
Here is how to properly promote your business at namepros

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domainer since 2001 / musicianTop Member
here is how to properly promote your business at namepros

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hey guys cool down this starts to be war.

Aren´t we all equal domainers in this place, with the domainer religion, the domainer values and the domaining political preference?

if you’re neutral, go closest to🇨🇭
Swiss bank of domains

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You have a unique habit to insult while trying to make your point. Just a suggestion, because I know your intelligent, try making your point on merit, without insult. Your word will carry farther and become more credible. Try it, you might just like it.

Here is a suggestion to you, hold people responsible for their own actions, don't try to pass it off to other people. You do that a lot.

threads moved to the promotional forum
infraction warnings
restricted account

That's on 1 person. It's really up to Rob.
@Rob Monster Just buy NamePros already and change it to EpikPros...
Marxism had been introduced into this thread by Rob
its a perfect way for trolling
Could also read ...

Guerrilla warfare had been introduced into this thread by @frank-germany
its a perfect way for trolling

Seriously Frank .. if you have issues with anything Rob posts just report it .. if you want to have a fair an open discussion about what should or should not be allowed at NamePros then start an objective discussion about it in the proper section of the forum.

Because all you're doing here is trolling .. and quite frankly .. it's getting old, dull, redundant and annoying.

What's worse is that I don't even mind opposing views if it's done logically and rationally. Objectively I'm personally more liberal with what should be allowed to be posted than what @JB Lions feels should be allowed .. but at the very least he makes his arguments and posts constructively and with logic/reason .. because of that I will always respect his opinions and at least try to understand his point of view on the few things we actually disagree upon. When done in the correct setting with the proper methods I'm totally 100% fine with that .. but what you're doing @frank-germany is just ridiculously unobjective .. you might have initially started months ago with fair intentions (even if I don't agree with them), but with the spammy and mostly unobjective (and often completely incoherent) ways you post, it's just trolling and hate at this point.

As I have suggested before we need a committee of Elders (Ombudsmen) consisting of some of the most objective, open and fair minded, and experienced and trusted members here to come up with a logical and compassionate solution for some of these problems and conflicts that exist on the forum (and in the domain Industry at large).

As my former forum grow, I obviously added sufficient moderator coverage .. but eventually I also had what I called "Ambassadors" (moderators were also ambassadors by default). Their main job was to help integrate new members who otherwise might have felt overwhelmed and/or intimidated to get started being involved in the forum. The key was that most of them were already helpful members and doing it anyways, I just made it more official. In turn I also gave them extra privileges and let them be involved in making certain decisions regarding the general direction forum (even some bigger ones).

The biggest "plus" was actually a side effect, in that because newcomers had someone reach out to them initially, the newcomers made more efforts to post things where they should, to search before starting repeat topics, etc etc .. the ambassadors helped put out the smaller fires that didn't need moderation .. but far more importantly .. because of the ambassadors there were fewer fires to put out.

That being said .. what we're talking about here are "advertising" or "promotional" limits (and spam in the case of @frank-germany). Neither are really issues for what would have been "ambassadors".

Promotion is effectively advertising .. for which it's really up to @NamePros to draw the line based on their business model. That's why @frank-germany's constant trolling is inappropriate, because it's really up to NamePros to decide what should or shouldn't be considered advertising.

In all fairness to NamePros staff, it should also be noted that sometimes the line honestly isn't clear, and sometimes there are borderline judgements that genuinely could be decided one way by one person, and another way by somebody else .. both with good justification and genuinely objective intent. On top of that there are cases where a broader perspective needs to be taken as well.

For example, for the most part I don't mention NameCult in all my posts. But when there's context I do. I think the fact I've made hundreds and thousands of helpful and objective posts without mentioning NameCult shows that when I do mention it, that it's with the genuine reason that I feel it's relevant to the conversation and topic at hand. However, if I never posted previously more than 1-2 posts a month, and then one day happened to mention NameCult in a dozen different posts, even if "theoretically" on topic, I certainly would understand if I was found to be posting in bad faith and trying to abuse the forums.

That's on 1 person. It's really up to Rob.
Actually .. it's up to NamePros! ;)
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I stand by those comments on CloudFlare.

If you like digital sovereignty, then you should be mindful of the governance of the brands you use and what they value.

For those who do use CloudFlare's free product, it is worth understanding the trade-off or implied cost that is allowing that service to be "free".

By the way, you can also meet their new German Board member here:


looks like Rob isn't the only CEO on the planet
who is accessible via social media
and very supportive and helpful

Cloudflare CEO Mattew Prince is too:

(he refunded $2K USD based on a tweet complain:)

Lets put this into perspective. Life is a game. We are born so that we may die. Hopefully, theres a lot in between the two.

