
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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analysis Who Is Buying .ORG Domain Names?

Initially the .org extension was intended mainly for organizations, particularly not-for-profit organizations. However, for decades anyone can register and use an .org domain name, and it is regularly one of the strongest extensions after .com.

In this article, I look at who...
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strategy Why Is That Domain Name Not Selling? (And Some Things To Do About It)

It is a familiar refrain within the domain world – I have some great domain names, but I am not getting any sales.

In some cases, the owner may be overlooking weaknesses in the names. However, even solid domain names can go year after year without buyer interest. How is that possible...

strategy Regrets? Here Are A Few


domains Are Your Brandables Profitable?

There’s a saying in real estate: You make your money on the buy, not on the sale. The same is true for domain names, but selecting solid brandables can be tricky. We need information to inform our opinions and develop our skills. So here are some tips for making savvy purchases that can increase...

tips How to Find Chinese Buyers for Your Domain Names

Many Chinese companies use Pinyin domain names to run their businesses. However, many of them later upgrade from their long Pinyin name to the short acronym equivalent. If you own an acronym domain name, such as LL, LLL, or LLLL, you may already have potential buyers for your domain name...

analysis Domain Sales Strong in First Half of 2019

The first half of 2019 has been great for domain sales with the rate of NameBio-reported sales up 28% and the average price up almost 17% compared to full year 2018. The sales rate is up in all three major legacy extensions .com, .net, and .org, although average prices are down...

strategy Thinking Outside The Domain Name Box

When following domain name sales on NameBio, certain sales seem surprising. In some cases, the price was due to a strong link set. Also, now and then, it might be a domain name that was let to expire by mistake and the owner needs to bid to get it back, or an existing business may be...

strategy Simple Ideas to Guide Domain Name Investing

Ideas don’t need to be complex to have value. I present below some simple principles about domain investing that resonated with me. I urge all readers to add their own principles in the discussion section in order to expand the list.

Acquire Domain Names With Many Potential Users...
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information A Deeper Look At Domain Name Fast Transfer Sales Networks

What if your domain names would be seen at many different registrars? In addition, when a name sold through any of those registrars, the entire transfer process was automatic. You just wait to be paid.

That is the promise of the so-called fast transfer networks. Traditionally there have been...
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interviews Interview with Frank Schilling, the Man Who Once Had the Largest Domain Portfolio

Frank Schilling is the founder of,, and Uniregistry. In this interview, Schilling shares his insights on new gTLDs, the Chinese market, the relationship between Bitcoin and domain names, and more. He even shares a domain name sale experience that would be...

strategy A Path To $10,000 Plus Domain Name Sales

More investors sell successfully at the high 3-figure and 4-figure levels, compared to those with multiple 5-figure domain name sales.

A single 5-figure sale can make a monumental difference in a domain investing career. It might open the door to acquire higher-priced names, a larger portfolio...
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analysis Data Analytics from SquadHelp for Brandable Domain Names

Darpan Munjal of SquadHelp has been sharing great data insights on brandable domain names. I reached out to him for permission to summarize the data, and to get additional information.

As Darpan wrote in 2021,
Data and analytics can play a huge role in maximizing the...
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strategy Insights on Domain Investing from Tony

TonyNames, known here under the NamePros handle @blogspotter, has emerged as one of the most consistent domain name sellers. The level of success he has achieved within less than two years of active selling is a rare accomplishment.

Each month he shares a summary of his sales. For...

strategy Domain Name Investing Is Not Fast, Easy or Sure

There are numerous books, videos, courses and articles that mention anecdotes of domain names that sold quickly for large amounts, and then say this book will teach you how to easily flip domain names for profit. Most members of our community know that is a misrepresentation; most domain names...
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analysis The First Six Months Of 2022: A Look At Domain Name Sales Data

The first six months of 2022 resulted in 76,000 NameBio-listed domain sales of $100 or more, accounting for a dollar volume of just over $84 million.

That is an increase of 0.9% in number of sales compared to the same six months of 2021, and a 4.1% increase in dollar...

strategy Catching Trains and Avoiding Train Wrecks

The Internet was in less than 5% of homes when visionary Gary Kremen registered,,, and about two dozen other valuable domain names. For free! The story is relayed in David Kushner’s superb book The Players Ball. The...

interviews Never Split The Difference: An Interview with FBI Negotiator Chris Voss


analysis Why is the .IO Extension So Popular?

Many domain investors and startup owners are enthusiastic about the .io domain extension. Quality single word names can command five-figure prices. The extension has one of the best global sell-through rates of all extensions.

The rate of adoption of .io by startups continues to...
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information How Big Domain Name Sellers Do It – Ideas For Small Portfolio Sellers?

Most investors sell predominantly on the major domain marketplaces. However, a number of individual investors maintain a website, either for occasional direct sales, or as their main sales channel.

There are a number of large portfolio domain name sellers. In this article, I take a look at four...

advice Daily Dose: Outbound Negotiation Tactics. Part 1.

Negotiation. This is the part that makes or breaks a deal. This is the part that makes you money! Major companies hire expert negotiators to step in during mergers and acquisitions, during a sale of the company, and even to train their sales staff. Being able to properly negotiate is the most...

analysis Is Domain Name Aftermarket Trending Down?

Diverse opinions have been expressed, on NamePros and elsewhere, on whether the domain aftermarket has recently dropped.

Certainly there are reasons for a possible decline.
  • There is considerable business uncertainty.
  • With inflation rising, the cost for a business or individual to...

advice How to Perform Outbound Sales with Mike Robertson - Part 1: The Basics

Outbound domain sales can be an effective means of producing cash flow for your domain portfolio. Rather than simply relying on buyers to come to you, outbound marketing relies on contacting specific potential buyers to try and secure a deal.

When it’s performed properly, outbound sales can...

analysis Domain Name Sales 2015-2019 - Part 1: Volume

In recent years the total domain name sales volume reported in the NameBio database has ranged from just under $110 million in 2018, to almost $142 million in 2019. This includes results from all domain extensions, but only includes sales of $100 and greater.

The complete sales volume is...
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information Time For A Break From Domain Names

In many things in life, taking a break can be healthy, and domain investing is no different. If you are getting frustrated from lack of sales, or losing your passion for domain investing, one option might be to give yourself a break. Even if you don’t briefly take a complete break from domain...

analysis Types of .IO Domain Names That Sell and Where

Last week I looked at sale statistics for the .io domain extension, as well as the history and regulatory framework. In this post I analyze the types of names that sell in the extension, plus sales venue statistics. I also take a look at current status of major .io domain name...
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