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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here:;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Atheists have no gratitude or thanks for having escaped from such a monster tornado? :-/

Astrologers thank their lucky stars... Some people thank goodness...
Some people thank xerces...
Some people thank Allah (same God, different name)

I would think more in that area would be condemning God than thanking him ... But maybe its part if a grand plan, maybe he was too busy helping Justin Bieber this week (you know someone got to be helping him win awards), maybe there are too many gay people in Oklahoma.

Im sure she is happy to alive. I dont think you need to ascribe that to anythings doing.
Although I do think you are pretty annoying, you actually did post a good question: If I'm a non-parent, then why do I even care? I suppose the answer to that is merely in the fact that the issue exists when it shouldn't. It technically isn't a disinterest that I have. I simply do npt believe in favoritism & get upset when one party is favored over another. I keep saying that you're more or less brain-dead but really, I think you just aren't looking at it from multiple angles.

Take the pic I posted. I was speaking to a friend last night about it. She told me that it's just funny how everyone assumes we are all Christian. Everywhere ya go in America, ppl automatically assume you're Christian. (And some people, like you, seem to believe that anyone who doesn't support the propaganda of Christianity isn't a real Christian). Again though, you just refuse to look in the other direction. I told this to me friend: Imagine if someone walked up to you and said, "Thank Lucifer that you weren't injured!" That would offend you, wouldn't it? Now, let's say an atheist was told the same albeit with God instead of the Devil mentioned. Would it be okay for this person to feel offended that we assumed he was Christian? Would he have a right to be?

I'm Christian. So are you and many others in this thread are. But I can see things from multiple perspective, where you only see what you wanna see & pretend nothing else exists. It truly is a shame. From all I perceive of you, your basic mindset is: Everyone would be perfectly okay with Christianity and Christian teachings--that or they could just leave. That is where we differ: I believe if someone wants to decry God and follow Satan, well, that's their thing. I'll leave it up to them and God to sort it out.

he painting was merely propaganda for one religion. It is OKAY that you defend it. It's expected. But your scope is way too narrow for you to see the issue: Just like what I said above about the pic I posted, you'd have been offended if it was a painting of the Devil. You are only supportive of it because it falls in YOUR interests. You don't care about any interests as long as it is the same stuff as yours. Had it been a painting of Lucifer, you'd have campaigned for its removal. But nah, it's offensive to OTHERS but since it's not to you, you don't care. That's selfish and irresponsible of you.

I'm not atheist, not in the least. But I am opposed to ppl doing the wrong thing, thinking that it's right (imposing a religion isn't right, at least not in America. We have "separation of Church and State," after all.)

I do think you're annoying but I'd be lying if I said I hate talking to you. It's nice to see opinionated ppl, even if I don't ever agree with you..

BTW Homosexuality isn't religion, thus it doesn't count in the debate. It has religious ties but it itself isn't religion.
I do think you're annoying but I'd be lying if I said I hate talking to you. It's nice to see opinionated ppl, even if I don't ever agree with you..

BTW Homosexuality isn't religion, thus it doesn't count in the debate. It has religious ties but it itself isn't religion.

Glad to hear you find me annoying. :] That's not surprising, as I'm NOT a Politically Correct person (thank Lucifer), which gets me in these confrontations with people who want to please everyone, including those who trample on their rights.

That happens especially in English speaking forums where there are so many PC people. In Portugal most people are still NOT PC, thank God (Good Lord, I just said "thank God" - hope you don't get too upset). I'm Catholic like over 80% are in my country. Lots of people criticize the church, but most people don't get offended by it. It depends on the way you criticize

Not being PC means having a whole lot more freedom to speak your mind without half the population getting their knickers in a twist. It means we can criticize any government regardless of whether they are Liberal, Conservative or in between, without being on the defensive like in the US. A lousy government is a lousy government in any book and should never be defended, especially by the Media.

When I was younger I was a lot more politically correct, but nowadays, thank God, ("Oops! ...I Did It Again") I don't give a rat's ass about what people may think. I'm free to give my opinion, not what people want to hear.