I'm new but I'm smarter than some give me credit for. I grew up in the shadow of the Virgin Group (Google it!!). Richard Branson said of life in general and business in particular..."Ask for forgiveness, not for permission." Did this work for him? Absolutely. Would it work for everyone? Probably not.

I changed my signature on Namepros so that it included my favourite domain names. I then tried to get on (legitimately of course) as many pages as I could. I engaged with my peers and I got my names out there in the ether. Did it help me sell any domains? Probably not. Did it do me any harm? No

Was it clever? I'm Irish. We're not here to take part. We're here to take over. (Conor McGregor).

Once again, here I am on this thread. Giving my limited opinion none-the-less.


Thanks to Rob promoting his business here on Namepros. So I got aware of Epik Escrow reading here at NamePros that I was able to sell domains painless with the smooth transactions with the close attention by Rob himself. And I also benefited from his transfer and registrations promos that I used a lot. With all my transactions Rob behaved in such friendly and devoted manner that I did not expect from the CEO of a company himself. As much as I can follow I see that he has too much contribution to domaining community with his projects and as sharing useful information. I got only benefit from him promoting or advertising his business here at NamePros.
Frank, you can expect only goodness and benefit from this man.I don't understand why you have so hard feelings about him but he is on my or your side,on domainers' side and I don't know or have not met any other CEO of a registrar here like him.
He is the kindest and most benevolent monster I've ever met :). May God bless this monster.
Thanks to Rob promoting his business here on Namepros. So I got aware of Epik Escrow reading here at NamePros that I was able to sell domains painless with the smooth transactions with the close attention by Rob himself. And I also benefited from his transfer and registrations promos that I used a lot. With all my transactions Rob behaved in such friendly and devoted manner that I did not expect from the CEO of a company himself. As much as I can follow I see that he has too much contribution to domaining community with his projects and as sharing useful information. I got only benefit from him promoting or advertising his business here at NamePros.
Frank, you can expect only goodness and benefit from this man.I don't understand why you have so hard feelings about him but he is on my or your side,on domainers' side and I don't know or have not met any other CEO of a registrar here like him.
He is the kindest and most benevolent monster I've ever met :). May God bless this monster.

Thanks for the kind words -- I am humbled!

As crazy as it might sound, I believe there are people in this industry that want to keep as many people poor as possible -- having them register and renew terrible domains, and not be aware of how to find great inventory or how to shoot the moon when the opportunity presents itself.

Our goal at Epik remains the same -- to lift up and empower as many people as possible, and to give people the opportunity to live the Domainer dream, no matter where you come from. This industry is 100% equal opportunity but you need to learn the detail and play to your personal strengths.
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He can’t stop inserting link and picture to spam can he?
He can’t stop inserting link and picture to spam can he?

cant stop attacking Rob, because of conflict of interest..?

It’s not “spam” Rob, this ad is best 1 yet, b so mad
if you dont use this for NamesCon (y)

Try to find a way to print out that OP thread transcript,
at least that Re: inbound email for a success transaction
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Thanks for the kind words -- I am humbled!

As crazy as it might sound, I believe there are people in this industry that want to keep as many people poor as possible -- having them register and renew terrible domains, and not be aware of how to find great inventory or how to shoot the moon when the opportunity presents itself.

Our goal at Epik remains the same -- to lift up and empower as many people as possible, and to give people the opportunity to live the Domainer dream, no matter where you come from. This industry is 100% equal opportunity but you need to learn the detail and play to your personal strengths.

Influencer marketing alive and well.

So your goal isn't to make as much money as possible for Epik at all costs? Even to the point of engaging a bunch of degenerates over on that other site?

You said "having them register and renew terrible domains"

Isn't that what you're doing? Your .org and hyphen thread:



That hyphen thread is a horror show. But you make money whether people buy good or bad domains.

The .org thread had to be edited out by mods because of promotion. It wasn't to give good advice, it was to get regs. You had spreadsheets of 4 letter .orgs ready to go before the thread was even started.

Even sneaking in promotion in newbie intro threads - https://www.namepros.com/threads/hello-i-know-nothing-at-all.1171953/

But mods are letting you spam that section up, so you're good there.

I will thank you for promoting that unfinished ebook, that didn't fix any of the issues I brought up. An Aftermarket section that doesn't mention Namejet, Snapnames, GoDaddy etc. Dead links. Self promotion etc. Talk about Escrow, don't mention Escrow.com. So you're keeping newbies uneducated. So thanks for keeping them away from the actual Aftermarket, from potentially bidding against me.

