
.mobi dotmobi already successful

Spaceship Spaceship
I often wonder if people belief dotmobi is already succesful ?
some of us in this forum still think is years away but the success of dotmobi is almost exactly the pattern with dotcom in the early 90's , not only it has reach the 500k mark but the amount and quality of live sites and recently Amtrak rail just joined this row.
The success of dotmobi is already established , How many tld apart from dotcom was adopted at this rate by corporations ?

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Jeff said:
I do NOT think it will take that long for the Mobile Web ... but for, and IF, the .MOBI I do think it will be at least that long, IMHO. :gl:

Check "webtv" on a Google search for an interesting history lesson on "advancing technologies" ... :guilty:

Just my humbles.
-Jeff B-)

Read up on Moore's law, or the hypothesized technology singularity. Change is taking place at a faster and faster pace. Yes, it took dotcom a solid 15 years to go from the first few regs to multimillion dollar sales, but technology is advancing much quicker lately...

There are far more cell phones than computers, as we all know -- this only further increases the potential profits to be reaped should companies be able to convince people to switch phones. Let's face it -- cell phones are a marketing professional's dream... The high end ones cost more than mid-range computers (and even some laptops) in Canada, yet most people here will use a computer for 3-5 years and yet won't use a cell phone for more than 3 before upgrading.

The sheer profits to be reaped alone in wireless subscriptions will usher the mobile web into a new era. Of course, that does not guarantee success for .mobi...
I can't help but chime in here. 12-15 years is way to long. The .mobi is devloping with, if not encouraging, the mobile internet. If .mobi does not gain acceptance along with the mobile web in the next few years, which I think it will, I don't see how a decade later it is going to be much of anything really.
All good thoughts and opinions, please keep 'em coming friends! :tu: :talk:

-Jeff B-)
Jeff said:
All good thoughts and opinions, please keep 'em coming friends! :tu: :talk:

-Jeff B-)
You disappoint me, Jeff...I was waiting for an updated 15-20 years estimate! :laugh:

Just messing, it's always a pleasure conversing with you, Jeff. ;) :great:

- Tom B-)
Friends we're on to something


Kind Regards,

Egnited said:
Just messing, it's always a pleasure conversing with you, Jeff. ;) :great:

You as well, Tom! :gn: :laugh:

WorldRadio.mobi said:
Friends we're on to something ...

Perhaps we are ... but I'm sure we'd all feel better with a little more candor and assistance from our friends at mTLD, IMHO), time will tell! :gl:

Goodnight for now.
-Jeff B-)
Oh no ... now I have to wait 12-15 years (:zzz:) for the mobile web to be a guaranteed success ??? Sure glad that I read all the viewpoints and warnings over the last few months in this .mobi board and other forums. Now I won't have to take a risk with my next $10 bill. I have decided NOT to reg any more .mobis, maybe ever. And then, so just to be real safe, I'm also going to sell all my generic non-ringtone/non-weather/non-news/non-directions term .mobis right away ... maybe at "Quick-Sale" prices of $25.55-$35.75, IMHO. Even the LLL ones from 9/26/06 ... why OH why have I lived with all the stress these past six months. And I'm sure that none of those vocal "non-h*ting-skeptics" wouldn't waste their time, energy, or money to take advantage of me at those prices and pick them up on the sly. I'd h*te to see them w*ste their money.

But instead .... I might take out a second mortgage and hand reg a guaranteed-success legitimate dot org .name .. like maybe ... whoopteedoo.org ... Tough decision as the term has almost no Overture, few Google results, and no paid ads, but it may be brandable and at least it's NOT a risky dot mobi. And those dot org people really back their extension, spend a lot of money to promote it, and come by NamePros every month to explain to us in detail how to market every .org name to the just the right possible end user.

Everyone should be very comfortable that all the .org terms regged by so many people over the years and even today "FIT" the .org extension? And all the terms being regged by so many people at such a great cost today all "FIT" the .tv extension? And all the money spent every year by so many domainers on seemingly nonsensical, but "brandable" .coms make so much more sense than taking a risk with that same money on real dictionary, keyword .mobi names?

