
To Mask or not To Mask... is there even a question?

Spaceship Spaceship

Do you wear a mask in public?

Hello Mods and Mems,

Well here we have it. Mandatory mask wearing in public.
Now most of you that know me understand that I am not the kind of guy that welcomes new laws...
infringement on personal freedom... that kind of stuff.
However, their are some laws that have been passed in my lifetime I believe are just plain common sense.

Car seats for kids.
Seat belts.
No riding in the back of pickup trucks.
No smoking in public places.
Stuff like this saves lives.

Wearing a mask in public is not so much for your own protection, but for the protection of those around you.
This is not my opinion. According to the medical professionals, this is a fact.

Lets hear from you.
Without turning this into a political pissing match, those of you who believe against wearing masks in public, please justify your position.

Please keep it civil... no personal attacks.

Thank you.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hi Keral,

Do you and your family wear a mask when you are out in public?


Yes we all do wear mask when in public. Rules are bit crazy over here but it's okay as I am not wearing a mask to evade fines and penalties. But as cases are rising I just wear a mask to be safe and to keep other people in my family safe.

I can understand why some people don't want to wear a mask and believe me, I am the same kind of person. I hate bullshit rules and someone telling me what to do with my life. Thing is it isn't about me. I am kicking ass and I am strong and I am unshakeable blah blah blah. Problem is... do I want to mess up with the lives of my family members? That is the reason I started wearing it.

On the same note, I can say that people on sidewalks are all gathering up and hanging around without wearing any masks at all and I don't feel any anger towards them. I think whatever destiny and karma have decided for each one of us. That is bound to happen. Whether you wear a mask, hide in a bunker or start swimming into a sewer.

All I can do is be careful and hope for the best.
Too many off topic and personal attack posts.

I was thinking about creating a thread:
"To Condom or Not To Condom"
and see how it goes...

(shortend - read the article )

Are there any valid reasons not to wear a mask?

“It’s science,” they say, referring, we presume, to the “science” offered up on social media about Co2 building up in masks. We decided to ask some scientists about this, but, instead of going online, we picked ones with actual credentials.

“This is nonsense,” says Dr. Ken Chapman, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto. “There is no evidence whatsoever that wearing a mask will cause your carbon dioxide level to build up and certainly there’s no relationship between wearing a mask and damaging your immune system and other nonsense you read online.”

The Canadian Thoracic Society recently issued a statement similarly claiming there’s no evidence that wearing a mask will exacerbate an underlying lung condition.

Another common refrain from angry folks claiming they can no longer shop happily in supermarkets with mandatory mask policies is that they have medical conditions that prevent them from wearing one.

“What the issue really comes down to is that home-made cloth masks and the N95 respirator masks are two separate issues altogether,” explains Lee. “N95 masks are the kind that doctors use with active COVID-19 patients and the way they filter, it does require sufficient ability to be able to breathe in, because you’ve got to pull the air through the mask.”

“Now, most people can do this,” Lee continues. “Even doctors who are asthmatic, including myself, are able to do this.”

Lee says your lung function would have to be less than 40 per cent of a healthy person’s capacity to have trouble with an N95. Anyone with such a serious condition would probably also have a disability parking permit and, quite likely, portable supplementary oxygen.

Almost all of this is irrelevant anyhow since, outside of medical settings, nobody is required to wear an N95. The grocery stores and cafés just want people to wear a cloth covering, like the kind you get from Peach Berserk, Tribal Rhythm, the Poop Café or any one of hundreds of local, independent businesses making clever and/or fashionable masks.

These masks aren’t going to make you bulletproof. They’re easier to breathe through because they’re not airtight and very small droplets that hang in the air (also known as aerosols) could still get in. What cloth masks are great at is protecting other people by keeping you from transmitting the disease with a cough, sneeze or throat clearing. And, in case you haven’t got the memo, you can transmit COVID-19 to other people even if you don’t feel sick, since you could be pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic. If everyone wears a mask in indoor spaces, though, the chance of transmission drops dramatically.

