
new gtlds This $20 billion company uses a new TLD for its website, and…

Spaceship Spaceship


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What’s surprising is that it seems to be basing its business on a .technology domain name. As the listener pointed out, now forwards to
So a $20 billion company is using, paid a big sum for, and doesn’t own!
Now, the merger just went through so the company’s branding and domain choice might be in flux. But based on the logo (pictured) the company seems to be embracing .technology...
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i think what he meant to say(reading between the lines) is that the new TLDs are pigeon derived fertilizer.
Don't bother, the only lines he reads between are the imaginary ones giving him confirmation bias, not the lines showing how desperate he and many others look using one company's nTLD to justify all new extensions catching on.

They will keep calling me and you haters, although we have no reason to hate nTLDs. My portfolio without them is selling better than it ever has, so if anything I love them and the conversation they bring up. It's a fun one to have.
Time is the best proof of correct decisions. In my view it was a pretty shitty decision. In todays world when somebody sees they know it is a website but somewhere if is written then they would see it as a grammatical mistake. It is coz of the way how our brains have been hardwired. It will take the next generation or few decades for this phenomenon to change that too if lot of efforts are put to degrade .com for some unforeseen reasons.
Holly cow, do you suffer from BIPOLAR or something. Yesterday YOU concluded...that it was better agree to disagree. I left it at that because you are unable to process the simple fact that comparing to DXC is irrelevant. Today, whilst clutching at straws you bring the back into the mix... really dude, YOU the one that needs to get over it.

Now you quote Rick Schartz - typical sheep mentality.... just bcos Rick said it ...then it must make sense, right?

Let's use some actual brains to deconstruct his statement instead the sheep mentality approach

"The MINUTE you have to explain your good or service OR DOMAIN NAME, YOU LOSE!"

So basically, businesses should fire all their sales people cos they are losing... I mean you don't need to sell a service or product to a customer and use the usual selling techniques like Sell the feature and explain the benefit etc... I mean even dealerships should just park their cars in the the salespeople and let the cars fly off the shelves...I mean according to Rick you don't need to explain the product or service to the customers..... so just have a leaflet with the car specs and let them decide. Might as well fire estate agents as well... post an ad that ur house is for sale... let people come walk around DONT explain or tell them anything about the house...let them sell the house to themselves..

That was me, not @dordomai. But since you're going to call me names and get offended, I'll recap for you.

You tried to explain simply the comparison is irrelevant, so simply that you used 4 paragraphs to do so.

I explained that it is relavent simply, using 7 words "two companies using non .coms for branding".

Since neither .co nor .technology are .coms, then my statement is a correct one.

I can't make it any simpler for you. But keep calling me names if that justifies your argument.
That was me, not @dordomai. But since you're going to call me names and get offended, I'll recap for you.

You tried to explain simply the comparison is irrelevant, so simply that you used 4 paragraphs to do so.

I explained that it is relavent simply, using 7 words "two companies using non .coms for branding".

Since neither .co nor .technology are .coms, then my statement is a correct one.

I can't make it any simpler for you. But keep calling me names if that justifies your argument.

7 pointless words "two companies using non .coms for branding" - The fact that you simply categorise both scenarios as the same purely because they are two companies using non-com's for branding is short-sighted. Within non.coms that are 1000's of different variations you can not categorise them as the same... I can't make it simpler than that.

Furthermore, seems you are bit on the emotionally fragile side... please show me where I called you names? Lol.. me offended? Not a chance....takes a lot more than people's opinions to offend me
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People forget that as nice as short acronyms are in a domain name, as a brand representation they fail. The average web user don't give two hoots about LLL's or's and likes. It's all about readability. Bravo to DXC Tech they made the right move.
Don't bother, the only lines he reads between are the imaginary ones giving him confirmation bias, not the lines showing how desperate he and many others look using one company's nTLD to justify all new extensions catching on.

They will keep calling me and you haters, although we have no reason to hate nTLDs. My portfolio without them is selling better than it ever has, so if anything I love them and the conversation they bring up. It's a fun one to have.

Desperate? hahahah ... not my fault that you seem to filling the blanks with your own deluded reality. When did I say anything about this being a justification for ALL nTLD's catching on.... ?
Desperate? hahahah ... not my fault that you seem to filling the blanks with your own deluded reality. When did I say anything about this being a justification for ALL nTLD's catching on.... ?

i think he did not mean it literally. he meant to refer to the new extensions catching on in general not necessarily assuming that any TLD will be successful. at least that's how I read it.

yes I think the reactions to these news are exaggerated. selling for $9 million, hello? did get less hype than this one. we have a large company like Walmart which invests a fortune in a category killer name to compete with Amazon. This could be huge if a trend.
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i think he did not mean it literally. he meant to refer to the new extensions catching on in general not necessarily assuming that any TLD will be successful. at least that's how I read it.

As I said on a previous comment:

There is no BLANKET rule, no defined formula... everything is on a case by case basis.
7 pointless words "two companies using non .coms for branding" - The fact that you simply categorise both scenarios as the same purely because they are two companies using non-com's for branding is short-sighted. Within non.coms that are 1000's of different variations you can not categorise them as the same... I can't make it simpler than that.

