
discuss 10x Your Money In Domains Or Crypto Currency?

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Domains88.comTop Member
A lot of domain investors also invest in crypto currency it seems as of late. I usually feel pretty confident that a domain I carefully acquire today will be a 10x+ my investment including holding time. If say, I were to buy bitcoin today, is it feasible that i would get 10x my money?
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just fyi, the current spike in prices is not legitimate... it's a mixture of CB going public + some sort of troll with dogecoin.

dangerous to buy. advantageous to sell :tightlyclosedeyes:
Much wow, anyone doing ok with $doge?
Much wow, anyone doing ok with $doge?

I mean, if you bought it before the trolling, yeah you're probably throwing parties. But if you try to buy it now, honestly, just use funds that you can assume are lost... that's all im a say.
I mean, if you bought it before the trolling, yeah you're probably throwing parties. But if you try to buy it now, honestly, just use funds that you can assume are lost... that's all im a say.
Maybe, or it is the people's reserve currency and crypto darling.
I almost bought $doge last night, decided not to. Might have had it been listed on CB but it’s not, another reason.

It’s up 900%in 24hrs

I’m just not sure how long this GameStop effect will last, and rather not chase hype, I try to buy/invest with reason.

Does doge even have any value beyond this “hype” that it got from the gme effect ?

I have 2 friends that bought last night, they are happy. I’m more interested in watching it unfold.

The total Circulating Supply is 128Billion coins ( I don’t see it breaking a dollar yet alone 10 .....
I almost bought $doge last night, decided not to. Might have had it been listed on CB but it’s not, another reason.

It’s up 900%in 24hrs

I’m just not sure how long this GameStop effect will last, and rather not chase hype, I try to buy/invest with reason.

Does doge even have any value beyond this “hype” that it got from the gme effect ?

I have 2 friends that bought last night, they are happy. I’m more interested in watching it unfold.

The total Circulating Supply is 128Billion coins ( I don’t see it breaking a dollar yet alone 10 .....

I'm pretty sure DOGE has no more developers actively working on it. Tesla's Elon shilled it ranodmly and it jumped last year or something... now this... it's a fad that will fade.

I mean, it might be fun to jump in on it... but no one buying it up is serious about it lol.
I haven't sold any $doge yet, sitting on a 0.5m I got a few months back
I haven't sold any $doge yet, sitting on a 0.5m I got a few months back

I would CERTAINLY consider selling before it crashes.... i mean, making 900%!
Noticed Bitcoin went up over 20% last 24 hrs, going down a little now. People are saying part of the reason is this, Elon adding this to his bio:


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Noticed Bitcoin went up over 20% last 24 hrs, going down a little now. People are saying part of the reason is this:


These financial engineering games are going to be extremely damaging to the economy long term.

Sure there will be some big winners, but there are going to be a lot of more losers burned by this nonsense.

People like Elon Musk and others need to be a lot more responsible with the bullshit they are spreading. It might be a joke to him, but it is not going to be a joke to many small time "investors" that are trading in these garbage assets from terrible stocks to stuff like Dogecoin.

Even with high quality assets this type of stuff is not going to lead to the financial liberation people want, it is far more likely to end in financial anarchy.

Asset by asset, things are going to be turned into massive bubbles.

We have similar things going on with Silver now -


(I own a decent amount of Silver BTW.)

This type of thing has happened in the past -

A lot of what is going on at the moment is nothing more than a massive ponzi/pyramid scheme operating under the greater fool theory.

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It is amusing to me to see how much influence Elon Musk has on some people.

Imagine thinking the richest guy on Earth is some champion for the little guy. :xf.confused:

Bitifier in com (handreg)

guys, please participate in my poll, i'm choosing which domain to send outbound emails from (i wanna sell some crypto names :) ) thanks!
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Elon Musk-Prompted Bitcoin Price Surge Causes Liquidation of $387M in Shorts

This type of stuff is not funny. It messes with the ebb and flow of a normal market.

When one person posting something on social media has the ability to move an asset like that, it is a problem.


I do not think it's funny but incredible yes.

Worlds #1 influencer...

Instagram models and all sorts of other that have .5Million followers or more get paid 100K$ just for making A post to sell a company's product. In the case of Musk.....this is showing the full reach of that kind of ability. Not sure how it's going to pan out.

Honestly, I see it no differently then say, when the POTUS makes a public speech on any topic and 80Million people react. Though what's happening here is Directly effecting/influencing the market.

also side note....

I still believe Elon IS Satoshi ;)

Elon Musk-Prompted Bitcoin Price Surge Causes Liquidation of $387M in Shorts

This type of stuff is not funny. It messes with the ebb and flow of a normal market.

When one person posting something on social media has the ability to move an asset like that, it is a problem.

This is just a consequence of the digital world. In reality though, the sheep that blindly choose to follow are to blame.

Shorting should be illegal FYI, shouldn’t exist. You should invest in something because you believe it’s positive and has future value. Betting on a crash is as negative as it gets.
Bitcoin is valuable for the same reason domains are. The utility of bitcoin is applicable by individuals as well as major corporations. It's not a ponzi, that's a very shallow understanding of how Bitcoin actually functions.

