

Spaceship Spaceship


VIP Member
Looks like he was banned here but he owes me $20.

Idees, if you created another account, I want my money!

Update: He paid me my $20 last night.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Bill said:
ShortSales has been closed..... No dupe accounts allowed... :|

IP Address Geo Trace First Used Chicago, Illinois, United States 2008-09-17 23:08:29 Hanover, Illinois, United States 2008-09-17 20:20:59 Hanover, Illinois, United States 2008-09-17 18:08:27 Hanover, Illinois, United States 2008-09-16 20:20:44 Chicago, Illinois, United States 2008-09-16 10:23:09

IP's all trace to the Chicago area, just like Idees. :tri:

Bill - Please remove the Idees neg rep from my account. How can a closed account leave neg rep?
Idees has paid me my $20 back.

I hope you fellas have the same luck I did.
Ja$on said:
Idees has paid me my $20 back.

I hope you fellas have the same luck I did.
Based on previous communication I'm not holding my breath...

Gene still holds 2 of the 7 names he *cough* bought *cough*, so AS YOUR LURKING, at minimum push the two back and pay for the 5 you've already re-sold...
it was just closed after he already left the negative rep.
kindly do the same with my not deserving neg rep, pls.

TLDnetworks said:
Bill - Please remove the Idees neg rep from my account. How can a closed account leave neg rep?
You can't get negative rep at NamePros.

Its just neutral, so it doesn't help you or hurt you, point wise.

(I'm pretty sure ^^^ is right, but correct me if I'm wrong)
Jake said:
You can't get negative rep at NamePros.

Its just neutral, so it doesn't help you or hurt you, point wise.

(I'm pretty sure ^^^ is right, but correct me if I'm wrong)

That is correct.

TLDnetworks said:
Probly means 100 NP members got screwed...

I am out $755.00 over several purchases dating back to May. His PM's were obnoxious, arrogant, and showed a complete lack of professionalism in response to the reversals. It has been two weeks since the final payments were returned to him, and there is no sign he will do the right thing. With that said, I am posting all the info I have about him to assist others from getting scammed. I am aware of at least 6 members here that have had payments reversed.

Names stolen;

Idees Web
1546 South 29th
Zion, IL 60099
Gene Moore
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

User names;

Your YHY was offered here => (outside link removed)

Im glad i havent paid him :o

I got this PM when i sent a PM to idees before he was banned in digital*point

gocubs19 said:
Hello, Idees is a good friend of mine which was banned from infractions, he asked me to do him the favor of completing the transaction for him, let me know if you would like to continue.
gocubs19 said:
Please feel free to contact him via the whois email.

He said the ban ends in 6 days.

DP mods are now giving 7 days bans if you put "pm me" in a thread or post, which is what my buddy here did.
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gocubs19 is his email addy.
Ja$on said:
gocubs19 is his email addy.
I asked DP mod to ban "gocubs19" too. :)
I am watching this unfold with interest....

I am at this moment dealing with this guy
mellowmasher said:
I am watching this unfold with interest....

I am at this moment dealing with this guy
Do you mean a new transaction or dealing with him as in you were also scammed?

xrvel said:
I asked DP mod to ban "gocubs19" too. :)
Even more evidence and proof he is a scammer.
TLDnetworks said:
Do you mean a new transaction or dealing with him as in you were also scammed?


Its a new transaction with a very different twist. I have not lost anything
xrvel said:
Your YHY was offered here => http://forums.DigitalPoint/showthread.php?t=1040591

Im glad i havent paid him :o

I got this PM when i sent a PM to idees before he was banned in digital*point

I think it should now also go on record that i purchased YHY.info off Idees a month a ago, then he wanted it back, and he returned the money, i sensed at the time something was fishy, so was happy to return the domain, i saw he was embroiled in several allegations, so i hoped he was trying to return the domain to the rightfull owner.

Obviously i was wrong, and again he is trying to sell the domain. For the record, i have already discussed this with TLD network and RJ. Very bad form from an an apparent former senior NP'r in my opinion. I urge you Idees to do the right thing and pay the people you owe, or return the domains.
Thank you to mellowmasher! With her assistance, Gene (Idees) has returned Two of the names yhy and avq. He has sold the other five names and hopefully will follow through, do the right thing, and repay the $525.00 reversed through paypal.
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Thanks for the update(s) Folks - Hopefully all will be resolved soon.

weblord said:
nice rep remark left on me by someone (could be a duplicate account again?)

All of those "Bad" Reps were left by http://www.namepros.com/member.php?username=ShortSales Who has been shown the door despite his claims of "Only knowing Idees" ... The reps left were plenty to argue against that.

All Bad Reps removed ;)

Also - Thank you to mellowmasher from me as well :tu:
Glad to hear YHY and several other domains have been returned or paid for.
TLDnetworks said:
Thank you to mellowmasher! With her assistance, Gene (Idees) has returned Two of the names yhy and avq. He .

:tu: Glad I was in a position to help.

Take care


Mark said:
Also - Thank you to mellowmasher from me as well :tu:

let me check if I have ever dealt wit him!!
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