Furthermore, seems you are bit on the emotionally fragile side... please show me where I called you names? Lol.. me offended? Not a chance....takes a lot more than people's opinions to offend me
Holly cow, do you suffer from BIPOLAR or something.
A disease which caused a close friend of mine to commit suicide 4 years ago, I think that constitutes as name calling. If that is how you resort to win a failing argument, then I'll leave you with one question; how many nTLDs have you sold?
A disease which caused a close friend of mine to commit suicide 4 years ago, I think that constitutes as name calling. If that is how you resort to win a failing argument, then I'll leave you with one question; how many nTLDs have you sold?

So asking someone if they have Bipolar is name calling?.Secondly, I am very very familiar with the condition and a close friend of mine has survived an attempted suicide also because of Bipolar. To put it in context,.. had I said.. are you BLIND? does that mean I am name calling or does that mean I am being insensitive to blind people? No it does not.

I have sold a few nTLD's not large sales.. mainly $xx to low $xxx but I have turned down offers on some of my stronger nGTLD's.. low $xxxx offers as well.

I have been saying this for a long time now whenever this discussion comes about, nGTLD are not going to be fast sellers at the moment and right now they are not the most liquid domains either... Are they guaranteed to peak and sell for big money down the line? No such thing as a guaranteed investment.... all investment carries risk!

I simply see the risk vs reward as a viable investment
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My dear friends, there is one point you all missing in here.

The new gTLD supporters - investors - followers (whatever you want to call them) are not investing only for new gTLDs.

Take me as an example, I have been buying domains since 2012, I had a 100% dot com portfolio till the mid 2016. Now my portfolio consists of 35% .Coms and 65% new gTLDs.

The point you are missing in here that we invest on both extensions when we find a satisfying domain name with an extension no matter it is .Com or a new gTLD.

And we are happy to see when;

- a 20 Billion company starts to use a new gTLD by directing its precious 3L.Com to a new gTLD

- a new gTLD sold for over $200,000

- a new gTLD sales report shows that it can cost more than a very rare 3L dot Com (MNG.COM - CASINO.ONLINE scenario )

- Big companies like Mercedes using non dot Com for their marketing purposes ( )

But few of you continuously trying to de-market new gTLDs on each thread where these good sales records or news announced.

The bottom line is we will continue on investing for new gTLDs and dot Coms while some of you will be remaining only dot Com investors.

So let it be that way, what is the purpose of discussing this competition between dot Com vs GTLDs.

We are happy that you are not investing on new gTLDs cause I personally know few of your portfolios where there are really cool dot Coms you own.

You should support us to invest only on new gTLDs cause I also know there are some really cool new gTLDs that we own.

Honestly, I will keep on my investments in both areas.

There is no point to getting into an endless argument with the same people all the time.

@JB Lions @Kate @dordomai @Casey L. @rentmynames
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My dear friends, there is one point you all missing in here.

The new gTLD supporters - investors - followers (whatever you want to call them) are not investing only for new gTLDs.

Take me as an example, I have been buying domains since 2012, I had a 100% dot com portfolio till the mid 2016. Now my portfolio consists of 35% .Coms and 65% new gTLDs.

The point you are missing in here that we invest on both extensions when we find a satisfying domain name with an extension no matter it is .Com or a new gTLD.

And we are happy to see when;

- a 20 Billion company starts to use a new gTLD by directing its precious 3L.Com to a new gTLD

- a new gTLD sold for over $200,000

- a new gTLD sales report shows that it can cost more than a very rare 3L dot Com (MNG.COM - CASINO.ONLINE scenario )

- Big companies like Mercedes using non dot Com for their marketing purposes ( )

But few of you continuously trying to de-market new gTLDs on each thread where these good sales records or news announced.

The bottom line is we will continue on investing for new gTLDs and dot Coms while some of you will be remaining only dot Com investors.

So let it be that way, what is the purpose of discussing this competition between dot Com vs GTLDs.

We are happy that you are not investing on new gTLDs cause I personally know few of your portfolios where there are really cool dot Coms you own.

You should support us to invest only on new gTLDs cause I also know there are some really cool new gTLDs that we own.

Honestly, I will keep on my investments in both areas.

There is no point to getting into an endless argument with the same people all the time.

Spot on dude!!
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I wonder how many .technology domains forward to a .com vs standing on their own or .com forwarding to them.
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I don't see what the big news is here....

Bigger news would be the company buying the gtld for six figures then using it.

It was a hand reg.

Alot of companies will buy gtlds for for either protection or they just get bored.

But will these "big news" gtld stories promote a new thriving market??

Short answer....No

The market has been tested already with the new g's and has fallen flat on its face.

I'm all about making money believe me.

And if there was money in gtld investments I would be all over them.

If there is no reseller market. there is most definitely little to no enduser market.

My 2 cents.
Scene 1: .com vs ngtld bashing

Scene 2: billion $$ company bought what they want for whatever reasons they had.

Scene 3: com vs ngtld bashing continues...

