
Is Adam Dicker a criminal? You decide.

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This story starts with DNF; a barren wasteland that once was a leading forum within the domain industry. While the forum itself played a huge role in propagating the myth that is Adam Dicker, the story really begins with DNF College in the summer of 2011.

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Updates / Reports
These are in no particular order.

From what I understand, Adam still owes north of $33,000 to previous customers and business partners. As I receive more information, I will update this figure.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Adam's videos still up on Sherpa. Must be getting a lot of hits. Too much traffic traffic to take them down???
As for "true numbers", who really cares, unless you plan on buying the forum and pay per member?

Well you might care if you'd paid $7000 per month for a leaderboard ad and had taken that metric into consideration.

Now, I am going to accept Adam Dicker's explanation that the membership statistics jumped by 125,000 because he approved years worth of non-confirmed accounts to add them to his mailing list.

I'd even go further and say that I can't blame him for doing so, and he isn't breaking any law in doing that, email marketing is effective and it would be difficult to resist the temptation to market to that many new people, especially when your forum is struggling and you need to try and inject a bit of life into it.

But lets look at the highlighted section a little more closely:

"DNF contains over 1,900,000 posts and over 500,000 active registered members"

That is on a page where Adam Dicker is trying to sell advertising costing up to $7000 per month.

Only we know that this is a lie. If it weren't obvious enough that DNF didn't have that many active registered members (I suspect they'd struggle to reach five figures by any objective measure if they were being honest), Adam Dicker has out right admitted on this thread that 125,000 of his members hadn't even been active enough to verify their accounts, which means that 125,000 of his 515,000 members have never been active at all, yet alone in the recent past (when ebay reports active user accounts it counts any account which has been logged in to in the past 12 months, for example).

Its another huge lie, with another bunch of obvious potential victims, advertisers!

Here's very obvious lie number 2, from the same page....

"DNF receives approximately 80 million hits a month, an average of 2.4 million hits a day"

Unfortunately he hasn't allowed his site to be 'quantified' so we have literally no way of knowing the exact figures, but anybody with half a brain cell could also tell you however that this is also a ludicrous claim. For a start, he is claiming to get about 50 times the monthly traffic of namepros (who are Quantified, so we can see how many hits they are getting).

It is claimed that DNF is getting more hits than the following massive online brands, as an example.....
He is claiming that DNF gets about as many hits per month as and twice as many as, more than twice as much as The Onion!

Now go and look at his forum.... The place is completely dead.

Perhaps Adam Dicker would like to get the site 'quantified' for a whole calendar month to show us the true figures.

The more I see and hear about the Adam Dicker the more amazed I am that such unsophisticated deception has gone unnoticed for so long. The man is just a complete fraud.

I actually feel a bit sorry for him, because to lie so blatantly and to such extremes you must surely have to convince yourself in your mind that you are telling the truth, you need to lie to yourself - I think there may be some underlying mental problems of some sort, utter delusion being one of the more obvious signs that this is the case.


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I work for him, but I dont know enough about the traffic to say one way or the other.
I work for him, but I dont know enough about the traffic to say one way or the other.

You work for Adam Dicker?! Do you get paid on time?

There is a very good reason why I am using Quantcast figures and not Alexa figures.

Alexa statistics are utter junk. They only record visits from people who have the Alexa toolbar installed, which these days is hardly anybody, meaning that their "ranks" are meaningless. It also means that tech related sites always rank much higher than non-tech related sites, because the only people who have ever installed the Alexa toolbar are people involved in tech or online marketing in some form.

As it happens, if you do want to use Alexa as a metric, then you've just shown me that DNF has an alexa rank of 43881. Now, Adam Dicker claims 80 million hits per month, around the same as (their numbers are verified). has an Alexa rank of 700.

All of the other brands I mentioned, including namepros, are 'quantified' which means Quantcast is directly measuring their traffic with the permission of the site owners and then displaying them for public consumption.