If you truly wanted to help newbies out, you would have fixed those issues. Have good information. It's about growing your own company.
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Influencer marketing alive and well.

So your goal isn't to make as much money as possible for Epik at all costs? Even to the point of engaging a bunch of degenerates over on that other site?

You said "having them register and renew terrible domains"

Isn't that what you're doing? Your .org and hyphen thread:



That hyphen thread is a horror show. But you make money whether people buy good or bad domains.

The .org thread had to be edited out by mods because of promotion. It wasn't to give good advice, it was to get regs. You had spreadsheets of 4 letter .orgs ready to go before the thread was even started.

Even sneaking in promotion in newbie intro threads - https://www.namepros.com/threads/hello-i-know-nothing-at-all.1171953/

But mods are letting you spam that section up, so you're good there.

I will thank you for promoting that unfinished ebook, that didn't fix any of the issues I brought up. An Aftermarket section that doesn't mention Namejet, Snapnames, GoDaddy etc. Dead links. Self promotion etc. Talk about Escrow, don't mention Escrow.com. So you're keeping newbies uneducated. So thanks for keeping them away from the actual Aftermarket, from potentially bidding against me.

If you truly wanted to help newbies out, you would have fixed those issues. Have good information. It's about growing your own company.

Sneaking what in!!! Rob is helping new domainers!!

that post provided more help than any “Hello”

i really think you’re over-looking this. also, what he’s “sneaking in” to new domainrs is free, u forgot mention?
it’s a free ebook to get started (still no guarantee for succ
Rob should be commended, of course Mr. President (rob) open all scrutiny, takes it with class, improv product

this isnt improving product, this is u (tryin) censoring Rob

Remind me what Godaddy ceo looks like again, JB?
certainly wouldnt inquisition for giving free ebook.

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Sneaking what in!!! Rob is helping new domainers!!

that post provided more help than any “Helloa”


He's helping himself. You're really making yourself look like a clown. Let me give you another example that I just read. I want you or other domainers to check it out and give me your opinion.

He's helping new domainers.

I just read the Domaining Tools section for the first time. Before you read it, come up with domaining tools in your mind that you think would be helpful. Then read this section:


1 tool is mentioned just 1:

Hasn't been updated since 2009. I tried the download, didn't work.

So @Samer tell everybody how this helps domainers. Pages like this, dead links to other sites, leaving out all kinds of information, because some is his competition etc. It's a mess of an ebook, can't even get the chapters in order 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4 etc.
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Samer. I never dislike you. But you need to open your eyes and grow up.

he posted a link to promote his business in a thread that talking about his spamming habit.

Don’t blindly support him.
I find these same type of stir the pot posts by the same 5 people over and over far more spammy than anything Epik does on this forum.

I do not agree with everything said by Rob and even find him over opinionated and prone to rule bending here but the help he tries to give to the domaining community tells me everything I need to know. We don’t have to love everyone’s personality.

The simple solution is report posts that break rules and avoid posts by people you don’t like. All these threads amount to are drawn out pissing contests that make everyone look bad.
We just try to help Rob to quit his bad spamming habit. He may be a great guy and I don't hate him but he inserts links and pictures to spam about his company everywhere.

There is a section for that and I do not have a problem if he did the right way.
That's why Mods here issued infractions and temp ban to him. There are reasons for that but it looks like he can't stop.
A CEO of a Company and can't follow the forum rules? Something is wrong here.
Sneaking what in!!! Rob is helping new domainers!!

that post provided more help than any “Hello”

i really think you’re over-looking this. also, what he’s “sneaking in” to new domainrs is free, u forgot mention?
it’s a free ebook to get started (still no guarantee for succ
Rob should be commended, of course Mr. President (rob) open all scrutiny, takes it with class, improv product

this isnt improving product, this is u (tryin) censoring Rob

Remind me what Godaddy ceo looks like again, JB?
certainly wouldnt inquisition for giving free ebook.


You edited and added in more nonsense.

So you think that post to the newbie where he promotes his ebook is helpful? How is an ebook full of broken links, misinformation, leaving out obvious sites because Rob doesn't want to promote the competition helpful? It's not. Feel free to tackle the specific example I posted, anybody tackle it. Don't just always blindly support, you're in Jim Jones territory.

I don't need the GoDaddy CEO. If I ever need anything, my GoDaddy reps have always been helpful. I also don't see other people from these companies calling people Marxists and other names when discussing things.