So why the mask resistance? Asserting our right to prolong the pandemic is not only sociopathic—since there will be fatalities—it’ll also increase the likelihood of a prolonged recession, which could lead to increased poverty, a pre-condition for a number of chronic illnesses. It’s an own-goal on an unprecedented scale.

-quote end
There are a big group of nuts here. There is going to be a percentage of the population that is nuts. So it should be expected some will also be into domaining.
Nuts is very generic. What kind of nuts are we talking about.
Dr. Birx says “California, Texas, Florida are:

“Three New Yorks”

New York actually had a plan tho..

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Hello Mods and Mems,

Well here we have it. Mandatory mask wearing in public.
Now most of you that know me understand that I am not the kind of guy that welcomes new laws...
infringement on personal freedom... that kind of stuff.
However, their are some laws that have been passed in my lifetime I believe are just plain common sense.

Car seats for kids.
Seat belts.
No riding in the back of pickup trucks.
No smoking in public places.
Stuff like this saves lives.

Wearing a mask in public is not so much for your own protection, but for the protection of those around you.
This is not my opinion. According to the medical professionals, this is a fact.

Lets hear from you.
Without turning this into a political pissing match, those of you who believe against wearing masks in public, please justify your position.

Please keep it civil... no personal attacks.

Thank you.

Kenny why didn't anyone think of this?

MaskSox:xf.rolleyes:com -
check your socks drawer and most of your socks could be used as masks with a slight adaptation.
in case you haven't heard


Some versions of the collage of Rose’s Facebook posts, shared widely after his death, included mention of him visiting the holiday resort of Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island in Ohio. Those screenshots were also authentic. Based on his Facebook posts, Rose appears to have visited the resort on June 6 and June 13. On the latter occasion, he posted a photograph of a crowded swimming pool, ironically adding that “It’s not that packed.”

The variety of tone in Rose’s observations about the pandemic was not properly reflected in many news reports and social media posts, some of which reductively portrayed him as being akin to a COVID-19 denialist. Nonetheless, on April 28, Rose did indisputably vow in a Facebook post that he would not buy a face mask, adding “I’ve made it this far by not buying into that damn hype”:

Rose’s Facebook posts in his final days indicated a rapid decline in his health.

On July 1, he wrote that he had been tested for COVID-19 after feeling “very sick the past few days.” Later the same day, Rose confirmed he had tested positive for the virus, and had been placed under quarantine for 14 days. Poignantly, he added, “Sucks because I had just started a new job.” The following day, he wrote ominously “This covid shit sucks! I’m so out of breath just sitting here.” Two days later, on July 4, Rose died at the age of 37.
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Anyone who cites Snopes as fact is clearly misled IMHO.

For honest, truthful info - CNN gets a D-, Snopes receives an F

I have a friend who did a paid interview for National Enquirer, oddly there was more truth in that article than what I see on Snopes. Those of you who cite Snopes as the authoritative truth !??? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Fortunately, when I go out in the world and speak to real humans who don't hide behind screens - by in large, many are not as brainwashed as one would guesstimate based on some of the posts here. (y)

And still, I have yet to see a single jogger in a mask here.... Approximately 0 for 50 (y)

Don't ya know that GERM THEORY = Just a theory and has never been proven.....

Germ Theory = Pseudoscience.

In fact the inventor of the theory admitted it was false.. You may already know of this, and all grade schoolers have heard of Louis Pasteur....

“Bechamp avait raison, le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout.“

“Bechamp was right, the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

- Louis Pasteur

Holistic Doctors of all walks, be it MD, ND, LAc, PT, DC or otherwise know the terrain is everything.

We treat the whole. We don't pretend each organ, system and section of the body belongs in a compartment of specialty. Human beings are whole, not fragmented compartments.

Be whole.
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Anyone who cites Snopes as fact is clearly misled IMHO.