The notion that .mobi may at best become a "little brother" of the legitimate dot org is ... well, amusing ... How limiting ... :imho:
What separates real achievers from the rest of the pack is their ability to see the possibilities, take calculated risks, and do something before it is 100% proven and guaranteed to be a success. I have come to realize that there are many negative people in this world who have their own agendas. Sure, listen to different viewpoints - but don't be held back by naysayers, waiting for everything to be - just right - before taking any action. Follow your positive visions. Mine is that .mobi will surely fit into the buildout of the mobile web.
Good post. The thing about the world is that by the time everyone is into something, it's too late to get in on the ground floor. You must have the vision and foresight to recognize the opportunity BEFORE most people see it.

I feel that .mobi is one of those "ground floor" opportunities.
acc said:
maybe at "Quick-Sale" prices of $25.55-$35.75, IMHO. Even the LLL ones from 9/26/06 ...
:lala: :sold: :sold: :sold: :sold: :sold: :wave: :lol:
Jeff said:
For, and IF, the .MOBI?!?! Yes, minimum! :yell: :imho:
Utter nonsense... :imho:

As others have said, the "mobile web" here in the U.S. will be up and running full steam within 5-7 years, at the absolute maximum. If MOBI hasn't established itself as at least a major contender in that arena by then, I think we can all safely say there's no point renewing our MOBI domains at that point.

"12-15 years" is waaaay too far out. And so are you, Jeff. ;)
To chime in...I agree with Jeff that 12-15 years may be the time needed for the level of success that professional domainers expect where a domain can fetch $xxx,xxx. I don't see that happening very often with mobi as it is with .com. Some of you are valuing your own portfolios so high it will certainly take 12-15 years to see that result so in that regard Jeff is right.

Some of you measure success very differently and on a small scale. Taking $500 worth of reg fees and making $50k is a great but that's not a big deal imho. I can spend $50k in a month on just a few odds and ends..it won't even buy you a great car. So you have to really consider what you tier is for success. For me it's always been $x,xxx,xxx (7 figures). I have earned lots of $xxx,xxx digits and consider my personal assets to be in that range. Get me in the 7 figure range and I might be satisfied. Some of you are just happy making chump change $xxx deals. Those are just something to do and keep myself occupied. The money is irrelevent. I spent $2k at the casino last week...I think it was a better investment than $2k worth of mobi registrations. Sure I could be stupid but if I hit I can earn $20k-$100k in one day.

Anyways..getting off topic with gambling. :)

Mobi is already successful in it's own regard and in comparison to other new tld releases. For mTLD ....it's money money money. Success for them and mobi does not translate to success for domainers.

btw..I just got a brand new mobile phone 2 weeks ago...no internet service because it's butt crazy expensive. Why bother to view small sites and PAY a high fee? That's another barrier that could be breached if mtld had the balls to face it's "backers".
Why does everyone feed such total nonsense posts. Listen, you don't need the history of every other extension in existence to make good decisions in the here and now with mobi.

What does the PCB layout on a 1984 Sinclair 1000 have to do with buying a neo1973 today? Right, nada, zilch, zip. I can't wait to see the lame comparisons.

Here's a quote all you foolish foolish mobi owners should consider as you folly along your la la:

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

Let me give you my application of this: just let the talking heads talk to themselves. Stop feeding the ego machines and maybe they'll will go blah blah blah in a corner somewhere and ramble on about the .com bubble or something.


Good luck.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

so true...the traffic in the mobi forum is a great sign ...so much so that even the negative people cant resist seeing whats going on with .mobi...imho

labrocca said:
I spent $2k at the casino last week...I think it was a better investment than $2k worth of mobi registrations.
Good luck with that. I'm sure the casino owner hopes you continue to invest in his future.
scandiman said:
Good luck with that. I'm sure the casino owner hopes you continue to invest in his future.

exactly what i was thinking... bragging about spending/making money is fine if it makes you feel good.. but to turn around and say spending thousands at a casino is better than speculating on a TLD is pure arrogance.. nothing more.
mjnels said:
exactly what i was thinking... bragging about spending/making money is fine if it makes you feel good.. but to turn around and say spending thousands at a casino is better than speculating on a TLD is pure arrogance.. nothing more.

Well said. I agree with you 150%.
labrocca said:
To chime in...I agree with Jeff that 12-15 years may be the time needed for the level of success that professional domainers expect where a domain can fetch $xxx,xxx. I don't see that happening very often with mobi as it is with .com. Some of you are valuing your own portfolios so high it will certainly take 12-15 years to see that result so in that regard Jeff is right.