The simple fact that it can't be artificially inflated by an arbitrary authority makes it a store of value to many. I prefer to utilize it as a store of value against the USD because the USD is endlessly inflated to pay for things I dont benefit from. A hidden tax to all earning USD and the entire world as well because most currencies trade at a negative FX rate to the USD.

I'm in Guatemala, I get 7.6 to 7.9 Quetzales per USD. Prices are rising dramatically here for basic food items and necessities. I'm sure many around the world are seeing the same and it's all due to the US Central Bank printing over 35% of the total supply of USD in a matter of 10 months.

Now that Biden is in Office, the scale of the spending will likely increase, even though Trump was the furthest from being fiscally conservative. A 23 trillion dollar deficit is nothing to what a Green New Deal will cost. Just to put it in perspective, the month of Dec 2019 the Federal Government has a monthly deficit of 10.4 billion or so. Snap back to Dec 2020 and the monthly deficit is 10x larger. Its not sustainable.

I'm all in on BTC and domainers should organically gravitate to a rare digital asset that can be sent without permission or borders. We already do that with domains.
Shorting should be illegal FYI, shouldn’t exist. You should invest in something because you believe it’s positive and has future value. Betting on a crash is as negative as it gets.

I am not really an expert on how Bitcoin is shorted.

I will say in the stock market naked shorting should be banned. There should be no way to trade an asset that gives you exposure to unlimited potential losses, because no one has unlimited assets.

If you want to trade things back by assets like covered calls (backed by shares) or puts (backed by cash) I am fine with those. Those are actually backed by assets and have a finite potential loss.

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Bitcoin is valuable for the same reason domains are. The utility of bitcoin is applicable by individuals as well as major corporations. It's not a ponzi, that's a very shallow understanding of how Bitcoin actually functions.

The simple fact that it can't be artificially inflated by an arbitrary authority makes it a store of value to many. I prefer to utilize it as a store of value against the USD because the USD is endlessly inflated to pay for things I dont benefit from. A hidden tax to all earning USD and the entire world as well because most currencies trade at a negative FX rate to the USD.

I'm in Guatemala, I get 7.6 to 7.9 Quetzales per USD. Prices are rising dramatically here for basic food items and necessities. I'm sure many around the world are seeing the same and it's all due to the US Central Bank printing over 35% of the total supply of USD in a matter of 10 months.

Now that Biden is in Office, the scale of the spending will likely increase, even though Trump was the furthest from being fiscally conservative. A 23 trillion dollar deficit is nothing to what a Green New Deal will cost. Just to put it in perspective, the month of Dec 2019 the Federal Government has a monthly deficit of 10.4 billion or so. Snap back to Dec 2020 and the monthly deficit is 10x larger. Its not sustainable.

I'm all in on BTC and domainers should organically gravitate to a rare digital asset that can be sent without permission or borders. We already do that with domains.

First of all the Green New Deal you are talking about is not even Biden's proposal, and it would never get the votes to pass.

There are a lot of assets you can invest in outside Bitcoin. Stocks, domains, other crypto, collectibles, precious metals, and much more. They would all in theory be hedges for inflation and stores of value.

It might be a store of value like other assets, but something that can move up or down 15% - 20% in a day is not a viable currency when it comes to usage in my opinion.

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I am not really an expert on how Bitcoin is shorted.

I will say in the stock market naked shorting should be banned. There should be no way to trade an asset that gives you exposure to unlimited potential losses, because no one has unlimited assets.

If you want to trade things back by assets like covered calls (backed by shares) or puts (backed by cash) I am fine with those. Those are actually backed by assets and have a finite potential loss.

I was referring to shorting stocks. Not sure if the same rules apply to crypto, although I bet a platform exists.
I was referring to shorting stocks. Not sure if the same rules apply to crypto, although I bet a platform exists.

100% agree with you. The naked shorting of stocks just needs to be banned. It is in most other countries. Any trade that is made needs to have a maximum potential loss that is covered.

There is a house of cards scenario where you could have an infinite gamma squeeze on a stock that would take down the entire stock market as margin calls force the liquidation of other assets to cover it.

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It might be a store of value like other assets, but something that can move up or down 15% - 20% in a day is not a viable currency when it comes to usage in my opinion.

It moves this way because it’s new. The world is still trying to gauge the value and grasp the concept. In time, the volatility will die down. If you look back, the stability is gaining...
It moves this way because it’s new. The world is still trying to gauge the value and grasp the concept. In time, the volatility will die down. If you look back, the stability is gaining...

If that happens then it is a lot more viable as a currency. Many big companies operate on tiny margins; single digit % range like grocery stores for example. They need stability in the payments they accept or it could be a disaster.

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If that happens then it is a lot more viable as a currency. Many big companies operate on tiny margins; single digit % range like grocery stores for example. They need stability in the payments they accept or it could be a disaster.

The other piece of the puzzle will be low fees to convert btc to fiat. It’s cheap to move btc from wallet to wallet. It’s not cheap to convert to USD at the moment.

In theory, you purchase groceries with btc and the store chooses to hold or immediately convert to fiat. If the conversion rate is pennies then accepting the crypto is just like accepting a credit card, maybe better.
Can you short Bitcoin via Binary Options? Anyone doing this? Recommended platform/s?
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