
Selling reputation for $100

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WeSellName.comTop Member
I made an offer $1,000 on 2 domains and the seller accepted my offer.
He sent me his paypal email and asked me to pay.
I said I am on the road and I will pay when I get home. He said OK.

15 minutes later he sent me an email and said he sold the 2 names to someone for $1,100 because he needs more money.

So technically he sold his reputation for $100. I even offer $1,000 Mass Pay so he would net $1,000 even.
Is this the way you conduct a business? I told him he needs to refund the money to the buyer and sell the names to me as we agreed, The reason he needs money has nothing to do with the agreement for the transaction.

I am not desperately needed the names but I feel like I am being cheated.

The member is NP member and all the conversation happened in the PM.
I want to give him the last chance to do it right!!!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Kangaroo Court is now in session.

NPer, I don't know about you, but I would never post anything untrue about an innocent person.

Of course Namepros is not an official court, but peer pressure can be a powerful deterrent.

In a kangaroo court, the accused is convicted and possibly jailed on trumped-up charges. No one is going to jail here.

And as I said earlier, anyone is free to respond and offer his or her side of the story.
Kangarooo... Hmmm.

I think the OP said the seller is a member of this forum and everything was done through PM. He can come forward to refute John's story but can He dare? I believe the answer to that question is a big NO.

Well..for now, he can watch the thread and read lol
There were reasons that have driven me to this decision, but I do not want to disclose them here or elsewhere.
I admit that this is not a cool/right way to do business but I also need to say that I informed Johnn about 5min later (he didn't read that message I told him to please read the one message before because it is IMPORTANT) in wich I have to decline his offer because the circumstances force me to take a better offer I received just now. Since he was still out with his wife and I couldn't aspect a money transfer within the next hour I begged for his pardon apologized several times and moved on.
He then denied to accept my apologies and told me he hates to be cheated and that he will open a thread about me if I don't sell the names to him.
I told him that I totally understand that but that I need to accept the higher offer because of the situation I am in right now.
He said my situation had nothing to do with this and that I need to sell to him.
(I would've never sold these names for 1k nor 1100 USD if it would not have been for the situation I was in)
I was hoping he'd understand me but I was proven wrong. Since the Day I joined Namepros I always treated everyone fair and pollite (like you should in a community) and I never had the intention to change that.
If I would've been in Johnn's situation ... well I guess you know how I would have handled the situation and .... if not ... then ....you never know.
Again I agree with everyone that this was not cool and no good business!!!!! I hope that the Community here can forgive me!

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Ah well, no use in dwelling on it. Just hope karma is a real thing because, in matters where law is not a factor (such as this one), karma is the only thing you can hope for.
There were reasons that have driven me to this decision, but I do not want to disclose them here or elsewhere.
I admit that this is not a cool/right way to do business but I also need to say that I informed Johnn about 5min later (he didn't read that message I told him to please read the one message before because it is IMPORTANT) in wich I have to decline his offer because the circumstances force me to take a better offer I received just now. Since he was still out with his wife and I couldn't aspect a money transfer within the next hour I begged for his pardon apologized several times and moved on.
He then denied to accept my apologies and told me he hates to be cheated and that he will open a thread about me if I don't sell the names to him.
I told him that I totally understand that but that I need to accept the higher offer because of the situation I am in right now.
He said my situation had nothing to do with this and that I need to sell to him.
(I would've never sold these names for 1k nor 1100 USD if it would not have been for the situation I was in)
I was hoping he'd understand me but I was proven wrong. Since the Day I joined Namepros I always treated everyone fair and pollite (like you should in a community) and I never had the intention to change that.
If I would've been in Johnn's situation ... well I guess you know how I would have handled the situation and .... if not ... then ....
Again I agree with everyone that this was not cool and no good business!!!!! I hope that the Community here can forgive me!


Remind me not to do business with you.

You accepted his offer and then you blew him off because you got a better offer.


And you're not sorry at all.
There were reasons that have driven me to this decision, but I do not want to disclose them here or elsewhere.
I admit that this is not a cool/right way to do business but I also need to say that I informed Johnn about 5min later (he didn't read that message I told him to please read the one message before because it is IMPORTANT) in wich I have to decline his offer because the circumstances force me to take a better offer I received just now. Since he was still out with his wife and I couldn't aspect a money transfer within the next hour I begged for his pardon apologized several times and moved on.
He then denied to accept my apologies and told me he hates to be cheated and that he will open a thread about me if I don't sell the names to him.
I told him that I totally understand that but that I need to accept the higher offer because of the situation I am in right now.
He said my situation had nothing to do with this and that I need to sell to him.
(I would've never sold these names for 1k nor 1100 USD if it would not have been for the situation I was in)
I was hoping he'd understand me but I was proven wrong. Since the Day I joined Namepros I always treated everyone fair and pollite (like you should in a community) and I never had the intention to change that.
If I would've been in Johnn's situation ... well I guess you know how I would have handled the situation and .... if not ... then ....you never know.
Again I agree with everyone that this was not cool and no good business!!!!! I hope that the Community here can forgive me!