For honest, truthful info - CNN gets a D-, Snopes receives an F

I have a friend who did a paid interview for National Enquirer, oddly there was more truth in that article than what I see on Snopes. Those of you who cite Snopes as the authoritative truth !??? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Fortunately, when I go out in the world and speak to real humans who don't hide behind screens - by in large, many are not as brainwashed as one would guesstimate based on some of the posts here. (y)

And still, I have yet to see a single jogger in a mask here.... Approximately 0 for 50 (y)

that's the way you argue?

no accepting a source of information
because of the source?

then there is no way to talk to you

they just verified a story that was on social media anyway

which country are you from?
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Don't ya know that GERM THEORY = Just a theory and has never been proven.....

Germ Theory = Pseudoscience.

In fact the inventor of the theory admitted it was false.. You may already know of this, and all grade schoolers have heard of Louis Pasteur....

“Bechamp avait raison, le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout.“

“Bechamp was right, the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

- Louis Pasteur

Holistic Doctors of all walks, be it MD, ND, LAc, PT, DC or otherwise know the terrain is everything.

We treat the whole. We don't pretend each organ, system and section of the body belongs in a compartment of specialty. Human beings are whole, not fragmented compartments.

Be whole.

proof your medical expertise
before continuously posting medical advice, please
proof your medical expertise
before continuously posting medical advice, please

What I post is not medical advice, the information is based on my own experience and suggestions based on my experience

Consult your primary healthcare providers and highest selves before you make important decisions about your life.

I've mentioned my expertise before, I am an Eastern doctor. I'm trained in Chinese Medicine, Massage, Acupuncture, Western Medicine, Shamanism, Psychology, Community Health, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Korean Medicine, Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditation, Advanced Energetics, Neigong, Remote Healing . . . . .as a quick summary.

I will be sure to share my public presence for my channels and websites for all to see on NamePros when it is time.

Perhaps one of you may want to join me as a guest on a podcast? :xf.rolleyes::xf.laugh::-P:xf.wink::xf.grin:

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What I post is not medical advice, the information is based on my own experience and suggestions based on my experience

Consult your primary healthcare providers and highest selves before you make important decisions about your life.

I've mentioned my expertise before, I am an Eastern doctor. I'm trained in Chinese Medicine, Massage, Acupuncture, Western Medicine, Shamanism, Psychology, Community Health, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Korean Medicine, Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditation, Advanced Energetics, Neigong, Remote Healing . . . . .as a quick summary.

I will be sure to share my public presence for my channels and websites for all to see on NamePros when it is time.

Perhaps one of you may want to join me as a guest on a podcast? :xf.rolleyes::xf.laugh::-P:xf.wink::xf.grin:


Bless you!


Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Eduardo Rodriguez remains out of action because of "a condition involving his heart," according to WEEI's Rob Bradford.

Red Sox manager Ron Roenicke confirmed July 7 that Rodriguez had tested positive for COVID-19.

Roenicke told reporters Thursday the left-hander hadn't tested positive again but that Red Sox trainers "discovered something that we need to make sure we get rid of this completely before he gets on the field."

The team will re-evaluate Rodriguez in a week.

Bradford pointed to research that shows myocarditis could be one effect of the coronavirus for some patients. The Mayo Clinic writes that "a viral infection usually causes myocarditis," which is inflammation of the heart muscle. Chest pain, shortness of breath and fatigue are among the symptoms.
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era
Published May 21, 2020 N Engl J Med 2020; 382:e63
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2006372

  • Michael Klompas, M.D., M.P.H.,
  • Charles A. Morris, M.D., M.P.H.,
  • Julia Sinclair, M.B.A.,
  • Madelyn Pearson, D.N.P., R.N.

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic."
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Dear deity! When are you going to stop posting stuff you fail to comprehend?

