
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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events Shane Cultra Interview [Video]

Shane Cultra began investing in domain names 20 years ago. Through years of trial and tribulation, he discovered his own niche and strategy in the market to lucratively flip domains. He is now the founder of the popular domain blog DomainShane.com where he shares his expertise and industry...

events Jothan Frakes Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Not to be confused with Jonathan Frakes (although there is a slight resemblance), @Jothan Frakes co-founded NamesCon with Richard Lau and is a renown TLD expert. With over 28 years of tech and domain industry experience in pivotal roles across 25 organizations, it's no wonder he was...

news Legal Marijuana is The Fastest Growing Industry in the U.S.

The Marijuana discussion/showcase thread on Namepros is one of the most read and liveliest conversations on the forum. There was a bit of news out a couple days ago that should have those invested in the niche enthusiastic. I want to put right up front, I own 0 marijuana/hemp related names...

opinion Politicians Reinventing What Cybersquatting Is

Cybersquatting on trademarks is nothing new in the domain name industry. You’re even likely to find yourself on a parked page if you mistype your favorite brand, which is likely owned by someone trying to make a quick dollar, regardless of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) or...

events Alan Sullivan Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Alan Sullivan is a Big Data Specialist with DomainDiction. On the company’s website, his biography reads that Alan is an “innovator, technologist and businessman who has been directly involved in the technology of the Internet since 1997, right at the inception of the domain name system. He...

sales Closed an unexpected domain sale with a stranger at Denny's

An eye opener for anyone with a domain portfolio for sale should be that selling one of those properties can be as easy as going out to dinner.

Last night, my fiancée and I were debating what we should do for dinner. We went back and forth with different options and finally decided that the...

events Frederick Schiwek Interview at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

Frederick Schiwek is the co-founder and CEO of DomainInvest with over 15 years of experience in internet marketing, international business development, and of course, domain names. In fact, he has over 50,000 domain names in his portfolio. According to his biography on DomainInvest, “He is...

auctions The Epic 12 hour battle for LiveStreetViewApp.com which closed at $13,007

Well over the last two weeks I wrote about a couple epic auction battles on Go Daddy Auctions. These have been min bid battles back and forth for hours. Yesterday I watched one that lasted til past Midnight in the Eastern time zone.

Yesterday's auction battle was different, the winning bidder...

events Frank Schilling Keynote at NamesCon 2015 [Video]

If you have had the pleasure of seeing any of Frank Schilling’s keynote speeches in the past, then you know that he doesn’t disappoint. Frank captivated a crowded hall filled with hundreds of people at NamesCon 2015 with this speech. I’ll let Frank do the talking from here on out...

auctions Timeless Pieces of Arts.org on Auction

If you happened to catch the live NamesCon 2015 auction, by live streaming video, reading the end results or at the Tropicana Hotel during the event itself, you know that there was quite a lot of excitement when new gTLD’s hit the auction block. Some of these noteworthy sales...

sales Can't We All Glitter Along? ShipYourEnemiesGlitter.com Sold for $85,000

The website of the service that has been bashed for anything from being illegal to causing health risks from glitter exposure, ShipYourEnemiesGlitter.com, has sold today on the auction platform Flippa by the Australian entrepreneur, Mathew Carpenter.

Mathew advertised it as a...

events NamesCon in Under 5 Minutes [Video]

"We're all here at a really interesting moment in time because this is probably the best domain show I've been to in five years," said Frank Schilling during his keynote speech at NamesCon 2015.

But don't take it from Frank alone, many other industry moguls have the same opinion as...

advice How to Save Money on GoDaddy Auctions

A well known, but rarely exploited method, could save you a lot of money on GoDaddy Auctions. Many domain investors may be subconsciously passing this over, while others take advantage of it. If you’re trying to cut costs, using this method can be beneficial to you or your business.

It’s no...

news Elon Musk races to beat Google & Facebook in outerspace Internet Services

The Telegraph published a piece on the race between Internet giants to provide satellite Internet to the world, especially to developing countries that are currently without it.
Elon Musk, the billionaire technology entrepreneur, has announced plans for a space Internet project that would...

auctions Another Epic Go Daddy Auctions Battle - 7 hours to win MatahariMusik.info

Last week, I wrote about Koreatv.us and the back and forth that went on for hours to win that name. Yesterday another name saw the same scenario. Bidder 4 vs Bidder 6 battled it out for close to 7 hours.

The domain mataharimusik.info closed at $1,353. Go Daddy showed the domain getting...

auctions It Would Sure Suck If This Domain Gets Renewed - The Epic Battle for KoreaTV.us

Anyone who knows me in this business knows that one niche I have been involved in for over a decade is TV related domains. Not just the .tv extension, but keyword and LLTV, in .com, .net, .org and .us to a very small degree. I actually probably owned a couple keywordtv.us domains. I think...

auctions NNNN.com Sold for the Record Amount of $22,500!

As mentioned by DomainCrunch and many of our own members, 2009.com, a domain that NamePros proudly listed as a Top Domain, got an initial offer of $20,000 on Sedo. The seller decided to push it to auction, which allowed anyone to join and buy as the reserve was met.

The first...

events NamePros at NamesCon - Jan. 2015

As we all know, NamesCon is being held on January 11th-14th in 2015. Many will be attending and looking forward to networking with other domain investors, industry leaders, and related companies. In business, networking is a task that should be on your daily to-do list to extend brand awareness...

registries The True Colors of TLD's

For some domain investors, it’s difficult to understand foreign markets such as Japan. It’s advisable to avoid these markets until you know what you're getting into, before a loss occurs. There are speculators with International Domain Names to the Roman alphabet utilized in various TLD's...
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other Inspiration for Domain Investing in 2015

Many inspirational individuals that we strive to become have said powerful words in their lifetime that we too live by. Some of us wake up and see them on our calendars, reminding of us that this is going to be the day for change. It can be, if you make it. Nobody but yourself can make that...

opinion Finally, a tried and true registrar that domainers can trust!

Taking a leap to a new registrar can be quite a scary move for some people if they're not familiar with its user interface or they have concerns should the registrar be fairly new. Nevertheless, there is a tried and true registrar that domainers can trust, with lower expenses that will also save...

opinion Dissecting Strange Domain Facts

I came across an interesting article today that covered their version of "10 Strange Domain Name Facts." I thought I would go over them and add my personal thoughts. This should be fun, right? Let's find out! :)

1. Webmasters purchasing misspelled domain names to prevent people from taking...

sales $120 turns into an 8,233% ROI ($10K sale) in less than 30 days!

Occasionally in domain name investing, one believes that there's a name which could fetch two to ten times its purchase price in days. These domain speculators buy names with intentions to flip quickly for a profit. This can happen with some domains, though others may take longer. Nevertheless...

registrars GoDaddy Retention Fall-out

I was on FaceBook today when I came across a post on James Wester's Timeline asking the following question:
Question: Is it now common practice as a company to focus 99% of your marketing budget on customer acquisition and 1% on customer retention? This morning I've left 2 companies- one...
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news Flippa Holds First Masterclass Featuring a Fireside Chat With Co-Founder Matt Mickiewicz


“You wouldn’t buy a bag of chips or a toothbrush made by Tide, would you?” Matt Mickiewicz said after I inquired why all of his companies have separate brand identities and are separate entities unlike Google or Apple. He further explained that each company was a strategic move in...
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