Here's a recent example of PC BS; Spanish golfer Sergio Garcia said that he would invite Tiger Woods for dinner and serve him fried chicken. The media made such a fuss about this being a racial slur. Don't whites also eat fried chicken? I personally love fried chicken and watermelon too and I ain't black. What if Tiger were to invite Sergio for a "Paella", or if Pau Gasol were to invite Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs for some "Frogs Legs", would that be considered racist? I'll bet it wouldn't.

PC inhibits people from talking about certain issues. I notice that here in this forum. Certain issues are taboo here. People don't want to talk about them because they are afraid of offending, because the media says so, because this group or that group may not like it. Damn, that's like imposing self censorship on yourself. PC is neither Political nor Correct and boy do I thank my lucky stars that I'm not one of those.

Imagine if someone walked up to you and said, "Thank Lucifer that you weren't injured!" That would offend you, wouldn't it?
No, that would not offend me. I don't understand why you think that would offend me? I'd just give an adequate answer depending on the situation, more likely just keep quiet or say something in the lines of what the lady said to Wolf Blitzer.
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Damn, this sucks:

"Vatican spokesman says pope is wrong, atheists still going to hell"

"It’s sort of problematic to contradict someone who's supposed to be the infallible voice of your religion, but that's apparently what's happened here. Refuting Pope Francis' statements last week that those who "do good" will go to heaven, regardless of faith or lack thereof, the Rev. Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman, has corrected his boss, saying those who know about the Catholic Church "cannot be saved" if they "refuse to enter her or remain in her."

The pope is right on this one. Very simple.

Pretend you're God. You have 2 people knocking on Heaven's Gate, wanting to get in.

1. Led the good life. Happily married, had a few kids, coached the baseball team, volunteered in the neighborhood........

2. Robbed people, raped people, keyed classic cars, spit in food while working in the food service industry etc.

#1 just led a good life
#2 accepted Jesus before his death

Which one should be in hell?
You have God acting like a person....a judge. You're forgetting God knows all. He would know (before the two were even born) who will be going where.
More of some of the backfire stuff I was talking about. Christians want prayer in school, ok you got it:

Muslim Prayer Coming to a School Near You

A high school near Washington DC has taken a rare step of accommodating Muslim prayer during class hours. Parkdale High School now allows a handful of its students to be excused to pray. The decision has made some Christian staffers "unhappy"......
More of some of the backfire stuff I was talking about. Christians want prayer in school, ok you got it:

Muslim Prayer Coming to a School Near You

A high school near Washington DC has taken a rare step of accommodating Muslim prayer during class hours. Parkdale High School now allows a handful of its students to be excused to pray. The decision has made some Christian staffers "unhappy"......
Ahhh yes, the "Religion of Peace" gets preferential treatment again. Doesn't surprise me one bit. They pray 5 times a day right? Will the school provide them with praying mats, so they don't scrape their knees? Will the school be forced to serve Halal food.?

I'm more interested in hearing what Liberals in this thread have to say or NOT say about this.
Ahhh yes, the "Religion of Peace" gets preferential treatment again. Doesn't surprise me one bit. They pray 5 times a day right? Will the school provide them with praying mats, so they don't scrape their knees? Will the school be forced to serve Halal food.?

I'm more interested in hearing what Liberals in this thread have to say or NOT say about this.

Well, this is what happens. I think religion should be kept out of school. Kids have enough to learn, keep it in the home/place of worship. You, on the other hand, are all for school prayer, if it's Christian. And it's like the bibles in the school example earlier. If you Christians want to push to have that in school, then every other religion/non religion (atheism) can have it as well. And so it happens, as in this case, and Christians are mad. Hyprocrites.

"Ahhh yes, the "Religion of Peace" gets preferential treatment again."

Really? More like equal treatment. Because Christianity has always gotten preferential treatment in school over the years. Either schools didn't have it all but if they did, it was usually Christian.

You wanted prayer in school Gilsan, well, now you got it.
Well, this is what happens. I think religion should be kept out of school. Kids have enough to learn, keep it in the home/place of worship. You, on the other hand, are all for school prayer, if it's Christian. And it's like the bibles in the school example earlier. If you Christians want to push to have that in school, then every other religion/non religion (atheism) can have it as well. And so it happens, as in this case, and Christians are mad. Hyprocrites.

