Anyone Like the New Xyz Websites

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hey guys just curious if anyone likes the new xyz websites i my self have bought over 100 of them. i think there like the new .net or .org i dont think it will surpass .coms only because .coms have been around for over 30 years
anyways i got clever and bought

and theres still a crap ton of premium ones left
ive been buying them ultra cheap
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
im looking into .net as i think thats second most appealing or is it the .org thats second most appealing?
either way my portfolio is filling up fast
im looking into .net as i think thats second most appealing or is it the .org thats second most appealing?
either way my portfolio is filling up fast
Usually the .nets would be worth more than the .orgs, but it depends on the name. Add .coms to your portfolio since they are the best/easiest/most profitable domains.
I could not understand the problems with 3 syllables. Internet users have no problems with .nyc and xyz is also in the same category......I like .xyz. We cant buy a decent .com/.net/.org for usd 3000. Also we have to wait for years to get profit from the single .com/.net/.org name.

Keep repeating it until you believe it yourself :). Seriously, let's not kid around. Geo TLDs are great for the area that's why they sell. Everyone interested in New York City knows what .nyc is, the same goes for other cities and states.

But even with that, people aren't buying like they used to. Among others, I have Birmingham .al and other than a few lowball offers, nothing. Just because it's harder now to make money on .com, doesn't mean you should blindly jump on other .tlds....
I think im addicted to buying domain names. I just cant seem to stop like common For $1.50 And Zest.Xyz for $1.50

We have all been here and it is probably one of the most common rookie mistake.
This is an honest piece of advise regardless of the extension.... Take a step back and learn about domains before you waste a ton of time and money.

Domaining is not a guarantee that you will make cash flow or sell domain names.
You have to learn to be picky about the names you purchase otherwise you will wind up spending $$$ on names and carry them for YEARS only to wind up dropping them later when you realize that they have 0 value.

Yes, you can purchase XYZ names for $1.50 (on sale) right now but next when when it comes time to renew, it will likely go up to its NORMAL price of about $13.00 (about 9x the price you just paid for it).

Now, I am not bashing you here... I am just trying to help you figure things out.
Just giving you food for thought.

Names like Jetcraft have never sold in the aftermarket that I can find. It is not a highly searched set of keywords and you are likely to have to hold onto that domain name for years. So for all intents and purposes, you just shelled out $1.50 on a name that will likely never sell.

The keywords "Yens" sold this in the .COM extension.... for a grand total of $2,450. Keep in mind that this is the .COM version of the name which is very likely to have a value of 100x any value of .XYZ. This means that if you do actually sell Yens.XYZ the likely price would probably be about $2.45 (2 dollars and 45 cents). In other words... no real value.

I can not find any sales reports for "mercenary" and it is not a very highly searched term (probably put you on some list for making the search).

You picked up names like "travel resort" and "hotel resort" which are fairly good keyword domain names if they where in an upper end extension.
In new TLDs you are much better off getting forgoing the "fairly good" names for "premium" names.
You would have $$$ if you had a name like "" or ""... maybe "". Those are much higher class keywords and more likely to sell with profit.

Please keep in mind that new extensions are coming out every week. Sooner or later the highly anticipated .WEB will make its debut and there will be much press and fan fair with that extension.
Also keep in mind that much of the press and fan fair that surrounds .XYZ has been negative in nature.

My earnest advice to you would be to save your $$$ and spend them on ONLY premium (normally single word, highly searched, highly advertised... *single/double characters also apply here*) keywords in reg. fee prices (if you can find them).
They will be rare, and you will need some luck to get them but they will most likely put the jingle in your pocket that you want to get.

You will have to put the work into finding them. Some extensions keep them for themselves. Some extensions put premium prices on premium keywords but every once in a while, you can find one that slips through the cracks and that is what you need to take advantage of.
Find those and buy those and sell those.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks Man thats really good info. I wanted to get the super Premium ones but they were mostly all taken i did manage to find a few, i started like a month ago i would call them mostly semi premium, im happy with about 40% of what ive chosen so far the rest shall be sold off, i think i also bought and

Do you know off hand any fairly good websites that i can auction off my domains for like $10 per auction ? or would it be best to auction off the bulk of my domains im not really interested in?