I find these same type of stir the pot posts by the same 5 people over and over far more spammy than anything Epik does on this forum.

So you find people pointing out spam, wanting spam to stop more spammy than actual spam. Great. This forum will be looking like Digital Point in no time.
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This is his first post at the other forum after not being there for 10 years.
- Spamming by inserting seven (7) Namepros links and begged the Mods there to allow him to spam.

Friendly notice:

We'll be closing this thread on Monday, so let it all out this weekend. :)

Then, let's start the new week fresh and hopefully move forward with this behind us.

Friendly notice:

We'll be closing this thread on Monday, so let it all out this weekend. :)

Then, let's start the new week fresh and hopefully move forward with this behind us.


This gave me my first out loud laugh of the day (after I read all 5 pages). A superior decision...allowing everyone to tidy up loose ends before closing...enlightened moderation!
Shortly after I became active on NamePros in 2019, a few people said to me that NamePros is not run by business people. This assessment was not from one person. This was multiple persons trying to give insight into NamePros governance.

Domainers are entrepreneurs. They buy low and sell high. So, by nature, domaining is commerce. As such, the core purpose and function of the leading industry forum should be to support commerce and to create a thriving community that allows more people to do it successfully. Some say it used to be more that way.

I have a strong sense that if NamePros was just a tiny bit more tolerant of commercial engagement, we would see more commercial engagement. Community members would then see more deals and offers. And commercial suppliers would co-create more relevant and useful products. It is really all goodness.

At the same time, the people who run NamePros and own NamePros have a right to be compensated for their time, but also their opportunity costs, and liability that comes along with running an open forum. That means there needs to be a revenue model without giving up the free membership model.

Let's look at Google's model as a point of reference for a commercial enterprise that manages a quasi public good. They give publishers some free traffic and then at some point publishers have to either produce really good original content, or you have to pony up some advertising budget. It seems to be working.

We were happy to sponsor NamePros in 2020. We look forward to finding more ways to help NamePros to be both a thriving community, and the leading forum for domain professionals for the foreseeable future. I hope others will follow our lead, and that some middle ground is achieved on commercial engagement.

If we do that, I am confident that my 2020 prediction about NamePros Alexa Rank blowing through 10,000 and having continued growth will prove correct. Why? Because more people find benefit to come to NamePros and engage here. Along the way, NP can likely attract a few deep-pocketed sponsors.
Shortly after I became active on NamePros in 2019, a few people said to me that NamePros is not run by business people. This assessment was not from one person. This was multiple persons trying to give insight into NamePros governance.

Domainers are entrepreneurs. They buy low and sell high. So, by nature, domaining is commerce. As such, the core purpose and function of the leading industry forum should be to support commerce and to create a thriving community that allows more people to do it successfully. Some say it used to be more that way.

I have a strong sense that if NamePros was just a tiny bit more tolerant of commercial engagement, we would see more commercial engagement. Community members would then see more deals and offers. And commercial suppliers would co-create more relevant and useful products. It is really all goodness.

At the same time, the people who run NamePros and own NamePros have a right to be compensated for their time, but also their opportunity costs, and liability that comes along with running an open forum. That means there needs to be a revenue model without giving up the free membership model.

Let's look at Google's model as a point of reference for a commercial enterprise that manages a quasi public good. They give publishers some free traffic and then at some point publishers have to either produce really good original content, or you have to pony up some advertising budget. It seems to be working.

We were happy to sponsor NamePros in 2020. We look forward to finding more ways to help NamePros to be both a thriving community, and the leading forum for domain professionals for the foreseeable future. I hope others will follow our lead, and that some middle ground is achieved on commercial engagement.

If we do that, I am confident that my 2020 prediction about NamePros Alexa Rank blowing through 10,000 and having continued growth will prove correct. Why? Because more people find benefit to come to NamePros and engage here. Along the way, NP can likely attract a few deep-pocketed sponsors.

wow, :xf.laugh::xf.laugh::xf.laugh: I don't think you have much of a clue on running forums, that's becoming obvious. Here is a simple equation for you, based on experience:

more spam = less quality conversation, less likely to attract good domainers etc.

I ran that thru the translator, this is what it came up with.

"I have a strong sense that if NamePros was just a tiny bit more tolerant of commercial engagement, we would see more commercial engagement."


Let me "aggressively market", leave my posts alone.


"We were happy to sponsor NamePros in 2020. We look forward to finding more ways to help NamePros to be both a thriving community, and the leading forum for domain professionals for the foreseeable future."


If you leave me alone, I will pay you more money. Don't touch my posts anymore.