I salute you for showing up. I earlier said He wouldnt dare so I apologize and salute you again.

Now to the topic, even if it was after 5mins when you accepted the offer then decided to declinw it, then it is still bad as you admit it :)
I told him that I totally understand that but that I need to accept the higher offer because of the situation I am in right now.
(I would've never sold these names for 1k nor 1100 USD if it would not have been for the situation I was in)

If you have money issues, then I sincerely sympathise with your circumstances, and hope you manage to resolve whatever (financial) issues you have. But trying to resolve your issues by leaning on others is not excusable or decent.

Also, this wasn't even the best thing you could have done even with a desperate situation. What if your 2nd buyer had later cancelled? Do you go back to johnn and try to sell to him again? This was risking losing two buyers and a $1000 solid deal for the sake of $100 extra, and this is a gamble and if you're desperate for money you shouldn't gamble ;)
Not to mention it was unfair to johnn and a loss of potential future sales with him.

Taking the $1000 with johnn should have helped solve whatever issue you claim to have. And if johnn had backed out you still had another buyer, and this was the safest move for you as well as the honourable one.

Biting the hand which feeds you is not the best way to resolve your hunger :)

Realistically, you were not 100% happy with the offer johnn gave and you would have preferred more, and this then requires negotiations with johnn before agreeing on a sum, or waiting to see other offers. But accepting johnn's $1000 offer because you were desperate to sell and then pushing it aside for another offer is not fair, it shows desperation (or greed and a lack of honour if your story is not true) and this is not fair on other people who are buying in good faith.
What if a 3rd offer came in for $1200? Where do you stop?

I hope you resolve whatever issues you currently have, but try not to make them worse through rash decisions and by alienating those around you, especially those you need to help resolve your issue by selling names to them.

And keep your integrity, no matter how desperate you are. Otherwise once you have steamed through and eventually resolved your issue, you may find you just created other issues along the way ;)
A sales person will close the deal and information givers will create shoppers. I would be working on closing skills.
Well we all make mistakes in our life , this could be the one bad call he does ~~ {Greed}~~~ and we all know how domainers are not greedy ~~~~ SOOoooo he gets his terrible review as a result , He could then change his ways { and realize to not treat people that way } and gets 20 good reviews later in time throughout trading and slowly builds his reputation back into good standing , A reputation is not built on one bad call or mistake .
i would say 100 dollars does not ruin a man's reputation , but maybe a great learning opportunity in his life to realize the adverse effects greed has on one friendships , family , and loved ones .
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Well we all make mistakes in our life , this could be the one bad call he does ~~ {Greed}~~~ and we all know how domainers are not greedy ~~~~ SOOoooo he gets his terrible review as a result , He could then change his ways { and realize to not treat people that way } and gets 20 good reviews later in time throughout trading and slowly builds his reputation back into good standing , A reputation is not built on one bad call or mistake .
i would say 100 dollars does not ruin a man's reputation , but maybe a great learning opportunity in his life to realize the adverse effects greed has on one friendships , family , and loved ones .

If you read his post carefully, you will see that he's not really sorry; in fact, he tries to make a case for his actions.

He's just sorry that he was called out on it.
What about the dude who poached your purchase by offering an extra $100? >:(.

He didn't break his word and skip out on an agreement, so I don't see the relevance. It's fairly standard behavior to try to top another offer.

If you read his post carefully, you will see that he's not really sorry; in fact, he tries to make a case for his actions.
He's just sorry that he was called out on it.

He explained that he was having money problems, and acknowledged what he did was wrong.
Whether he is sincerely sorry or not is a question that cant be answered here. It's up to each person who chooses to deal with him whether they are OK with it.

In my opinion, there is not much more he can do. He broke his word, got called out on it, and apologized while explaining his circumstances. In my opinion, it's time to move on. It's not like we have the crime of the century here. He screwed up, and it has been noted.
I guess if I get a good deal I will pay within minutes. But, still this is dishonest of them but I guess there's no legal action you can take so all you can do is warn others against doing such a business practice.
He didn't break his word and skip out on an agreement, so I don't see the relevance. It's fairly standard behavior to try to top another offer.

He explained that he was having money problems, and acknowledged what he did was wrong.
Whether he is sincerely sorry or not is a question that cant be answered here. It's up to each person who chooses to deal with him whether they are OK with it.

In my opinion, there is not much more he can do. He broke his word, got called out on it, and apologized while explaining his circumstances. In my opinion, it's time to move on. It's not like we have the crime of the century here. He screwed up, and it has been noted.


