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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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We don't want another Bush, or another Romney or another Huntsman or any other moderate conservative, Hopefully the GOP pulls their head out of their ass by election time, supporting true conservatives.

Who would you like to see?

Christie would probably get it if he ran, he got that weight reduction surgery, so some thought that was a sign. More like a normal dude, can get votes from right, middle, left.
Time to make the Tea Party really strong

Considering how it might affect the world, do you think someone like Michele Bachmann or Palin are acceptable to be President of the United States? (Please don't reply something like, "They couldn't do worse than Obama" or such.)

We don't want another Bush, or another Romney or another Huntsman or any other moderate conservative, Hopefully the GOP pulls their head out of their ass by election time, supporting true conservatives.

I don't know what a "true" conservative is...same for a "true" liberal. maybe they are completely different depending on who you ask.
" all that scum"
-guilty as charged-

Collecting data, whats the big deal if you are doing nothing wrong, then you have nothing to hide, right?
Considering how it might affect the world, do you think someone like Michele Bachmann or Palin are acceptable to be President of the United States? (Please don't reply something like, "They couldn't do worse than Obama" or such.)

Damn, you almost took the words out of my mouth. My honest answer would be:

"They couldn't do any worse than Obama or Bush"

Lets be honest here; remove the teleprompter and neither Bush nor Obama know how to talk. They have others to think and write speeches for them.

At least Palin is being truthful when she says you can see Russia from Alaska and who better to confirm this than our own verbster

Obama on the other hand has lied to the American people on several occasions, including when he claimed he has visited all 57 States (or is that 58?) and this video below can confirm this statement:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws"]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

Obama was honest in at least one thing; He Promised that He Would be a President That Listens to All Americans, and as we all know from the NSA Leaks, he's actually fulfilled his promise. B-) Kudos for him. In fact he's even gone beyond his call of duty and is also listening to foreigners like myself. How nice of him to remember us.

So right now, considering these circumstances I'd go for the politician that's most honest or the least dishonest, whichever is better. (a dying species I know) and just hope for the best

I heard a young Portuguese politician say last week: "I have to admit that with all the corruption going on I'm beginning to feel ashamed of being honest" :O

Problem is I'm having a hard time believing him also, even though he did sound honest.
Christie would probably get it if he ran, he got that weight reduction surgery, so some thought that was a sign. More like a normal dude, can get votes from right, middle, left.

Strategically, the Jersey Boy would be a good choice for them because he could pull voters across party lines. Will it happen? He says what he thinks and does what he says, so he's pissed off the party leaders...

(FYI to non-NJ'ers: He's stubborn as all get out and crossing him is like crossing a rhino. Literally. Other than that he's not all bad.)
The GOP won't forgive Christie brown-nosing Obama

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Damn, you almost took the words out of my mouth. My honest answer would be:

"They couldn't do any worse than Obama or Bush"

Lets be honest here; remove the teleprompter and neither Bush nor Obama know how to talk. They have others to think and write speeches for them.

At least Palin is being truthful when she says you can see Russia from Alaska and who better to confirm this than our own verbster

Obama on the other hand has lied to the American people on several occasions, including when he claimed he has visited all 57 States (or is that 58?) and this video below can confirm this statement:

Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube

Obama was honest in at least one thing; He Promised that He Would be a President That Listens to All Americans, and as we all know from the NSA Leaks, he's actually fulfilled his promise. B-) Kudos for him. In fact he's even gone beyond his call of duty and is also listening to foreigners like myself. How nice of him to remember us.

So right now, considering these circumstances I'd go for the politician that's most honest or the least dishonest, whichever is better. (a dying species I know) and just hope for the best

I heard a young Portuguese politician say last week: "I have to admit that with all the corruption going on I'm beginning to feel ashamed of being honest" :O

Problem is I'm having a hard time believing him also, even though he did sound honest.

I'm no fan of Bush, but I'd rather have him in office than Palin or Bachmann, and that's saying a lot. I am amazed either of the two would even be considered, let alone get any votes.

Yet your criteria for electing someone like Palin as President of the United States is that you think she's honest because she said Russia is visible from Alaska? And because Obama uses a teleprompter? Yikes.

There are too many youtube videos of Palin being a wingnut (and not telling the truth) to post, but here's a challenge for you: Find a video of her admitting anything she said was wrong and apologizing for it (even on little things like what newspapers she reads).
Palin was an incredibly beautiful woman 30 years ago with IQ of 85 :)

The GOP won't forgive Christie brown-nosing Obama

Wasn't brown nosing - Christie's about the last person you'd ever accuse of that...

Obama came through promptly with the help that he needed in a very bad situation. He appreciated it and he's genuine enough not to let party loyalties get in the way of saying "thank you" when it's deserved.

And he sure as hell isn't going to let someone else tell him who he is and isn't allowed to thank.

