
Would you post your dev. mini-site(s) please?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Like many other Npers, I am looking towards developing some of my better domains, rather than leaving them in declining PPC. I would really appreciate seeing some examples of 3-5 page mini-sites with Adsense, Adbrite etc that Npers have developed for their domains.

I'm not asking for postings of Whypark, Imodo etc mini-sites, as these types of sites are covered elsewhere in other threads. I'm hoping to see some (inspirational..) examples of mini-sites developed from scratch or using available templates. If you'd like to showcase or share, I hope you post some links to your sites. Thanks in advance.

Mod Edit: No more than five live links per post.
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can anyone comment on how important keywords are to minisites ?

like say: gardentools vs gardentoolz or bowlingshoes vs bowlingstuff ?

i know that keywords are absolutely better but if you have 2 sites with say, the exact same content and keywords and seo etc, how much better does google rank the keyword sites ?

hope this makes sense
can anyone comment on how important keywords are to minisites ?

like say: gardentools vs gardentoolz or bowlingshoes vs bowlingstuff ?

i know that keywords are absolutely better but if you have 2 sites with say, the exact same content and keywords and seo etc, how much better does google rank the keyword sites ?

hope this makes sense

Accurate keywords are everything to minisites, *unless* you plan to do a lot of extra work like linkbuilding, article submissions, and some heavy SEO. If you want to do all that, then altered/brandable names might work as minisites, depending on how good a job you do.

If your plan is to just build a minisite and then leave it, keyword accuracy is paramount if you actually want it to succeed. Here's why:
Unless your dn has great type-in traffic naturally, the only way you'll get traffic to it, without a lot of SEO and marketing etc., is to get it on the first page of Google and other engines. That way people who are searching for your term will see your site right away and hopefully check it out since it is the primary domain/site with the term/phrase they just searched.

When people search 'garden tools', your minisite named gardenToolz.com will not even be close to page 1 on their search results, google will not index typos and throw them into the mix, high up, with properly-spelled names. Your site may be on page 1 when they search 'garden toolz'... but almost no one in the world searches that term. You might get 10 visits a month, so it really doesn't matter if you're on page 1 when people search 'garden toolz', because almost no one does (I'm making assumptions here - haven't actually looked into the stats of gardentoolz :) ).

You want to pick a niche name to use as a minisite, and you want the spelling to be correct, and you want that niche name to have enough monthly searches to be worth your while if/when your site eventually lands on page 1 of google. Niches work perfectly; if it's too broad/generic/popular of a name, chances are you'll have a ton of competition, by large sites with a lot of money to spend on keeping their site on page 1 of the engines, and your little humble minisite won't get anywhere close to page 1, or even page 10. But if you choose a NICHE name for the minisite, chances are there'll be almost no competition and your site will eventually hit page 1, spot 1 on the engines.

Once again, number of monthly searches for the exact term is important; if your site is on page 1 of google, but the term is only searched for 10 times a month, you're going to make zilch income. If your term is searched for 1000 or 5000 times per month, you have a very good chance of income, and good income if there is a generous advertiser competition for your term, in adsense links.

To sum: 99 names out of a hundred should be EXACT SPELLING when being intended for minisites. Find terms with advertiser competition, and healthy monthly searches. Use only dot.com for niches, unless it's a great niche with extremely healthy searches, but with little competition for page 1 on google (for example, if other extensions are taken but all of them are parked pages, not developed); in that case, you might experiment with the dot.net/info/org/us or whatever, if you really want to.

There are still a lot of great dot.com's out there to be discovered and made into minisites. I still daily find hundreds of dot.com's with between 500 and 5000 monthly searches, and some with more than that. Usually I only choose very clear names. I never use brandables or miss-spelled names for minisites anymore. Tried a lot of those in the beginning, and not one of them paid off. I've let about 30 of those drop, and will drop a few more soon. Correct spelling only, and only keywords/phrases that actually get good searches.

Even if I have to get a little inventive: this name had decent stats, so I decided to nab it and switch it up a little:
Suicide Photos

extremely informative and helpful post ....repped
thanks !

p.s. since i can also reg .ca, what are your thoughts on this extension, many good keywords available still

also, any thoughts on dashes ? i.e. bowlingshoes vs. bowling-shoes ?
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hyphen names are good
I have a few developed that make money

Looks good. Did you write all that content yourself? Had to take longer than a day, no?
Thanks, The Shower site I have been working on for a a few days now, the rest of them I had someone do the content.

thinking about adding a slogan "How to"

any ideas or feedback?

I am working on this one ATM, D.vu, Land Diving, if this isn't an obscure niche then i don't know what is.
This is a hasty job done in about a hour. All the tools are provided for me with the domain purchase. (website tonight credit with every domain) Wrote the text and installed html. The flash intro automatically goes to the minisite after about 10 seconds. I'll splash it up some more later. Need to go build a google gadget and module for the domain now. (purchased today)


here is another one I made with Noomle: Club-USA.com

name is quite old (since 2002) and is also available for sale
Accurate keywords are everything to minisites, *unless* you plan to do a lot of extra work like linkbuilding, article submissions, and some heavy SEO. If you want to do all that, then altered/brandable names might work as minisites, depending on how good a job you do.