All that is left is OP to accept the `me a culpa` as expressed, the two shake hands and all move on. To the next deal. Its OP`s call of course.
When both parties agreed to the sale a legal agreement was reached. Another reason to have simple legal docs in place as well as an agreed upon payment period.
Some buyers could be nasty at times. After agreeing to buy some goods, then for no reason they turn unresponsive.
In this case, I don't see why the buyer didn't make the payment immediately when the terms have been agreed.
The seller explained to the buyer his dire need for money which the buyer should have considered to make the payment as soon as possible. But he decided to procrastinate.
The seller found someone that is ready to pay more and pay immediately so why wouldn't he accept it?
Remind me not to do business with you.
This is childish. So one less over 900k+ of namepros members.
These is no reason to act like this. He had a reason and explained it. This is a lesson for everyone to close a deal as quick as possible.
It is funny when in the threads where users say the were scammed, the replies are, sorry to hear that, things like this happen, be more careful next time, bla bla bla. But in this case where a deal was canceled and no money were involved, lots of users jumped on like, OMG this is unforgivable, how could he, put him in jail lol.
It is funny when in the threads where users say the were scammed, the replies are, sorry to hear that, things like this happen, be more careful next time, bla bla bla. But in this case where a deal was canceled and no money were involved, lots of users jumped on like, OMG this is unforgivable, how could he, put him in jail lol.

So you're suggesting that we do the opposite? Should we laugh at those who have their domains stolen or get scammed?

That we praise and do more business with individuals that play dirty business and sell their professional character for $100?
If life for is only black and white than go for it.
Most of users over react on smaller problems and do nothing in bigger ones.
I had twice non paying buyers in a short period of time and didn't end up haveing to threads blaming the world for it.
If life for is only black and white than go for it.
Most of users over react on smaller problems and do nothing in bigger ones.
I had twice non paying buyers in a short period of time and didn't end up haveing to threads blaming the world for it.

No one here is blaming the world.
A potential buyer who feels he was wronged in a transaction is sharing his experience. Many here are grateful that he's making us aware of the business practises of the seller.
Perhaps you're sour transactions should have been shared. That way the individual who wronged you could've been stopped in their tracks.
I have done business with half the people in this thread repeatedly and they were all done with honesty and made more than $100.

Don't know wether to say sorry about you're negative experience or laugh... Don't what to offend you.
No one here is blaming the world.
A potential buyer who feels he was wronged in a transaction is sharing his experience. Many here are grateful that he's making us aware of the business practises of the seller.

This is the issue and I am going to try and be clear so I don't get misconstrued as thinking that reneging on a deal is an acceptable practice.

The original post did NOT provide a warning against a user. That was NOT the intent because no member was even mentioned.
The original post said:

"I told him he needs to refund the money to the buyer and sell the names to me as we agreed,"


"I want to give him the last chance to do it right!!!"

Later a thread was posted that had no relation to the deal. It was simply a "make offer" thread initiated by the seller.

In my opinion, the OP was basically threatening to out someone as a bad businessman unless they compounded the problem (if even possible) by reversing a sale with another party. The conversation was all held in PM and none of it was shared so it was a very one sided account of an agreement that may or may not have had wishy-washy language.

There are a number of posts that are starting to appear like this. I *think* someone here at Namepros is messing with my auctions at GoDaddy and I need to out them... I think buyers might be locking my names with fake offers... someone sold a domain and it was removed from my account! In another thread @Joe Styler showed an example where a seller can be seen as in the wrong even though they did nothing wrong.

My suggestion is simple and it will keep this type of thread about legalities, morals and ethics out of what is otherwise a great forum with great people that do transactions every day.

When you make an offer or agreement include the main elements:

The price of the name in appropriate currency (i.e. 1000 USD)
The method of payment. Including specific timing (i.e. Paypal by Feb 8th 2016 5pm EST - Fees covered by seller)
The method and time of transfer. Account change at Registrar initiated by Buyer after payment made and performed within 3 days of request.
Contract is non-binding until payment is made (unless the timing is agreed to prevent front-running)

Then you agree on an the offer acceptance with the main elements of a contract included.

At this point there is no misunderstanding, no confusion. If there is a violation of the agreement with a member of NP then by all means post a very direct post:

This @User (tagged so they know) screwed me by violation of the terms agreed. Then post terms and violation.

It's then a simple black and white issue instead of a he said, she said, grey area issue. Do you think in 6 months people are going to find this thread and identify the user with the issue? Hardly likely. It's just a mess of discussing morality and ethics in a forum.

For those of you who say that the people that are saying "move on" and "man up" (?) and don't understand because they are social users of a forum (my god, what a crime) and don't do business here you should understand that part of doing business is proper contracts and financial management. A couple of short PMs isn't good enough - really you should all be receiving invoices and receipts to book your expenses properly... probably too much like hard work.

If you want to claim you are professional business people then you should do business like professional business people. Just imho, of course, as someone with a low trader rating ;)

And I will say again. Taking the high road is sometime good for your OWN reputation. Clearly my reputation is damaged because people think I'm saying it's ok to renege on deals despite me clearly stating the issue is that the "deals" aren't clear in the first place. I'm advocating fixing the root cause (again, maybe too much hard work).
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Should note that there's a certain irony in the "Positive Trader Review" that @busyj got for that sales thread. It appears that method of reporting doesn't work very well and maybe something that the forum here should review their policies on.
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