Adam Dicker is claiming that DNF gets more than twice as many hits per month as The Onion, and more hits than LifeHacker, NBC, Gizmodo, and Rolling Stone. All of whom have publicly accessible traffic statistics (all verified). I could compare with many other very big online brands if you want, I figure that you have got the message already though? It's an obvious lie.
Michael shouldn't have to take down the videos, all he needs to do is put a bold notice up the top and say that the videos are kept for archival purposes and that he is no longer supporting any promotions, services, or softwares in the videos due to reports of criminal behavior (theft)
Thanks for your honesty.

Perhaps WebInvestments would like to disclose what his relationship is with Adam Dicker.
You work for Adam Dicker?! Do you get paid on time?

There is a very good reason why I am using Quantcast figures and not Alexa figures.

Alexa statistics are utter junk. They only record visits from people who have the Alexa toolbar installed, which these days is hardly anybody, meaning that their "ranks" are meaningless. It also means that tech related sites always rank much higher than non-tech related sites, because the only people who have ever installed the Alexa toolbar are people involved in tech or online marketing in some form.

As it happens, if you do want to use Alexa as a metric, then you've just shown me that DNF has an alexa rank of 43881. Now, Adam Dicker claims 80 million hits per month, around the same as (their numbers are verified). has an Alexa rank of 700.

All of the other brands I mentioned, including namepros, are 'quantified' which means Quantcast is directly measuring their traffic with the permission of the site owners and then displaying them for public consumption.

Adam Dicker is claiming that DNF gets more than twice as many hits per month as The Onion, and more hits than LifeHacker, NBC, Gizmodo, and Rolling Stone. All of whom have publicly accessible traffic statistics (all verified). I could compare with many other very big online brands if you want, I figure that you have got the message already though? It's an obvious lie.

i used to manage the advertising page on a couple directories, and the point of sales was always the statistics. So we always put a recent screenshot of the hits, unique visitors, in some case we created a short videos to be transparent.
If you have the stats he pretend, you do that and your conversion go through the roof, you sell more advertising. + testimonials of satisfied customers...
nothing of that sort appear on Adam Dicker.
Did you tracked the advertising you paid for, and did he offered a simple way to access proof of service? When you buy traffic to this extent, there is always an option to make a small test, like a couple hours for a reasonable fee.

this goes back to the point, that this guy don't know jack about conversion. And that explain why NicheWebsite are so badly designed in the first place.

I would like to note for other victims that I have two issues with Adam, one being a site build and the other Is the purchase of lead gen software.

Although Adam and I spoke about a resolution, he assured me that my website would be complete within one week, in addition he offered to build two additional sites free of charge as a way to compensate me, Adam has said if I am not happy after the end of one week I would receive a refund.The week is ticking away so we see how things flesh out at the end of seven days, after waiting so long I was willing to give him an additional week.

Adam has sent me a replacement licence for the lead gen software, this licence does not work and Adam has failed again to address the issue by ignoring my emails.

I also asked Adam to clarify via email about what we discussed on Skype so that there would not be any misunderstanding of what was being promised this email clarification has also been ignored.
Although Adam and I spoke about a resolution, he assured me that my website would be complete within one week, in addition he offered to build two additional sites free of charge as a way to compensate me, Adam has said if I am not happy after the end of one week I would receive a refund.

What is the hosting arrangement for these sites?

Does also (re)sell hosting? Or do they include that in the price?

What about updates and maintenance?
Hi @carob
I provide my own hosting via hostgator, as for updates my sites get auto updates,my other sites have nothing to do with Adam.
For the people worried about the continued showing of the Dicker videos, you might want to know they are also used in paid courses on Udemy:
What price does that quote you today?

But they must be trying hard for new customers because you can now get that with a coupon for 97% off - yes just $10.
97% off Make Money Selling Domains (broker) course coupon – $10

Successful domain brokers are making millions and living amazing lifestyles, take this course to learn how they do it. Lectures 24 Video 4 Hours Skill level expert level Languages English Includes Li... more ››

September 15, 2015

Category: $10 Deal, Business course coupons, Sales course coupons
Wonder how long they'll continue offering those and whether they give refunds. I'm not posting this as an endorsement but as an alert, by the way.
Wow I have learned something new on Udemy. You can become an accredited domain broker!

