
news Tired of dealing with Trolls, Swetha says goodbye to Namepros

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Swetha has said goodbye to Namepros requesting that her account be closed. You can read her interaction with Namepros management believing Namepros is now a “Trollers Place”
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With all due respect @BaileyUK, she has more than double the amount of namePros posts as you do. 4,522 > 1,863

Before she got big into .xyz, I used to discuss brandable .com's with her ...

Fair enough Chris, but those that post under multiple usernames create their own confusion. I understand when it's for a sales platform etc. but for domain discussion - No
You're telling us that the TC/HD brothers sharing a puffy bed with ... Verisign? ...or there's something shady going on ... having million of dot com domains and Verisign offered to them a Huge Discount ? No offense - expand the knowledge about the domain names "investment" world.


I have no idea what you are talking about - what brothers? Successful continuous story of not being associated with a registry and holding anything (and only!) that is not .com at the same time?
I have no idea what you are talking about - what brothers? Successful continuous story of not being associated with a registry and holding anything (and only!) that is not .com at the same time?
Never mind. All Good! (y)

Amazing how you only qualify as a 'Troll' when you dare to question, Sure I can understand the repetitiveness of the questions becomes wearing, so why not just answer them to a level of reasonable satisfaction in the first place. That way only a new member is likely to repeat in ignorance

You can't just rely on saying let the sales data speak for itself. When the resale data pails into comparison to new registration sales achieved one has to question. Now of course we understand the established domain sales data, plus we have many participants (in the millions) No individual is going to able to influence that sales data.

Wonder what the view would be if only say only one platform was achieving those sales at that level for domains in general
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but those that post under multiple usernames create their own confusion.

Are you saying Swetha was adding to the confusion by posting under multiple usernames on namePros? If so, which usernames besides @DNGear did she use?

Some members change their usernames for whatever reasons, and admittedly I've added to that confusion by changing my namePros username from Grilled Jesus > Grilled > Chris Hydrick...
Amazing how you only qualify as a 'Troll' when you dare to question, Sure I can understand the repetitiveness of the questions becomes wearing, so why not just answer them to a level of reasonable satisfaction in the first place. That way only a new member is likely to repeat in ignorance
You’re continuing to post nonsense.

Answer to reasonable expectation? She’s literally done more than anybody else.

If somebody was lying about sales, posting bs, then light them up, only if you are sure.

Question sales if they seem off, sure. What’s happened here is way beyond that, you’re off in trolling/ harassment land. Seems her only crime is getting sales.

I don’t like xyz or any of the new extensions myself but if you’re getting sales, then congrats

Not one of you guys have stepped to the plate and proved any wrongdoing at all. Just constant allegations/insinuations. Just makes you look sloppy and amateur
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No misunderstanding on my part Chris, I was just replying to you pointing out that that Swetha has thousands of posts under the previous user name of DNGear. I was a great admirer of this domainer and still have no doubt, one of the best in the industry. I wonder why all this .XYZ hype is under a different user name. I would have thought it better to carry the previous credence associated with DNGear forward and in association with .XYZ

I'm not trying or wanting to be any judge on the new title. I too had to change my user name for a short while after loosing control of a previous email address. Was it because the DNGear domain was sold ??? Either way it's not relevant.

If anything it actually focuses more on the specific .XYZ sales by this one very competent seller. I don't actually recall many if any other sales under the Swetha username. Of course I know there will be or are they being intentionally separated.

I think Swetha has only herself to blame for all this negative speculation. I don't consider myself a cynic by nature. but when "2+2 =5 or at least proposed, I have to ask and question by what process is that math being applied and reflective of reality

Underlying, there may be some very rational explanation to the abundance of these one individual sales. Probably due to heavy undisclosed discounting or intensive web development/support packages being offered in conjunction with the sale. Until we know more its rational that people will speculate the darkest answer.

None of your business you may well think. Well I think it is my business when an illusion of a transaction is being portrayed as the sole and whole deal
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No misunderstanding on my part Chris, I was just replying to you pointing out that that Swetha has thousands of posts under the previous user name of DNGear. I was a great admirer of this domainer and still have no doubt, one of the best in the industry. I wonder why all this .XYZ hype is under a different user name. I would have thought it better to carry the previous credence associated with DNGear forward and in association with .XYZ

I see, but I'm confused when you say "under the previous username DNGear". How is it a previous username, meaning because she closed her account?