I mean really, it's like non-stop bs. Who told you making money was bad? It's ok if you're a registrar and want to make money. You don't have to dress it up all the time with nonsense.

And do you really think NP doesn't see thru that post? They've always had sponsors, they're not dependent on you. You have some type of savior mentality, it's really ridiculous.

Middle ground, the rules - https://www.namepros.com/help/


Make it happen

You, trying to tell the other forum how they should run it.

"Hopefully the Mods here at xxxxxx are more forgiving."

"Thanks for the flexibility and for the special treatment. I do hope xxxxxxxx can lead by example and do away with this policy of not linking to other forums. It is a really silly practice. It is fine if you don't make those links SEO followable but to deny audience access to industry knowledge propagated elsewhere is not just petty. It is a disservice to the community."

"As for this site, you seem to charge people to use it. This is another obvious thing to fix. If your marginal cost to expand access to knowledge is zero, then let it be free and allow network effects to go to work."

"In order to be relevant in 2020 and beyond, I would strongly encourage to lift that restriction."
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wow, :xf.laugh::xf.laugh::xf.laugh:

I ran that thru the translator, this is what it came up with.

"I have a strong sense that if NamePros was just a tiny bit more tolerant of commercial engagement, we would see more commercial engagement."


Let me "aggressively market", leave my posts alone.


"We were happy to sponsor NamePros in 2020. We look forward to finding more ways to help NamePros to be both a thriving community, and the leading forum for domain professionals for the foreseeable future."


If you leave me alone, I will pay you more money. Don't touch my posts anymore.


I mean really, it's like non-stop bs. Who told you making money was bad? It's ok if you're a registrar and want to make money. You don't have to dress it up all the time with nonsense.

And do you really think NP doesn't see thru that post? They've always had sponsors, they're not dependent on you. You have some type of savior mentality, it's really ridiculous.

Middle ground, the rules - https://www.namepros.com/help/


Make it happen

JB -

You call my very logical argument for a balanced approach to commercial engagement "BS". Classy.

And now I think everyone can see why my statement earlier was indeed fully correct.

I am not sure what drives your rhetoric, but I know who is lifting more folks and it is not you.

Again, I do appreciate your intellect, and your attention to detail. I just wish it could be a force for good.
JB -

You call my very logical argument for a balanced approach to commercial engagement "BS". Classy.

And now I think everyone can see why my statement earlier was indeed fully correct.

I am not sure what drives your rhetoric, but I know who is lifting more folks and it is not you.

Again, I do appreciate your intellect, and your attention to detail. I just wish it could be a force for good.

I see things for what they are. You're constantly trying to run game. That post above is probably one of the more ridiculous ones I've read. The only rhetoric I'm seeing is your marketing here. I can run that thru the translator as well

co-creating abundance = work for Epik for free

lifting more folks up = drive more business to Epik

You just can't be straight with people about it.

Tell me how your ebook that you're constantly promoting lifts anybody up, when it's full of mininformation, broken links, leaving out competitors etc.

Tell me how this - https://domaingraduate.com/chapter-18-domaining-tools/

Helps a newbie out, seriously. 1 tool from 2009 with broken links? You could have linked that newbie to the Tool thread here, or the Beginner forum here, if you were truly interested in helping somebody out, instead of yourself.
I see things for what they are. You're constantly trying to run game. That post above is probably one of the more ridiculous ones I've read. The only rhetoric I'm seeing is your marketing here. I can run that thru the translator as well

co-creating abundance = work for Epik for free

lifting more folks up = drive more business to Epik

You just can't be straight with people about it.

Tell me how your ebook that you're constantly promoting lifts anybody up, when it's full of mininformation, broken links, leaving out competitors etc.

Tell me how this - https://domaingraduate.com/chapter-18-domaining-tools/

Helps a newbie out, seriously. 1 tool from 2009 with broken links? You could have linked that newbie to the Tool thread here, or the Beginner forum here, if you were truly interested in helping somebody out, instead of yourself.

My vision, purpose and calling are clear. I delivered this talk without notes. I think it conveys what we are doing and why we are doing it.

You are free to doubt me. I frankly don't care.

What I do know is that we are doing a lot with a little, we are re-investing back in the industry like no other, and we don't waste money on things that don't matter.

As for the eBook, it s a labor of love. There is no better free eBook on the planet about domaining. You have yet to contribute to it, though you were invited.

Again, rather than engage in endless pissing matches, go use your God-giving talents for good. You might surprise yourself how much more joy you will find in your life. Believe it or not, I will be rooting for you.
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