
discuss 10x Your Money In Domains Or Crypto Currency?

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Domains88.comTop Member
A lot of domain investors also invest in crypto currency it seems as of late. I usually feel pretty confident that a domain I carefully acquire today will be a 10x+ my investment including holding time. If say, I were to buy bitcoin today, is it feasible that i would get 10x my money?
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dont say that. often people know their stuff real good..this is why their posts may appear random to uninitiated and yet full of secrets.

imagine yerself talking to einstein..we wouldn't understand half what he says..but that wouldn't mean its nonsense. it would just mean we are too stupid for it

I don't think Einstein would get his account restricted for self-promotional crypto spam on a domain forum. :xf.grin:

I don't think Einstein would get his account restricted for self-promotional crypto spam on a domain forum. :xf.grin:


well I meant everything except any potential promo stuff. heheje

I have a built in filter by now.
like gmail..in my head..so I hardly even notice that stuff hahshsaha
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I don't think Einstein would get his account restricted for self-promotional crypto spam on a domain forum. :xf.grin:


There is an Einstein NFT though, where Einstein is clearly provoking us.
There is an Einstein NFT though, where Einstein is clearly provoking us.

that's a bubble.. that's why all are rushing onboard to make nft cash asap b4 it pops..

btc is bubble too.. so many are cashing out.. and trying.make money asap..even elon..

what is not a bubble is global digitization of money.. which is basically a historic event most of us will get to live to see.. a first in say... 5000 years of money history as we know it.

reminds me of that Timberlake movie..in time.. not quite it but closer to that than to cash as we know it today... hahaha imagine us all like that movie..pretty cool...here let me see her hand I give u 5$

elon just got warned (or owned) by anonymous to stop his btc destroying tweets bahaha.. funny
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While crypto "currencies" are going up and down, there is a domain name that can neither go up (because it is already at the top) nor down (because of its nature).

It is structured in a way that even the whole marketcap of all crypto "currencies" / assets together can not compete with it.

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While crypto "currencies" are going up and down, there is a domain name that can neither go up (because it is already at the top) nor down (because of its nature).

It is structured in a way that even the whole marketcap of all crypto "currencies" / assets together can not compete with it.


see..that's what I meant by having built in spam filter in my head..like for this guy here @bmugford
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While crypto "currencies" are going up and down, there is a domain name that can neither go up (because it is already at the top) nor down (because of its nature).

It is structured in a way that even the whole marketcap of all crypto "currencies" / assets together can not compete with it.

see..that's what I meant by having built in spam filter in my head..like for this guy here @bmugford
It is obvious that the build in spam filter in your head doesn't work.

Simply because my post isn't spam - it is a nonfungible statement and it is not an indicator of spam in case you don't agree to it.

The thing is you are not understanding that "this guy here" is understanding his business.
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I'm tired of the bear market..

I ended up stuck just like the hodlers...
Forget bearish and bullish, go toppish and be free.
I'm tired of the bear market..

I ended up stuck just like the hodlers...

yea about that...my condolences to all the poor souls who put money they cant afford to Lose into btc...when it was 50k or 60k

and there were tons like that. way more than those who cashed out on time or profited from dip.

remember folks..2 words... cryptos and btc made and make and will make way more people poorer than richer.

those who bought btc for 1dollar..10dola..etc.. are 1% of all crypto.investors.. at most.

rest is just playing catchup

like all good old gamblers do
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of course u do.not know. if u knew and understood u would stop the spam.
There is no spam from my side.
Therefore there is no spam to stop on my side.
All you see from my side are my nonfungible posts, which include my nonfungible opinions.

If you would understood this, you would stop spamming about alleged spam from me and start getting toppish (instead of bearish or bullish).
yea about that...my condolences to all the poor souls who put money they cant afford to Lose into btc...when it was 50k or 60k

and there were tons like that. way more than those who cashed out on time or profited from dip.

remember folks..2 words... cryptos and btc made and make and will make way more people poorer than richer.

those who bought btc for 1dollar..10dola..etc.. are 1% of all crypto.investors.. at most.

rest is just playing catchup

like all good old gamblers do

That's life. The table cannot stand without its legs. For there to be rich people, poor people needed to be taken advantage of.
I do both. Lots of Crypto related names obviously :D
That's life. The table cannot stand without its legs. For there to be rich people, poor people needed to be taken advantage of.

yea no wonder some call btc a high end ai algorithm...design to basically do what is already done in countless other ways to avg folk..ie.. make them poor..and keep them poor.

it is doing super job at it.

and to think it was originally disguised as tool for financial freedom. genius.
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I warned that most all traders would lose. But we need those losers for winners to move up on their backs.
I’ve been accumulating and hodling btc for a decade. I still continue to receive crypto as payments today from clients.

Anyone who buys btc today, in a decade will be as far ahead as I am now. Thinking you missed the boat doesn’t get you anywhere - action does.

On the other hand most crypto traders will end up losing or simply giving back whatever they made. Trading something as volatile as crypto is difficult.

Best to just hodl. Btc only.
I warned that most all traders would lose. But we need those losers for winners to move up on their backs.

u dont have to warn or say it..everyone knows casino always wins.
u dont have to warn or say it..everyone knows casino always wins.

Open your own casino and stop crying in public.
Invest what you can afford...

if you invest around $500 ~ $5000 then, bear or bull doesn't affect for the long run.

Just buy and forgot it for a couple of years.

I bought my 1st BTC in 2013 @ > $500. see where it's now...

small investment + long run might be beneficial in crypto. JMO.
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There is no such thing as 10x your money.
Invest what you can afford...

if you invest around $500 ~ $5000 then, bear or bull doesn't affect for the long run.

Just buy and forgot it for a couple of years.

I bought my 1st BTC in 2013 @ > $500. see where it's now...

small investment + long run might be beneficial in crypto. JMO.

everybody knows btc is not the future.. but it was good start

everything has to evolve

digital Gov controlled cash is the future. btc will be zero. give it 5 to 10yrs

50k is good time to cash out

if u dont..its not hodling..its greed. :)
I agree that bitcoin will go to zero.
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