"Ahhh yes, the "Religion of Peace" gets preferential treatment again."

Really? More like equal treatment. Because Christianity has always gotten preferential treatment in school over the years. Either schools didn't have it all but if they did, it was usually Christian.

You wanted prayer in school Gilsan, well, now you got it.
As usual you say things that I never said. As usual you always criticize Christians but not Muslims. This is the very last time I reply to a Liar like yourself. I detest liars and you are the worst. You really are a waste of time.

Do me a favor and don't even bother to mention my name EVER again. You will be ignored from now on
Maybe this is where separation of church and state come into play, eh? Keeping all religion out of "public" schools would solve the religious issues. There's no need to involve religion to teach reading, writing and math. If any religion is desired in the classroom, put it in private schools. Make that the choice: public schools = no religion & no religion gets public funding. Private schools = free to teach religion, but teaching religion = no public money.
The problem is that churches, despite the religious doctrind they ae supposed to follow, are just as greedy a anyone else. Give them an inch on the tax code by exempions on a church, and before you know it they are taking a mile by buying property and building houses on it to let their church members live in it, and then claiming it as part of the church and not paying taxes on anything, even when their buying branches out to buying and running businesses
The problem is that churches, despite the religious doctrind they ae supposed to follow, are just as greedy a anyone else. Give them an inch on the tax code by exempions on a church, and before you know it they are taking a mile by buying property and building houses on it to let their church members live in it, and then claiming it as part of the church and not paying taxes on anything, even when their buying branches out to buying and running businesses

It feels like I'm reading your post wrong. They already have tax exempt status. Huckabee is saying they should start paying taxes like everybody else. I've always thought they should pay taxes as well since they're a business.
It feels like I'm reading your post wrong. They already have tax exempt status. Huckabee is saying they should start paying taxes like everybody else. I've always thought they should pay taxes as well since they're a business.

I'm agreeing with you and pointing out that the pious worship money as much or more than anyone else...that they weren't and aren't satisfied just with just their church being tax exempt. And not even satisfied with owning additional real estate, businesses nd investments tax free. They wantr complete exclusion of taxes no matter how unrelated to their religion. plus, they want public funding for their activities, religious or not.

I'm so tired of seeing multi-million dollar curches desiged by famous architects. And I'm tired of the churches making politics a major part of their "worship" messages and deiberately lying to their congregation, and advancing falsehoods. I get pissed just thinking about it.
eh, nevermind, gilsan and muslims
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Exodus International, a conservative religious gays-can-be-cured hard-liner for 37 years is closing down. The founder and president, Alan Chambers, offered a dramatic, public mea culpa, renouncing the idea that homosexuality could be "cured" and apologized for the "shame" and "trauma" the group had inflicted on gays over the years.

It turns out that Chambers is gay, is married to a woman and has two adopted kids. . . . and is still attracted to men.,0,1731583.story
Some die-hard homophobes are indeed closet homosexuals :wave:
The guy.... I mean gay, is a genius. He found a a great way to spend a good part of his life around gay men, got paid for it, and probably never set foot in a gay bar.:lol:
[ame=""]Greek Orthodox Chant - YouTube[/ame]
Religion in school is bad

This is how the real school need to be

[ame=""]High School Incest Prank - YouTube[/ame]

Western Europe is sick too -
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That's Minnesota, home of Michelle Bachmann, they're very religious up there. Red State, very conservative. 81% Christian.

"The majority of Minnesotans are Protestants, including a significant Lutheran affiliation owing to the state's largely Northern European ethnic makeup, though Roman Catholics (of largely German, Irish, and Slavic descent) make up the largest single Christian denomination. A 2010 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life showed that 32.0% of Minnesotans were affiliated with Mainline Protestant traditions, 21.0% with Evangelical Protestants, 28.0% with Roman Catholic, 1.0% each with Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Black Protestant traditions, smaller amounts for other faiths, and 13.0% unaffiliated."
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