Scene 4: more drama on the way .... Grab your popcorns ^^
I just tried to check all 3L.coms for forwarding.

Only other ones I found forwarding to weird TLDs were to - They're using ccTLDs and .com for email
and the ccTLDs for regional websites. has for $2288 to also forwards there.

Doesn't mean much. I was just curious.
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I have a question for gTLD lovers (and it's a serious one).
What makes you so excited about those gTLD 'sightings' if you're not making sales.

As a domainer, I want to make sales and not just be a domain collector. Of course there has to be adoption by end users but that alone doesn't shape a market.
Don't be so judgmental toward domainers who have been around for years and are making money today. Dreams don't pay the bills.
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I have a question for gTLD lovers (and it's a serious one).
What makes you so excited about those gTLD 'sightings' if you're not making sales.

As a domainer, I want to make sales and not just be a domain collector. Of course there has to be adoption by end users but that alone doesn't shape a market.
Don't be so judgmental toward domainers who have been around for years and are making money today. Dreams don't pay the bills.
I am an investor.
I am sure you know what an investment is. sold after how long the owner bought it? And how much profit he gained?
Most of the million dollar sales also watched the same path.
None of them are sold after 1 or 2 years after the owner bought the domains.
I assure you, we are not judgmental towards any of you, but you are... Since don`t have any patience to wait this industry to mature and just expect to see efficient sales now, hey most of the good new gTLDs are 1 or 2 years old and there are bunch of them which are not available yet.
Even companies just started to be aware of new gTLDs.
Let me ask you a question, it is a serious one : You said you are making money today from domains, I am glad you do but could you please give some examples? What is your latest sales, what are the domains, prices, and the highest sale?So I would know what you exactly trying to say.
If you don`t like to share them here just send me a PM.
In my honest opinion we all just wasting our times discussing and arguing the potential of new gTLDs. We are doing this instead of what: Looking - searching and buying good domains available right now.
My dear friends, there is one point you all missing in here.

The new gTLD supporters - investors - followers (whatever you want to call them) are not investing only for new gTLDs.

Take me as an example, I have been buying domains since 2012, I had a 100% dot com portfolio till the mid 2016. Now my portfolio consists of 35% .Coms and 65% new gTLDs.

The point you are missing in here that we invest on both extensions when we find a satisfying domain name with an extension no matter it is .Com or a new gTLD.

And we are happy to see when;

- a 20 Billion company starts to use a new gTLD by directing its precious 3L.Com to a new gTLD

- a new gTLD sold for over $200,000

- a new gTLD sales report shows that it can cost more than a very rare 3L dot Com (MNG.COM - CASINO.ONLINE scenario )

- Big companies like Mercedes using non dot Com for their marketing purposes ( )

But few of you continuously trying to de-market new gTLDs on each thread where these good sales records or news announced.

The bottom line is we will continue on investing for new gTLDs and dot Coms while some of you will be remaining only dot Com investors.

So let it be that way, what is the purpose of discussing this competition between dot Com vs GTLDs.

We are happy that you are not investing on new gTLDs cause I personally know few of your portfolios where there are really cool dot Coms you own.

You should support us to invest only on new gTLDs cause I also know there are some really cool new gTLDs that we own.

Honestly, I will keep on my investments in both areas.

There is no point to getting into an endless argument with the same people all the time.

@JB Lions @Kate @dordomai @Casey L. @rentmynames
@Casey L. @JB Lions @dordomai @Kate

None of you replied to my message above which I tagged you.
Does it means that you agree? If so why you keep on arguing?( for @dordomai and @Kate )
••• sold after how long the owner bought it? And how much profit he gained?
Most of the million dollar sales also watched the same path.
The reasoning is somewhat flawed just when you're starting to compare .com to new extensions.
Because was a valuable domain from day one, and of course its market value increased over time. New extensions just don't have the universal recognition and acceptance that .com has.
Are you hoping for a repeat of the dotcom miracle ?
The reasoning is somewhat flawed just when you're starting to compare .com to new extensions.
Because was a valuable domain from day one, and of course its market value increased over time. New extensions just don't have the universal recognition and acceptance that .com has.
Are you hoping for a repeat of the dotcom miracle ?
He bought for less than $10,000 at the time.
In namePros there have been some new GTLD sales reported for 10K or more by domainers... I am sure you know few of them. For the universal recognition I repeat myself again : you need to be patient and wait..

Note: I never compared dot Com against new gTLDs. You did and other anti G`s does it all the time. Since you play it this way I give you a simple example wishing you would understand.
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The reasoning is somewhat flawed just when you're starting to compare .com to new extensions.
Because was a valuable domain from day one, and of course its market value increased over time. New extensions just don't have the universal recognition and acceptance that .com has.
Are you hoping for a repeat of the dotcom miracle ?

Since you don`t share your sales record which you mentioned that you are making money from domains, let me go first and tell you some of the dot Com domains that I have in my portfolio.

In my portfolio, I own ILoveYou.Com domains in 21 different languages, totaling of more than 1 Billion Target users.(based on native speakers)

I am already holding more than 15% of this domain niche in domain market.
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