im excited for .web ill definately grab a few Premos if possible when is this starting anyways ?
Thanks Man thats really good info. I wanted to get the super Premium ones but they were mostly all taken i did manage to find a few, i started like a month ago i would call them mostly semi premium, im happy with about 40% of what ive chosen so far the rest shall be sold off, i think i also bought and

Do you know off hand any fairly good websites that i can auction off my domains for like $10 per auction ? or would it be best to auction off the bulk of my domains im not really interested in?

im excited for .web ill definately grab a few Premos if possible when is this starting anyways ?
Hello @jedaprin,
I understand your excitement about this .xyz stuff and for domaining itself.
let me tell you that we've all been excited too when we started. I should even be more excited since I have a website that just run pretty good on a .xyz. But I can assure you that .xyz is not yet worth making sacrifices for. It is a versatile extension as well, but not yet getting any meaningful attention.
If you start investing in it the way you are doing now, you may find yourself regretting after 4-6 months. The .xyz demand is too low presently, and the premium ones are all gone, and many .xyz will start dropping soon because there is no market for it at the moment. Since you are very excited and motivated to invest some more in buying domains, I suggest you to reconsider some advice giving to you by many ancient domainers on this forum.
Don't think that they are against you, no! They just understand a little bit more the domaining realm and are trying to help you out, so that your experince of domaining be much more better and fulfilling.
It will not sound sweet at your ears but it is true that some, if not most of the domains you registered are worthless.
Allow me to be hash a little bit toward you, all the intention is to help you make it successful. Anyway who made me a judge, I just say that by experience, yet I believe and am aware that in donaining anything is possible.
There is a lot here to inspire you. Follow this link so you want to be a domainer?
Enjoy my friend!
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Thanks Man thats really good info. I wanted to get the super Premium ones but they were mostly all taken i did manage to find a few, i started like a month ago i would call them mostly semi premium, im happy with about 40% of what ive chosen so far the rest shall be sold off, i think i also bought and

Do you know off hand any fairly good websites that i can auction off my domains for like $10 per auction ? or would it be best to auction off the bulk of my domains im not really interested in?

im excited for .web ill definately grab a few Premos if possible when is this starting anyways ?

A few things that I would like to point out before we get down to business.
As you stated, " im happy with about 40% of what ive chosen so far the rest shall be sold off" (a direct quote). If you break down what you just said, you will see that you admit to being "unhappy" or "less then" happy with about 60% of the domain names you have selected.

For this exact reason is why it is very important to take a breather. Stand back and assess what you are trying to do. If you bought 100 names and you are only happy with 40 of them... this necessarily means that you are unhappy with 60 of them.

Now your "PLAN" and "HOPES" are to sell off the 60% that you are less then happy with.
Think for a moment, if you are new to domaining and you are unhappy with these names... what would your chances HONESTLY be in selling those domains?
Most of the sales (I would hazard to put a number like 70% of them) that you see are between domainers and re-sellers (other domainers). If you as a beginning domainer are unhappy with some of these names, the logical point of view would be that other, more experienced domainers would likely be unhappy with those domains as well.

*In my opinion* Your best bet would be to pick out the names that you are going to develop and start that process. The remaining names, should be parked at a site (sedo for instance) with a for sale tag.
See if you get any organic nibbles.
You can try putting them on different auction sites (ebay, godaddy,...what have you). I have not seen much luck from them *personally*, while others have.
If you are feeling energetic and you have a domain that you believe (I would get others opinions first) is worth $$$, you can always promote that domain through many different avenues. Some of them require some sort of $$$ upfront so its best to make sure that the name is worth it first.

A suggestion going forward. Make yourself a list of domain names (premium names). Keep it on your computer. When a new TLD is launched (and you will have to keep track of this because the early bird gets the name), you can apply that list to the bulk searches and find out what names are available and at what prices.
This will really help you speed things along when GA just opens.
It will also help you not get lost in (as you say) semi-premium or (as I say) 2nd and 3rd tier names.

Stay on target, and choose only premium names (stick to the list) and be willing to walk away if there is nothing you can find.
Remember, (in my opinion) Premium keyword at reg. fee is your goal for all nTLD registrations.
Every single name I have picked up has been reg. fee so I know it is possible.
Some will fall through the cracks and if you have your list set up correctly... you should be able to find them.

I hope that makes sense and helps.