If your plan is to just build a minisite and then leave it, keyword accuracy is paramount if you actually want it to succeed. Here's why:
Unless your dn has great type-in traffic naturally, the only way you'll get traffic to it, without a lot of SEO and marketing etc., is to get it on the first page of Google and other engines. That way people who are searching for your term will see your site right away and hopefully check it out since it is the primary domain/site with the term/phrase they just searched.

When people search 'garden tools', your minisite named gardenToolz.com will not even be close to page 1 on their search results, google will not index typos and throw them into the mix, high up, with properly-spelled names. Your site may be on page 1 when they search 'garden toolz'... but almost no one in the world searches that term. You might get 10 visits a month, so it really doesn't matter if you're on page 1 when people search 'garden toolz', because almost no one does (I'm making assumptions here - haven't actually looked into the stats of gardentoolz :) ).

You want to pick a niche name to use as a minisite, and you want the spelling to be correct, and you want that niche name to have enough monthly searches to be worth your while if/when your site eventually lands on page 1 of google. Niches work perfectly; if it's too broad/generic/popular of a name, chances are you'll have a ton of competition, by large sites with a lot of money to spend on keeping their site on page 1 of the engines, and your little humble minisite won't get anywhere close to page 1, or even page 10. But if you choose a NICHE name for the minisite, chances are there'll be almost no competition and your site will eventually hit page 1, spot 1 on the engines.

Once again, number of monthly searches for the exact term is important; if your site is on page 1 of google, but the term is only searched for 10 times a month, you're going to make zilch income. If your term is searched for 1000 or 5000 times per month, you have a very good chance of income, and good income if there is a generous advertiser competition for your term, in adsense links.

To sum: 99 names out of a hundred should be EXACT SPELLING when being intended for minisites. Find terms with advertiser competition, and healthy monthly searches. Use only dot.com for niches, unless it's a great niche with extremely healthy searches, but with little competition for page 1 on google (for example, if other extensions are taken but all of them are parked pages, not developed); in that case, you might experiment with the dot.net/info/org/us or whatever, if you really want to.

There are still a lot of great dot.com's out there to be discovered and made into minisites. I still daily find hundreds of dot.com's with between 500 and 5000 monthly searches, and some with more than that. Usually I only choose very clear names. I never use brandables or miss-spelled names for minisites anymore. Tried a lot of those in the beginning, and not one of them paid off. I've let about 30 of those drop, and will drop a few more soon. Correct spelling only, and only keywords/phrases that actually get good searches.

Even if I have to get a little inventive: this name had decent stats, so I decided to nab it and switch it up a little:
Suicide Photos

This seems like really good advice.
Do you think that it holds true for 3 or even 4-word phrases? Sometimes a 3 or 4-word phrase has really good search volume, even though it may sound cumbersome as a domain name.
Any opinions out there?
This seems like really good advice.
Do you think that it holds true for 3 or even 4-word phrases? Sometimes a 3 or 4-word phrase has really good search volume, even though it may sound cumbersome as a domain name.
Any opinions out there?

Phrases have worked fine for me, as long as they're exactly as searched. I don't recall if I have any 4-worders but have many 3-worders and they perform the same as 1 and 2 word names. Main difference is that the longer the name, the harder it is if you want to sell it down the road to an end user. But if it gets good traffic, you can always sell the site w/ traffic.
This seems like really good advice.
Do you think that it holds true for 3 or even 4-word phrases? Sometimes a 3 or 4-word phrase has really good search volume, even though it may sound cumbersome as a domain name.
Any opinions out there?

The danger with long keyword phrases is that they typically do not have a long trend. Researching a keyword's longevity through Google Trends is just as important as researching its searches through Adwords Keyword Tool.

---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------

Federer, Bannen, eat your heart out

WasteToEnergyPlan.com - Waste to Energy Plan | Waste Management Technology | Gastification Process

Thanks for all the posts! There are some great mini-sites in the lists. Much appreciated.
Relax, center, become mindful, serene:

Just live a couple hours ago. Many more in the works this week.

Some good sites up above, guys, nice to see them. Like that wastetoenergyplan, toolsheds, and the prefolddiapers especially.
great thread
found this site for headers, looks good
Free Web Page Headers - Main Index

Thanks for the resource;
In case anyone doesn't know, here is another great free tool for creating headers:

It is by the same people who make xSitePro, the program I use to build my minisites. I use Photoshop to make my headers, but for those who don't use image/art programs, xHeader is great. Free, no sign up. Just download to your computer, read the simple tuts, and let 'er rip!
I'll have to count all my developed sites. I think its around 20. Put up a ministe for wwwca.net today.

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