Her namePros account is: @DNGear
Her Twitter account is: @DomainNameGear

She is not hiding the DnGear association. + If your first name is Swetha, and if you sell .XYZ domains, Swetha.xyz seems like the logical front facing brand.

Somebody appears to be trolling Swetha by registering of DnGear.xyz and DomainNameGear.xyz a few months back and listing them on Dan for $1.9m.
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OK, I agree we have a bad operator out there. Hardly a reason to generalise on the rest of us here at NamePros. I'm sure many of us have suffered personal verbal attacks, I know I have. Anyway no doubt the speculation regarding .XYZ sales will continue and rightly so. Lets hope a bigger more accurate picture eventually emerges.
I am not qualified to take a stand for or against .xyz, neither have I been around here long enough to have known Swetha.

I just would like to point out that, unfortunately, there is much aggression and intolerance everywhere nowadays -not only on Namepros.

We should all remember that when we utter harsh words, rather than describe other people, they reflect what is in our own selves.
Another thing, I don't know exactly what lead up to @DNGear requesting her account closed, I would note that for however many Swetha hating trolls there was, there was always more namePros members supporting her over the harassment she's received for being the XYZ queen.

Take what happened when @jackdomainer tried to move his Swetha hating circus to namePros:


For those who don't know, @jackdomainer is obsessed and borderline deranged with his incessant harassment towards Swetha on Twitter.

But when @jackdomainer tried to peddle his typical Swetha nonsense on namePros, he was quickly met with an onslaught of dislikes, his arguments were proven wrong, and he hasn't returned since. @jackdomainer now probably thinks namePros is full of trolls since his typical half assed gotcha research won't fly here.

So in a way, Swetha may be agreeing with @jackdomainer which is kinda disheartening.
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Since 99% of xyz sales (fake or real) reported were only by Swetha, there is no use in the rest of the members discuss or fight about it.

Let's get back to the business and discuss .com and other tld's that sells for the 99% of the domainers
Let's get back to the business and discuss .com and other tld's that sells for the 99% of the domainers

Do .one domains float your boat?

Bureau.one 2995 Euros
Vibe.one 3000 usd
Recovery.one 2000 usd
Stealth.one 9888 usd

Hold around 50 .one domains.

Or .com only?

Because here I am selling one of the worlds richest crypto holder GiggleAcademy.com at $4k bin, meanwhile Swetha is out there hustling trying to get CZ to (upgrade or downgrade is debatable) to Giggle.xyz for $80k.

Sometimes you just have to admire the hustle and appreciate those who know their or their domains worth.
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As for Swetha, thanks for being part of the community
Another thing, I don't know exactly what lead up to @DNGear requesting her account closed, I would note that for however many Swetha hating trolls there was, there was always more namePros members supporting her over the harassment she's received for being the XYZ queen.

Take what happened when @jackdomainer tried to move his Swetha hating circus to namePros:


For those who don't know, @jackdomainer is obsessed and borderline deranged with his incessant harassment towards Swetha on Twitter.

But when @jackdomainer tried to peddle his typical Swetha nonsense on namePros, he was quickly met with an onslaught of dislikes, his arguments were proven wrong, and he hasn't returned since. @jackdomainer now probably thinks namePros is full of trolls since his typical half assed gotcha research won't fly here.

So in a way, Swetha may be agreeing with @jackdomainer which is kinda disheartening.
And who are you exactly and care so much? Swetha's cheerleader lawyer?

It's really shameful to trick kids on NP to buy $1 or $2 wortless XYZs, that's exactly what you do..

Kids spend their pocket money in buying XYZs, because a woman from India has become millionaire under very suspicious circumstances.. Well, you right on this one, only kids believe this story!

Swetha is at it again, while most are relaxing on a Sunday afternoon she posted her second largest sale ever, Sportsbet.xyz at $103,910.

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And who are you exactly and care so much? Swetha's cheerleader lawyer?