I don't totally agree with your statement. Yes, ridiculous names with ridiculous prices may even take 50 years to sell or will never sell. In general though, i would not be suprised to see .mobi being at the top in about 3-5 years from now. In theory, the mobile revolution is happening so if it doesn't pull off within the next coming 3-5 years then perhaps a reconsideration is necessary into the power of the .mobi extension! I am sure that having patience will sooner or later reveal key answers ... anyway i am not in a hurry ... and i am sure i am not alone ...

labrocca said:
Taking $500 worth of reg fees and making $50k is a great but that's not a big deal imho.
I can spend $50k in a month on just a few odds and ends..it won't even buy you a great car. So you have to really consider what you tier is for success. For me it's always been $x,xxx,xxx (7 figures). I have earned lots of $xxx,xxx digits and consider my personal assets to be in that range. Get me in the 7 figure range and I might be satisfied. Some of you are just happy making chump change $xxx deals. Those are just something to do and keep myself occupied. The money is irrelevent.

Taking $500 worth of reg fees and making $50k is not a big deal to you, but is to allot of us. If I am capable of turning $500 into $50k then what could i do with $50k ... don't you worry i have a nice car (nothing to flashy). You have earned lots of $xxx,xxx ... well i am pleased for you and would like to ask you what you are actually doing in this domaining business ... if elsewhere you make more bux ... and yes some of use are happy making chump change $xxx deals (personally i am not) but profit is profit to some and greed isnt a good thing either. The money is relevant to allot of us domainers but not important ... Personally, i see this as a learning experience ... to prepare myself for the time that I will have the big money to spend on stocks/shares/currencies/commodities/...

labrocca said:
I spent $2k at the casino last week...I think it was a better investment than $2k worth of mobi registrations. Sure I could be stupid but if I hit I can earn $20k-$100k in one day.
Ive learnt a good lesson in the casino, the bank always wins ... regardless of the fact that you may win on occasion ... at the end of the day ... you always come back .... = end up loosing!

If you are up for a game of poker one time ... just pm me and we can see how good you are ... i never underestimate my opponents!

Anyways..getting off topic with gambling. :)

labrocca said:
Mobi is already successful in it's own regard and in comparison to other new tld releases. For mTLD ....it's money money money. Success for them and mobi does not translate to success for domainers.

I am not disputing that they are in it for the money ... off course thats what everything is about these days ... but shortsighted views of the .mobi company would not result in a success.(= a flop) Tell me one investor that would like to be part of a flop? No one ... off course! They wouldn't want to damage their reputation/brand after having spent millions/billions on it in some cases.

labrocca said:
btw..I just got a brand new mobile phone 2 weeks ago...no internet service because it's butt crazy expensive. Why bother to view small sites and PAY a high fee? That's another barrier that could be breached if mtld had the balls to face it's "backers".

well here in the UK ... T-Mobile has launched it cheaper web n walk tariffs which works out £7.50/month (= $15.00) for unlimited internet access ...

for a guy with your lifestyle expenses ... i wouldnt call this 'crazy expensive' ... lets face it ... even i can afford it ...

Feel free to comment back ...

open for more polite discussing anytime!

Jeff said:
All good thoughts and opinions, please keep 'em coming friends! :tu: :talk:

-Jeff B-)
I think .mobi is off to a great start. It really seems to be catching on....
labrocca said:
To chime in...I agree with Jeff that 12-15 years may be the time needed for the level of success that professional domainers expect where a domain can fetch $xxx,xxx. I don't see that happening very often with mobi as it is with .com. Some of you are valuing your own portfolios so high it will certainly take 12-15 years to see that result so in that regard Jeff is right.

Some of you measure success very differently and on a small scale. Taking $500 worth of reg fees and making $50k is a great but that's not a big deal imho. I can spend $50k in a month on just a few odds and ends..it won't even buy you a great car. So you have to really consider what you tier is for success. For me it's always been $x,xxx,xxx (7 figures). I have earned lots of $xxx,xxx digits and consider my personal assets to be in that range. Get me in the 7 figure range and I might be satisfied. Some of you are just happy making chump change $xxx deals. Those are just something to do and keep myself occupied. The money is irrelevent. I spent $2k at the casino last week...I think it was a better investment than $2k worth of mobi registrations. Sure I could be stupid but if I hit I can earn $20k-$100k in one day.