This course is the first step towards receiving accreditation as a domain broker and joining our independent broker network. This course is ideal for people who have some level of sales experience and are interested in providing broker services to the lucrative domain name market.

Like Real estate, realising the full value of an asset, requires skills, tactics and a process to achieve an optimal sales price. Domain name (asset) owners all over the world need professional assistance to sell and represent their assets. At this time, there is a significant shortage of professional domain brokers, that leaves almost 99% of valuable domain assets under-represented.

Effective and successful Domain brokers know how to prospect and find the right buyers who are typically “end users” that can leverage and unlock the value of a domain name by turning it into a real online business.
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... in addition he offered to build two additional sites free of charge as a way to compensate me.. .

doesn't sound too good..

I would like to note for other victims that I have two issues with Adam, one being a site build and the other Is the purchase of lead gen software.

Although Adam and I spoke about a resolution, he assured me that my website would be complete within one week, in addition he offered to build two additional sites free of charge as a way to compensate me, Adam has said if I am not happy after the end of one week I would receive a refund.The week is ticking away so we see how things flesh out at the end of seven days, after waiting so long I was willing to give him an additional week.

Adam has sent me a replacement licence for the lead gen software, this licence does not work and Adam has failed again to address the issue by ignoring my emails.

I also asked Adam to clarify via email about what we discussed on Skype so that there would not be any misunderstanding of what was being promised this email clarification has also been ignored.

That's why I'm done playing nice. Over it! Want my money back now!!
Have you had any experience building websites? Do you know how much time does it take to build a REAL website? It takes months... That number is BS just like everything he says.

Note: By real, I mean quality websites.
Templates bought from template sites are used. Some you can get for free and others like $20-50 bucks or so. I know because one was shown to me by him. "What Do you this of this?" and this was a huge project. I later found it on template site
And that's exactly what I was 'striving' to clear from the start, but did anyone bothered to care, NOPE. As they were mostly busy in fueling the fire in this thread, which was mostly biased and one-sided.

It not only proves that there 'can be' many scenarios to what exactly happened, but it's good to see things are getting resolved for victims too. That's progress for Adam.

On the other hand, it also shows how a group of certain conspiracy-creators can gather around and impose others to see only one side of the picture. Now that the victims are dealt with, they still prefer to dig new things (even things that are by far not even related to this or similar issue). I am amazed how much free time these hype makers have. I wonder how successful they are in domaining, because they are hell of news

I'll again say that I admire Adam for the great work he has done for domaining community. Just because he's in hot water right now (whether he himself was the cause of it, or caused by his former employees), we shouldn't forget his good efforts for the industry.

I see people sharing link of TDNAM over and over to satisfy their egos. Not sure if they have read it 'carefully'. First, in that article, GD Rep. clearly mentioned that there 'were no rules' against bidding for employees at that time, so nothing was wrong, but since they didn't find it right, they 'then' made a policy for employees that they can not take action in any bidding "afterward". Sounds like no intent of deceiving was there. But hey, may be it's just me.

PS: Friday = Gone, Saturday = Gone, Sunday = Half Gone, but no Part 2 from Shane so far!!!

Is this Rick? Doesn't matter who did what from his company. He is still responsible.
You must really live inside your own reality- and i am not even going to explain why.

Adam always said in all videos he can help for free and all that, when i started out i obviously hit him up on that- and all i got was a "yea ill help you" no help was ever done, that led to any revenue.

I obviously thought this guy is way to bussy to respond and help me, especially since i didnt yet contribute to him making any money, and just wanted free advice, after all thats what he said all the time he will give.

Turns out- people who invested $$$$ were treated exactly the same, they were ignored when asking something important and lied to when they got an answer.