@wittybliss thats a great article i shared it on my facebook
Most of the xyz i found were semi premium because all the great ones were taken i do have a few .coms that may or may not sell lol i grabbed these 30 years later, i want to shift my portfolio more towards gemstones and minerals as that is the subject matter i know very well. I do have all my domains parked on sedo except for a few that i plan to work on

Any Feedback is better than no feed back, and its great you guys can inform me of the best types of sites to grab like invest, Travel, Hotels, Motels, diamond if you guys own any gemstone ones and or mineral ones i am interested in trading like lets say you had thats a good one

To be honest with you i need to figure out how to make some easy websites that just generate revenue and practically does almost nothing like Valuator or estibot it gets tons of traffic and spits out a number, but it also deos searches on the other hand.

im really considering turning carmph into either Mph Facts about cars but that would require me to create a blog every day about car facts or just a simple forum for car enthusiasts, I love me them old chevy trucks
Picking names can be difficult its a matter of finding the best key words and whats available and how appealing it sounds and or clever. I think my Sounds appealing I Wrote that wrong
I agree, don't go overboard, it's easy to have fun registering what you think are "gems" and have lots of potential but after you read and learn a lot about the types of domains that make great sales (or even any sale) (which you can do right here on NP), and you go thru your list of purchased names you realize you got a lot of "rocks"... aka pigeon poop

I would recommend not to spend over 1000USD on hand-regging names, and it's more beneficial to invest your time in reading A LOT about domain names basics, backordering, dropcatching, how to find end users, end-user email examples, auction sites, etc. there is a lot to learn actually and if you want to make good income from domaining then you need to have a solid education behind it,

You have 1 year to sell each name, if your not marketing by month 2 or 3, you may never get around to selling them and you will probably not renew the - so that was a waste of time and money in the end.

Good luck. :alien3:
Thats true so it might be wise for me to Auction them off in a package deal for the lot and keep the best keyword ones and save a couple favorite ones for personal use my personal favorite one is as i know lots on this subject matter, I think ive spent approx $250 Usd on domain names.

also ive just recently Found this on go daddy expired .coms but i was wondering if i buy them am i allowed to sell them ?? i know if you buy a .com for $1.99 on go daddy your not allowed to transfer it to another registrar etc etc
anyways theres some pretty appealing ones in here check it out

expireddomains DOT NET /godaddy-closeout-domains/?start=300
Sorry it says im not allowed to post links ??

Took a leap with the only names available that made sense in the .xyz extension.


Gonna hold for the long term.

Other than that I agree with .com power still and will always rule the game. Maybe one or two make sneak in, but only after billions are spent on programming and ingraining them into our media culture. But that won't be tomorrow.


Welcome to NP

My advice is not to waste your money on any of the new extensions, stick to the strong extensions

These are not premium names as they are in .xyz
Keywords like Fictional are not premium keywords
Names like XCell and XSell are definitely not worth registering

Always research for registering any names and check to see if there are any potential buyers for the name before registering it

Have a look at and to get an idea of what sort of names sell

From an SEO standpoint XYZ is much more easy to work with then .Com ... and if it's not worth the investment then why would Verasign be suing Daniel Negari ? they have 120,000,000 Regisrants ... What's there to worry about ? ;)
*pure opinion based*
I see no real use for the term "Developing", as in the process of being developed. I cannot see an instance in which that keyword can be utilized by an end user (which is the ultimate goal).
I also cannot find any substantive evidence of that being a highly searched term which could possibly bring in organic traffic if you parked it or made it into a site. So from my opinion, there is no real $$$ to be made from this keyword... in any nTLD (unless it has a direct and meaning correlation with the extension... for example developing(dot)jobskills or developing(dot)websites *if those ever become extensions*).

Develop and Developer are much better names (again in my opinion) but their application is still limited. I would not classify them as PREMIUM, highly sought after names (in any extension but .COM). I do not think you will ever see them breaking name sales records if they where sold on the market (in .COM). They would probably command a 6 figure sales number (again in .COM) but nothing to test the upper limits of names sold.

Just look at some of the top domain names sold:
VacationRentals for 35m
PrivateJet for 30m
Insure for 16m
Sex for 14m
Hotel for 11m
Fund for just under 10m
Business for 7.5m
Diamond for 7.5m
Beer for 7m
Casino for 5.5m
Slots for 5.5m
They all have one thing in common... all .COMs.