Anyways..getting off topic with gambling. :)

Mobi is already successful in it's own regard and in comparison to other new tld releases. For mTLD ....it's money money money. Success for them and mobi does not translate to success for domainers.

btw..I just got a brand new mobile phone 2 weeks ago...no internet service because it's butt crazy expensive. Why bother to view small sites and PAY a high fee? That's another barrier that could be breached if mtld had the balls to face it's "backers".

You must not be following the mobile trend in japan, europe and united states based on your statement.

As you are aware,there are various corporations whom have adopted dotmobi and surely very soon some of these corporations may start adversting their dotmobi site using various media channels.

labrocca , recently VISA invested 7 figures in dotmobi regarding mobile payment systems ,as you can imagine that VISA would almost certainly spend heavily on advertisement for people to use VISA.MOBI.

It really seems to be catching on....
:lol: Now I see why bananas.mobi is a premium!

I spent $2k at the casino last week...I think it was a better investment than $2k worth of mobi registrations. Sure I could be stupid but if I hit I can earn $20k-$100k in one day.
Were you drowning your sorrows when you wrote this post? Sounds like a cry for help... but all may not be lost, if you hurry, GoingBananas.mobi may be your jackpot!

:laugh: what a mobidick :laugh:

mobidick said:
Were you drowning your sorrows when you wrote this post? Sounds like a cry for help... but all may not be lost, if you hurry, GoingBananas.mobi may be your jackpot!
labrocca said:
To chime in...I agree with Jeff that 12-15 years may be the time needed for the level of success that professional domainers expect where a domain can fetch $xxx,xxx. I don't see that happening very often with mobi as it is with .com. Some of you are valuing your own portfolios so high it will certainly take 12-15 years to see that result so in that regard Jeff is right.

Righto, that's exactly what I've been saying ... :gl: :talk:

dagersh said:
Utter nonsense... :imho:

As others have said, the "mobile web" here in the U.S. will be up and running full steam within 5-7 years, at the absolute maximum. If MOBI hasn't established itself as at least a major contender in that arena by then, I think we can all safely say there's no point renewing our MOBI domains at that point.

"12-15 years" is waaaay too far out. And so are you, Jeff. ;)

Not nonsense, just IMHO. :blink:

I do agree, as I've said, that the "Mobile Web" will evolve a lot in a few years (3 - 5+ years) time, IMHO ... and after THAT is when - and this is IF IT OCCURS - the .MOBI should evolve, growth of the "ecosystem", developed $XX,xxx+ website sales, etc. so it's quite some time from now, in my view. Additionally, other .COM / Mobile Web advancing technologies pose a viable threat to the existence - and capacities for effectively branding the .MOBI - of the extension, as well. :guilty:

Thanks again for the fair echange of ideas and opinions here in the space! :music:
-Jeff B-)
well i am pleased for you and would like to ask you what you are actually doing in this domaining business ... if elsewhere you make more bux

I have the luxury of already earning my money and being semi-retired. I don't count myself as wealthy..far from it. But I don't work...this believe it or not..is my work. I do take care of my 4 kids though. I might get a job in a year or two just because I am bored and have too much time on my hands (as evident from all my time here).

labrocca , recently VISA invested 7 figures in dotmobi regarding mobile payment systems ,as you can imagine that VISA would almost certainly spend heavily on advertisement for people to use VISA.MOBI.

Ugh...what? You gotta back that up with some evidence.


dotMobi - Visa announced a strategic investment in dotMobi, a consortium of wireless industry leaders that is pioneering the use of the ".mobi" domain address and is enabling the integration of enhanced mobile commerce into the mobile Internet experience for consumers.

7-figures? Hardly...I see 10 domains that's about $200 tops. And visa.mobi doesn't even resolve to a holder page yet. Sitting at a table doesn't mean very much if you don't help out in the kitchen.

You gotta learn how to read these press releases properly..the term "strategic investment" means they didn't financially invest. They just shook hands about some future plans.

You shouldn't exaggerate as it just makes everything you say look exaggerated.
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