What pissed them off even more, they wanted to send Romney out to do a dog and pony show with Christie to try to get some NJ votes.

Christie told them he was in the middle of a crisis, had real work to do, and to f off.

Palin and Bachmann- I'm all in favor of a woman being president some day, but not one of those two!!! One with a brain, please. And I don't care if they use a teleprompter or not - some people are better public speakers than others, not a big deal.
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I'm no fan of Bush, but I'd rather have him in office than Palin or Bachmann, and that's saying a lot. I am amazed either of the two would even be considered, let alone get any votes.

Yet your criteria for electing someone like Palin as President of the United States is that you think she's honest because she said Russia is visible from Alaska? And because Obama uses a teleprompter? Yikes.

There are too many youtube videos of Palin being a wingnut (and not telling the truth) to post, but here's a challenge for you: Find a video of her admitting anything she said was wrong and apologizing for it (even on little things like what newspapers she reads).
Hey you're the one that suggested Palin or Bachmann and I answered your question. I'm sure you know by now how low my opinion of politicians is, though I'm sure there must be a handful of honest ones around this world, Ron Paul included.

Politicians admitting they are wrong? :laugh: That's a joke surely... if by chance a politician admits he's wrong it's only to save his own skin. Democrats can do that more frequently without too much fear of scrutiny or retaliation because they have the large majority of the Liberal Media on their side and kissing their asses. Conservatives have a harder time because they only have Fox News, sometimes on their side.
U should've seen them in the hotel room :)

What pissed them off even more, they wanted to send Romney out to do a dog and pony show with Christie to try to get some NJ votes.

Christie told them he was in the middle of a crisis, had real work to do, and to f off.
So why did Christie do a "dog and pony show" with Obama instead? In the Republican Convention in Florida, Christie kept talking about himself instead of talking about Romney. I remember that clearly. Very egotistical from his part. Contrast that with Bill Clinton's speech during the Democratic Convention.

Christie is a snake and can't be trusted. He simply doesn't like Romney and probably doesn't like Obama either, but put up that show with Obama just to rub it in Romney's face. The fact that he is fat doesn't bother me, but some of his attitudes does.
So why did Christie do a "dog and pony show" with Obama instead? In the Republican Convention in Florida, Christie kept talking about himself instead of talking about Romney. I remember that clearly. Very egotistical from his part. Contrast that with Bill Clinton's speech during the Democratic Convention.

Christie is a snake and can't be trusted. He simply doesn't like Romney and probably doesn't like Obama either, but put up that show with Obama just to rub it in Romney's face. The fact that he is fat doesn't bother me, but some of his attitudes does.

What a bunch of nonsense. Christie was doing his job. Everybody else was concerned about politics and how it would look, he was concerned with the people of his state.

"We don't want another Bush, or another Romney or another Huntsman or any other moderate conservative, Hopefully the GOP pulls their head out of their ass by election time, supporting true conservatives."

Gilsan responded with Tea Party and then recently saying Back or Palin.

Obama's first victory was a combo of things. People liked what he was saying, the historic implications, that we just had Bush, that you put McCain (too old) with Palin (too dumb). McCain would have had a better shot, if he picked somebody better qualified. President Palin just doesn't make any sense to the rational world. To a Democrat, they would love if Republicans ran Palin or Bach, easy victory. But they're a couple of quitters - "Bachmann announced that she would not seek re-election to her Congressional seat in 2014." And Palin quit on Alaska.

Tea Party - lol, that's about all I have to say about that.

Last election, incumbent usually gets it. Romney ran on 8%, it went under right before election. The hurricane helped, Obama winning last 2 debates helped, Romney straight up lying about Ohio a week before the election and getting called on it helped, Romney having "Obamacare" in his state and them liking it helped. etc.

It has nothing to do with you (Raidergirl) thinking they need to get more Conservative because you think the last 2 were more moderate. The Super Christian, no abortion, no gay marriage types days are over. The country has evolved beyond that, even Repubicans recognize that.

Latest on NSA, which again, both parties support:

"Cheney says NSA monitoring could have prevented 9/11"

"The former No. 2 in the Bush administration defended the NSA's ability to monitor phone and email data, and labeled as a "traitor" the analyst who has admitted to having leaked details about the classified program."

"And Sen. Lindsey Graham, S.C., a hawkish Republican who's vocally defended the NSA practices, suggested another attack is even made more likely if the monitoring is curtailed."


Something else. All these "scandals" probably should have been spread out. Having them within the first 6 months and getting them out of the way, then having 3 and a half years left in the end will probably be good for Obama/future Democrat candidates. People have short attention spans. If two things happen. The economy continues to get better, these insurance exchanges work.
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So why did Christie do a "dog and pony show" with Obama instead? .