A little forethought on how things are moving and considering all the new TLDs that are coming out (and some that have not even been developed yet) and will continue to come out.

Take feelings and hope out of the equation for a moment and give this a purely objective look.
As a domainer, would you seriously pay a premium price for some of these names in .XYZ (or any other extension for that matter... out side of .COM/NET/ORG)?
Doe... and the list can go on.
Would you be willing to buy any of those domain names for $5,000... Hell... lets say $500?
If you are like me and answer no... how could you expect anyone else to shovel out that kind of $$$ for these types of domains but yet these domains have sold to domainers (probably caught up in some temporary hype and artificially inflated numbers).

Those keywords listed above would be fine in .COM but we are not dealing in .COM, we are dealing in nTLDs and a massive number of new ones are still on their way to coming out.

That is just my perspective.

Just curious on what names you sold.


I am a little late so I apologize but I have what I believe you yourself would call a premium Domain ... WHISKEY.XYZ

As you know the domain of sold for $3.1 Million USD and not too long ago was on auction on Flippa.
Whiskey denotes the more popular of the two "keywords" because it's American based whiskeys and Whisky denotes Scottish, which is more expensive compared to the American.

Curious to hear your opinion because in my honest opinion I think I am holding some gold here.
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When will people realize this....they are not premium domains if they are .xyz, the same as these names below are not premium domains

A premium domain will be getting offers on them all the time and they dont need marketing and advertising on forums to try and get publicity and interest in them

A premium domain will be names like,,,,,,, etc etc...names that sell themself
When will people realize this....they are not premium domains if they are .xyz, the same as these names below are not premium domains

A premium domain will be getting offers on them all the time and they dont need marketing and advertising on forums to try and get publicity and interest in them

A premium domain will be names like,,,,,,, etc etc...names that sell themself

I didn't ask you. Lol. I want Chubby D Fats honest opinion since his ordeal is not the name but with Negari Himself ... You on the other hand just don't like anything other then .COM and other TLDs alike
I am a little late so I apologize but I have what I believe you yourself would call a premium Domain ... WHISKEY.XYZ

As you know the domain of sold for $3.1 Million USD and not too long ago was on auction on Flippa.
Whiskey denotes the more popular of the two "keywords" because it's American based whiskeys and Whisky denotes Scottish, which is more expensive compared to the American.

Curious to hear your opinion because in my honest opinion I think I am holding some gold here.

I used to do that too when I first started. Million dollar sales in .com, tried to get those keywords in other extensions. I once owned, paid xx, sold it for 2xx. Owned electronics, unitedstates in .cc I believe, not much happened there either. Had some premium keywords in .ws. as well. Had once. All newbies do that, it's not a bad idea, great keywords, but the extension matters. My rookie year, live and learn.

It's why you really need to look at what sales are happening with each extension. And even then, it's good to have a history. .mobi had sales over $100,000, now look at them. If you believe you have gold, tell me some other "gold" sales in the extension.
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I didn't ask you. Lol.

Luckily for me, I dont need any permission :D

Just giving my opinion..thats all

I think the name is currently at a value of 10K. But only time will tell if we can hit the six figure Mark. I just wanted a good opinion and I'll give you a fair grade because COM is closest to you then GTLDs.

I think the name is currently at a value of 10K. But only time will tell if we can hit the six figure Mark. I just wanted a good opinion and I'll give you a fair grade because COM is closest to you then GTLDs.

So you have whiskey with the e?

Look at sales with the other whisky: - $3,100,000 - $2,750 - $1,170

see that drop?
So you have whiskey with the e?

Look at sales with the other whisky: - $3,100,000 - $2,750 - $1,170

see that drop?

US and ME didn't get as much popularity as XYZ; not even remotely nor are there random people spilling out dollars in hope for an investment for any KEYWORD with your extension Examples. Yes with the E.
US and ME didn't get as much popularity as XYZ; not even remotely nor are there random people spilling out dollars in hope for an investment for any KEYWORD with your extension Examples. Yes with the E.

You gotta start doing some homework. Look at .me sales.
I wasn't saying there was none ... Lol
I was saying it's not the most popular GTLD

You said this "US and ME didn't get as much popularity as XYZ;"

.me has about 60 sales over $1,000, .xyz 6. Reported sales for 2015 using Namebio as a source.
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