*Whats funny is how quickly Adam did respond whenever questions arose towards certain software or anything else that he would directly pocket $$ with*
Almost like he was sitting there all day waiting for me to ask about "software or such"
That was part of the hook Line and Sinker for joining his domain college. I remember him writing that he "wanted to give back" to teach us all about domaining and developing websites and making money on them.
It's not 'defending', it's called 'reminding domainers whom they have learned from, and that if they (Senior Domain Investors like Rick, Adam etc.) were not there to help, guide and teach new domainers, how the hell do you think domainers would have even made it to this industry'.

In short, it's called, 'reminding to respect the legends'.

Funny that every positive point "literally" mentioned by any member here about Adam is always commented by your types as 'defending Adam'.

Grow up and move on. I know Adam has.
Is this Rick W? I learned a lot alright! How to take money from people, promise to deliver whatever product promised. Then never deliver what they paid for. Ignore then not follow up with them over a year with repeated effort to contact him. I don't remember Rick doing anything like this.
It's not 'defending', it's called 'reminding domainers whom they have learned from, and that if they (Senior Domain Investors like Rick, Adam etc.) were not there to help, guide and teach new domainers, how the hell do you think domainers would have even made it to this industry'.

In short, it's called, 'reminding to respect the legends'.

Funny that every positive point "literally" mentioned by any member here about Adam is always commented by your types as 'defending Adam'.

Grow up and move on. I know Adam has.
Is this Rick W? Legends fall from grace. Just ask Bill Cosby.
That's why I'm done playing nice. Over it! Want my money back now!!

Templates bought from template sites are used. Some you can get for free and others like $20-50 bucks or so. I know because one was shown to me by him. "What Do you this of this?" and this was a huge project. I later found it on template site

Is this Rick? Doesn't matter who did what from his company. He is still responsible.

That was part of the hook Line and Sinker for joining his domain college. I remember him writing that he "wanted to give back" to teach us all about domaining and developing websites and making money on them.

Is this Rick W? I learned a lot alright! How to take money from people, promise to deliver whatever product promised. Then never deliver what they paid for. Ignore then not follow up with them over a year with repeated effort to contact him. I don't remember Rick doing anything like this.

Is this Rick W? Legends fall from grace. Just ask Bill Cosby.

You could add all of this into one post, like this.... So we can stop getting emails... Thanks
You could add all of this into one post, like this.... So we can stop getting emails... Thanks

As soon as Adam pays me back. You won't see posting anymore on this subject.
And that's exactly what I was 'striving' to clear from the start, but did anyone bothered to care, NOPE. As they were mostly busy in fueling the fire in this thread, which was mostly biased and one-sided.

It not only proves that there 'can be' many scenarios to what exactly happened, but it's good to see things are getting resolved for victims too. That's progress for Adam.

On the other hand, it also shows how a group of certain conspiracy-creators can gather around and impose others to see only one side of the picture. Now that the victims are dealt with, they still prefer to dig new things (even things that are by far not even related to this or similar issue). I am amazed how much free time these hype makers have. I wonder how successful they are in domaining, because they are hell of news

I'll again say that I admire Adam for the great work he has done for domaining community. Just because he's in hot water right now (whether he himself was the cause of it, or caused by his former employees), we shouldn't forget his good efforts for the industry.

I see people sharing link of TDNAM over and over to satisfy their egos. Not sure if they have read it 'carefully'. First, in that article, GD Rep. clearly mentioned that there 'were no rules' against bidding for employees at that time, so nothing was wrong, but since they didn't find it right, they 'then' made a policy for employees that they can not take action in any bidding "afterward". Sounds like no intent of deceiving was there. But hey, may be it's just me.

PS: Friday = Gone, Saturday = Gone, Sunday = Half Gone, but no Part 2 from Shane so far!!!
Since you feel the need to defend someone that has wronged so many people with proof. Doesn't sound like you lost anything. Why don't you pay me back the thousands I have lost and let Adam pay you back? You trust that you'll get paid right?
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