It's really shameful to trick kids on NP to buy $1 or $2 wortless XYZs, that's exactly what you do..

Kids spend their pocket money in buying XYZs, because a woman from India has become millionaire under very suspicious circumstances.. Well, you right on this one, only kids believe this story!

Swetha is at it again, while most are relaxing on a Sunday afternoon she posted her second largest sale ever, Sportsbet.xyz at $103,910.

Show attachment 256522

Sportsbet dot io acquired xyz. Full stop with guessing and start to learn how to perform the due diligence.
And who are you exactly and care so much? Swetha's cheerleader lawyer?

It's really shameful to trick kids on NP to buy $1 or $2 wortless XYZs, that's exactly what you do..

Kids spend their pocket money in buying XYZs, because a woman from India has become millionaire under very suspicious circumstances.. Well, you right on this one, only kids believe this story!

Swetha is at it again, while most are relaxing on a Sunday afternoon she posted her second largest sale ever, Sportsbet.xyz at $103,910.
They all believe that she collected thousands of domains, paying renewal fees over several years, in the hope that xyz domains would increase in value. Not everyone can afford it. Moreover, questionable domains are associated only with spam and fraud. A very interesting "investment".

By the way. Many female profiles on Facebook flirt with followers and ask them to watch their YouTube videos or visit their website, click on the banner, and let them make money from advertising. These "girls" are guys who use profiles to attract attention... Many of the resellers who order guest posts from me use emails with female names... Does anyone even remember DNGears initially mentioning whether he was a guy or a girl?
Sportsbet dot io acquired xyz. Full stop with guessing and start to learn how to perform the due diligence.
Some of the big sales are actual sales. Sweata and the others increased the size of the bubble xyz. Not all domains sold are fake. But the bubble was created by the registrar or investor xyz. People think xyz is a good investment and they bye xyz domains for hundreds and thousands now, hoping to resell them one day.
Sportsbet dot io acquired xyz. Full stop with guessing and start to learn how to perform the due diligence.
They bought the xyz to protect their brand? Like gambling companies use xyzs! Even Virgin Media flagged the crappy xyz website as spam, yet companies wasting their money because xyz is the future lol
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They bought the xyz to protect their brand? Like gambling companies use xyzs! Even Virgin Media flagged the crappy xyz website as spam, yet companies wasting their money because xyz is the future lol

Knowing why’s xyz attracts blockchains and crypto and a new fin tech can help to get the point. So, start with learning how and why .
Knowing why’s xyz attracts blockchains and crypto and a new fin tech can help to get the point. So, start with learning how and why .
Start thinking... xyz attracted new crypto and fintech startups with a price - from 1 to 2.5 USD.
The key word here is NEW, and most of these startups are scams and fraud. Most of them are even not ready to invest in a decent domain, because they know very soon they will disappear.
My first domain-related site where I listed all my domains, was xyz because it cost only 1 USD and I had no money, so I registered it for 1 year and later I dropped it and registered another xyz domain for 1 USD.
By the way. Many female profiles on Facebook flirt with followers and ask them to watch their YouTube videos or visit their website, click on the banner, and let them make money from advertising. These "girls" are guys who use profiles to attract attention... Many of the resellers who order guest posts from me use emails with female names... Does anyone even remember DNGears initially mentioning whether he was a guy or a girl?
I meant Indian and Pakistani female profiles.
They like to hide behind the women's avatar.
I mean seriously what value Sweatha ever offered here? She / He was the XYZ poster boy telling us every time she had a big sale to push the XYZ agenda. When domainers stopped being interested, she left accusing the trolls..
So Swetha makes 100K on a lazy Sunday afternoon doing manicure and you wondering why nobody buys your 1 word xyzs for 100 bucks..
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Since English is not my first language, I copied and pasted the following from Investopedia, for the sake of clarity (I highlighted in bold type the core idea that IMHO applies here):

"The burden of proof is a legal requirement that determines the viability of a claim based on the factual evidence produced.
The onus for the burden of proof lies with the party initiating or filing a claim."

In my cultural background, this concept is not only pertinent to legal field but also originates in logical thinking and it is a standard for social fairness.
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