Presidents typically visit disaster areas to see the damage and discuss the situation with local officials to determine what if anything needs to be done at the federal level. Part of his job.

Christie is a snake and can't be trusted. He simply doesn't like Romney and probably doesn't like Obama either, but put up that show with Obama just to rub it in Romney's face.

Nah, he's the real deal. He says what he thinks - which most politicians find baffling. He's blunt, outspoken and in-your-face - not the type to pretend to like anyone or anything.

If he was really a "snake" he would have been sucking up to his own party, not recklessly alienating them. And that is probably his achilles heel as far as being elected - he has a bit of a temper and isn't picky about who he offends. That and the teachers hate him - there are an awful lot of teachers in the country and they vote.

Maybe he likes Obama as a person - so what? He's made it clear through words and actions that he doesn't agree with most of his policies, but if they've got a little bromance going on, good for them. G. Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton struck up a close friendship after they were both out of office. Liking people even though you disagree with them - what a concept :)!
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They all love each other, deep down inside. A lot of them go to the same colleges, Yale or Harvard. Maybe they belonged to some of the same secret societies, take over/control the world type of stuff. So whether you go left or right, it's the same choice. It's fun playing conspiracy theorist.





Now when some on the right see pics like that, omg traitor.
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Sure, most Republicans like Christie because they DON"T KNOW Christie, I like him as a person and his stance on standing up to the Public sector unions, but that's as far as it goes.. Once he get's on stage and lets the world know where he stands on most issues, he'll back at the Governors desk where he belongs.

Do you notice how the left just loves choosing our candidates? if you ever hear a Liberal backing a Republican, you know right then he's a moderate or a Democrat running on the Republican ticket.

The Left will always back a moderate over a real conservative, the last thing they want is another Ronald Reagan because electing Reaganite will turn back most of the progressive bullshit Liberals have fought for the last 2 decades, so they believe.

It's a Liberals biggest fear every 4 years... Palin was a Reaganite and look at what they did to her, Go back to Godlwater or Justice Bork, Go back to Justice Thomas the most conservative justice on the court who said during his confirmation hearings, something to the effect what the left was doing to him was a modern day lynching, and he was 100% RIGHT..

Liberals will almost always back a Republican who shares some of their own ideology, Let's look at Christie again, who in 2008 said that being in the United States without documentation was not a crime, OR when he stated on Fox News that he supported "common-sense gun control laws" what does that mean? only Christie knows... Or the big one, when he said that "climate change is real" and "it's time to defer to the experts." The same "experts" who falsified data and exaggerated climate models? most likely.

JB asked who my choices are for 2016, I have honestly not researched deep enough of my 3 picks because were so far out, but so far I like what I see in Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, in that order.
"if you ever hear a Liberal backing a Republican, you know right then he's a moderate or a Democrat running on the Republican ticket."

Could just mean they have a chance to win. Taking the base just isn't going to cut it anymore. That base can only continue to shrink.

"Let's look at Christie again, who in 2008 said that being in the United States without documentation was not a crime, OR when he stated on Fox News that he supported "common-sense gun control laws" what does that mean? only Christie knows... Or the big one, when he said that "climate change is real" and "it's time to defer to the experts." The same "experts" who falsified data and exaggerated climate models? most likely."

That all sounds kind of good.

"Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio"

Tea Party types, aka people who have no chance of winning. And one of them started off at community college, doesn't have the pedigree.

Rand is just like his dad. Was reading up on Cruz, born in Canada. Will need to see his birth certificate.

And I don't know if you're see the reaction from those on the right, to some recent events.

"Mexican-American boy singing National Anthem at NBA finals attacked online"


Or Tim Kaine's speech in Spanish, you can search for reaction on that one:

There are a lot of people in your party that are straight anti - mexican, cuban, spanish, non-white. So you can cancel that last two out.

The idea here is to win. Christie would have a better chance than those 3.

Poll: Chris Christie most popular in 2016

"Christie remains the most popular among Democrats with 54 percent viewing him favorably."

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The Super Christian, no abortion, no gay marriage types days are over. The country has evolved beyond that, even Repubicans recognize that..



When you look at our society today compared to 20 years ago and beyond, don't you mean "Degraded"?

Tea Party types,

Just what we need.
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"When you look at our society today compared to 20 years ago and beyond, don't you mean "Degraded"?"

20 years ago, we had Clinton, so agree with you there, I think it was better.

If you think we need more Tea Party, no. You won't win, period. They're just a nutty and hateful bunch. These people love Palin, Glenn Beck etc. That tells you all you need to know.
20 years ago, we had Clinton, so agree with you there, I think it was better.

Yeah, when Clinton was sworn in Jan of 93, our society changed in a instant.. LMAO.

I don't think in the 80's, 70's or beyond there was a lot of mothers and fathers suing daughters and sons, or children suing their parents, were there?