Especially stuff you've already posted - in this same thread no less - and that has been shown not to actually support your anti-mask agenda!
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era
  • Michael Klompas, M.D., M.P.H.,
  • Charles A. Morris, M.D., M.P.H.,
  • Julia Sinclair, M.B.A.,
  • Madelyn Pearson, D.N.P., R.N.

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic."

So let me break it down for you one more time! (Below is from my original post.)

I do see that the one supposed "healthcare professional" is still posting all his/her wacky stuff drawn from the fringes. But I have to say it is heart warming to see that when s/he does post something from an actual scientific or medical site, the supposed "healthcare professional" still continues to display their complete lack of understanding and comprehension of the provided material or it's context.

Again, being limited in my time, I randomly picked a link, the one below, from his/her post here and read the article - AND THEN I read the Letters section at the bottom. As usual, the article doesn't support the conclusion that our resident "healthcare professional" believes it does. I don't even have to try to explain it because the authors of the article did it for me! (But don't you worry, our resident supposed "healthcare professional" will try to find some way to twist it around to fit their contention...)

The article s/he cite's -

And if you scroll to the bottom and read the Letters...

Universal Masking in the Covid-19 Era

We understand that some people are citing our Perspective article (published on April 1 at as support for discrediting widespread masking. In truth, the intent of our article was to push for more masking, not less. It is apparent that many people with SARS-CoV-2 infection are asymptomatic or presymptomatic yet highly contagious and that these people account for a substantial fraction of all transmissions.2,3Universal masking helps to prevent such people from spreading virus-laden secretions, whether they recognize that they are infected or not.4

We did state in the article that “wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection,” but as the rest of the paragraph makes clear, we intended this statement to apply to passing encounters in public spaces, not sustained interactions within closed environments. A growing body of research shows that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is strongly correlated with the duration and intensity of contact: the risk of transmission among household members can be as high as 40%, whereas the risk of transmission from less intense and less sustained encounters is below 5%.5-7 This finding is also borne out by recent research associating mask wearing with less transmission of SARS-CoV-2, particularly in closed settings.8We therefore strongly support the calls of public health agencies for all people to wear masks when circumstances compel them to be within 6 ft of others for sustained periods.

Michael Klompas, M.D., M.P.H.
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Charles A. Morris, M.D., M.P.H.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Erica S. Shenoy, M.D., Ph.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Since publication of their article, the authors report no further potential conflict of interest.

This letter was published on June 3, 2020, at
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Dear deity! ..

Don't you and the other resident NP :troll: have lives beyond stalking me?

Is this how you are in the world? Wearing a mask while you're alone in the car?

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Dear deity! When are you going to stop posting stuff you fail to comprehend?

Especially stuff you've already posted - in this same thread no less - and that has been shown not to actually support your anti-mask agenda!

So let me break it down for you one more time! (Below is from my original post.)

I do see that the one supposed "healthcare professional" is still posting all his/her wacky stuff drawn from the fringes. But I have to say it is heart warming to see that when s/he does post something from an actual scientific or medical site, the supposed "healthcare professional" still continues to display their complete lack of understanding and comprehension of the provided material or it's context.

Again, being limited in my time, I randomly picked a link, the one below, from his/her post here and read the article - AND THEN I read the Letters section at the bottom. As usual, the article doesn't support the conclusion that our resident "healthcare professional" believes it does. I don't even have to try to explain it because the authors of the article did it for me! (But don't you worry, our resident supposed "healthcare professional" will try to find some way to twist it around to fit their contention...)

The article s/he cite's -

And if you scroll to the bottom and read the Letters...

These doctors are no superheros, they do tow the wag-the-dog agenda, but they did share some facts in their article that are indeed COMMON KNOWLEDGE among the medical community. This article was posted in the print journal May 21st and was authentic, however due to backlash by those who repeat the MSM wag-the-dog narrative as the 100% factual word of god combined with being backroomed and threatened to turn it into joke, they likely were catalyzed to write their June rebuttal, else they would be Scott Jensened.

Be well,
Be whole
Even if you are a :troll:
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