlawful asylum, detention, and deportation policies.
0:39 Translated Orbelina: “ I have 5 kids, no husband and poor. No employment for me. “
@GILSAN help me out with her final statement, what is she saying at the end about “izquierda”? I didnt understand the context what she referred to... if it was direction or political left.

This is from El Pais, not CNN. If listen to all of them, its economic need. No refugees of war or gangs. Its an opportunity for a better life, I dont blame them but they are breaking the law. Only a couple said they seek work, and only speaking spanish there are limited opportunities.

What is a mother of 5 kids speaking only spanish going to do when she arrives? Answer: apply for ocasio cortez free stuff program. How could she do meaningful taxpaying work? How many of her kids fathers arent paying her child support? Why should US taxpayers fund her?

One guy said hes sending money he makes back to Honduras. Thats happened traditionally, no benefit to local economy.

she didn't say "izquierda"... She said: Ojala "Dios quiera" verdade que no pueden ???? en esta marcha. Couldn't understand the word marked ????

The problem I see in this march is that it's organized and politically motivated to coincide with their arrival at the US border a day or two before the mid-terms. The Liberal Media will be there in full force to dramatize the whole situation, with only one purpose... to make Republicans and Trump look like the bad and inhumane guys that have no feelings towards these poor people, so as to sway the people's vote.

This is foreign interference in the mid-term elections and you can bet your bottom dollar that the DemonRATS and Soros are financing this, probably through other organizations...
she didn't say "izquierda"... She said: Ojala "Dios quiera" verdade que no pueden ???? en esta marcha. Couldn't understand the word marked ????

I didnt hear it well. Nor look at subtitles until after posting thanks. Yea. That “God willing” dicho is common. I hear like when I ask someone about a future appt, like this:
“si dios me presta la vida, voy a llegar a las 10 en la manaña.”
Fake News CNN is blaming The President. But of course!

CNN President Jeff Zucker blamed President Trump and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for the series of bomb threats that surfaced on Wednesday.

“There is a total and complete lack of understanding at the White House about the seriousness of their continued attacks on the media,” Mr. Zucker said in a statement.

Zucker is basically saying the same thing mr-x said the other day:

Both sides, especially the President need to turn it down.

Yes, I agree. The President, especially him, need to turn it down. There are literally whackos who have murdered people out there. His rallies are really hostile and he just encourages it. So hostile, so angry. He should be turning it down like mr-x said, that's what true leaders do. So, we'll get a real leader a couple of years from now. One that will be better in that regard, and one who'll get 8 years to fix the economic mess left behind.

Piss off.

But I agreed with you. We both feel the President it out of control with the rhetoric.

Donald Trump is a horrible person.
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Piss off.

Zucker is basically saying the same thing mr-x said the other day:

Yes, I agree. The President, especially him, need to turn it down. There are literally whackos who have murdered people out there. His rallies are really hostile and he just encourages it. He should be turning it down like mr-x said, that's what true leaders do. So, we'll get a real leader a couple of years from now. One that will be better in that regard, and one who'll get 8 years to fix the economic mess left behind.
The problem I see in this march is that it's organized and politically motivated to coincide with their arrival at the US border a day or two before the mid-terms.

Unless they get transportation, like that train they ride on top of, I am wondering if they will make it in 2 weeks.
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