Don't recall mass murders in our schools that we have today, and I don't think parents felt the need to do background checks on school teachers.

30 years ago children could walk home from school without looking over their shoulder, Children could openly make arts and crafts in public schools for their parents in celebration of CHRISMAS, store merchants weren't afraid to say the word CHRISTMAS or GOD at the risk of offending anyone..

We didn't have laws that strip parental righs away, allowing CHILDREN to walk into a Abortion clinic and get an abortion without PARENTAL CONSENT, or doctors murdering living , breathing, healthy babies AFTER their born.... Were they doing late term abortion in 70s and 80s?.. I wouldn't know.

And what about NAMBLA? the Love boy organization formed in 78, a pedophile advocacy organization that believes in the decriminalization of adults having sex with minors, Fully supported by the ACLU... GO Gay Rights GO!.

That's some great society you Liberals have given us... Forgive me if I DON'T sound grateful. that would be like thanking a jackass for doing a dance on my vintage car and taking a crap on it.
Palin at the recent "Faith and Freedom" conference, designed to bring the Tea Party together with religious conservatives: "If we rededicate our land to the Lord, things will turn around," she said.

Don't need to know anything about anything, just gotta have faith, brothers and sisters, and God will make it right.
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Yeah, when Clinton was sworn in Jan of 93, our society changed in a instant.. LMAO.

I don't think in the 80's, 70's or beyond there was a lot of mothers and fathers suing daughters and sons, or children suing their parents, were there?

Don't recall mass murders in our schools that we have today, and I don't think parents felt the need to do background checks on school teachers.

30 years ago children could walk home from school without looking over their shoulder, Children could openly make arts and crafts in public schools for their parents in celebration of CHRISMAS, store merchants weren't afraid to say the word CHRISTMAS or GOD at the risk of offending anyone..

We didn't have laws that strip parental righs away, allowing CHILDREN to walk into a Abortion clinic and get an abortion without PARENTAL CONSENT, or doctors murdering living , breathing, healthy babies AFTER their born.... Were they doing late term abortion in 70s and 80s?.. I wouldn't know.

And what about NAMBLA? the Love boy organization formed in 78, a pedophile advocacy organization that believes in the decriminalization of adults having sex with minors, Fully supported by the ACLU... GO Gay Rights GO!.

That's some great society you Liberals have given us... Forgive me if I DON'T sound grateful. that would be like thanking a jackass for doing a dance on my vintage car and taking a crap on it.

The economy under Clinton was great.

The rest of the stuff, I'm wondering if Gilsan hacked your accout? NAMBLA, teacher background checks, school shootings, what?
That's some great society you Liberals have given us... Forgive me if I DON'T sound grateful. that would be like thanking a jackass for doing a dance on my vintage car and taking a crap on it.
:lol: :lol: They are destroying everything that was good and replacing it with Sodom and Gomorrah Land and what's even more frightening is that their brainwashed brain cells think they are doing the right thing and no one else knows better than them. D-:

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 PM ----------

Palin at the recent "Faith and Freedom" conference, designed to bring the Tea Party together with religious conservatives: "If we rededicate our land to the Lord, things will turn around," she said.

Don't need to know anything about anything, just gotta have faith, brothers and sisters, and God will make it right.
I suspect you must have a week spot for Sarah Palin, since you talk so much about her. :laugh: Can't really blame you, since she is still quite hot for her age. :red:

I'd rather see the land "rededicate to the Lord" than to Allah.
I suspect you must have a week spot for Sarah Palin, since you talk so much about her. :laugh: Can't really blame you, since she is still quite hot for her age. :red:

I'd rather see the land "rededicate to the Lord" than to Allah.

Yeah, you got me. I can't resist airheads. I'm glad to see you described her as "hot." Would you do that with a man?
Yeah, you got me. I can't resist airheads. I'm glad to see you described her as "hot." Would you do that with a man?
Would you do that with a man? :| What a strange question. :|

OK, considering that you seem to like Sarah so much, I've decided for the first time since I've been at Namepros to put a video about Palin, where she spoke at the recent "Faith and Freedom" conference that you mentioned a few posts back. Thanks for pointing this out... if it hadn't been for you I'd have missed that Palin speech


I'm actually surprised that someone whom you call an "Airhead" can talk quite well without using a teleprompter, :O granted she was using written talking points, like most politicians do, unlike Obama who needs his close companion... (no I'm not talking about Michelle) the teleprompter, everywhere he goes, even when talking at an Elementary School D-: How embarrassing is that? :red:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVpOH4MGPBg"]Obama Uses Teleprompters During Speech At Elementary School - YouTube[/ame]

I can't help to have a good laugh :laugh: every time I read or hear someone in the Liberal Media say that Obama is a good speaker.... really? :zzz: :zzz:
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