
NamePros Blog

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various Top Topics: Domain Names Ending in Z; Your New Favorite gTLD; Registrar Loyalty...

The most popular discussions this week include brand and registrar loyalty, which includes a poll of how many registrars we each use; domain names that work with a Z at the end of them; steps taken by others before they decided to invest in domains; everyone’s favorite ngTLD; and what is the...

various Top Topics: Domain Negotiations with a Funded Tech Startup; Domaining in 1995; Realistic Earnings...

The most popular discussions last week include how to negotiate and price a domain sale with a well-funded startup, time traveling back to 1995 to buy domains, what one could realistically expect to earn in two years of domain name investing or developing, and GoDaddy tossing out an odd error...

alert Monday Updates: Domain Conference Voting, Ring.com and More

Happy Monday! I've got a few of updates for you:

1. Due to a flood of nominations, a "run off round" of votes is needed to narrow down the field for THE Domain Conference Awards. Please take a minute to read the list, along with how to submit your votes. I'm pleased to...

various Top Topics: Brandable Domains; Pronounceable 4-Letter .com's; PayPal.me Squatting...

The most popular discussions this week include PayPal’s new service, PayPal.me, and the username speculation and squatting that is occurring with it; the best registrars for investors with large domain portfolios; renewal tips and techniques for those vested in brandable domain names; and the...

information Top Topics: Should We Hold on to 4L .COMs?; What's Your First Sale Over $1,000?...

Welcome to Top Topics. Before we delve into this week's most popular content, we have news of a domain sale. The two-letter domain ZZ.com has sold today, and according to George Kirikos, the buyer is from China. I don't know the exact sales figure, but I know that the asking price was...

information Top Topics: What Is Your Focus for Domaining in 2017?; Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals...

This week, Jamie Zoch of DotWeekly reported that VE Interactive of London had acquired the domain VE.com. The seller was Aron Meydstedt of XF Investments and Heritage Auctions. I reached out to Aron this week to ask about the sale, and whilst he confirmed the domain had sold, the details...

opinion Owning Multiple Domain Names for the same website

If we already have a website with a very good domain name, why would we want another domain for the same website? In this post, I will outline some benefits of owning multiple domain names that forward to the same website.

Understand Where Our Website Visitors Come From

Before looking at...
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information Top Topics: Vultures took my biz idea; 3377.com sold at $113k; IRS & PayPal/Venmo/CashApp earnings; Outbound sales approach; .SBS & .CFD TLD charges

Is the World Cup 2022 over yet? Get ready for this week's Top Topics column here at NamePros:

A business idea that involved the registration of a domain vaporized after the domain was taken soon after; The domain 3377.com was auctioned off for a whopping $113,000 dollars at GoDaddy; The...
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news ME Domains Enjoy Record Growth in 2009: White Paper on Online "ME" Branding by Brands

To celebrate one year of official live launch of the popular .me domains, Brands-and-Jingles has issued a white paper on how “me”-branded names are used in marketing. In its effort the advertising agency wants to congratulate .me registry team, registrars, the developers and Internet users with...

opinion How to choose the right domain for you.

How to choose the correct domain for you.

I suggest using godaddy.com to buy a domain.

Choosing the correct domain can be a hard choice, especially if you have never had experience with domains before. There are always people asking "If I buy a domain should I get a .net, .org, .com or...
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opinion What to do (and not to do) when picking a domain name

I own many domain names and have sold many more over the years. I feel as if I have a good grasp as to what to do (and not to do) when picking a domain name. I do not consider myself to be an expert in this field but I do have a great deal of knowledge and a willingness to use all of the tools...
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information A World Without ICANN - Part 1: A Monopoly By Definition

ICANN doesn’t get much love these days; that’s hardly a secret. We’d be much better off without such a greedy organization milking the domain industry at every turn. But how do you change something that is such an integral part of the Internet?

The entire problem isn’t immediately apparent...
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events Alan Sullivan Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Alan Sullivan is a Big Data Specialist with DomainDiction. On the company’s website, his biography reads that Alan is an “innovator, technologist and businessman who has been directly involved in the technology of the Internet since 1997, right at the inception of the domain name system. He...

events Jothan Frakes Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Not to be confused with Jonathan Frakes (although there is a slight resemblance), @Jothan Frakes co-founded NamesCon with Richard Lau and is a renown TLD expert. With over 28 years of tech and domain industry experience in pivotal roles across 25 organizations, it's no wonder he was...

various Top Topics: Prolific Sale of Beijing.com; Domain Dropping Criteria; Life Before Domaining...

The most popular discussions this week include fun and exciting stories about the things that domainers did before they began domaining, GoDaddy’s prolific domain sale of Beijing.com, the new gTLD .WEB and its outlook, domain investors’ criteria on trimming their domain portfolios to improve...

various Top Topics: Domain Owners Refusing to Sell; Seeking a New Registrar; Free Advertising of Auctions...

The most popular discussion this week include domain investors that are fed up with their primary registrar, the route to take when domain owners refuse to sell their domain names, a strange story of a domain owner murdering their partner, and a promotional offer from NamePros to advertise your...

domains Domain Names From Today's Apple Keynote

As I write this, Apple is finishing the Apple Keynote speech with some really interesting news regarding Apple Music, but as a domainer, I seem to have an ingrained tendency to ask myself "Who Owns the .COM?" I thought I'd share my findings, as I hope that at least one of you out there shares my...

alert We.com Domain Sale Update

As you may know, last week the news broke that We.com had been sold (first broken by George Kirikos on Twitter). Very few details of the sale are known, but today the WhoIs information was updated to show that We.com had been moved to an eName.com account.

Unfortunately the domain name is...

alert Breaking: 21.com is Stolen

I have been alerted to the fact that the domain name 21.com has been stolen from its original owner.

The domain name, which sits in an eName.com account, was stolen by a Chinese individual who also stole 611.com - although this domain name has now been recovered. eName Technology Co., Ltd. is a...

interviews A Chat With A $30,000 Internet Official Finalist

Verisign are running a competition that you may have heard about; The Internet Official Competition, where entrants can win up to $35,000 for registering a .COM domain name. This competition is celebrating 30 years of .COM. I had a brief chat with Adam, the winner of a $5,000 prize for...

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